Mo Cheng threw the storage soul guide into the system space, and suddenly got a huge sum of money. Mo Cheng felt like he was running away with the money.

Quickly shuttling through the forest, a red figure stood in front of Mo Cheng in an instant.


Mo Cheng's pupils trembled, he braked quickly, and stared at the uninvited guest in front of him.

"I guessed that you wouldn't obediently follow those two trash to Spirit Hall. I thought three soul emperors would be able to get rid of you, but I didn't expect that those three were still trash."

The cardinal said lightly.

Mo Cheng took a look and ran in another direction.

"Want to run, is it possible?"

The cardinal shouted loudly, and a wall of thick fog and poison instantly blocked Mo Cheng.

Mo Cheng was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look, and there was a thick layer of dense fog all around, possibly covering a mile or so with poisonous fog.

"It was not easy to use it in the city, but this is my eighth soul skill, Poison Mist Arena!"

"You can't run away. My poison comes from the 3-year-old poisonous frog in the swamp. The poisonous wall that forms the arena is so poisonous that the soul emperor will die if touched, and the touch of the soul saint will erode away in a short time."

"Of course, even if you don't touch it, you will be slowly boiled to death by the gradually poisonous gas inside."

The cardinal laughed and said that Mo Cheng was able to kill the three soul emperors, which surprised him.

If he ran to the city again, maybe he would use some means, and it would be extremely ridiculous to run here.

His Toad Poison can be used to its fullest.

When he was in the academy, he was in the way. After all, if he used the poisonous mist on a large scale, it would easily cause a lot of trouble. After all, this is still the Star Luo Empire, not Wuhun City.

"So today you will definitely die!"

The cardinal sneered, and looked at Mo Cheng coldly, as if he was looking at a dead person.


A mouse ran past Mo Cheng's feet, as if fleeing crazily under the poisonous mist, and bumped into the poisonous wall formed by the poisonous mist.

The mouse stopped for a moment, died within a second, turned into bones, and then the bones were corroded and turned into steam.

Seeing this, Mo Cheng's heart skipped a beat, he turned around and looked at the cardinal, but smiled disdainfully.

The cardinal was taken aback for a moment, then snorted: "How can you still laugh when you are about to die?"

"I'm thinking about a question. You are also in the arena now. If I kill you, can I go out?"

Mo Cheng said lightly.

"Haha, I'm afraid you are crazy, why do you have the confidence to kill me, I am a level 83 Contra!"

The cardinal laughed out loud as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world.

The next moment, someone shouted outside the poisonous wall.

"Mo Cheng!"

Mo Cheng paused, the voice was so familiar.


Mo Cheng turned his head and shouted towards the outside of the poisonous wall.

"General Zhu, please take action!"

The voice just now came from outside the wall again, and Mo Cheng knew that it was the voice of his senior sister, Director Huang.

"Senior Sister, didn't I ask you not to get involved? I left alone because of my personal reasons and nothing to do with you, but you made the matter even bigger."

Mo Cheng shouted towards the outside of the poisonous wall.

At this time, there was no sound outside the wall, but a more powerful wave of soul power was generated instead.

The cardinal's face changed in shock, and he quickly shouted: "Are you trying to embarrass my Spirit Hall?"

"A deformed toad also deserves to represent the Wuhun Palace?"

"The eighth soul skill! Nether Strike!"

With a loud laugh, the powerful soul power suddenly soared, and the poisonous wall was destroyed.

The poisonous mist was also instantly dissipated in the sky by the huge soul power.

The remaining prestige of the soul skill still rushed towards the cardinal quickly.

"Seventh soul skill! Martial soul avatar!"

A huge toad appeared on the spot, with huge and protruding eyes, exuding a purple light, extremely ugly, and the pustules on its back seemed to contain strong poison.

I saw that the whole body of the toad was covered with a layer of silver, which was the soul skill of the cardinal, the iron skin.

Forcibly blocked Zhu Feng's blow!

Then the poisonous mist gradually dissipated, and several figures appeared.

"Senior Sister, General Zhu, Mubai!"

Mo Cheng didn't expect that Dai Mubai and Zhu Feng would also come, he felt that Zhu Feng didn't like him very much.

"Mo Cheng!"


Dai Mubai quickly walked up to Mo Cheng and shouted.

"How will you be here?"

Mo Cheng asked in surprise.

"Well, I just think that Wuhundian came to visit the teacher as a guest. It seemed too sudden and unreasonable. I felt that something was wrong. When I returned to the academy, I happened to meet Director Huang with a sad face. I felt something was wrong, so I went back immediately. The imperial palace has asked the emperor for instructions!"

Dai Mubai said everything about why he was here.

Mo Cheng's heart warmed up: "You have a heart."

"Then why did General Zhu do that?"

