It's like pulling flower petals for divination, like and dislike?

She was thinking now, if she just walked step by step, she would reach the last stone brick in the street.

If the left foot is in front, it means "senior brother loves me", and if the right foot is in front at the end of the street, it means "senior brother does not love me".

After dozens of steps, I finally reached the last stone brick of the street and was about to turn.

She stopped and found that her right foot was in front, she curled her lips immediately, and immediately took a small jump on the spot, and put her left foot on the last stone brick to step on it - I can't help it!Brother loves me!

Seeing her actions, Ye Anping was also stunned, what the hell was she doing?

"Junior Sister, what are you doing?"

"..." Pei Lianxue was silent for a while, then raised her head to look at him, and asked, "Does brother love me?"

Why do you ask this all of a sudden?

Ye Anping blinked and said with a smile: "Of course I love you. Brother, but you are the only junior sister, why don't you love me?"

"Hmm..." Pei Lianxue pursed her lips and smiled shyly, nodded, and held Ye Anping's hand tighter, "Hey..."

At this time, Ye Anping paused, suddenly realized, and asked, "Could it be that you saw something you wanted when you were shopping with Xiao Yunluo, so you want your brother to buy it for you?"

"Ah?! No..."

"You have such a temper, you can just say no to the senior brother if you want anything? Is the senior brother an outsider? Tell me, what do you want?"

Pei Lianxue looked at her senior brother's face, was silent for a while, and finally nodded.


When Xiao Yunluo and Xiao Yunluo were shopping in Fangshi before, Xiao Yunluo took her to a clothes shop and wanted to give her clothes, but she refused because the price of the clothes shop was too expensive, only a tulle shawl , you get a thousand spirit stones.

However, in that store, there was an extremely beautiful and immortal red wedding dress on display.

At that time, the proprietress proudly introduced it to her and Xiao Yunluo, saying that there were 81 spirit treasures inlaid on it, whether it was a peak or a plain, after wearing it, all men could not take their eyes off it.

Although she couldn't understand it very well, she really thought it was beautiful, and even fantasized about wearing that wedding dress and paying homage to her senior brother.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Pei Lianxue to tell her brother that if she wants that wedding dress, it will be embarrassing for her brother to not be able to afford it, and it would be too wasteful. Brother, it's fine if you can't look away.

Just now she saw a very cheap ready-made clothing store on the side of the road.

So, after hesitating for a while, Pei Lianxue took the initiative to hold her senior brother's hand, then turned her head and walked back to the door of the tailor shop.



Ye Anping looked at the sign above the clothing store, and blinked blankly.

This is the clothing store where he ordered women's clothing.

Because at that time, he didn't expect to ask Bai Yuexin to help attract customers, so he wanted to pick up customers in women's clothing. After all, a physiotherapy center and a female technician are enough to attract a lot of people to pay.

But then by mistake, Bai Yuexin helped attract customers, and he put the women's clothing business plan on hold.

As for the women's dress, he also remembered that dress when Feng Yudie came to his shop to eat roast chicken the day before yesterday.

Because it is custom-made according to your own body shape, if you give it to the junior sister, the junior sister will probably constrict her chest if she wears it.

And because Feng Yudie was about the same size as him, only a little shorter than him, so he sold the suit to Feng Yudie at a low price of [-]% off, and got back his blood.

When Feng Yudie got it, she liked it quite a bit, and praised him for her good taste...

Just when Ye Anping wanted to find an excuse to choose another clothing store, the proprietress in the store looked at the two of them, and came out to greet them.

"Isn't this the little boy from last time?"

"Huh?" Seeing that the proprietress knew her senior brother, Pei Lianxue tilted her head, and hurriedly pulled her senior brother up, "Madam proprietress, has my senior brother come to buy clothes before?"

"It's so impressive." The proprietress covered her mouth and smiled, "The young master asked me to make a skirt according to his figure when he entered the room."


Pei Lianxue looked at Ye Anping aside in horror, which made him feel embarrassed, and didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

At this time, the proprietress said: "The young master bought it back and gave it away, right? How about it? The clothes I make are not bad, right?"

"...Give it away?"

Pei Lianxue frowned slightly, clothes made according to her senior brother's body shape?give away?

Ye Anping had no choice but to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. He found an extremely bad excuse and changed the subject.

"I just made one to display at home. Okay, junior sister, don't you want clothes? Boss, help me make one that fits me. You can ask my junior sister about the style and color."

"That's great! Sit inside for a while, young master, and I'll take the little girl to measure her body."

Saying that, the proprietress of the clothing store enthusiastically dragged Pei Lianxue to the back room, took out the pool and helped her measure her body.

When the proprietress helped her measure the clothes, she also asked: "Boss, what kind of dress did my senior brother order?"

"Huh? It's emerald green. The style is similar to the clothes I'm wearing now, but the material is better."


Pei Lianxue pursed her lips and nodded.

As for girls who are about the same size as her senior brother, she only knows Feng Yudie.

She went back to check Feng Yudie's closet to make sure!

But... what if it is true?

Giving intimate clothing between opposite sexes is a very intimate act, just like giving handkerchiefs or jade pendants.

Especially if you are not familiar with it.

Isn't senior brother thinking of Miss "Xiyue"?

How could you send clothes to that white-haired second idiot?

What's so good about that idiot? !

... ...

Chapter 54 Unsolicited

When Pei Lianxue followed the proprietress to the back room to measure the clothes, Ye Anping was going to casually look at the ready-made clothes in the shop, but just as Pei Lianxue entered the back room, he felt a killing intent coming from the clothes. Passed across the street from the store.

