She turned to look at Ye Ruoshui and asked:

"Ruoshui, did the molten fire pill that I asked you to refine earlier succeed?"

"It worked!"

Ye Ruoshui hastily replied.

Having said this, Emperor Xia and the others quietly left, leaving only the two daughters Ye and Lin behind.

Ye Ruoshui took out a brocade box from the storage bag, opened it to look, and found ten golden-red pills laying quietly in it, exuding a fiery breath.

"Your Highness, this is not an ordinary melting fire pill, but a melting fire pill that has been added with the innate pure yang dragon fruit. It should be called the pure yang melting fire pill, and its effect should be three times higher than the original medicine."

"In addition to this, it also contains some innate pure yang energy. If your highness finds it useful, you can also absorb it."

Hearing this, Xiao Minghuang showed doubts on his face.

"Innate Pure Yang Dragon Fruit? Where did it come from?"

Ye Ruoshui told what happened in the ancestral land of Fire Dragon Kingdom.

"It's thanks to Senior Yao Wang's extraordinary eyesight, and Senior Fruit Tree from Huolong Kingdom. I have to thank him for the opportunity."

Innate creatures generally don't need any resources, they just need a suitable environment for survival.

For the spiritual root of heaven and earth like the congenital pure yang dragon fruit tree, it needs a safe and secret environment, without being disturbed by the outside world, so that it can practice peacefully.

"I will tell people to pay attention to the movements of Fire Dragon Kingdom. If they are in trouble, I will try to help them."

Lin Wanqiu responded.

Xiao Minghuang nodded, and took the brocade box containing the dragon fruit.

She chose to take care of the Xiantian Pure Yang Pitaya Tree not only because she wanted to repay the other party's karma, but also because it would be of great benefit to befriend an innate creature who has not yet transformed.

After getting the brocade box, she immediately stuffed it back into Ye Ruoshui's hand.

For Xiao Minghuang's behavior, Ye and Lin had long been familiar with it, and didn't say much.

They will not reveal this secret matter, as that will disappoint His Highness's trust in them.

Breaking through the half-step Spirit Seed Realm didn't actually use up all of Xiao Minghuang's Meteorite Liquid, she still had some left over, and gave it to Ye and Lin at this time.

"The Holy Academy will be born next year, you must work hard to cultivate, and strive to reach the half-step spirit-seed state by then!"

After arriving at the Holy Court, with the talents of Ye and Lin, they must also be vigorously cultivated by the Holy Court, and it is not difficult to break through the spirit seed realm.

"Your Highness, don't worry!"

Ye and Lin responded in unison.

Xiao Minghuang nodded, turned around and returned to the main hall, she was going to fuse the innate fire now.

When she had just broken through the half-step Spirit Seed Realm, she felt a sharp sword intent coming from the direction of the princess mansion, and she had already reached the level of the great perfection of the sword intent.

Even though she has reached the half-step Spirit Seed Realm, she still feels terrified in front of that terrifying sword intent.

It can be seen from this that Sheng Bailan's kendo state has reached a terrifying state.

Xiao Minghuang had a premonition that Sheng Bailan's level of swordsmanship was at the first-class level even in the holy courtyard where there are so many geniuses!

"I don't want that anymore, I have to hurry up and break through."

After being compensated and returned by the system, she got a hundred Pure Yang Melting Fire Pills at once, which not only helped her fuse with the Scarlet Emperor Fentianyan.

Relying on the innate pure yang energy contained in the elixir, it might cause some strange changes in her physique.

For example, transforming into some kind of composite spirit body.

However, this is just her conjecture, and it may not be possible. The key is to see how much innate pure yang energy is contained in these pills.

If there are enough pure yang melting pills, there may be a chance to transform into a composite spirit body, but the probability of this is not high.

Xiao Minghuang sat cross-legged on the futon.

Her eyes were slightly closed, the robe on her body bulged without wind, and the surrounding air fluctuated accordingly.

Afterwards, the spiritual energy in Xiao Minghuang's body began to boil, as if a vortex was slowly rotating.

At this time, she took out all the pure yang melting fire pills, scattered them around her body, and with a turn of her mind, she took out the Scarlet Emperor Fen Tianyan from the system space.

This is a mass of flame, the whole body is fiery red, like burning magma.


Book with Big Brother PY

"Miss Detective, I Got You"

190. Pure Yang Fire Spirit Seed, Natal Supernatural Powers 【Please subscribe! 】

The temperature of Scarlet Emperor Fen Tianyan was extremely high. The moment he appeared, everything around him was evaporated into nothingness, and even the air became distorted.

If it wasn't for the protection of a hundred Pure Yang Molten Flame Pills, Xiao Minghuang would have been burned to ashes the moment the Scarlet Emperor Fen Tianyan appeared!

Xiao Minghuang took a deep breath, sucked the Scarlet Emperor Fen Tianyan into his belly, and then activated the exercises to start refining.

A huge energy surged into his body, Xiao Minghuang felt like he was wandering in a sea of ​​flames, this flame was boundless and filled with terrifying heat.

The Red Emperor Fen Tianyan flowed quickly in her body, washing her internal organs over and over again, swimming towards the eight extraordinary meridians, washing all her bones, flesh and blood, and finally formed a cloud of fire among the bones and flesh and blood. Xiao Minghuang was wrapped in it.

On the skin surface of Xiao Minghuang's body, fine black lines appeared, and her bones began to make crackling sounds, like firecrackers exploding.


Accompanied by crisp sounds, the meridians, bones, and flesh and blood in Xiao Minghuang's body began to morph.

Those pure yang molten fire pills that were protecting her outside of her body turned into strands of golden air currents, which continuously poured into her body, blending with the fiery flames, gradually becoming indistinguishable from each other.

