While Yu Xinghe was busy, Yu Xinglan was not idle either.

Ten minutes later, Yu Xinglan adjusted her state to the best, and with the help of Yu Jingtian, she began to absorb the soul ring of the Lightning Raptor. This scene was seen by Yu Xinghe.

Three or ten minutes later, the soul power in Yu Xinghe's body returned to its peak.

Yu Xinghe is only at the twelfth level of soul power, which is nothing more than a small meaning for Shenglong Mingfa, the only sky-level skill of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family.

Of course, if Yu Xinghe's soul power is level 95, it would take at least ten days for Shenglong Ming, who is only the first level, to fully replenish his soul power.

After all, the gap in total soul power between level 95 and level [-] is too great.

After the soul power was fully recovered, Yu Xinghe's body regained its vigor and vitality with the supplement of soul power, and the color of his lips returned to normal, no longer looking like he was dying to live.

Yu Xinghe looked at his body and said in his heart: "The soul power has been fully recovered, and the next step is to nourish my body with soul power, hoping to recover quickly."

In this way, Yu Xinghe drove the twelfth-level soul power in his body to swim all over his body, nourishing every scar on his body. After a while, Yu Xinghe suddenly felt refreshed.

Thinking of that lightning velociraptor, Yu Xinghe still had a burst of emotion.

If it wasn't for the suppression of the dragon emperor Ghidorah and the powerful destructive power of the first soul ability, he might not be able to defeat it.

Time passed slowly, Yu Xinglan jumped up from the meditation, and ran towards Yu Xinghe bouncingly: "Brother, it's successful, I have successfully absorbed the soul ring of the Lightning Raptor."

Running in front of Yu Xinghe, Yu Xinglan had a pure smile on her face.

"From now on, I will be a real soul master. I will fight for justice and become a real strong man. Brother, I will protect you from now on."

Seeing this scene, Yu Jingtian laughed directly. Although the two brothers and sisters often quarrel, the relationship between the two brothers and sisters is still very good, and I hope it will continue.

"You did a good job, you will definitely become a powerful soul master in the future." Yu Xinghe encouraged Yu Xinglan.

"Hee hee!" Yu Xinglan narrowed her eyes when she heard Yu Xinghe's encouragement, and she could see that she was very happy.

"Xing Lan, what level are you now?" Yu Xinghe asked curiously.

"Level [-], just like you, my first soul skill is Thunder Dragon Claw, the same soul skill as my grandfather." Yu Xinglan reported her level and showed off to Yu Xinghe.

Her grandfather Yu Batian is a level 99 Peerless Douluo, it is her honor to have the same first soul skill as her grandfather.

"Brother, maybe you are no longer my opponent." Yu Xinglan said aggressively to Yu Xinghe, her spirit power of the twelfth level was directly revealed.

Yu Jingtian smiled faintly. Although they were at the same level, it was very difficult for her precious daughter to defeat his son, and she even said that it was impossible.

Of course, this depends on his son not releasing the water. If there is a real fight, he feels that Yu Xinghe will take the initiative to admit defeat.

"I believe that Xinglan will surpass me one day." Yu Xinghe said cooperatively seeing Yu Xinglan being so excited.

"Hahahahaha." After hearing Yu Xinghe's words, Yu Xinglan became even happier.


In the next half month, Yu Xinghe managed to recover from his superficial injuries by practicing Shenglongming, but his internal injuries could not be recovered. In the end, Yu Jingtian took out the elixir to recover.

Generally speaking, it is because Yuxinghe's Shenglong Meditation has not practiced well enough.

As novice soul masters who had just absorbed their first soul ring, Yu Xinghe and Yu Xinglan lacked combat experience, so they spent half a month fighting with soul beasts.

Of course, the areas they are active in are all outside the Star Dou Forest.

The Star Dou Great Forest is too vast. According to Yu Jingtian's words and his own speculation, the Star Dou Great Forest may be larger than the area of ​​China, the motherland of his previous life.

For half a month, a few people just wandered in a small area.

Walking out of the Star Dou Great Forest, Yu Xinghe's temperament has undergone a great change.

Yu Xinghe is usually calm, but he also looks immature. After this experience in the Star Dou Great Forest, his face has a little more fortitude, and he looks much calmer.

As for Yu Xinglan, it might be because she has a lot of nerves, she still looks like she is laughing and joking, she looks the same as before entering the Star Dou Forest.

On a small path leading to the outside world in the Star Dou Great Forest.

"Brother, fortunately you broke through to level 400 at the last moment of the battle, or you would have been killed by that [-]-year-old mandala snake."

Yu Xinglan patted her chest feeling scared for a while, lamenting the thrill of the time.

"Don't worry, Xing Lan, your brother, I never do anything I'm not sure about." Yu Xinghe just smiled when he heard this, and didn't take this matter to heart.

