Amidst the raging flames and light flying all over the sky, a pitch-black figure flew upside down.

It is the ultimate guardian!

Like a kite with a broken string, he hit the ground so hard that the ground was shaken!

But immediately after, Xiao Minghuang rushed out again, drawing an arc with the pure white long sword in his hand, like a shooting star, and stabbed towards the final guardian.

This time, her sword light was even more blazing and fierce, shining like a scorching sun in the sky.

She will not give the final guardian any respite!

"That's it!"

Xiao Minghuang gave a low shout, and the sword in his hand suddenly changed!

call out!

The pure white long sword burst out thousands of sword lights in an instant, like thousands of meteors falling, covering the whole body of the final guardian!


Every sword glow easily pierced through the body of the final guardian.

The blood was soaring, and wounds spread in the void!

The whole body was riddled with holes, and there was not a single piece of good flesh left.

Xiao Minghuang's gaze was cold, and finally he slashed out with a sword, tearing his body into countless pieces!


Xiao Minghuang breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the final guardian who was completely dead.

"Ancient taboo Tianjiao, indeed has some strength..."

Before she had time to adjust her breathing, she was teleported to the main hall just now.

On the central seat, the old man in white robe smiled: "I didn't expect us to meet again so soon, you are beyond my expectation."

Originally, he thought that Xiao Minghuang's potential would be exhausted if she reached No.90, No. 99, and No. [-] at most, but he didn't expect that she would break through the tower and clear the [-]th floor!

"Thank you senior for your praise, this junior is just a fluke."

The old man chuckled: "A fluke? It doesn't exist. Your ability to get through the hundredth floor is a manifestation of your own talent, potential, and character."

"Do you know, what is the origin of the guardian of the hundredth floor?"

The final guardian of the [-]th floor is indeed very strong. If she hadn't broken through the fetal shadow realm, she would have stopped in his hands.

"The junior doesn't know, please enlighten the senior."

The white-robed old man stroked his beard and said: "This person is called the Thirteen Overlords. He was born with an overlord body. He is the descendant of the overlord body line. He was born 1 years ago and overwhelmed three generations. Among the many candidates for saints and saints, Enough to rank in the top six hundred!"

"Speaking of which, 1000 two hundred years ago, this old man once had a relationship with him. At that time, he was trapped in the entrance of life and death. I don't know if he has broken through now..."

Having said that, the old man in white robe suddenly stopped, looked at Xiao Minghuang, and said with a broken smile: "I'm digressing, your talent is very good, this is the nine-turn meteorite iron promised to you, take it!"

The voice fell.

The old man in white robe waved his sleeve, and a storage bag flew out, hanging in front of Xiao Minghuang.

She stretched out her hand to take it, glanced around, and saw that besides the Nine-turn Meteorite Iron, there were also some spiritual stone elixirs, which were also of great value.

Xiao Minghuang knew in her heart that this was the old man in white robe's respect for her, a show of favor, or "investment" in her.

221. Admitted to the inner court, let them grow 【Please subscribe! 】

Xiao Minghuang bowed and thanked: "Thank you senior for giving me the treasure, this junior will remember it in my heart and never dare to forget it. Haven't you asked senior Gao's name?"

"Old Man Seventeen Water Spirit King." The old man said with a smile: "With your talent and strength, it will be no problem if you don't participate in the remaining trials. You can practice here to the Yuantai state and enter the inner court directly. What do you think?"


Xiao Minghuang hesitated. Although she agreed with the Seventeenth Water Spirit King in her heart, she was not alone in this trial. The third trial required teamwork. Without her leadership, Ye, Lin Can the second daughter, as well as other Daxia monks, pass the test smoothly?

The Seventeenth Water Spirit King seemed to see her doubts, and reminded: "The way of practice, others can help you for a while, but not for a while, and your companions are also talented, especially the two innate physiques. The little girl is quite extraordinary, and passing the third-level trial will not be a problem at all."

"If you worry too much and take care of them like children, you will lose the opportunity to sharpen them and hinder their growth."

"In short, it's up to you to choose whether to go back to participate in the trial, but what I need to tell you is that participating in the trial will not improve you, and your participation will make your companions dependent, which is very detrimental to their growth .”

Hearing what the Seventeenth Water Spirit King said, Xiao Minghuang fell silent.

Over the years, she has indeed overprotected the two daughters Ye and Lin. Under her thinking, the second daughter has almost no experience in fighting with others.

Lin Wanqiu was better, after all, she had been tempered when she was young.

But Ye Ruoshui is completely indifferent.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it would be a good thing if Ye Ruoshui's xinxing could grow.

"That's it, I will obey what senior said." Xiao Minghuang cupped his hands and said respectfully.

"En." The Seventeenth Water Spirit King nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Since it's decided, you can practice here, and when you break through the Yuantai Realm, you can leave and enter the inner courtyard."

"In addition, I would like to remind you that although your talent has already surpassed three generations of people, there are dragons and crouching tigers hidden in the inner courtyard. There may be three generations, or even five or ten generations of Tianjiao dormant. Your background is far inferior to theirs. Be careful not to be too rash, or you will invite trouble."

Within the Holy Academy, the time interval between two enrollment ceremonies is regarded as one generation, and the time for each initiation of the enrollment ceremony is variable, but it will not be less than 50 years.

Therefore, three generations are at least 150 years.

Five generations, that is 250 years.

Ten generations is 500 years!

