Little Zhu Zhuqing said with a slight smile on her face.

When it was over, Mo Cheng was a little embarrassed. He had pretended to be wise and powerful and unpredictable for a long time, but his disciples found him in such an embarrassing way. This made him afraid that his master would be depressed in the future.

"Well, as a teacher, I actually encountered some things during this period of time, resulting in a lack of money."

Mo Cheng planned to hide his embarrassment with a smile.

"If the teacher is really short of money, Zhuqing has a little money saved from the past."

Little Zhu Zhuqing took out a small bag from the small pocket inside his clothes.

It's quite small, it can only hold about a dozen coins.

"How can I ask for your money as a teacher, let alone how old you are now, how much money can you have?"

Mo Cheng shook his head without looking at it.

"Teacher, do you think it's too little? This is already all the savings that Zhuqing has saved."

Seeing that Mo Cheng didn't want it, little Zhu Zhuqing put it away a little disappointed.

"You said it was all your savings, let alone as a teacher."

Mo Cheng turned his gaze around, he wanted to watch little Zhu Zhuqing take the money back.

The result is this look.

Mo Cheng blinked, golden?It's gold.

Couldn't that bag be full of gold soul coins? Well, can you take back what you just said.

The Zhu family is really rich, even though she is a daughter of the direct line, she is only four years old, and the pocket money is money that she or the original body can't earn in more than ten lifetimes.

Is this the so-called ending point of someone is just the starting point of others? It's so unfair.


The words of repentance came to his lips, and Mo Cheng swallowed them back.

The words have already been spoken, so naturally there is no reason to swallow them back.

As a teacher, there is no reason to ask her students for money, even if she is a little rich woman.

"Then Zhuqing will leave first."

Little Zhu Zhuqing opened the door with her own calf and walked out.

Mo Cheng sighed lightly, feeling pity for the loss of money just now, and sympathy for Zhu Zhuqing's difficulty.

This is only four and a half years old, how could he speak and think like a four-year-old girl.

Even if the children in Douluo World matured prematurely, they would not be like this.

"If I was four and a half years old, my father looked down on me, my sister rejected me, and I was bullied by many children of the same age and dared not tell my family, maybe I couldn't do this."

Mo Cheng felt a little ashamed.

Thinking, Mo Cheng walked out of the room again.

"Young man, let me tell you, is this against the law?"

The uncle came over and said.

Mo Cheng was taken aback, shook his head and smiled wryly: "Master, what are you thinking, she is my apprentice."

"Your disciple? You look like this, still worrying about making a living, and still being a teacher? What can you teach them? You are just deceiving a little girl who doesn't understand anything, so you are not afraid of being known by other people's family?"

"I think this little girl is dressed gorgeously. I'm afraid she is a nobleman. Be careful that the family will arrest you and buy you to be used as a sandbag for the black market."

The uncle also shook his head and said, with the meaning of education.

After hearing the old man's words, Mo Cheng was not annoyed but laughed instead, and turned to look at the old man: "Don't judge people by their appearance, I am actually very strong."

"Thank you sir, I know where I should go to find a job, I will give you some money as a tip when I come back, haha."

Mo Cheng laughed, left the house, and went out.

"Tch, it's inexplicable."

The uncle let out a disdain, turned around and sat down on the chair: "If you don't give me money tonight, I will really drive you out."

After saying that, Mo Cheng came to the street, he already knew what to do and the money would come soon.

As the uncle said black fist.

Originally, after his strength improved last night, Mo Cheng wanted to go to the Soul Fighting Arena to fight a few matches to get acquainted with his current strength. If he wins, he will get rich, killing two birds with one stone.

But the registration status needs to show the martial soul and soul ring, and test the soul power.

He didn't have any of these three points, so the Soul Fighting Arena probably wouldn't let him in.

But the folk customs of the Star Luo Empire are more sturdy. In addition to the regular fighting arena, there are also black arenas.

The black field can make people feel the excitement of life and death more than the soul fighting field.

There is no limit to killing people in the black field.

It is also illegal because of this, and the name of the black market comes from this.

The black field has not been protected by law, and the scale has always been small, so the strength of the people who come to the black field to fight is not too strong.

This is also the reason why Mo Cheng dared to choose the black market, it is the best choice for him to make money and test his strength.

Chapter 8 Testing Strength

"It should be here."

