Since entering the secret realm a month ago, until yesterday, she hadn't really had a rest, and spent every night in a state of cultivation.

Maybe it's because of a long time, good sleeping posture is forgotten.

"It seems that I will still have to sleep often in the future, for cultivation... It won't be a while."

Xiao Minghuang murmured softly.

Moreover, after sleeping this night, she felt extremely light in her body, as if something that was still accumulated in her body was poured out, and her whole body was very refreshed and radiant.

Not only that, she even felt that her kendo level had improved.

However, this requires [%=

Xiao Minghuang's eyes moved slightly, "I just happened to go to Master Sheng to exchange sword skills, and then I will bid farewell."

Thinking of this, she straightened her clothes and went straight to the main peak of Spirit Sword Gate.

The area of ​​Spirit Sword Sect is vast, and after going out, Xiao Minghuang went back and forth several times and asked for directions many times before reaching the main peak.

The reason why I had to ask for directions was because Master Sheng came to pick her up on weekdays.

But this time, she took the initiative to go.

She came to the main peak of Lingjianmen, but was stopped by the disciples guarding the mountain.

"Who is it! This is the main peak, no one else can approach it!"

The disciples guarding the mountain saw that she was dressed in red, not the clothing of a member of the Spirit Sword Sect, and their eyes were full of vigilance.

Previously, there were also disciples from the sect who invited outsiders to come as guests, but someone took advantage of the opportunity to enter and stole the secrets of the sect, so the disciples guarding the mountain were always vigilant.

Xiao Minghuang didn't know the reason, cupped his hands and said with a smile:

"I am the Ninth Princess of the Xia Kingdom. Sect Master Shou Sheng Yao is here as a guest, please let me know."

Hearing this, the disciples guarding the mountain showed doubts in their eyes.

They never heard when the head teacher invited guests.

Moreover, who is the Ninth Princess of Xia Kingdom?

never heard of that.

No wonder they didn't know about Xiao Minghuang's reputation, because there were so many disciples in the Spirit Sword Sect, most of them devoted themselves to sword cultivation and rarely communicated with the outside world.

Among the three major sects, although the Spirit Sword Sect is the strongest, it is the one with the least information.

"You wait here, I will ask the elders."

Leave a word, one of the disciples who guarded the mountain walked away, and he should have gone to find the elder.

Looking at the vigilant gazes of the disciples guarding the mountain, Xiao Minghuang felt helpless.

If she had known, she should have asked Sheng Zhangjiao for an ID card or something.

It's really embarrassing to be suspected by disciples of Spirit Sword Sect now.

In this way, Xiao Minghuang waited quietly under the watchful eyes of the disciples guarding the mountain.

Speaking of which, Xiao Minghuang felt a little strange, she was very aware of her beauty, not to mention the crown of the East Pole, but even the entire Southern Territory was incomparable.

But these disciples guarding the mountain, although there are men and women, are like a group of monks and nuns who eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha, all of them are full of vigilance, as if she is some kind of scourge.

"It seems that practicing swords for a long time will make people lose worldly desires."

Xiao Minghuang thought about this in her heart, and suddenly felt that the desire in her heart had also decreased a lot.

Before, she was still looking forward to returning to Xiadu and having a few happy days with Ye Ruoshui and Lin Wanqiu.

But when I woke up this morning, those burning desires seemed to be gone all at once.

Thinking of this, Xiao Minghuang suddenly hesitated.

Should she continue to practice kendo?

If it goes on like this, it will feel a little unworthy to make myself lose worldly desires.

After all, there are many ways to become stronger.

But there are few ways to be happy.

Also at this time.

A figure in white came galloping.

Xiao Minghuang raised his eyes and saw a young man in white falling on the ground, with a long sword on his back, and a hint of arrogance hidden between his brows.

"You said you were the Ninth Princess of Xia Kingdom?"

Xiao Minghuang looked puzzled, she didn't seem to have offended this person, did she?Why are you so rushed when you start talking?

"Yes, I am Xiao Minghuang, who is your Excellency?"

"This is the new elder, Li Feng. He is only 58 years old, and he is already at the peak of the Shenhai realm. He has comprehended Xiaocheng's sword intent. Looking at the entire Spirit Sword Sect, he is only under the head teacher!"

Li Feng didn't open his mouth, but the disciple guarding the mountain next to him started to praise him.

Xiao Minghuang responded with a smile:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's Elder Li. I don't know if I can pass it on for me, saying that Xiao Minghuang, the Ninth Princess of Xia Kingdom, is visiting Headmaster Sheng. She knows it's me, and she will definitely greet her in person."

This statement came out.

Li Feng's slanted eyes finally fell on Xiao Minghuang, but a look of disdain appeared in his pupils.

"However, a little girl from the third level of the Divine Sea said that the headmaster would greet her in person, that's really shameless!"

"Even if you are really the Ninth Princess of Xia Kingdom, you should know that this is not your Xia Kingdom, but the Spirit Sword Gate!"

After repeated forbearance, Xiao Minghuang's eyes finally turned cold.

Although she didn't know why Li Feng kept targeting her, since he had made it clear that he wanted to bully her, wouldn't it be too cowardly if he continued to endure it.

She is not made of mud, how can she let others knead her.

"Since you don't believe my identity, you might as well meet Zhenzhang under your hand!"

