Before leaving, Cheng Wen found Xiao Minghuang with a serious expression on her face.

"Princess Xiao, Xue Wushang died at your hands. Although no one witnessed it with their own eyes, but with the cultivation base of Dragon and Tiger Master Dragon and Tiger Realm, it is very easy to find out about this matter, so you leave After the secret realm, you must be extremely careful and avoid the edge for the time being!"

"If it's time to retreat, I will ask the head teacher to help me!"

At this time, Liu Yan also came over.

"Princess Xiao must act cautiously. Daoist Longhu has always been domineering and has no taboos. Even my master respects him three points."

"After the princess goes out, if you meet real dragon and tiger, don't provoke him. Just say that you accidentally injured Xue Wushang during the competition, and then you don't know his whereabouts."

Seeing the two concerned eyes, Xiao Minghuang nodded solemnly and said:

"Thank you for reminding me, I will remember it!"

"But if Daoist Longhu is aggressive and refuses to forgive even half of it, then I can't stand still. When that time comes, I hope that the two masters can help me. I will thank you very much afterwards!"

"Princess, don't worry!"

Regarding this matter, Cheng Wen and Xiao Minghuang had made an agreement a long time ago, and agreed immediately.

But Liu Yan showed hesitation.

It's not that he doesn't want to befriend Xiao Minghuang, but that the Beast Sect's own life is not easy.

The current suzerain of the Royal Beast Sect is old, and his lifespan is only a hundred years old, but he has no successors.

The elders in the sect have the highest cultivation level, but they are only in the late stage of the spiritual seed realm.

It can be said that the huge Beast Sect is supported by the suzerain alone. If the suzerain falls, the Beast Sect may be divided and eaten by other sects.

Therefore, he actually didn't want Master to put himself in danger.

After all, the suzerain of the Dragon and Tiger Sect was in the prime of his life and powerful, even his master was far from being his opponent.

However, this matter may also be an opportunity. If the headmaster of the Spirit Sword Sect takes action, they may be able to take advantage of the situation to suppress the Dragon and Tiger Sect and buy more time for the Beast Control Sect...

After a short thought, Liu Yan gritted his teeth and said:

"I will try my best to persuade Master. As for the decision made by the old man, I cannot guarantee it."

Hearing this, Xiao Minghuang smiled and said:

"Brother Liu has a heart, no matter whether it is successful or not, I will recognize you as a friend!"


Book with Big Brother PY

"Apocalypse, Survivalist, Dog"

166. Dragon and Tiger Reality [Please Subscribe! 怑

Dragon and Tiger Sect.

The main peak, inside a magnificent hall.

A middle-aged man dressed in a golden robe sat on the main seat. He was tall and burly, with thick black eyebrows and shining eyes. He was the suzerain of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, Master Longhu.

On the lower side of him, stood an older man with a tense expression, appearing extremely respectful.

"Sovereign... just saw that the soul lamp of Young Sect Master... went out."

The real Longhu's voice trembled.


Daoist Longhu was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head suddenly, his face was full of horror and anger.

"You said the soul lamp of the young suzerain is off?"


"Are you sure?"

"Subordinates dare not lie to the suzerain."

Master Longhu took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and gritted his teeth:

"I know that Wushang went to Tianfu Secret Realm, and the only ones who are capable of killing him are the people from the Spirit Sword Sect and the Beast Controlling Sect. Which one is it? This sect mainly wants them to pay with blood!"

"Reporting to the suzerain, this matter has not been investigated clearly."

"Then hurry up and find out... No! The sect master will go there personally, wait at the exit of the secret realm, and find out who is so bold that he dared to kill the sect master's direct disciple!"

After finishing speaking, Master Longhu stood up with a slap on the back of the chair, flicked his sleeves, and disappeared into the hall.


Great summer, wild forest.

Secret Exit.

Many people have been waiting here for a long time.

Including Elder Xuanjian from the Spirit Sword Sect, the leaders of the Spirit Seed Realm from various countries, and Emperor Xia, are also here.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, the sky suddenly lit up with a golden light, and a gust of wind hit, messing up everyone's hair and blowing their clothes, and everyone looked up at the sky.

A surging force of qi and blood swept in, rippling between the heaven and the earth.

A majestic figure slowly landed at the exit of the secret realm.

Everyone looked up, and a middle-aged man with a stern face descended from the sky. He was wearing a golden robe, with a burly figure, revealing a fierce murderous aura.

Daoist Longhu glanced across the crowd present, his gaze stayed on Emperor Xia for a moment, and the corners of his mouth curled up, as if extremely disdainful.

"That's... the real dragon and tiger!"

"Sect Master of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, he actually came in person!"

"It's so powerful. The heads of the three sects talked about it 30 years ago, and the dragon and tiger sect ranked second. Now it seems that the ranking should be changed."

Everyone showed horror, and there was a lot of discussion.

Seeing Daoist Longhu coming in person, Emperor Xia showed a dignified expression.

