Yu Tianxin also said casually: "What if I don't help that Pope?"

The woman said indifferently, "Then this is the last time I will be your woman."

Yu Tianxin was speechless again: "You are a threat, but it really works for me. Didn't you realize that the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has already voted for the Wuhun Palace? Even my grandfather is going to participate in the re-election meeting of the Seventh Sect. "

The woman said lazily and calmly: "Of course I know, I just want to get a positive answer from you, so that I can really feel at ease. I want you to promise to spare no effort to help the Pope for me, otherwise today will be the last time I will be you woman."

Yu Tianxin also nodded without hesitation and said: "Well, well, your threat is effective, I promise you, from now on, I will spare no effort to help that Pope."

Finally the woman nodded lazily and satisfied, "Including her closest relatives, Hu Liena, and Qian Renxue, although they are rare geniuses, I know they are still far behind you.

I also want you to promise me to protect the safety of the two of them. I am afraid that you are the only one in this world who can really do it. "

Yu Tianxin also deliberately hesitated for a moment, and at the same time couldn't help wondering, what is the relationship between this mysterious woman who inexplicably became his own woman, and that Bibi Dong?That Bibi Dong's twin sister?

Yu Tian nodded calmly and said: "Yes, I promise you, I will always protect the safety of the two of them, including the Pope. In case of accidents, I will always give priority to their safety."

Finally the woman was really satisfied and couldn't help but lazily said softly: "Well, this time I come here, I can accompany you for a few days, and then I have to leave. Tell me, Your Majesty the Pope, what are you doing to her?" Feel?"

Yu Tianxin felt inexplicably tense, and said directly: "It's hard to answer your question. I have to know your relationship first. What if I say she is good and you are jealous? What should I do if I say she is not good? It's obviously not okay. How do you want me to answer."

She didn't want the woman but said calmly: "I'm not jealous, just say what you think, I just want to hear how she feels in your heart."

Yu Tianxin couldn't help being entangled and hesitant. This mature and superbly beautiful Yujie is not easy to fool. She knew what was thinking in her heart before she opened her mouth. guessed.

So he was tangled in his heart for a moment, and Yu Tianxin organized his words carefully and said: "Sexy."

sexy?Obviously the woman couldn't help being startled, and while letting Yu Tianxin take advantage of it, she also reacted without jealousy, and asked again: "And then?"

Sexy is a feeling that is full of attractiveness to the opposite sex, such as figure, clothing, appearance, conversation, language, expression, posture, temperament, charm and wisdom.

Yu Tianxin also continued to be cautious: "It's very sexy."

The woman continued to ask: "And then."

Yu Tianxin still replied cautiously: "Very sexy."

Finally, the woman couldn't help but Bai Yutian took a glance and said, "You only know this one word?"

Yu Tianxin also smiled and said, "Because only this word is suitable."

The woman seemed satisfied, but also seemed dissatisfied and calmly said: "Well, maybe she is indeed like what you said, I just didn't expect that other things about her also make you feel sexy?"

Yu Tianxin couldn't help it with his big hands: "Can we not say that the Pope is crowned, you are not her."

The woman was more curious and said: "I'm just curious, other things are fine, her coldness of speaking, her decisive coldness, and her high status makes people dare not look directly at her, you will find it sexy You guys are really different, I thought no one likes her.

By the way, you should also go to the re-election meeting of the Seven Great Schools hosted by Wuhundian. Of course, you don't need to show up, you just need to go, because I will be there then.Besides, your grandfather, Long Yu Yuanzhen, has also decided to participate. "

Yu Tian thought for a moment and nodded directly: "Well, yes, anyway, I have nothing to do, so I will take a look at it then. Where will you be then? Tell me where you are, so I can go and stand by your side."

The woman lazily said: "I can see you, but you can't see me. Anyway, you can go, you are not allowed not to go. Besides, there is nothing going on in the mainland for the time being, so you can just watch it."

The extremely beautiful and indifferent woman stayed for a few days, and then left again.