Mo Cheng looked up at the name of this hotel, and then walked in.

When he was looking for work yesterday, he heard people talking about the black market.

I found it here with my memory.

This is a hotel on the surface, but in fact it is a small dark place on the ground.

"Hello, what can I do for you."

A waiter greeted him immediately.

"Black field."

Mo Cheng said in a low voice.

The waiter paused for a moment, then pointed Mo Cheng to a downward staircase with a smile on his face.

Mo Cheng nodded, thanked him, and walked down the stairs.

In the basement, when two guards saw Mo Cheng, they opened the guarded door.

"Hit, hit, knock him down!"

Oncoming was the noise from inside, Mo Cheng walked in, and the door was closed behind him.

Find an empty seat and sit down.

At this time, there are two soul masters in the ring who are fighting fiercely.

It's not intense to say it's intense.

I saw that the second-ring great soul master holding a battle shield was being beaten passively, while the other was a second-ring great soul master of the agility attack department who was constantly scraping, scratching with a paw.

In Mo Cheng's view, this scene was a bit funny, but he knew that the field should be very dangerous.

Once the defense system soul master fails to guard against it, he is afraid that he will be caught and injured.

Mo Cheng observed carefully, the triple congenital skill brought him not only a breakthrough in the realm, but also strengthened the memory of the five senses a lot.

He was memorizing the fighting methods of these people, after all, he was going to play later.

He doesn't have much combat experience, and if he hasn't prepared himself, he is likely to lose.

Depending on the situation, the outcome of losing may be very bad.

Just like now, suddenly the great soul master of the agility attack system on the field was exhausted due to continuous attacks, and was caught in the neutral position by the defense system soul master, and was sent flying by a soul skill.


Huge shouts erupted from the field.

The soul master of the agility attack department was lying under the ring and vomiting blood.

"I should be able to handle it."

Mo Cheng felt himself.

"Pan Hu wins!"

A referee came to the stage to announce the result.



Some people are happy and some are sad, so naturally there are people who participate in the gambling.

If Mo Cheng had money, Mo Cheng might vote for a few rounds first.

But now, when he was on the stage, the defensive soul master did not choose to step down, and Mo Cheng had almost figured out the opponent's strategy, so it was naturally much better than competing with those who had never met.

"Is there anyone else who wants to challenge Pan Hu on stage!!"

The referee shouted loudly.

"Let me do it."

Mo Cheng stood up slowly.

Someone on the field looked over.

"Such a young man will come to this black arena to fight?"

"It looks so young, I'm afraid it looks like a soul master with one ring."

"Pan Hu can be said to be a titan in this dark field. This young man wants to fight but he doesn't know who to choose?"

Most of them think that Mo Cheng is young and a little overconfident, or that he is crazy.

But Mo Cheng didn't feel anything, and walked straight down to the ring.

"Okay, there is this little brother who is going to challenge Pan Hu for the third game today. I don't know whether Pan Hu will win three consecutive victories or be terminated by this little brother. Let us stay tuned!"

The referee yelled a few times and walked off the stage directly.

He doesn't need to stay on the stage, because the rule of the black game is that until the opponent falls off the stage or admits defeat, life or death does not matter.

"You came here to play gangsters at such a young age? It seems that life forced you to."

Perhaps the defense-type soul master felt a little sympathetic to Mo Cheng when he looked so young, fifteen or sixteen years old.


Mo Cheng did not deny it, because he was indeed forced by life.

"Boy, when you are in the ring, you must know the rules. I will not show mercy to you!"

The defense system soul master laughed, and then directly activated the martial soul, and the shield reappeared in his hand.

Two spirit rings, one white and one yellow, appeared beside him.

Sympathy is sympathy, but this does not prevent him from taking home the one thousand gold soul coins that the winner got after winning three consecutive victories.

"bring it on."

Mo Cheng closed his eyes first, calmed down, and the Tai Chi posture emerged in his mind.

Then there is Tai Chi, open your hands and draw a semicircle.

During the qi training period, he was already able to get the aura out of his body, as if there was an image of the Taiji diagram formed by the gas behind Jian Mocheng.

The defensive soul master found it strange that the opponent had an aura but no martial soul or soul ring.

"Body spirit? Boy, why don't you open the spirit ring?"

The defense department soul master asked.

Mo Cheng didn't answer, just said: "Come on!"

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