Daxia has had a lot of conflicts with the Dragon and Tiger Sect recently, this time the secret realm was opened, Xue Wushang, the true disciple of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, entered it.

Unless they didn't meet each other, there must be a big battle with Xiao Minghuang.

Emperor Xia has great confidence in his daughter's strength, and it is impossible to lose to the other party.


How to deal with it after the victory is a bit difficult.

"Xue Wushang, did he really die?"

Xia Huang muttered to himself, he already had the answer in his heart.

Now that the real Longhu appeared here, then this matter has already come to a conclusion.

Thinking of this, he secretly burned a communication talisman, awakening the sleeping ancestor.

Elder Xuanjian and the Elder of the Spirit Seed Realm of the Beast Controlling Sect also had dark eyes, as if hesitating.

It was about this time.

The secret exit is opened.

White light flickered, and a peerless beauty in red stepped out of the secret realm.

Her black hair hangs over her shoulders, her beauty is incomparable, her figure is graceful, her skin is like jade, her eyes seem to contain the brilliance of stars, and her whole body is shrouded in the faint starlight, the whole person is like a fairy, beautiful and moving.

"Princess Xia..."

Master Longhu narrowed his eyes. He had also heard about the reputation of Princess Xia, and they all said that she was as beautiful as a banished fairy, and her talents were unparalleled in the world.

When we met today, I realized that being famous is not as good as meeting, and meeting is worse than being famous.

However, such a talented girl was the murderer who killed his good student!

From the moment he saw Princess Xia, Master Longhu already knew it.

Xue Wushang must die at the hands of Princess Xia!

There is no other reason.

Princess Xia's body was tainted with the aura of Shura's demon way.

This shows that Xue Wushang used all means, even revealing the real body of the evil spirit, but failed to defeat Princess Xia, and was killed by her instead.

At this time, the rest of the monks also walked out of the secret realm.

Many casual cultivators turned pale when they saw the real dragon and tiger in the sky. They didn't know what happened, and quickly fled the scene.

The rest of the sect disciples and monks from other countries also quickly returned to their leader.

Cheng Wen returned to the side of Elder Xuanjian, and immediately outlined what happened in the secret realm.


Elder Xuanjian was shocked and said:

"Great Sword Intent?!"

As a sword cultivator, the most concerned thing was that Xiao Minghuang had comprehended the great sword intent at the age of 15.

This kind of talent is even far beyond the Headmaster!

After calming down a bit, Elder Xuanjian smiled and said to Cheng Wen:

"You are right, such a genius sword cultivator, my Spirit Sword Sect will survive no matter what! It's such a pity to die in the hands of Master Longhu!"

Elder Hanging Sword immediately burned a communication talisman.

at the same time.

Spirit Sword Gate, the main peak.

Sheng Bailan, head teacher of the Spirit Sword Sect, slowly opened his eyes, and a gleam of surprise appeared in his pupils.

"15 years old! Dacheng Sword Intent!"

The voice just fell.

She turned into a pure white sword light, and went straight in the direction of Daxia.

Out of secrecy.

Elder Xuanjian breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiao Minghuang said via voice transmission:

"I am the Elder Xuanjian of the Spirit Sword Sect. Cheng Wen has already told me everything about the secret realm. The headmaster is on his way and will arrive in a short while. What is Princess Xiao's plan? But it doesn't matter. The Dragon and Tiger Sect has been too arrogant in recent years. Domineering, the Spirit Sword Sect will not sit idly by!"

Suddenly receiving the sound transmission, Xiao Minghuang's face froze, and after a moment he realized, his heart jumped with ecstasy, and he responded:

"Senior, you're being polite, this junior has discovered a lot in the secret realm..."

After confirming that there were reinforcements, Xiao Minghuang was completely relieved. She sent a voice transmission to Lin Wanqiu, asking her to bring the others back to Emperor Xia first.

Lin Wanqiu knew she couldn't be of much help, so she dragged Ye Ruoshui away without saying a word.

Ye Ruoshui's eyes were full of worry, but he endured it.

at the same time.

"Princess Xia..."

Daoist Longhu snorted coldly, stepping down the sky step by step, each step carried endless power, the air seemed to be trembling.

"My apprentice Xue Wushang died at your hands, you must give me an explanation!"

Xiao Minghuang knew in his heart that it would be easy to know at whose hands Xue Wushang died with the means of Yuantai Daoist, not to mention that Xue Wushang was still a hidden demon.

What's more, the real dragon and tiger in front of him is also a怐{

Facing the monstrous coercion of Yuantai Realm, Xiao Minghuang took a light breath and said in a deep voice:

"Speaking of this matter, I would like to ask seniors, the first and second true biography of your sect are both demonic heretics, what kind of explanation should your sect give to the monks in the southern border?!"

167. The strong man with the original fetus is so terrifying [Please subscribe! 怑

Xiao Minghuang's tone was neither humble nor overbearing, and he was not at all afraid of Daoist Longhu.

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