In the blink of an eye, time passed, and when Yu Tianxin appeared in Wuhun City, ready to watch the next re-election meeting of the Seven Great Sects, the famous Shrek Seven Devils finally met Bo Saixi and the guardian Douluo of the Seven Sacred Pillars. Looking forward to it, he appeared in front of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar.

Chapter 184 Tang San's Real Invisible Aptitude, Nine Trials with Sea God!

Sea God Island.

In front of the Seahorse Pillar.

Seahorse Douluo looked at the seven people in front of him, a disgusting blond boy with a fair face, a middle-parted sissy face, a greasy red-haired fat guy, and another wretched kid who looked around.

Another ordinary catwoman, a little girl with squinting eyes, is just a beautiful child who seems to have a radiant body, with a melancholy temperament and hip-length hair, she is not an ordinary woman just by her temperament. Mixed with such a group of people?

Seahorse Douluo also couldn't help being curious and puzzled in his calm and calm mind: "The situation in the mainland is about to change, and the few people brought by the number one priest of my Sea God Island who were ordered by the high priest to keep it secret just left, but seven people came again, and look at the seven people." The collocation, when it is not a serious person, there is only one girl.

Could it be that the current villain on the mainland, Tang Sanpao, is on the side?Shall I report to the great priest first?Forget it, and wait until later to see, and then report the big offering. '

Seahorse Douluo remained calm and curious.

The blond-haired boy couldn't help but introduce a few people: "Senior, among us, Rongrong was born in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Xiaosan, born in Haotian School.

Zhu Qing and I were born in the royal family of the Star Luo Empire.

Xiangxiang is a disciple of Minzhi Clan.

And Xiao Ao and Fatty are free soul masters. "

Seahorse Douluo couldn't help being curious and secretly said: "Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?Haotianzong?Isn't it the second of the three sects on the mainland?I heard that some time ago, two of the last three sects performed an oboe, but they capsized in the gutter.

Sure enough, it was the villain on the mainland at this time, the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, who was also supported by the Clear Sky School?The Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire are old enemies, the Haotian School supports the Star Luo Empire, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School supports the Heaven Dou Empire.

However, at this time, disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School and the Clear Sky School unexpectedly appeared together, and it seemed as expected, as the rumors said, the Heaven Dou Empire, the Star Luo Empire, the Clear Sky School, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School had formed a faction. Prepare to change the pattern of the continent.

These people, the Sen family have never heard of them, why do they look familiar? '

So calmly, Seahorse Douluo couldn't help asking curiously: "Since you have different backgrounds and come from all over the world, why are you able to get together?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, the sissy young man in blue clothes took a step forward, smiled confidently and spread his hands together: "Because we are all students of Shrek Academy."

Shrek Academy?

Seahorse Douluo couldn't help being 'shocked', and blurted out: "Are you from 'Shrek Academy'?"

Except for Ning Rongrong's own belongings, the next few people couldn't help but raise their chests.

The sissy who was still splitting her hair couldn't help but said slightly excitedly: "Senior, have you heard of our Shrek Academy?"

Seeing that Seahorse Douluo was even more shocked when he heard that, he couldn't help but look at them, nodded and said: "Of course I've heard of the name of Shrek Academy, I didn't expect you to come from Shrek Academy, it's rumored that Shrek Academy The academy accepts only talented students, it seems that you..."

In an instant, before the words fell, several people couldn't help being excited.

But what Seahorse Douluo thought immediately in his mind was: "Moreover, he lives exclusively by cheating ordinary soul masters of their registration fees. When he spends money to register, he doesn't mention the requirements for admission to the academy. When he enrolls, he cancels them all one by one. Registration fee is non-refundable.Many ordinary families were cheated by Shrek Academy just like this, after saving their income for a year.

Shrek Academy, I never thought it would be...'

As a result, his mind was spinning, and Seahorse Douluo suddenly thought of something and was shocked again: "You guys, you can't be the famous Shrek Seven Monsters, right?"