Yu Xinglan said that one day ago, she fought a 400-year-old mandala snake and was almost entangled by the mandala snake's body to death.

Mandala snake is a kind of soul beast active in various forests. It is extremely poisonous. It not only has a paralyzing effect, but also has a strong destructive effect on the body's nerves. It is one of the most terrifying existences among poisonous attribute soul beasts.

Not only that, the body of the Datura snake is extremely tough, and it is hard to hurt with ordinary swords. Only the mouth and eyes are the weak points.

But Datura Snake has always been very good at protecting its two positions, watertight, and extremely fast.

Yu Xinghe remembered some knowledge that the teacher told them in the previous class, which was about the Datura snake.

Due to the innate strong toxicity of the Datura snake, it has few natural enemies, and it can be regarded as a tyrant in the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

Before the millennium cultivation, the body of Datura snakes was dark green, and their body length grew by one meter every 100 years. When they approached the millennium cultivation, their body length could reach nearly ten meters.

And once they break through the millennium, their own power will be concentrated and they will shed their skin continuously. Not only will their body color change from dark green to pink, but their length will also shrink back to one meter, and then grow by one meter every hundred years.

After it was repaired in 2000, the pink color deepened as it retracted again.The [-]-year-old mandala snake will turn yellow and become a frightening existence.

However, the venom that the Datura snake is proud of is perfectly restrained by Yu Xinghe.

When the mandala snake wanted to kill Yu Xinghe with its poison, Yu Xinghe circulated the idea of ​​Shenglong Meditation, and his whole body radiated golden light, and the poison was directly purified by the golden light.

This is the ability given to him by Shenglong Meditation to cultivate to the first level.

During the battle, the mandala snake tightly entangled Yu Xinghe with its snake body.

The power of the Mandala Snake is really strong. It once entangled Yu Xinghe until it was difficult to breathe. If Yu Xinghe hadn't broken through to the thirteenth level, it would be really difficult to break free.

Yu Xinghe, who was promoted to the thirteenth level, gained stronger physical fitness and soul power, broke free from the control of the mandala snake, and directly tore off its fangs.

This can be said to make the 400-year-old mandala snake scream in pain.

In the end, Yu Xinghe used his fist to forcefully repel the Datura snake.

With one punch, Mandala Snake was beaten to pieces by Yu Xinghe. Yu Xinghe's persistence and violence frightened Mandala Snake, so he could only run into the depths of Star Dou Forest in despair.

It was afraid that if it didn't run away, it would really be killed by a human named Yu Xinghe.

Yu Jingtian watched the discussion between the two, and said casually: "Xinghe, Xinglan, there is only one and a half months until the annual meeting, and you will continue to work hard in the days to come."

"You two can't get carried away just because you have defeated a lot of soul beasts. The most indispensable thing in the world is a genius. If you despise your opponent, you will have to pay the price."

"I see, Dad." Yu Xinghe said very seriously, he naturally would not underestimate other opponents, because he made many low-level mistakes due to carelessness in his previous life.

Coming from this rebirth, he wanted to change his carelessness.

Yu Xinglan said with some hesitation: "I also know, but, Dad, we have only awakened our martial soul for more than a month, and there is still a gap compared with other cousins ​​and other family members."

"I'm afraid I'll live up to your expectations of the two of us."

Yu Jingtian saw lack of confidence in Yu Xinglan's eyes, and he even saw some fear in Yu Xinglan's eyes.

This is not good, how can such a person become a powerful soul master.

"Xing Lan, it doesn't matter if there is a gap, what matters is that you don't have the courage to fight someone stronger than you."

"400-year Flash Raptor, 400-year Datura Snake, which one is stronger than your brother, but your brother has never been afraid."

"You don't have to be afraid, just do your best when the time comes."

"Oh." Yuxinglan pursed her mouth, looking aggrieved.

Yu Jingtian is helpless, Yu Xinglan is very talented and kind-hearted, but sometimes she is not brave enough to face difficulties, so it is difficult to become a strong soul master.

He thought to himself, should I send Yu Xinglan to the junior college of Tiandou Royal Academy to experience herself, without the help of her family, Yu Xinglan should be able to grow up.

Yu Xinghe glanced at Yu Xinglan, then at Yu Jingtian, thoughtful, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Just like that, Yu Jingtian took the two of them out of the Star Dou Forest.

Chapter 17

The weather in November has added a bit of chill to the world.

After Yu Xinghe came back from the Star Dou Great Forest, he still didn't relax himself. Every day he either practiced or practiced. With the help of various ten thousand-year-old soul beast meat and elixirs, he advanced very quickly.

On this day, Yu Xinghe, led by his younger sister, came to the family's martial arts arena.

