Sheng Bailan looked at Xiao Minghuang with complicated eyes, and a little angry.

"I didn't even know that besides Ye Ruoshui, you also have Taoist companions!"

"You little girl, why are you so playful?"

"You are only a teenager, and you have found two Taoist companions. Why do you like it?"

Sheng Bailan scolded unceremoniously.

She was originally Xiao Minghuang's senior, and she has always treated Xiao Minghuang like a junior.

Although the relationship between the two has undergone a qualitative change because of the skin-to-skin relationship, but getting along is still not much different from before.

Therefore, knowing that Xiao Minghuang had another Taoist partner without telling her, his first reaction was to angrily scold her for being a philanderer!

ps: Today I suddenly found out that my book was stolen

182. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain [Please subscribe! 】

Looking at Xiao Minghuang who was scolded, Lin Wanqiu was suddenly a little confused. Is this script wrong?

Why did His Highness's new lover not target her and secretly compete for favor, but criticize His Highness instead?

And in the tone of a lesson.

In a daze, she felt that Master Sheng was like an elder with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

Could it be that there is actually no relationship between His Highness and Zhangjiao Sheng as she thought?

She was the only one thinking blindly from the beginning to the end?

Lin Wanqiu was a little confused.

She didn't know if she should trust His Highness, maybe, she really misunderstood?

Being suddenly taught a lesson, Xiao Minghuang's face was filled with embarrassment. She hadn't thought about how to introduce the two to each other before.

After all, this kind of thing has to be faced sooner or later, and it cannot be avoided.

"...Bai Lan, have you forgotten our previous agreement?"

Sheng Bailan, who was criticizing Xiao Minghuang endlessly, suddenly seemed to be stuck, and froze in place.

A blush appeared on her cold, fair and pretty face, she blinked, and finally heard the words in her mouth.

"I promised you three things, of course I won't break my word, but we are..."

Speaking of which.

Xiao Minghuang's expression changed suddenly, and he took a step forward, taking Sheng Bailan into his arms.

Sheng Bailan was caught off guard, almost biting her tongue, and crashed straight into Xiao Minghuang's soft chest.

Then, he kissed her lips domineeringly.

This action interrupted Sheng Bailan's words, but shocked another person present.

Lin Wanqiu's eyes widened, she stared blankly at the scene in front of her, she stood there sluggishly, forgetting any movements.

Your Highness... and Master Sheng...

Stick it! ? ? ? ? ?

She was completely stunned in place.

can't believe my eyes

It just happened right in front of me.

Is this a dream?

If it was a dream, when will you wake up?

Should she pinch her own face?

Or do you want to slap yourself?

Will that hurt?

Or should she act to break up this nightmare?

If this is not a dream?

What should she do?

Why did His Highness suddenly do this?

Are you tired of her?

But His Highness said just now that she is her Taoist companion, did he lie to her?

But in front of Professor Sheng, why would you say such a thing? Wouldn't it add more twists and turns?

She doesn't understand!

She can't see through it!

Is the Highness in front of you real or illusory?

She can't tell the difference!

For a moment, she felt that her energy and blood were surging, and her spiritual power was a little disordered.

She felt sick, very sick.

She felt dizzy in her head.

She couldn't see Xiao Minghuang's appearance clearly, nor could she hear Xiao Minghuang's voice.

I just feel that my body is getting lighter and lighter, more and more ethereal.

next moment.

Lin Wanqiu was completely dizzy, her figure flickered, and she fell backwards.

When she fell, she felt as if she had fallen into a pair of soft and strong arms.

next second.

Her body fell into a warm and soft embrace.

She opened her eyes.

The scene in front of me gradually became clearer.

Xiao Minghuang was looking at her with worried eyes.

She felt the familiar smell on Xiao Minghuang's body, and murmured.


Xiao Minghuang was full of guilt, and said:


Needless to say, Lin Wanqiu completely understood.

The scene just now was all for her to see.

She thought that His Highness would mention this to her, but she never expected that it would be so direct, so... impactful!

The scene just now was like a sharp knife that pierced her heart, and stabbed the softest part of her heart fiercely!

She didn't ask His Highness to guard her body like a jade, but she also hoped that all this would happen in a gentle way.

Rather than such a sudden arrival.

without any precautions.


Lin Wanqiu opened her mouth and contemplated for a long time, but couldn't say a word.

It seems that she should say unfeeling words to let His Highness understand that she is not the kind of woman who can be manipulated by others.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them.

Also because once you say it, it may mean giving up.

means out.

It means that there is no possibility between her Highness.

Perhaps, she should endure it and wait for the future.

She is still young, and she still has a long, long time to plan, calculate, and wait for changes.

She can wait.

Wait for a chance.

She once read a sentence from a book.

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!

She should be patient, bide her time, wait for a change.

During this time, keep improving yourself.

A gentleman hides his weapon in his body and waits for the time to move it.

After a period of weighing, Lin Wanqiu finally calmed down.

"Your Highness, I still have something to do, so I won't bother you and Master Sheng."

Say it.

Lin Wanqiu turned around and ran away.


How could Xiao Minghuang give her this chance.

She knew that if she was just let go.

I am afraid that the rift between the two will never be healed.

So she stretched out her arms and pulled Lin Wanqiu into her arms.

She bowed her head and kissed Lin Wanqiu's lips domineeringly.

An elegant citrus aroma spread into Lin Wanqiu's breath.

Her body froze.

In addition to the familiar scent of His Highness, there is another, strange smell.

It's that woman.

Her body trembled.

My heart hurts badly.

Her heartbeat suddenly quickened, and she felt her face was burning hot, as if she had been slapped in the face by someone.

She struggled hard, trying to break free from Xiao Minghuang's restraint.

However, Xiao Minghuang firmly held her in his arms.

Lin Wanqiu tried her best, but she couldn't break free from Xiao Minghuang's grip.

Her lips and teeth were filled with the taste of His Highness.

So familiar.

She felt her heart beating faster and faster.

There was a dull pain in the heart.


More like it.

She can't escape her own heart

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