Several people couldn't help being excited again after hearing it.

Dai Mubai and Tang Sangeng spoke excitedly together.

Tang San was excited: "Senior also knows the names of our Shrek Seven Monsters."

Dai Mubai lifted his spirits: "We are the Seven Shrek Monsters, I am Dai Mubai, the prince of the Star Luo Empire, and this is Tang San, the soul figure of our Seven Monsters, the control system soul master, and this is the daughter of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Ning Rongrong..."

Dai Mubai introduced them one by one again.

Seahorse Douluo couldn't help but nodded again in shock and said secretly: "The Seven Shrek Monsters, the famous Shrek Seven Monsters in mainland legends, actually came to Sea God Island to accept the test?"Would they want to serve the Sea God?This defeated them and won the championship of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition. They came just after my number one priest of Sea God Island left.

They turned out to be, that insidious and despicable Shrek beggar?It is impossible for them to stay on Sea God Island to serve Lord Sea God, so I have to report to the great priest in advance. '

So Seahorse Douluo nodded: "Of course I've heard that the names of the Shrek Seven Monsters had already been passed on to my Sea God Island in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition a few years ago. It's just that the appearance of Tang San among you is not the same as yours." The rumors are a bit different, so my Sea God Island disciples didn't recognize you."

Dai Mubai also immediately said excitedly again: "Senior, the rumors cannot be completely trusted, I believe there must be many rumors that slander our image, the real facts are different from the rumors, I hope that senior will not be prejudiced against us because of the rumors .”

Seahorse Douluo nodded, and continued to calmly say: "Well, of course I won't believe any rumors, here I just want to ask you one thing in advance: You have come to Sea God Island to accept the test, and you are ready to stay and serve Lord Sea God ?"

Tang San immediately took a step forward and said firmly to Yue Buqun: "Senior, we naturally came here after being prepared, please set the test questions for us!"

Seahorse Douluo continued to nod, but secretly said in his heart: "It is rumored that Tang San's words are the most unbelievable, and he can be said to be the best acting skill in the mainland, especially in the Tiandou Great Soul Arena, in front of Wanhong's attention. , You can open your eyes and talk nonsense, and refuse to admit what you have done, if I believe you. '

So when he opened his mouth, his eyes sparkled and he said: "So, you are all planning to stay on Sea God Island?"

Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar simultaneously puffed out their chests and said: "Not bad! Senior, we are all here to accept the test, and after passing, we are going to stay in Seagod Island to serve Lord Seagod."

Sea God Douluo nodded again, but at the same time, he said via voice transmission: "The great priest, someone has come to accept the test, and he is also a soul master on the mainland. It is rumored that he was defeated by the number one priest of Sea God Island." The Seven Shrek Monsters under Tianxin.

They claimed that they were going to stay on Sea God Island to serve Lord Sea God, but their subordinates didn't believe it. Please give instructions from the high priest, how should the subordinates deal with them? '

In the Sea God Temple in the distance.

Bo Saixi couldn't help but slowly opened her beautiful eyes, and her powerful spiritual power appeared in front of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar at once, but she couldn't help but sighed in surprise and said inwardly: "Yu Tianxin, although you are destined to be with me, you came to Sea God The island is looking for me, but with your peerless genius, it is impossible not to meet other women when you are on the mainland... That beautiful and melancholy girl has your aura on her body.

But you sent another person for me to take care of. We already have a tacit understanding between the two of us. Are you not afraid that I will be jealous?Or do you think that as a Poseidon Douluo, I can't bear to be jealous of a little girl? '

Of course, Mental Power nodded again and said, "Well, let's wait until we see their test questions. We try not to participate in the changes on the mainland, even if they come from the Haotian School, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, or even the Star Luo Empire It's here to take advantage of Lord Seagod. '

Obviously came to participate in the test, only wanted to get the benefits and rewards of Sea God Island, but lied that he would not stay to serve Sea God at all, wanted to get 'help' from Sea God Island, and then deal with Spirit Hall?Pull Sea God Island into the water?At least Seahorse Douluo thinks so.

