Ahhh, I, Charlotte, really just want to help you guys! ! !

153. Demons and heretics, everyone can get them and punish them

In the night sky, Xiao Minghuang slowly landed on the ground, with light steps, as if stepping on the snow without a trace, with a faint smile on her beautiful face, her beautiful eyes swept over everyone, and finally landed on Li Chunyan.

Stared at by Xiao Minghuang's star-like eyes, Li Chunyan's heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and a touch of blush appeared on her cheeks.

She didn't expect Xiao Minghuang to appear suddenly and save them.

"Thank you, Princess Xiao!"

Li Chunyan cupped her fists respectfully.

"It's just a little effort, you don't have to be polite."

Xiao Minghuang smiled and nodded slightly.

Li Chunyan looked at Xiao Minghuang's slightly raised mouth corners and the faint smile in his eyes, and felt that his heart was swaying and his heartbeat accelerated.

Xiao Minghuang's beauty is so dreamlike, as if it does not eat fireworks, so ethereal as if it will disappear with the wind in the next second, it is so beautiful that it makes people suffocate, and it is so beautiful that people cannot look away.

Li Chunyan looked at Xiao Minghuang, feeling ashamed of herself, she lowered her head to hide the shyness in her eyes.

The rest of the members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance were also full of gratitude. If Princess Xiao hadn't descended from heaven and suppressed Wang Xiao strongly, they would have undoubtedly died today.

"Thank you Princess Xiao for saving me!"

"If it wasn't for the princess to save me, we would definitely die!"

"If the princess has orders in the future, I dare not refuse!"

Xiao Minghuang smiled lightly, waved his hands and said:

"When the road is rough, draw your sword to help. This is what my generation of monks should do. Why be polite!"

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help awe again.

Princess Xiao is not only powerful, but also has such a noble character. Not only does she not bully the weak, but she repays hatred with kindness. This is truly unique in heaven and earth.

Everyone looked at Xiao Minghuang with even more respect.

Xiao Minghuang restrained her smile, turned to look at Wang Xiao who was beside her, with watery eyes, and said lightly:

"I heard that the Dragon and Tiger Sect's practice is "Dragon and Tiger Body Training Method", which is an upright way of physical cultivation. As the second disciple of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, you want to kill people to practice. Why? "

As one of the three major sects in the southern region, the Dragon and Tiger Sect is an orthodox sect even though it acts domineeringly. Naturally, it must draw a clear line from evil and heretical sects.

But Wang Xiao actually wanted to do such an outrageous thing, which made it difficult for Xiao Minghuang to understand, and he couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Wang Xiao snorted coldly:

"This is my private matter, what does it have to do with you?"

Xiao Minghuang raised an eyebrow:

"You are covering it up. Could it be that you are practicing an evil cultivation technique?"

Wang Xiao's face instantly became extremely gloomy when he heard this:

"What nonsense are you talking about! What I practice is an upright righteous way, how could it be an evil way!"

Xiao Minghuang glanced at him lightly:

"It's not an evil cultivation method? Then why do you want to kill people and practice?"

Seeing that Xiao Minghuang was holding on to the exercise, Wang Xiao became more and more angry. He was seriously injured, but now he was out of breath.


"Second Senior Brother!"

"Second senior brother, are you okay!"

All the disciples gathered around again, looking at Wang Xiao worriedly.

They didn't care whether Wang Xiao practiced evil cultivation skills or not.

They only know that Wang Xiao is their second senior brother, and they will win and lose with them.

Wang Xiao's breath became weaker and weaker, but he still refused to be convinced. He pointed at Xiao Minghuang in the sky, and said viciously:

"Give it to me, kill her!"

After the words fell, all the disciples showed fear in their eyes, and none of them dared to fight.

Everyone present had witnessed the piercing blow just now. Wang Xiao, who was at the peak of Yongquan, was seriously injured by the blow. How dare they touch the tiger's whiskers?

"Second senior brother, Princess Xiao is not that easy to deal with, let's ask senior senior brother to take action?"

Some disciples asked tentatively.

Among the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, Xue Wushang is the most respected, even Wang Xiao is convinced.

Hearing the words "big brother", Wang Xiao gradually calmed down. After a while, he struggled to get up, looked at Xiao Minghuang, and said viciously:

"This matter is not over, you wait for me!"

After saying that, without waiting for Xiao Minghuang to react, Wang Xiao turned around and left.


Xiao Minghuang suddenly called out to stop him.

Wang Xiao froze, stopped, turned to look at Xiao Minghuang, and said coldly:

"What? Princess Xiao still wants to stop me?"

"You haven't answered me yet, why do you want to kill people and practice kung fu!"

Xiao Minghuang's voice pierced Wang Xiao's heart like a sharp sword, making him stiff all over.

Wang Xiao was terrified, and he knew very well that the strength of the woman in front of him had reached the Divine Sea Realm, and killing him was as easy as crushing an ant.

