"There are also the Moon Spirit Fruit Tree, the Stele of Sword Dao, and the Chiyan Fire Pool. They are probably the center of the outbreak of the war. Let us casual practitioners avoid these dangerous places."

Most of the casual cultivators are not at a high level, they act cautiously, and few are willing to participate in the competition among sect disciples.

But among casual cultivators, there is a group of aliens.

There are five people in their party, three men and two women, all of them are in the seventh or eighth level of Yongquan, with a calm breath and extraordinary demeanor, and they are not inferior to the disciples of the sect.

Surrounding them, there are also some less outstanding casual cultivators, but compared to other lone rangers, their mental outlook is much stronger.

Xiao Minghuang glanced over a group of sect disciples, took a rough note of their appearance and aura, and his gaze also fell on these five people.

"What are the origins of these five people?"

The fifth prince has been traveling among various countries for a long time, and has a wide range of friends. After taking a look, he explained:

"These five people are well-known casual cultivators among various countries. They established an organization called the Loose Cultivator Alliance. The goal is to unite the casual cultivators and help each other."

"Speaking of which, they also invited me to join, but after knowing my origin, they didn't continue to contact me."

Xiao Minghuang nodded and ignored it.

Half a day passed quickly, and when the Tianfu star was in the sky, it was time for the secret realm to open.

The name of the secret realm is also derived from this.

at this time.

The entrance gate of the secret realm roared and slowly opened,【=

The monks at the scene took out the tokens at the same time, injected their spiritual power into them, then held the tokens tightly, and walked into the secret realm. .

Xiao Minghuang exchanged glances with Ye Ruoshui and Lin Wanqiu, injected his spiritual power into the token, then held the token tightly, and walked into the secret realm.

next moment.

The scenery between heaven and earth suddenly changed.

When she opened her eyes again, Xiao Minghuang found that she was in a valley surrounded by dense trees and no one was there.

"Is this the inside of Tianfu Secret Realm..."

Before entering the secret realm, she knew that each person would be teleported to a different location after entering the secret realm.

She was not in a hurry to find Ye Ruoshui and Lin Wanqiu.

The two girls are no longer children and can take care of themselves. She just needs to explore around and wait for the moment they meet.

Next, Xiao Minghuang walked in the air in the secret realm, and she could sense that the spiritual energy of the surrounding world was much stronger than that of the outside world.

The intensity of spiritual power is about ten times that of the outside world.

In other words, practicing here for one day is equivalent to practicing outside for ten days.

Some low-strength casual cultivators will not look around for opportunities after entering the secret realm, but find a place to hide and practice until the secret realm is closed before coming out.

After all, this is a full half a month, which is worth half a year of practice in the outside world.

As for places of opportunity such as the Moon Spirit Fruit Tree, the Stele of Sword Dao, and the Chiyan Fire Pool, there are many powerful enemies, and it is not something casual cultivators can covet.

In addition, Xiao Minghuang felt that his spiritual consciousness was restricted by this secret realm, the communication spells were completely ineffective, and the spiritual consciousness that could cover a radius of ten thousand feet was reduced to about several hundred meters.

"Just at this distance, it's better to see it with my naked eyes."

Xiao Minghuang shook his head slightly, and no longer placed any hope in the exploration of spiritual consciousness.

Fortunately, her treasure hunting compass still worked, so she followed the guidance and went to the nearest blue opportunity.

After flying for half a day, Xiao Minghuang came to a waterfall.

"It should be here."

She floated down and stepped on the soft soil.

Looking up, I saw a cyan lotus flower floating on the water surface, exuding a faint fluorescence, and exuding a faint fragrance, which is extremely extraordinary.

"This is..."

Xiao Minghuang vaguely remembered that she had seen this thing in an ancient book, it seemed to be helpful for peace of mind and exercise spiritual awareness, but she couldn't remember the name.

"It doesn't matter, since we can see each other, it is destined."

Xiao Minghuang whispered to himself, and immediately raised his hand, a gentle spiritual force gushed out and flew towards Qinglian.

But right now.

A red figure galloped out and swept across the pool.

This green lotus just like that disappeared in front of her.


In an instant, Xiao Minghuang was extremely vigilant, and to be able to snatch Qinglian under her nose with lightning speed, this kind of strength might not only be in the Yongquan realm!

It must be the Divine Sea Realm!

"Hee hee hee! Don't be so excited, it's just a pure heart lotus, not worth a few spirit stones!"

A soft laugh came out.

Xiao Minghuang frowned and looked at the source of the voice.

This is a petite girl who looks to be about ten years old, her height only reaches her waist, her skin is fair, her appearance is sweet and lovely, she is holding a palm-sized pink lotus flower, and she is looking at her with a smile.

But none of that matters.

The problem is that the girl in front of her is wearing a red cassock, a monk's hat on her head, and holding a string of Buddhist beads in her hand. She is obviously a Buddhist disciple.

"Who are you? Why are you robbing me?"

