The assailant wearing a strange mask used a strange magic -

The most conventional magical elements such as wind, fire, water, and earth are mixed with the power of faith in red and black.

This makes the magic they release have the destructive power of basic elemental attributes, as well as the weirdness of evil magic.

Uncertain, breathtaking!

The corrosive and penetrating magical elements on it are the source of its killing intent!

"Your Highness!!"

One second he was acting like a baby with Wei Lisi, and the next moment such a change happened.

Lu Yu looked at the place shrouded in magic flames and thick smoke, she ran out a few short steps, but separated herself from her lover!

Because it was a date, I didn't wear the rune metal ring I made myself.

But under the crisis, Lu Yu still used the magic power in his body to activate the runes in an instant.

The dazzling golden light turned into a sharp blade, but Lu Yu couldn't aim.

In the chaos, colorful magic kept intertwining, colliding, and exploding in the air that dispersed the fire mist!

One after another, the figures came and went and staggered.

All around, there are messy noises and fleeing everywhere.

The moans and roars from the chaotic crowd interfered with Lu Yu's judgment.

"Get out! Get out of my way!"

"No, don't... my child, my child..."

"Mommy mommy!"

"Don't go there, it's dangerous over there!"

As far as the eye can see, there are civilians fleeing in a panic, as well as those who fell to the ground and begged for help...

Lu Yu gritted her teeth, stepped on her feet, and rushed directly in the direction of Wei Lisi.

It's hard to aim at a distance, so let her get close!

The next moment, a figure flew upside down and almost hit Lu Yu.

The ready-to-go attack in his hand was subconsciously thrown out, directly splitting the man in half!

While the blood mist was spraying, Lu Yu screamed and jumped to the side.

Another dead man who had been hacked into pieces fell to the ground, covered in blood.

When I looked again, I saw Wei Lisi walking out of the fire fog like a god of war.

Holding the throat of an attacker in her hands, her eyes were full of cold and inexplicable expressions.

While she was strangling her throat, the man kept trying to break Wei Lisi's tightly pinched fingers with both hands.



A fireball at almost zero distance directly exploded his head!

Because of the explosive power, all the flesh and blood went in the opposite direction to Wei Lisi.

In that scene, Wei Lisi, who was as cold and powerful as a killing god, made Lu Yu stunned.

Even a hazy sense of distance appeared between the two.

With fluttering red hair, her slender, straight and perfect body stood on the battlefield where magic stardust was flying.

Strong, confident, and look down on the world.

Is such a young girl really her Highness, is she really the lover she acted like a baby just now?

"A group of idiots, looking for me for a close-up magic battle?"

With a disdainful sneer, Wei Lisi kicked a spear scattered on the ground into her hand.

She stabbed back lightly, a person who was burning with golden flames, was dying but still picked up the long knife in his hand and wanted to stab Willis back...


The spear pierced through his abdomen, and the long knife in his hand was also stained with golden flames.


The fallen flame man also became a scorched corpse.

At the same time, Wei Lisi sighed, her aura disappeared, and she looked at Lu Yu with a little worry.

"Are you okay?"

"Uh, no... nothing... How are you doing, Your Highness?" Lu Yu asked blankly.

In the next second, she saw Wei Lisi raised her hand, and a blasting flame missile and an ice flame missile became bigger and bigger from left to right.

When she raised her head and threw it at Deer Yu, she had already become the size of two wagon wheels.


At the moment of being locked, Lu Yu only felt cold all over.

She didn't even form the idea of ​​[why did she want to kill me] in her mind, and the two magic missiles passed directly by her left and right ears.

One is extremely hot and the other is extremely cold.

The two magic missiles with different attributes brought intense fear of death to the body, but that feeling didn't give birth too much.

boom! ! !


The three attackers who used magic to hide in the shadows were directly blown to pieces.

One of them survived the first time, and fell to the ground with only the body above the abdomen.

After being dull for two seconds, the severe pain made him scream.

When Lu Yu looked back blankly, the man was one meter behind her.

Very close!

