She gently hugged Roger, her tone was already full of anxiety.

And at this time.

Rogge said softly to Tsunade: "Tsunade, let's withdraw!"

After hearing Rogge's words, Tsunade was stunned for a moment.

But then she understood.

Rogge's body is overdrawn.

This is obviously pretending!


Tsunade nodded, but still pretended to be anxious, and led Rogge towards the outside of the venue.

"Master Hokage, don't we need to go there?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the trees in the field, his eyes shone with brilliance.

He took a deep breath, finally sat on his chair, thought for a moment and said: "No, I think it's just that Rogge is too young, and his chakra is not enough to support him to perform a complete Birth of the Tree World, so his body is a bit overdrawn." gone."

"And Tsunade is the best doctor in Konoha, there is no problem with her!"

thought here.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi relaxed a lot.

At least he knew Rogge's "weakness".

That is chakra deficiency.

At that time, even if Rogge did something crazy.

I can also seize the opportunity to completely defeat it!

Thoughts on Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Roger didn't care.

After leaving the Zhongnin test site and returning to the Thousand Hands Ancestral Land.

Rogge immediately "resurrected with full blood".

He came out of Tsunade's arms, stretched his waist, and said to Tsunade behind him: "I'm going to take a shower first, my body is covered in ashes, it's really uncomfortable!"

Tsunade's eyes flickered cunningly.

"Coincidentally, so do I!"


Tsunade followed Rogge's pace closely, and said again: "And now is the most important time for you to lay the foundation, I will cooperate with the medicinal bath to improve your potential!"

Shi Jing came in from the outside at this time.

Listening to the voice from the bathroom, she sighed again, "Master Tsunade is really hopeless."


at the same time.

the other side.

After a large number of ninjas cleaned up the venue.

Chunin exams continue.

The next contestant is Kankuro.

What everyone didn't expect was that Kankuro surrendered the moment he came to the venue.

This surprised the audience.

But they didn't know that the reason why Kankuro did this was because he had other important tasks on him.


The referee continued to announce: "Next game, Shikamaru VS Temari!"

Hearing the referee call his name, Shikamaru sighed, feeling that it was really too troublesome.

He shook his head, and under the watchful eyes of the audience, he came to the examination venue just like that.

Looking at Temari opposite, Shikamaru felt more and more headache.

He's not good at dealing with women.

Temari Shikamaru has no fighting spirit at all.

I just feel like I've been underestimated.

Unfolding his huge fan, he frantically released Feng Dun in the direction of Shikamaru.

Under Temari's persecution, Shikamaru also started to fight back at this time.

Shikamaru uses the secret ninjutsu of the Nara clan.

Can control its own shadow to perform ninjutsu.

Shadow Mimicry!

Under Shikamaru's calculations.

Temari came to the side of a pothole.

This is the hole that Naruto dug before.

Although Shikamaru felt very uncomfortable when Naruto suddenly joined in.

But now Naruto has been seriously injured and comatose, and he has left such a pothole for himself.

Forgive him yourself.

thought here.

Shikamaru's shadow was directly drawn into Temari's shadow.

all of a sudden.

Temari felt his movements jerk.

She looked at her feet in disbelief.

I saw my own shadow connected with Shikamaru's shadow.

Immediately, the pupils shrank suddenly.

There was a burst of loss in my heart.

It looks like I'm about to lose.

But what Temari didn't expect was.

At this time, Shikamaru raised his arm and said to the referee beside him, "I admit defeat!"

"Why? It's clearly your advantage now, why do you admit defeat?"

"Because this is already the limit of what I can do! If I continue to procrastinate, I will lose, so I might as well take this opportunity to let myself be more chic!"

Shikamaru waved at Temari, and then left towards the distance.

Looking at Shikamaru's actions.

do not know why.

An inexplicable feeling rose in Temari's heart.

And all this.

Rogge used the darkest "see" in his eyes.

You must know that it won't be long before that guy Dashewan will do it.

After all, I made a special exit to give him a chance.

By the time.

I'm afraid that old thing Sarutobi Hiruzen will die in this battle as well.

Without the protection of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Maybe Naruto Uzumaki will be completely rejected by the villagers!

"ssssssssssssssssssssssss out~"

at this time.

Roger sucked in a sharp breath.

He looked at Tsunade and complained, "Hey, don't bite me!"

Tsunade gave Rogge a blank look, and silently helped Rogge continue to improve his foundation.

"Forget it, whatever you like, it's just Tsunade, I want to ask you something."

"If the position of Hokage becomes vacant, do you want to become Hokage?"

Tsunade stopped, and his eyes fell on Rogge in front of him, "What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

"Could it be that you're planning to kill that little old man Sarutobi Hiruzen?"

"Of course not, I was just thinking, if you can become Hokage, then I can fully integrate into the village!"

Having said that, Rogge gently stroked Tsunade's cheek, and said, "And if you become Hokage, I will reward you!"

"What reward?"

"Well~ I haven't thought about it yet, but if you want to bite me, I won't complain, how about it?"


"Of course! After all, I really want to see you and ascend to the position of Hokage!"

Tsunade nodded.

She looked very serious, and said seriously: "Since you say so, then I will definitely do my best."

"And this was originally the village my grandfather built, but in the hands of the third generation, it has become more and more oppressed!"

"And that fellow Shimura Danzo, who spends all day trying to consolidate his rights in the name of Konoha, thinks that we don't understand at all!"

"Don't be too ridiculous!"

Tsunade patted Rogge on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry Rogge, I will definitely get the Hokage position, and you will be the most honorable person by then!"

"I will treat you well, and I will never let anyone bully you!"

Rog gave Tsunade a white look, "Please, who do you think can bully me? Don't you know my strength?"

Chapter 657

Chunin exam room.

The fight continues.

Gaara VS Uchiha Sasuke.

Kakashi stood in the auditorium, looked at Uchiha Sasuke who had just rushed back, and walked towards the examination room.

I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew~ No matter what, I finally caught up with the exam this time."

Facing the situation at hand.

Matt Kai on the side asked: "How is it? Is Sasuke okay?"

"Well, as far as it is concerned, the state is still very good."

Kakashi leaned against the wall and looked into the examination room.


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