He has always been tough, but it is just to create an illusion, and to follow the identity of the second disciple of the Dragon Tiger Sect, so as not to let the other party act rashly.

Otherwise, just because of his practice of evil cultivation techniques, he can be killed immediately.

In addition to the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, there are many casual cultivators here.

At this time, Wang Xiao felt extremely regretful, he thought that there were only casual cultivators here, as long as his hands and feet were neat and he killed people to silence his words, he would not reveal his practice of evil cultivation techniques.

But I didn't expect that there was actually a Xia Guo princess here.

Wang Xiaoqiang cheered up and said coldly:

"This has nothing to do with you!"

"Evil demons heretics, everyone can get them and punish them! How can it have nothing to do with me?"

There was a smile on the corner of Xiao Minghuang's mouth, but murderous intent filled his eyes.

She has been entangled with Wang Xiao's practice of evil cultivation techniques, not for killing demons, but to follow Wang Xiao's line to find out whether Xue Wushang also practiced evil cultivation techniques.

Once this is done, it will be lively.

As one of the three major sects in the southern region, both the first disciple and the second disciple of the sect have practiced evil cultivation techniques. Once it is spread, the Dragon and Tiger Sect may no longer be able to show off their power.

With the current situation, Wang Xiao felt a surge of despair, and he knew that it was impossible to escape completely.

Princess Xia is obviously convinced that he has practiced evil cultivation techniques, and if he wants to avoid being discovered, I'm afraid...the only thing he can do is die!

Thinking of this, Wang Xiao's heart was full of bitterness.

If I had known...

However, the current situation does not allow him to think too much, he can only make a decision immediately, and things will change later.

"Brothers, hurry up and tell your brothers that Princess Xia has broken through to the Divine Sea Realm, so he must be careful!"

Hearing this, the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect were all surprised.

"Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Minghuang also noticed the abnormality. She noticed that the Qi and blood in Wang Xiao's body was surging, the spiritual power was surging, and an extremely evil aura was growing.

Wang Xiao gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of viciousness, and wisps of blood-red smoke came out of his body. He slapped his palm hard, setting off a huge storm and blowing away all the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect.

He immediately looked at Xiao Minghuang and roared angrily:

"Do you want to know what evil cultivation method I have practiced?"

Xiao Minghuang frowned, she could feel that earth-shaking changes were taking place in Wang Xiao's body, as if something extremely evil was breaking out of its shell.

154. Slaying Demons With One Sword, The Missing Han Li

In an instant, strands of purple-black evil spirit gushed out from Wang Xiao's body.

His robe fluttered in the strong wind, and his originally fair and handsome face turned into a strange purple-black color, his eyes were deep, with a strange red light shining in his eyes, and his mouth was also opened, revealing sharp fangs.

His whole person looks like an evil ghost.

"It seems that what I expected was right, you really practiced the evil magic technique."

Xiao Minghuang was still calm and unafraid.

"Princess Xia, I am now as you wished?"

Wang Xiao opened his bloody mouth and made a terrifying sound different from that of the human race. The sound waves vibrated, and the surrounding rocks trembled.

On the side, Li Chunyan was shocked and said:

"This is... the real body of the demon?!"

Hearing this, someone asked puzzledly:

"Leader Li, what does the real body of the demon mean?"

Li Chunyan explained:

"Evil Avatar is a secret method of evil heretics. After using it, it can greatly increase its strength, but it will also overdraw its potential and greatly reduce its lifespan. If it is not a life-and-death struggle, it will generally not be used."

When she was practicing in the past, she met an evil cultivator by chance. Even though she was a big realm higher than the other party, it took a lot of effort to kill the evil cultivator.

"Princess, be careful. After Wang Xiao casts the Demon Realm, he may already be comparable to the Divine Sea Realm!"

Li Chunyan couldn't help but reminded.

"Don't worry, watch me slay demons and demons!"

Xiao Minghuang smiled slightly.

On the other side, Wang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and said:

"Since you already know, go to hell!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and swung it suddenly.

A giant purple-black palm print was formed from his palm, pressing towards Xiao Minghuang with a destructive aura.

Xiao Minghuang stood there without moving, letting the palm prints come to oppress her, a disdainful smile appeared in her eyes.

Even if Wang Xiao casts the hidden demon avatar, isn't she defenseless?

It's just a dying fight of an evil spirit, so what is it?

She can kill with one move.

The moment Wang Xiao's palm print was about to approach her, Xiao Minghuang raised his hand, and a pure white long sword condensed in his hand, surrounded by stars, illuminating the night sky.

Then, she swung her sword sharply.

A pure white horse, carrying a fierce sword energy, directly met the purple-black palm print.

The two collided and made a violent explosion.



There was an ear-piercing cracking sound, and the purple-black palm print was instantly torn apart.

Wang Xiao's pupils shrank, his eyes were full of horror, and he looked at Xiao Minghuang in disbelief.

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