And she didn't notice it beforehand!


Before she finished speaking, Wei Lisi came over and pulled her into her arms.

In the peaceful and strong embrace, it seems that there is still the smell that belongs to her after the previous war.

Lu Yu looked up at Wei Lisi like a wooden man, but her murderous eyes were vigilant about her surroundings.

Only then did she realize that there were more than a dozen assailants wearing strange masks coming around!

And the person in the lead was extremely strong, with a giant sword two palms wide in his hand exuding terrifying power.

"Sword... sword, sword master!?"

Lu Yu widened her eyes and swallowed, just when she thought she was going to be here with Wei Lisi today.

Someone who surprised her even more appeared...

"His Royal Highness, Your Highness!"

At some point, Xixia was already standing at the intersection and waved anxiously at them.

Behind the girl with pink curly hair, densely packed guard soldiers and city defense troops formed an encirclement circle to encircle and suppress her.

The dozen or so attackers were also taken aback for a moment, not understanding what the situation was at all.

The leading swordsman even took a step back in disbelief, staring fixedly at Wei Lisi.

"Oh? It's only too late to be fooled now, isn't it?"

Wei Lisi hugged Lu Yu and said words that made her completely unaware of the situation.

"When you attacked Froman outside the city, you should count clearly. How many of you died and how many of you were captured alive?"

"For example, those traitors who are being locked in the dungeon of the hotel, the living victims of the attackers at the banquet on November 11th... and so on."

"If you haven't found their suicide bodies, you should understand that if you continue to do this kind of assassination now, you will die."

"Or, you can't wait for me to be alone outside the city, so you have to do it here?"

Faced with Wei Lisi's mocking inquiry, even though the leading swordsman was wearing a mask, people could feel that the aura around him was changing with the changes of resentment, hatred, regret and other emotions.

Xixia led the guards and took the lead in setting up archers at various intersections.

The hand crossbows they supplemented were all in the carriage that Xixia saw Xixia transported by Xixia just now—the compensation materials from the Moliluoka Empire sent from Balakorian Fort to Huka City last night——

That is, military supplies.

"After what happened before, will you still be alone outside the city?"

The leading swordsman took a deep breath, and retorted Wei Lisi with a sarcasm in his self-deprecation.

"In order to kill you, the city is the best choice!"

"The glory of the Moli Luoka Empire will be recast from the moment you die!"

Raising the epee in his hand horizontally, the sword master and a dozen other attackers who were surrounded already had the will to die.

At the same time, Chris, who was slowly following Xi Xia, was still cursing.

"F*ck's Wei Lisi, and Xieryou! I know how to order my old lady, so I didn't give you the water of the holy tree...***,***!"

"What do you look at, hurry up and evacuate the people, organize healers to reduce casualties, if someone dies, I will be the first to live~ I will kill you!"

The surrounding sergeants immediately began to block the streets in silence to appease the people.

This aunt is not easy to mess with.


Adorable God Contest (wronged Baba)

I want a monthly ticket, meow (weeping and fainting)

Volume 89#Chapter [-] Spider Web

How destructive can a sword master cause?

How powerful is a swordsman who, with the mentality of mortalism, urges and burns his life and sword energy with all his strength?

The answer is yes.

Just look at the houses and grounds where half the street was destroyed.

There are deep trenches and gullies caused by terrifying sword energy everywhere!

Many houses collapsed and burned during the attack.

Facing the dense rain of arrows and magic missiles, even if everyone else died, the captured ones were captured...

That sword master is still persisting!

Its tenacity and staying power are jaw-dropping.

But he was only one after all.

A trapped beast.

No matter how powerful they are, they can cut half a street into ashes, even dig three feet into the ground, and plow out the soil that has not seen the sun for many years...

Still to no avail.

"Different from them, are they the avengers from Moli Luoka?"

"It's ridiculous..."

"In the carriage that I sent people to transport, are the compensation materials provided by your Moli Luoka Empire not long ago."

"Do you think it's ironic? Things from your own country have finally become a sharp sword to bury you."

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