
Director Huang snorted coquettishly. If other teachers in the college saw Director Huang who was over forty years old and had such a young daughter, he might be shocked.

Turning a blind eye to the old man, Director Huang also looked at Hou Lin, with his soul power open, observing Hou Lin's scattered sword energy and sword shadow.

"Sword Martial Soul? Judging by the power, I'm afraid even I have to retreat three points."

Director Huang said lightly.

"This kid doesn't have a martial spirit."

The old man smiled and shook his head.

"No martial soul?"

Director Huang was stunned. How could this person not have a martial soul? She had seen someone who was born without soul power, but it was unheard of.

However, he had seen someone who didn't have a Martial Soul the day after tomorrow, so he looked up at his father.

"Have you taught him how?"

The old man shook his head lightly.

"Then how could he have used such a powerful sword technique!"

Director Huang was surprised.

The old man thought for a while and said: "This is also one of my doubts, but everyone will have secrets, at least his body is full of energy and blood, and he is the strongest one I have ever seen in my life. I have also observed him in the past month. He is not a villainous person, and he is very suitable for my path."

"That's true."

Director Huang nodded.

"Knock down!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Who, come in."

Director Huang greeted the outside.

"Director, I want to take a leave of absence and go home for a while."

A female teacher came in and said, and then she saw the old man sitting beside her, and she was taken aback for a moment.

"Dean? You are back!"

The old man nodded.

"Your fake approval."

Director Huang said.

"Thank you, Director Huang, then I'll go first, goodbye Director Huang, goodbye Dean!"

The female teacher said a few thanks and went out.

After closing the door, the female teacher suddenly became excited.

"The dean has come back. I have heard that the dean's dragon never sees the end. This time I finally saw it. I was lucky today."

The female teacher walked out happily, even happier than she was about to go home.

I saw a teacher along the way and told me about the dean's return.

The teachers and students who were still living in the academy instantly became active.

I have heard for a long time that their mysterious dean is a person who is courteous even to His Majesty the Emperor. I have not seen them in the academy before. This time they are back, they have to seize this opportunity.

Seeing the world, maybe the dean will praise him for his talent, and then he will brag when he goes out.

"Okay, I see that you have a lot of things to do, so I won't bother you. I'll go outside for a walk and finally come back once."

The old man stood up smiling.

"Ahem, these unfinished things of mine are what the dean should do, not what I, a little director, should do."

Finally, when his father came back, Director Huang planned to throw everything back.

"It's fine if you can't do it, how about I promote you to the vice president?"

The reason why the old man agreed to be the dean was to find disciples among those children. If he knew that those noble children were trash, and there were so many things to deal with every day, he would not take the job if he had to review it.

"That's not okay, but I can help you with these things here, but there are still some in your dean's office, which I can't deal with, so I put them there. Now that you're back, let's take care of them a little bit."

Director Huang said with a smile.

"It's… okay."

The old man sighed, then opened the door of the office, walked out, and went straight to his dean's room.

When he opened his dean's room and saw the pile of documents on his desk, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"I knew I wouldn't be back."

The old man curled his lips, opened a file, and it was full of nonsense about the college's funds, and he just wrote a consent and threw it aside.

Speaking of which, on Mo Cheng's side, he practiced sword for an hour.

"The sword drawing technique is powerful, but the consumption of spiritual power is absolutely ridiculous."

Mo Cheng looked at the sea of ​​energy that was about to be exhausted, so he had no choice but to withdraw the sword, put the Liangyi sword into the system space, and left Houlin.

As soon as he came out, Lin saw Zhou Tao who was in a hurry.

"Where is Mr. Zhou going in such a hurry, and he still has a big bag of things in his hand."

Mo Cheng said hello.

"Mr. Mo, why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time."

Zhou Tao ran over immediately when he saw Mo Cheng, holding Mo Cheng by the hand.

"what happened?"

Mo Cheng was puzzled.

"Don't you know? The dean is back!"

Zhou Tao said.

"Dean? Yes, by the way, I haven't seen what the dean looks like since I came to this academy for a month."

It was only then that Mo Cheng remembered that he had never seen the dean before.

"Our dean is so unpredictable. Basically, he is not in the academy. Even if he comes back, it will be very difficult to see him."

Zhou Tao said.

"Then what are you doing with this bag of things?"

Mo Cheng asked.

"Of course it's a gift to the dean. If the dean can praise me, then my future will be much easier."

Zhou Tao said.

"Then you should go quickly. If you are chased away by others, won't you be afraid that the dean will not see you?"

Mo Cheng said.

"I'm not here to find you."

Zhou Tao thinks this way, Mo Cheng is a person with a big background, as long as he takes Mo Cheng with him, the dean should meet Mo Cheng, then he will naturally be able to get the honor and see the dean's dignity, in case Mo Cheng His face is big enough, the dean praised himself a few words, this is a chance to earn big face.

"Then let's go, I just happen to be very curious about this dean."

Chapter 26 It's You!

Mo Cheng followed Zhou Tao to the door of the dean's room.

It happened that a teacher turned his head and left. Judging from the expression on the other side, the dean probably didn't see it.


Zhou Tao glanced at Mo Cheng, and slowly straightened his back. He felt that he had a high probability, and then knocked on the door of the dean's room.

"What are you doing here?"

A serious voice sounded behind the two of them.

"Director Huang, what a coincidence, you also have something to ask the dean?"

Zhou Tao was taken aback for a moment, and then greeted Director Huang with a smile.

"What, what are you doing? What are you doing with this bag?"

Director Huang squinted his eyes slightly, and then said in a cold voice: "Zhou Tao, I think you are too free. I can forgive you when you were teaching in the fourth grade. Why don't you take advantage of this holiday to think about it? Think of a way, what are you doing here?"

Zhou Tao trembled suddenly, and quickly argued: "That director Huang, I really need to ask the dean for something. If you don't believe me, ask Teacher Mo."

"Okay, what's the matter, I can help you pass it on."

Director Huang glanced at Mo Cheng, and Mo Cheng turned his head away, not wanting to meet Director Huang's eyes.

"Ah this..."

Zhou Tao was speechless for a while.

"I remember that you still have a report that you haven't handed over to me."

Director Huang continued.

"That, that, I'll go back and get the report."

Zhou Tao turned his head and glanced at Mo Cheng, then ran away first.


Mo Cheng felt that he was betrayed.

"That Director Huang, I still have to go one step ahead."

Turning around, Mo Cheng also wanted to run, mainly because Director Huang's appearance of exterminating his teacher really frightened him.


Director Huang still shouted seriously.

Mo Cheng paused, turned around and said with a little confidence: "It's Zhou Tao who wants to see the dean and wants to give some gifts. It has nothing to do with me. I am just an escort."

Mr. Zhou Tao, don't blame me for betraying you, you left me first and ran away first.

"The dean needs to see you, come in with me."

Director Huang said slowly.


Mo Cheng was stunned, a little confused about the situation, as soon as I arrived, why did the dean want to see me?

"Knock down!"

Director Huang ignored the dazed Mo Cheng and knocked on the door directly.


An old voice sounded from inside the house.


Director Huang shouted inward.

"Come in!"

There was another voice from inside.

Director Huang pushed the door open and greeted Mo Cheng: "Come in."

Director Huang then walked in, and Mo Cheng nervously followed behind, just like in his previous life when he was called to the office after attending class well.

As soon as he walked in, Mo Cheng saw the old man who was processing documents on a chair.

"It's you!"

Mo Cheng was surprised.

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