Ye Anping paused for a moment, then turned to look over vigilantly.

Liang Zhu was wearing a bamboo hat now, and his back was against the wall of a shop across the street. When Ye Anping looked at him, he put the hat on with his hands, gave him a look, and then walked to the side in an alley.

It seemed that this person had followed him and Pei Lianxue all the way, but he had been holding his breath before, so he and Pei Lianxue were completely unaware of being followed.

"at this time……"

Ye Anping sighed softly, and looked in the direction of the room in the clothing store. It took a while for the junior sister to measure the size. After thinking for a while, he followed Liang Zhu's footsteps to the alley.

As for why Liang Zhu came to him suddenly?He did have some eyebrows.

Thinking about it, it's likely that this guy should have secretly investigated his background, and just now he saw him shopping with Pei Lianxue, so he realized that he was cheated by him.

It's not unexpected.

His identity as the "shop owner" has not been done too carefully, there are too many flaws, as long as it is found out that he is the young master of the Bailian Sect, then this false identity will be self-defeating.

After walking into a dark alley from the street, Ye Anping pinched the bridge of his nose, allowing his eyes to gradually adapt to the darkness in the alley, and he could barely see his surroundings.

He walked deep into the alley, and after turning a corner, he also saw the pillars waiting for him here.

Seeing him approaching, Liang Zhu asked directly, "How many feathers does the Golden Crow have?"

This sentence is still the code word of the seven kills, but it is not the code word of the street between "thugs" and "shops", but the code word of the streets between "thugs" and "thugs".

As for the next sentence of the code word...

Ye Anping replied: "One feather is gold, one is silver, and one is five-color feathers, there are three feathers in total."


Seeing that Ye Anping met the thug's code again, Liang Zhu frowned for a while, and became vigilant, and asked bluntly, "Young master of the Bailian sect, where did you know the code words on the streets of the Seven Killing Gate?"

"The young master of the Bailian Sect? It seems that brother Liang went to investigate me secretly."

Hearing that Ye Anping still called himself "Big Brother Liang", Liang Zhu sneered and asked jokingly, "You still call me Big Brother, sixth son."

"After all, it's your job, isn't it?"

A smirk appeared on Ye Anping's face, he held his chin and thought for a while, then asked curiously: "Brother Liang, when did you start to doubt my identity? Could it be that you suspected it at the very beginning?"

"When you met the street code of the shop, although I was surprised, thinking that the owner of the shop here is actually a child, I didn't doubt it. After all, not everyone knows the code."


"It was after we escaped from the back mountain of the Xuanxing Sect..."


"I've thought about it for a long time...whether it's my seven-star suffocating spirit array being easily deciphered, or the death of my second brothers, or your behavior at that time, I finally realized that it is very likely that you have a problem."

"Well, you're right."

"You said earlier that your name was Jiang Ziya, so I looked up the name again, but I didn't even have a hair, but I found a lot of names about Ye Anping."

Having said that, Liang Zhu raised his sword finger.

A flash of spiritual light flashed, and a spiritual sword suddenly appeared on his right hand.

next moment--


There was an empty sound.

The body of the sword was raised, and it was placed directly next to Ye Anping's neck.


Ye Anping glanced at the sword surface reflecting the silver light, but did not make any dodge movements.

"Aren't you hiding?" Liang Zhu narrowed his eyes.

"Brother Liang, since you can think of checking my identity, it means that you are not stupid enough to kill me directly."

"Heh..." Liang Zhu sneered, "Do you know what will happen to the counterfeit Qishamen shop?"

Ye Anping nodded calmly and replied, "In short, he will die."

"Well, that's right." Liang Zhu nodded, "And it was a tragic death. He would be arrested and sent to the Seven Killing Gate, tortured with a wheel and tortured to dismember his body, and finally died on an unknown mountain."

"Ok, I know."

"So?" Liang Zhu narrowed his eyes.

"Brother Liang, do you want to understand why I pretended to be the shop owner of the Seven Kills Sect? And why did I bring you and others into the Xuanxing Sect? And why did I finally bring you out safely from the back mountain of the Xuanxing Sect?"

"……does it matter?"

Ye Anping shrugged his shoulders, and replied with a relaxed face: "If you really want to understand, senior, then you won't put the sword on my neck at all."


Liang Zhu stared at Ye Anping's eyes quietly, then retracted the sword in his hand with some helplessness, and asked with a wry smile, "Tell me."

"I pretended to be the shop owner of the Seven Kills Gate. As a thug of the Seven Kills Gate, it is only natural for you to take my head."


"However, what if I say that the Seven Kills are about to be wiped out?"

"Miemen?" Liang Zhu was slightly shocked.

"Xuan Xingzong now regards the Seven Kills Gate as a thorn in their side, and Grand Elder Lei Wanjun has already started planning to completely eradicate the Seven Kills Gate from the Western Regions."


"You didn't want to kill me to seek revenge for the second brother and the others. You came to take my life simply as a thug of the Seven Kills Sect. Now that the Seven Kills Sect has become the sworn enemy of the Xuanxing Sect, do you want to keep me?" Is it in the Seven Kills Gate?"

"..." Liang Zhu frowned and narrowed his eyes, "Are you a disciple of Xuanxing Sect?"


"No? Then why do you know...that's all..." Liang Zhu shook his head and retorted, "The location of the Tianji Fortress of the Seven Kills Gate is a top secret. I have stayed in the Seven Kills Gate for more than 40 years and have never entered. Even if it is It is definitely not an easy task for the Xuanxing Sect to completely eradicate the Seven Kills..."

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