It is now November, and the weather is much colder than last month. This can be seen from the clothes of other people. People have already put on thick long sleeves.

But despite this, it can't stop everyone's enthusiasm for martial arts.

"Put hard, the fist has no strength at all, just like a bitch, if it's me, three punches will make him fall to the ground and vomit blood for three feet!"

The dark crowd made Yu Xinglan beside her even more excited.

Yu Xinglan looked at Yu Xinghe and said, "I think it won't work to stay at home and practice all the time. Brother, why don't you try it and fight more with your peers, maybe you can improve your fighting skills."

Yu Xinghe nodded, what Yu Xinglan said was not unreasonable, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, Xinglan, if the opportunity is right, I will go up and try."

Yu Xinghe didn't expect that her younger sister would still have this idea, obviously what she hates the most is fighting.

There were about [-] to [-] people standing in the huge square, and their eyes were all cast on the arena at the moment. At this time, two figures were fighting fiercely on it.

Soon, Yu Xinglan led Yu Xinghe to the front of the crowd.

At this moment, they were less than three meters away from the two-meter-high arena, and they could see the fighting on the arena clearly.

The arena is so large that ten people can fight at the same time.

But in order to let everyone be more relaxed, only two are allowed to play in each competition.

"Hey, Xinghe, Xinglan, why are you here too?" A childish voice came over.

Hearing someone calling her, Yu Xinglan hurriedly looked towards the place where the voice came from, and saw a little fat man smiling at them, they knew this person.

"It's you, Brother Xiaohu." Yu Xinglan said the little fat man's name, and there was some surprise in her eyes, she didn't expect to meet her cousin Yu Xinghu in the movie.

"Brother Xiaohu, long time no see." Yu Xinghe also greeted with a smile.

"Xinghe, but it's been a while since I saw you. I heard that Erbo took the two of you to hunt soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest?" Yu Xinghu asked curiously.

Yu Xinghu is the biological son of Yu Xinghe's third uncle Yu Jinghu. He is ten years old this year, four years older than Yu Xinghe and Yu Xinglan. He is now a level 23 great soul master.

Yu Xinghe nodded, and said that he and his younger sister Yu Xinglan were already real soul masters and possessed a soul ring.

This time Yu Xinghu was even happier, and said immediately: "Later, you can go up to them and compete with them. It's just a test of your strength. I've been here all day."

"Now it's less than two months before the New Year's Competition, practice more now, and you can get a good result in the New Year's Competition."

"Yu Xinghu, come up quickly, I will fight you today!" A child about 1.5 meters tall challenged Yu Xinghu who was off the field.

"Come on, I'm afraid you won't make it!" Yu Xinghu jumped lightly and came directly from the ground to the center of the arena.

The two hot-blooded young men quickly fought, punching to the flesh. Although Yuxinghu was fatter, his movement speed and attack speed were not slow at all.

At this time, the crowd watching the battle also started their own discussions.

"It's a good show. Yuxinghu is the son of Thunder Dragon Douluo, the elder of our family. Although he is only ten years old, his level has already reached the realm of a 23rd-level great soul master."

"The Jade Star Wolf who challenged the Jade Star Tiger is not simple. Although he is not the son of a family elder, his talent is not low at all. He is a genius with eighth-level soul power."

"These two guys have fought in the martial arts arena more than once. They have won and lost each other. I don't know who will win this time."

While everyone was discussing the battle in the martial arts arena with great interest, several people looked in the direction of Yu Xinghe and Yu Xinglan.

When they saw Yu Xinghe, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"Isn't that Yu Xinghe, the son of Dragon King Douluo, who is born with full soul power and three-headed dragon king martial soul. This is a martial soul that is stronger than the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

"I heard from my dad that his talent may be stronger than Yuxing Zhan!"

"It's impossible to be stronger than Jade Star Wars. Jade Star Wars is the well-deserved No.1 of the younger generation of our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. He won't be number one in any New Year competition."

"What, where is Yu Xinghe?"

Hearing someone mention Yu Xinghe, someone hurriedly looked around.

Soon, he also saw Yu Xinghe and Yu Xinglan who were watching the battle.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and more and more people looked in the direction of Yu Xinghe and Yu Xinglan. They didn't even bother to discuss the battle between Yuxing Tiger and Yuxing Wolf in the martial arts arena.

"It's really Yu Xinghe, it looks quite handsome." Some ten-year-old girls saw Yu Xinghe, and were immediately attracted by Yu Xinghe's appearance.

"Tch, can handsome be eaten as a meal." Someone said unconvinced.

"He is not only handsome, but also talented, and has a background. He is the son of Dragon King Douluo. He is born full of soul power. Only a few of our blue electric tyrannosaurs are born with full soul power."

"Yu Xinghe is indeed strong, but I'm skeptical about saying that his talent is stronger than Yu Xingzhan."

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