Mo Cheng turned around and asked Zhu Feng.

"Hmph, if His Majesty hadn't ordered me to come, I wouldn't have come."

Zhu Feng snorted and stared at the huge toad in front of him.

"Teacher, when I told Father, it was Uncle Zhu who took the initiative to invite Ying to come."

Dai Mubai said in a low voice.

Mo Cheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

"Zhu Feng! What do you want to do? Can you declare war on behalf of the Star Luo Empire and my Spirit Hall?"

From the gigantic toad came the cardinal's voice.

"Then I would like to ask you what you want to do. Yesterday, Mo Cheng was conferred the title of Viscount by His Majesty. You attacked and killed me Viscount Xingluo in broad daylight for the sake of the court officials of the Star Luo Empire. This is slapping our Majesty in the face. Is it the face of our Star Luo Empire?"

"He also said that our Star Luo Empire wanted to start the war, but I think it was you who wanted to start the war!"

Zhu Feng responded coldly.

His words were like a huge hat on the cardinal's head.

Maybe it also has Zhu Feng's powerful soul power, as well as the killing intent and bloody aura that has killed countless people.

The cardinal's momentum suddenly became weaker.

"I killed Mo Cheng for revenge!"

When the cardinal touched the spirit avatar, he could see that his complexion was a little pale at this time, and said weakly.

"Revenge? What kind of revenge? I killed Mo Cheng last night and was stopped by my father. Today it got even worse."

Director Huang said in a cold voice.

"This is a personal enmity between me and Mo Cheng. General Zhu and the second prince probably have no right to interfere."

The cardinal looked at Mo Cheng with a sneer, like a poisonous snake.


Dai Mubai stretched out his finger and pointed at the cardinal, but Zhu Feng pulled him behind him, then looked at the cardinal lightly and said: "If you have rights or not, it doesn't matter if you say what it is."

"Okay, what General Zhu said is reasonable, then I'm going to ask Mo Cheng that you killed the chief deacon of the Spirit Hall!"

said the cardinal.

Zhu Feng turned around and looked at Mo Cheng, seeing that the other party did not express anything, which sometimes meant a kind of acquiescence.

Not long ago, it was indeed heard that a big deacon of the Wuhun Temple disappeared innocently, and two young deacons disappeared along with it.

"General Zhu, Mubai, and Senior Sister, you go back, I have means to deal with him, you don't have to make trouble."

Mo Cheng took a deep breath, and a pill appeared in his hand.

Turning around to look at the cardinal, he said, "So what if I did it, it's just that the head deacon failed to intercept me, and I killed me instead."

"Just admit it!"

Chapter 58 The Battle Between Contras

"It's fine if you admit it, then what else can General Zhu say?"

The cardinal said with a smile.

Zhu Feng paused, and still took a few steps forward: "Mo Cheng also said that your head deacon wanted to kill him first, and the murderer will always kill him, and he was killed by Mo Cheng. He deserves his death! "

"General Zhu!"

Mo Cheng was surprised, he had already prepared for a desperate fight, he didn't want his only remaining friend in the Douluo Continent to be too involved, and he really might not be killed by the cardinal.

"Mo Cheng, hmph, His Majesty's order is for me to protect you. If you die, I won't be able to do business!"

Zhu Feng said with a cold snort.

"Zhu Feng! You really won't get out of the way!"

The cardinal glared at Zhu Feng, and the eight soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and black opened.

Zhu Feng was naturally not to be outdone.

Yellow yellow purple purple black black black black!

Director Huang also took a step forward at this time.

Yellow yellow purple purple black black black!

A huge aura of soul power swept away immediately.

This kind of power, only Dai Mubai, the great soul master of the second ring, can't bear it absolutely.

Mo Cheng stood in front of Dai Mubai, blocking this soul pressure for him.

Because of this, Mo Cheng endured tremendous pressure, and the Liangyi Sword and Panlong Sword flew up in the air to bear it for him.

"Seventh soul skill! Martial soul avatar!"

Director Huang's style of attack was still fierce, and he immediately activated the martial soul avatar, and the huge white jade mantis appeared in front of everyone again.

"Sixth soul skill, Sky Breaking Slash!"

Director Huang took the lead and rushed towards the cardinal.

The cardinal also activated his soul power to resist, blocking Director Huang's attack.

Zhu Feng's figure disappeared in place in just an instant.

"So fast!"

Mo Cheng exclaimed, he is indeed a Douluo of the Sensitive Attack Department.

The cardinal didn't notice for a while, and couldn't perceive where Zhu Feng was.

Director Huang's slash in front of him was ferocious, and he could deal with it quite freely, but if Zhu Feng made a sneak attack, it would be a direct fatal blow.

"The first soul skill! Nether Hundred Claws!"

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