Over time, changes happen gradually.

Xiao Minghuang's whole body was shrouded in golden-red light.

Her skin became transparent, but it showed a transparent golden red, as if carved from glass crystal, beautiful and flawless, like a flawless work of art.

At this moment, Xiao Minghuang clearly knew that her body was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Innate fire and innate pure yang, two different but compatible heterogeneous energies are merging and transforming her body.

If things go well together, she will be able to transform into an innate pure Yang fire spirit body!

This is a composite spirit body, possessing the power of both the innate fire spirit body and the innate pure yang spirit body.

While transforming her spirit body, the huge and pure innate energy in her body will also give birth to that drop of extremely solid Shenhai solution, from which the spirit seed will grow and complete the mirror breaking!

Xiao Minghuang closed his eyes, quietly waiting for this transformation.

As time passed slowly, a golden-red mist emerged from Xiao Minghuang's body. This mist lingered on the surface of Xiao Minghuang's skin, forming circles of pale golden-red halos, as if a god descended.

It was about this time.

In the depths of her dantian, endless innate qi poured in from her limbs, pouring into the condensed liquid of the divine sea.

For an instant.

The Shenhai condensate was spinning crazily, like a vortex, constantly devouring the innate energy to strengthen itself.

It was originally just a drop of pale golden liquid, but it became thicker and thicker, and finally condensed into a golden bead the size of a fist.

On the surface of the bead, there are mysterious runes intertwined with gold-red threads, shining with a dazzling golden-red luster.

spiritual species.

to make!

Xiao Minghuang opened his eyes, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the dantian, a round golden spiritual seed is suspended, and the surface of this spiritual seed is wrapped with golden-red threads, exuding a powerful and majestic force, expanding continuously, and soon deeply rooted in the dantian deep.

But in an instant, new shoots burst out of the ground and grew to a height of thirty feet.

This means that as soon as Xiao Minghuang stepped into the Spirit-Seed Realm, he broke through to the third-layer Spirit-Seed Realm.

"Hoo hoo hoo."

Xiao Minghuang reached out and gently stroked the hair beside her cheek, she felt the great benefits that the spirit seed brought her.

This is a qualitative leap.

This retreat not only allowed her to break through from the half-step spirit-seed realm to the spirit-seed realm.

It made her transform from a mortal body into an innate pure Yang fire spirit body.

The power of ordinary spiritual bodies can be seen from Ye Ruoshui.

Not only has the alchemy level been strengthened, but Ye Ruoshui was able to cross two big realms at the exit of Tianfu Secret Realm, and resisted Daoist Longhu's move with only minor injuries.

Although it has the help of Chiyan Flamingo, it is enough to show its strength.

Moreover, she is not an ordinary spirit-seed, but gave birth to a special spirit-seed.

Pure Yang fire spirit species.

To give birth to a special spiritual species, one must have a special physique.

When she was promoted to the spirit seed realm, she transformed into a spirit body, which is why she had this encounter.

Not only that.

When a monk breaks through the spirit-seed realm, there is a certain probability to comprehend a natal supernatural power.

Ordinary monks generally do not have this kind of opportunity.

Only monks with special physiques and extremely high talents can obtain natal supernatural powers.

And Xiao Minghuang happened to meet these two conditions.

Therefore, at the same time that her spiritual seed sprouted from the ground, a brand new, unheard of supernatural power was completely mastered by her.

At the same time as she obtained this supernatural power, she was blessed to her soul, and she felt a sense of induction.

The sparks are like rain, and the red flames survey the sky.

This is the name of the supernatural power she sensed.

As for the power and influence, she only had a general imagination and could not describe it in detail.

All I know is that this supernatural power is extremely powerful and covers an extremely wide range, and it is a supernatural power of mass destruction.

Xiao Minghuang calmed down, and thought in her heart, even if she didn't activate the blessing of the national fortune, she would be enough to kill any master in the Yuantai realm!

If you use all your strength to arouse the fate of the country, even a strong person in the Yuantai realm can be easily killed!

This kind of strength is enough to walk sideways in the entire southern border!

Xiao Minghuang stood up and walked out of the hall.

Outside the main hall, the two daughters Ye and Lin are already waiting here.

After the congratulations, Xiao Minghuang heard some unexpected news.

"Your Highness, the situation in the Fire Dragon Kingdom is in crisis. The Jinxiang Kingdom, Jinghai Kingdom, Dongyu Kingdom and other nine countries have formed a coalition to conquer the Fire Dragon Kingdom. Now they can't resist and ask us for help!"

"The envoy of the Fire Dragon Kingdom has been waiting in Xiadu for three days, should we agree to go to the rescue?" Xiao Minghuang frowned slightly.

The Fire Dragon Nation is a powerful country in the southern border, with millions of monks entering the country, and those who unite to fight against the Fire Dragon Nation are not powerful small countries. Even if they unite, they may not be the opponent of the Fire Dragon Nation.

Lin Wanqiu explained:

"During the days when His Highness was in seclusion, the Nine Kingdoms successively enshrined those who had broken through to the Spirit-Seed Realm. Now, a total of 25 Spirit-Seed Realm experts from the Nine Kingdoms led millions of coalition troops to attack the capital of the Fire Dragon Kingdom."

"The Fire Dragon Kingdom has been holding on for half a month, and it seems that it will not be able to hold on, so it has no choice but to ask us for help."

Hearing this, Xiao Minghuang fell into deep thought.

Before, because she inherited the karma of the innate pure yang dragon fruit tree, she really planned to help take care of the fire dragon country, but facing the coalition formed by the nine countries, can Daxia's current strength be able to resist?


Book with Big Brother PY

"The Chainsaw Man, But Incarnate as the Anchor Demon"

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