After she comprehended the meaning of the thousand-fold sword, she was invincible below the spirit-seed realm.

Naturally, it also includes the so-called Shenhai Peak Realm in front of me!

She's not afraid of making things big at all, rather, it's better to make things big!

Xiao Minghuang's attitude angered Li Feng, he narrowed his eyes slightly, an unknown anger burst into his heart, and the expression on his face became even more hostile.

"Since you've brought shame upon yourself, don't blame me for being rude!"

After finishing speaking, Li Feng flicked his wrist, and the long sword on his back came out of the scabbard immediately, and shot towards Xiao Minghuang like a shooting star.

The sword intent pierced through the air, and a sharp sword energy came through the air.

Xiao Minghuang's gaze was fixed, and he lifted his right hand lightly, a pure white long sword emerged out of thin air, instantly disintegrating into thousands of sword shadows, pouring away like a tide!

ding ding ding...

There was a surge of collisions, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the momentum was shocking.

After a brief exchange of blows, Xiao Minghuang quickly gained the upper hand, and her thousand-handled sword shadows were like surging sea water, submerging Li Feng's sword intent.

Li Feng turned pale with shock, he never expected that the little girl in front of him, who was only at the third level of the Divine Sea, could suppress his sword intent!

Moreover, why does this continuous, tide-like sword intent look so familiar?

He hurriedly restrained his mind, not daring to be careless any more. With a turn of the sword in his hand, the long sword turned into sword shadows all over the sky, pouring down like raindrops.

The sword shadows all over the sky formed a big net, and finally completely blocked the thousand sword shadows.

"I was careless today, it seems that this person is really the Princess Xia!"

Li Feng thought to himself that his realm was much higher than Princess Xia's. Although the sword intent was a level behind, normally speaking it shouldn't be that much worse.

The only explanation is that Princess Xia is really strong, not only because of her strong sword intent, but also because of other advantages.

Just when he was thinking.

In the sky, the large net formed by sword shadows all over the sky trembled uncontrollably, as if it was about to shatter in the next moment.

See this situation.

Xiao Minghuang's eyes flickered slightly, as if there were stars shining in the pupils, a small piece of starry sky surrounded his body instantly, like stars guarding him.

She flipped her hands, and a pure white long sword emerged in her hand, raising it to the sky.

At this moment, she seemed to be holding up a thousand swords, with infinite power.

In the blink of an eye, a sword led a thousand swords, wrapping the sky full of starlight, and slashed down fiercely!


The starlight is like a tide, turbulent and surging, and it arrives in an instant. The big net formed by the sword shadows in the sky can only resist it for less than an instant, before it is swallowed up.

173. I have come to bid farewell to the head teacher【Please subscribe! 】

Li Feng dodged quickly, but Qianjian followed him like a shadow, and arrived in an instant, and it was about to hit his head.

With the competition going to such a point, even Xiao Minghuang was powerless to stop it temporarily.

She was also a little surprised, how could this so-called elder at the peak of the Divine Sea be so weak that he couldn't even block her sword?

"Elder Li!"

"It's a disaster!"

"Go and invite the law enforcement elders!"

All the disciples guarding the mountain shouted.

It was about this time.

A sharp sword light pierced the sky, wherever the sword light went, the air exploded instantly, piercing through thousands of swords in an instant, and the sky and earth suddenly went dark!


There was a sudden cracking sound, and the thousands of swords in the sky like a sea tide disintegrated inch by inch, melting piece by piece, but in the blink of an eye, they completely disappeared into the sky.

An old man in white robes was standing in the air, his eyes were as sharp as a sharp sword, and the air around his body was cut to pieces.

"What a Ninth Princess of Xia Kingdom, you really are full of geniuses, today I want to see how strong you are!"

The voice just fell.

The old man in white robe stepped on the flying sword, struck out with a sword, and attacked Xiao Minghuang with fierce sword energy.

However, before this sword energy approached Xiao Minghuang, it seemed as if the sea water met a rock, scattered and went away.

Seeing this, the old man in white robe turned dark.

"Dacheng Sword Intent! Really don't take this old man seriously!"

As an elder at the pinnacle of the Spirit Seed Realm of the Spirit Sword Sect, he has comprehended Xiaocheng Sword Intent, he is no better than the head teacher, but even worse than this young yellow-haired girl in front of him, that is really shameful!

What's more, there are so many junior disciples here, if he stops here, where will he put his old face?

"Hmph! The little girl is so presumptuous!"

The eyes of the white-robed old man turned cold, he raised his right hand, and the palm of his hand flashed with spiritual light, condensing a huge handprint in the void, and slapped it fiercely towards Xiao Minghuang.

As a powerhouse at the peak of the Spirit Seed Realm, even without sword intent, he can easily destroy this little girl in front of him!

Facing the angry blow from the strong man in the spirit-seed realm, Xiao Minghuang was also apprehensive. Of course, she didn't dare to take it head-on. She took out a talisman from the storage bag, and was about to crush it.

In the blue sky, a beam of sword light came in an instant, smashed the big handprint with lightning speed, and knocked the old man back!


The old man in white robe was taken aback for a moment, and looked up at the sky, with a look of shock on his face.


"The headmaster actually came in person!"

"Why did the headmaster repel the law enforcement elders?"

A group of disciples shouted in surprise.

In the sky.

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