Thinking of this, Xiao Minghuang couldn't help but ask: "Senior, why did the arrogance of the inner courtyard endure for so many years and insisted on staying in the Holy Academy? Why didn't they break through to the King Realm?"

The Seventeenth Water Spirit King explained: "This is because they are not in a hurry to break through, but to accumulate foundation in the half-step king realm."

"After reaching the peak of the God Transformation Realm, as long as the primordial spirit germinates in the void and grows golden flowers, a true spirit can be conceived and enter the King of Life and Death Realm. However, the real Tianjiao will not choose this simplest path."

"Because, this kind of life and death king state is not perfect. Against the life and death king state with three flowers gathered on the top, you can't even withstand a single move from the opponent."

"The true arrogance in the inner courtyard will consume a lot of heaven and earth gods, make up for the previous deficiencies, accumulate their own foundation, smelt their own body, refine their gods, refine their essence, and refine their qi, all of which will reach the state of Dzogchen, and at the same time make the three The void sprouts, golden flowers grow, and true spirits are conceived, this kind of life and death king state is the real and complete life and death king state!"

"So that's the case, thank you for your guidance, senior."

Xiao Minghuang bowed to thank.

"You don't need to be too polite. There is plenty of aura in the hall. You can practice here with peace of mind. Your companion, the old man, will take care of you. You don't have to worry. You can enter the inner courtyard as soon as you break through the Yuantai realm."

The voice fell.

Before Xiao Minghuang returned the gift, the figure of the Seventeenth Water Spirit King faded from the high seat and disappeared.

"Cultivate with peace of mind..."

Xiao Minghuang murmured in a low voice, then sat down cross-legged, closed her eyes slightly, and began to practice.

She is sure of breaking through the Yuantai Realm, but she doesn't know how long it will take.


Outside the trial tower.

Countless people gathered.

In full view.

On the ranking stele, behind Xiao Minghuang's name, several striking characters suddenly appeared.

"No.1: Xiao Minghuang! The hundredth floor!"

Everyone exclaimed and there was an uproar.

"It's the hundredth floor!"

"She really broke through to the hundredth floor!"

"Dark horse! The strongest dark horse!"

"Even Qi Mingdao from Ziwei Sacred Land only answered No. 90 floor, but this Princess Xiao from the southern border actually got through the trial tower!"

"With such a genius, I will not be number one in this trial."

Rao was as confident as Qi Mingdao, and he couldn't help sighing, he was sure to win the first place, but the appearance of Xiao Minghuang undoubtedly broke his overall plan.

"This Princess Xiao is really beyond my expectations. I thought she was just a slightly stronger genius, but I didn't expect to be so strong. I'm afraid she is not much worse than Brother Tianlang, right?"

Lin Tianyang murmured.

"Even if Princess Xiao is placed in the inner courtyard, I'm afraid only those at the top can compare."

Su Changge sighed softly.

"Lin Tianlang from the Lin family of Yangzhou, Zhu Xingming from the Ziwei Holy Land, Wei Chuming from the Wei dynasty, Feng Piaoxue from the Feng family of Penglai..."

These arrogances are all like thunder, if they don't die young, they will definitely be able to break through the gateway of life and death and transcend into holiness.

They started three generations ago, or started five generations ago. They have long been taboo arrogance in the Yuantai Realm, or even in the Transformation God Realm, but now they are compared with a newcomer who has just emerged in the trial.

There is no other reason.

The [-]th floor of the Trial Tower is a gap that separates the gap between ordinary geniuses and taboo geniuses.

The former may be able to become a saint throughout his life.

In the latter, becoming a saint is just the starting point.

in the corner.

Ye Ruoshui was full of excitement, and said with a smile: "Your Highness has indeed reached the top, I knew that she would definitely be able to!"

Lin Wanqiu also had a smile on her face, and responded, "Yes! Your Highness is the strongest!"

They waited quietly outside the trial tower. After a long time, most of them had already left, but it was a long time before they saw Xiao Minghuang walk out of the trial tower.

"What's going on, why hasn't His Highness come out?"

Lin Wanqiu asked suspiciously.

"Could it be that you are injured and are adjusting your breath?"

Ye Ruoshui squeezed her palms and asked nervously.

Xiao Minghuang looked at the majestic tower of the trial, and pondered: "Wait a little longer!"

At this moment, a fluttering voice suddenly sounded, directly reaching their ears.

"Xiao Minghuang climbed to the top of the trial tower, and the special permission went straight to the inner courtyard. You don't have to wait here, just go directly to the second trial."

222. Top [-] Tournament 【Please subscribe! 】

Hearing these words, both Lin Wanqiu and Ye Ruoshui were taken aback for a moment, and then they were pleasantly surprised.

"Directly enter the inner courtyard!"

The two looked at each other, both excited.

They knew that the person who could directly identify their identities in the place of trial and send messages across the air must be the elders of the Holy Court!

People with such great strength will not lie to them.

Therefore, His Highness must have entered the inner courtyard at this time.

Of course they know that not just anyone can enter the inner court directly, they must be extremely talented and have reached the Yuantai state to enter.

"Dare to ask senior, has His Highness already broken through to Yuantai Realm?"

no respond.

Ye Ruoshui said: "The senior who sent the message may have left."

Lin Wanqiu calmed down, and said with a smile: "Then let's go to the second floor for trial, and after we get started, we will meet with His Highness."


The two women set off and walked directly to the entrance of the second test.


The second level of the entry test is purely a test of the monk's combat ability.

That is, in the case of one-on-one fighting alone, who can have the last laugh.

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