Otherwise, if Sea God Island helped the Shrek Seven Monsters improve their strength, wouldn't it be helping one side to deal with the other?Are the changes in this continent really going to affect Sea God Island?Can Sea God Island not escape this upheaval?Of course, everything is still up to the big worship.

Obviously, Seahorse Douluo and the others felt that the great priest was closer to him, as if they were relatives, while the Seagod was a bit lofty and illusory, and more of them were just in awe of absolute strength.

Then on the surface, Dai Mubai was still the first to step forward and stretch out a hand respectfully: "Senior, please start Lord Seagod's test on me."

Seahorse Douluo nodded calmly and said, "En!"

Then with one hand grabbing towards the sky, the sky above the Seahorse Sacred Pillar was immediately covered with dark clouds, as if the whole world was spinning around the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, and then under lightning and thunder, a beam of light descended to envelop Dai Mubai.

Then an energy card was condensed in the sky in an instant and fell.

But Yu Tianxin couldn't help being curious, this time it doesn't count as the fairy grass bonus, under the divine power to see the original aptitude, also without the beautification and strengthening of the Earth Douluo Continent, can Dai Mubai still get the black level six Test?

As for the Black Level Six Trials of Graphite Stone Mill and Leidong Leitian, it is obviously the divine power of the Sea God, and it is impossible to see through the aptitude of these people to advance under the power of the Chaos Domain, because it is an innate advancement in itself, which is equivalent to a Qualifications from birth.

But the real test question right now has nothing to do with the acquired strength and the opportunity obtained!And no one can hide from the test of divine power, so what test will Tang San get?Similarly, will Dai Mubai still be in the sixth test of the black level?

However, Yu Tianxin was not interested in staying and watching, because no matter how many people were black-level or how many exams, they were destined to only look up to themselves in this life, and they would only look up to themselves forever.

Seahorse Douluo glanced at it and nodded calmly, but this time he didn't open his mouth to explain, he just couldn't help but think to himself: "Didn't you say that Shrek Academy accepts students only for geniuses?"Can the aptitude of this Purple Level Second Examination be called a genius?

This Dai Mubai's ability to enter Shrek Academy should be due to the Star Luo Empire's royal family's martial soul, then the Shrek Academy's teacher is not a fool, wouldn't he know that his martial soul is the exclusive martial soul of the Star Luo Empire's royal family? '

But on the surface, he just nodded and didn't open his mouth to introduce the second purple-level test.

But Yu Tianxin knows that Shrek Academy only accepts students based on qualifications?Ning Fengzhi said he wanted to send the disciples to Shrek Academy, and Flender and Yu Xiaogang agreed to accept them without even thinking about it. Could it be that the disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School that Ning Fengzhi sent to Shrek Academy are all the same as the Shrek Seven Monsters? genius?

Apparently, Shrek Academy never recruited students only for geniuses, but mainly for their status, and secondly for their aptitude and talent.

But Tang San, who didn't want to split his head, went up to Yue Buqun respectfully and said: "Dare to ask senior, what is the meaning of this purple-level second exam?"

Although Seahorse Douluo was not prepared to explain, he still explained lightly: "The test of Lord Seagod is to detect the original aptitude through the detection of the divine power of the Lord Seagod, and then to detect the difference in potential according to the individual's different aptitudes, and automatically lower the different abilities." grade assessment.

From low to high, they are white level one test, yellow level one test, purple level one to three tests, black level four to six tests, and red top level test.Pass the white, yellow and purple-level assessment, and you will be able to become island guardian soul masters of the corresponding level in Seagod Island. Then you can stay on Seagod Island and serve Lord Seagod as you wish.

As for the black-level assessment, it corresponds to the strength and status of the guardian of the Seven Sacred Pillars of Sea God Island, just like the status of a Titled Douluo like me.

