Tsunade nodded, and walked into the distance.

It's just that the corners of her mouth kept rising.


She thought of a great renovation plan.

She thought Roger would like it very much!

"Mute, let's go, I can't wait!"

I don't know if it's an illusion of silence.

Since Tsunade has become more and more possessive of Rogge.

She seems to be getting more and more...

"Jing Yin, what are you still doing, why don't you hurry up and follow me!"

"Yes, I understand."

Shizune wiped the cold sweat off her forehead, then hugged the piglet in her arms, and followed Tsunade towards the distance...

Chapter 639 Hinata Hanabi!

After Tsunade went to take charge of the decoration.

Rogge wandered around the village.

Knowledge-colored domineering is fully activated.

Looking for interesting things in the village.


Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are training hard.

And the same goes for other classes.

It's just that the speed at which their strength improves is still too slow after all.

Perhaps only war and conflict can make them grow up in a short period of time.


"This little guy is..."

"Hinata Hanabi?!"

Hinata Hanabi is the second daughter of the Hinata Sect.

Hinata Hinata's younger sister.

The talent is strong.

But the character escapes.

It seems that he doesn't like training very much.

But even so.

Today's Hinata Hanabi may also be a bit stronger than Hinata Hinata.

It's just that she is not staying in the clan's house now, why did she sneak out?

Rogge's figure flickered, and he came not far from Hinata Hanabi in the blink of an eye.


Hinata Hanabi looked like a guilty conscience, carefully observing the surrounding environment.

Standing on tiptoe, he ran outside.

Rogge was very curious when he saw this, and just followed behind her, wanting to see what she wanted to do.

Hyuga Hanabi walked quickly, and quickly slipped out of the village.

Looks like a habitual offender.

I see.

about 15 minutes.

Hyuga Hanabi came to a field of flowers.

This flower field is hidden in the forest, it's not very big, but it's not small either.

The breeze swayed slightly, and the fragrance swayed.

Light yellow flowers sometimes dance in the air.

Decorate the elegant sky.

Hinata Hanabi took a deep breath, opened her arms and jumped in like this.

Rolling happily in the flower field.

Then I got up and picked the beautiful flowers, and wrapped the willow branches around the clusters of flowers.

A huge bouquet is formed.

Rogge stood on top of a tall tree, his aura was extremely dark, and he just quietly watched the scene in front of him.

"Is it that serious? If you don't leave, those wild boars will come soon!"

Rogge stared into the distance, and there were groups of wild boars, with their fangs on their mouths, walking towards the flower field with their thick pig legs.

Wild boars are omnivores, and their main food is the roots and tubers of plants.

The rhizomes of the flowers are undoubtedly the sweetest.

If only three or two wild boars appeared, relying on Hinata Hanabi's strength, they would be able to face it easily.

But now, dozens of wild boars have far exceeded the number that Hyuga Hanabi can handle!

Rogge sighed, "That's why I'm here, otherwise, I'm afraid something big will happen!"

Roger jumped out of the tree.

This time he didn't hide his aura.

The moment he jumped down, Hyuga Hanabi caught Rogge's figure.

a time.

Hinata Hanabi completely froze in place.

So handsome!

Today's Rogge is in the form of a young Rogge, with a very handsome appearance.

It can be said to eat everything!

Roger didn't care about Hinata Hanabi's movements, but pointed behind her kindly.

Hyuga Hanabi who came back to his senses, turned his head to look behind him.

I saw groups of wild boars already running at this time.

They even lined up in a row, pressing down on the flowers, making a "hum-chi-hum-chi" sound from their mouths, coming fiercely.

In an instant.

Hinata Hanabi's pretty face turned pale.

She subconsciously shrank her body, making a gesture to turn around and run away.

And at this time.

She found that Rogge was already standing in front of her.

At this time, a strong sense of security wrapped Hyuga Hanabi in it.

Hinata Hanabi couldn't help but look up at Rogge in front of her.

Scarlet eyes appeared in Rogge's eyes.

Blood control!


The wild boar's body suddenly rushed forward.

Then fell to the ground.


The blood in their bodies has been easily suspended by Rogge.

Herds of wild boars just fell to the ground.

Overwhelmed a lot of flowers.

"Okay, it's over."

Rogge murmured to himself, then turned to look at Hinata Hanabi behind him, and said, "Why did you sneak out of the village when you're not staying at home at such a young age?"

"Aren't you afraid of being taken away by others? You must know that in this world, there are many people coveting your family's blood."

Hinata Hanabi shrank her body, then said timidly to Rogge in front of her, "Because I want to make my sister happy."

elder sister? !

Hinata Hinata? !

"What's wrong with her?"

"Sister, she feels that her strength is weak, so she often trains very late."

"I was very distressed and wanted to make my sister happy, so I came out and picked some flowers, and wanted to make a bouquet for my sister."

"Perhaps my sister's mood will be better in this way!"

Roger didn't expect Hinata Hanabi to be such a gentle girl.

Think about it too.

There is Hinata Hinata, the older sister, as a role model.

Hinata Hanabi will also be somewhat tainted with Hinata Hinata's personality.

Roger silently picked up the bouquet from the ground, and handed it to Hinata Hanabi in front of him, "You did a good job. If I were your sister, I would definitely feel very happy!"


"Of course it's true! It's just that this kind of stupid training won't be of any use. If she really wants to become stronger, then let her come to me at midnight."

"As for the location, it's in this flower field."

Accompanied by Rogge's voice fell.

He turned to look at the herd of wild boars beside him.

With a wave of his hand, they flew into the distance.

Then the blood control was lifted.

until this time.

Only those wild boars can completely control their bodies.

Fly away towards the distance.

Since then.

In their wild boar sty, there is such a legend: You must never get close to that flower field, there are gods practicing there!

Hyuga Hanabi, Rogge, has such a strange ability, with little stars in his eyes, "Wow, brother, your ninjutsu is really handsome. Is this your ability? Can I learn it?"

"You shouldn't be able to learn this, but I can teach you other things."

Rogge glanced at the sky and continued, "Okay, it's almost time. Be careful next time you come out, otherwise, you won't even know how you got hurt."

Otto Mind Power!

Rogge directly used his mental power to bring Hyuga Hanabi back to the Hyuga family's territory.

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