Xiao Minghuang's face was calm, but he was a little surprised in his heart. The girl in front of him looked no more than ten years old, but the aura exuded from her was undoubtedly a cultivator in the Divine Sea Realm!

Moreover, the cassock on the girl's body and the Buddhist beads in her hand are not ordinary things, but two magic weapons of indistinguishable quality!

As far as she knew, there were few traces of Buddhist disciples in the entire East Pole.

In this way, the girl in front of her is somewhat mysterious.

Xiao Minghuang had to treat it with caution.

The girl, or the little nun, strided in the air and gave birth to lotuses every step of the way. She ran over and looked at Xiao Minghuang seriously.

After a while, the little nun blinked her big watery eyes and asked with a smile:

"Big sister, do you really want this lotus?"

150. Glazed Pure Land, Dabodhi Mountain

"Who are you! Why did you snatch my Qingxinlian!"

Xiao Minghuang asked in a deep voice.

The little nun blinked her eyes and said, "I, I am a female Bodhisattva, can't you see it!"

A black line flashed across Xiao Minghuang's face.

This little nun, really...how can she put gold on her face?

"Although I don't practice Buddhism, I also know that anyone who can be called a Bodhisattva is a great virtuous monk who cares about the world and saves all sentient beings. How dare you call yourself a Bodhisattva at such a young age?"

The little nun giggled and said without compromising:

"Although I am young, I am the only descendant of the Great Bodhi Mountain in the Liuli Pure Land. Sooner or later, I will save all living beings... Please beg me, I will give you the Pure Heart Lotus, how about it?"

Xiao Minghuang was speechless for a moment, the little nun in front of him seemed to be out of her mind.

Glazed Pure Land?

Great Bodhi Mountain?

never heard of that.

"Okay! Little master, I beg you, give me the Qingxin lotus, will you?"

Xiao Minghuang cupped his hands and said helplessly.

She didn't really pay attention to a pure heart lotus, she just saw that the little nun was interesting and wanted to play with her.

Moreover, this little nun is only about ten years old, but she is already at the Divine Sea Realm. It is really not easy, and she can't help but become interested.

The little nun giggled.

"This Bodhisattva loves to save all living beings the most in this life, let's start with you!"

While speaking, she flicked her plain little hand, Qingxinlian flew out and landed in front of Xiao Minghuang.

Xiao Minghuang took the lotus, and a faint fragrance rushed into his nostrils, which could not help but make people feel peaceful. .

"This lotus really has the effect of clearing the mind and calming the mind."

But when she looked at the little nun again, she found that she had disappeared.

"This little nun is really interesting. If there is a destiny, I will see you again."

Xiao Minghuang put away Qingxinlian, and murmured in a low voice.

She straightened her figure and flew away into the distance.

In this area, she encountered some spiritual medicines and spiritual fruits, but the quality was poor, and it was useless to take them. It would be better to leave them for later generations.

It was about this time.



A few sounds of piercing air came out, and Xiao Minghuang felt that several auras were rapidly approaching her.

These breaths belong to two distinct waves, and two of them are very familiar.

"Who is it?"

Although these two auras were somewhat familiar, she couldn't remember them for a moment, so she could conclude that they were not Ye and Lin.

Based on the principle that one thing more is worse than one thing less, Xiao Minghuang planned to hide it and see the situation first.

But the several auras that were chasing quickly approached, and they had already appeared in her sight.

"...So it's you guys!"

The corners of Xiao Minghuang's mouth curled up, and he looked into the distance with some amusement.

In mid-air, two young men, one holding a sword and the other holding a gun, are both full of energy and blood, and are in a panic. Obviously, they have been hunted down for a long time, and their physical strength is exhausted.

These two are the fifth and sixth princes of Da Xia.

She did not expect that the first acquaintance she met after entering the secret realm was actually these two brothers in name.

In this way, Xiao Minghuang could no longer watch the fire from the other side.

She stepped forward, and instantly appeared in front of the fifth and sixth princes, who were startled and stopped in their tracks.


The two shouted in surprise.

"Don't worry, everything is with me!"

Xiao Minghuang said in a deep voice, her eyes turned, and she landed on the few people who were chasing and killing them.

The six monks who hunted down the fifth and sixth princes were all tall and burly, wearing standard golden robes, with strong energy and blood. It was obvious at a glance that they were disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect.

"It turns out they are members of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, why? It was your big senior brother Xue Wushang who gave the order to chase them down?"

Seeing Xiao Minghuang's appearance, the six Dragon and Tiger Sect disciples felt a sense of nervousness in their hearts, because they couldn't see through the beautiful woman in front of them.

"The girl is... Princess Xiao?"

Xiao Minghuang's gaze was like water in a cold pool, deep and cold, and he said lightly:

"Yes, you haven't answered my question yet."

Of the six disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, five of them are Yongquan seventh-layer cultivation bases, and one is Yongquan eighth-level cultivation base. The monks in the realm also have the power to fight.

Therefore, even though they could not see through Xiao Minghuang, they did not take the initiative to retreat.

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