As for the final red top-level assessment, it corresponds to the successor of the Sea God's Grand Priest. "

The voice fell instantly, Dai Mubai was slightly lost, and several people couldn't help but excitedly look forward to it.

In Tang San's heart, he said calmly and nervously: "Divine power sees the original aptitude?"My aptitude is the Xuantian Kungfu of another world, and I have only cultivated to the innate fullness of soul power. Things that do not belong to this world are impossible to detect even with divine power!

What's more, I am still the natural king of this world, and I have two top-level martial spirits, and I am also recognized as the master by the artifact of the artifact, the vast sea and the universe, it is absolutely impossible to be inferior!Maybe, I will be the top red and the highest assessment. '

Thinking about it calmly, Tang San couldn't help being excited and looked forward to it, obviously the only one who didn't look forward to it casually was Ning Rongrong, and this time there were not many congratulations.

Obviously, the Earth Douluo Continent here has processed and beautified the Shrek Seven Monsters, directly changing Dai Mubai's purple-level second test to a black-level sixth test for beautification, and directly changed the lower test questions. according to.

Immediately after the seven people got excited, only Ning Rongrong was one step behind, but said in unison again: "Please, Lord Sea God, give us a test!"

Seahorse Douluo nodded calmly and said: "Well, since that's the case, then you will accept the test of Lord Seagod together later, and see what tests you can all get."

However, as soon as the words fell, Tang San, who split his head in the middle, said in a blunt way: "Senior, wait a minute, I will be the last to accept the test."

Seahorse Douluo glanced at Tang San, and couldn't help but think inwardly: "This Tang Sanpao who had plastic surgery is really just like the legend, he thinks he is the protagonist, and he has to be the last one on purpose in order to get it." More brilliance and more attention, but in the end...every time, it backfires and gets slapped in the face.

I heard that in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition, he was the last one to release the soul ring every time. The captain Dai Mubai was the first to accept the test questions. As the vice-captain, shouldn't he be the second?He had to be the last one to wait for everyone's attention.

That’s right, I’m also curious. It seems that there are rumors that it is not really full of soul power innately. This time, under the test of divine power, it will be invisible. Let’s see what level it can get Assessment?Still waiting for the last one. '

So he thought about it, and Seahorse Douluo grabbed the sky with one hand again, and immediately the sky over the Seahorse Sacred Pillar was filled with dark clouds, all revolving around the Seahorse Sacred Master.But this time, five tunnels appeared at the same time, and then five divine lights descended from the sky at the same time, as if the Sea God was really examining the people himself.

Chapter 185 Poseidon assessment, Tang San: My aptitude is the worst?

However, the first one to condense the card and drop it was not Bai Chenxiang with the worst aptitude this time, but Zhu Zhuqing who was with Dai Mubai!First of all, as a ray of purple light descended, a purple-level test card also condensed and fell.

The immortal grass that was obviously absorbed does not count, and the acquired strength does not count in the aptitude, Zhu Zhuqing is not the same as the beautification and enhancement in the Earth Douluo Continent, what kind of black level five test is lowered.

But with Dai Mubai's Purple Level Second Examination appearing first, he is only one level lower than Dai Mubai, although it's not good, it's not the worst either, so it's within the acceptable range.

No congratulations, no excitement, just the expectations of the few remaining people.

Then what was condensed again was not Ma Hongjun and Oscar together, but Ma Hongjun unexpectedly condensed a purple-level three-test card, and Ma Hongjun's aptitude was unexpectedly higher than Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

In an instant, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help casting slightly envious glances, but they were not in a hurry to congratulate, because there were still cards for Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Bai Chenxiang that hadn't been dropped yet.

Then, under the anticipation of several people, a black card was finally condensed, and a black light beam fell from the sky. Oscar, who was born full of soul power, turned out to be the second test of the black level!Although it still doesn't correspond to the status of the guardian of the Seven Sacred Pillars, at least it's a black-level assessment, and finally a few people can't help feeling complicated emotions.

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