Bai Chenxiang also continued: "Sea God has the power to control everything in the sea. As the inheritor of Sea God, the new generation of Sea God, you must always remember that you must not insult the dignity of Sea God, and you must spread Sea God's divine light on the sea. Every corner of the sea, use your divine power to assist your people. Don't let any foreign enemies invade."

Tang San clenched his teeth and said firmly: "Yes, I will definitely do it!"

Immediately after.

With narrowed eyes, Bai Chenxiang's reluctant and excited voice shouted again: "The Sea God's Nine Trials, the Ninth Trial, Sea God's Inheritance, start!"

Suddenly the golden light shone, the rich light completely enveloped Tang San and Bai Chenxiang's bodies, and also thirteen golden lights descended from the sky, forming thirteen groups of golden flames around the hexagram.

A huge golden phantom slowly emerged from behind Bai Chenxiang, this figure Tang San was all too familiar with!It was the sea god who had saved his life and taught him divine skills!

It's just that the phantom of the Seagod that appeared behind Bai Chenxiang was much clearer than what Tang San had seen before.Although he still couldn't see his face clearly, he could see that he was wearing a set of gorgeous golden armor.

Then Bai Chenxiang's body started to burn.

Tang San wasn't sad, but just surprised that he couldn't react for a while, subconsciously asked in doubt: "Xiangxiang, you?"

Immediately after.

Bai Chenxiang's reluctant figure was burned to ashes.

Chapter 261 The Mysterious Angel Goddess, and Sea God's Curiosity to Douluo Continent

[Trigger mission: Angel Temple saves Qian Renxue...]

At the same time, Yu Tianxin couldn't help but wonder, what is the current state of Qian Renxue's inheritance of angel gods?

I don't want the system to trigger the task again, is it finally time to judge Qian Daoliu?So Yu Tianxin couldn't help being curious, and left immediately again.

Since Qian Renxue has long since become her own woman, even if she didn't take the initiative, she will still be responsible to the end!

As for the unsolvable problems, it is obvious that there is no need to solve them by yourself, but any normal man, who can resist the Queen's temptation?It just so happened that he was a normal man, and he didn't know the relationship between the two at the beginning.

So the Temple of Angels.

Almost instantly, Yu Tianxin's figure flashed over.

I saw that there seemed to be an altar above the nine heavens, under a statue of an angel, the unlucky great priest Qian Daoliu was hanging, waiting for the trial of the new angel god Qian Renxue.

As for Qian Renxue, even though she has not yet become an angel god, the golden six-winged holy light behind her is still more beautiful than before!At the same time, it also restored the appearance in the Tiandou Palace, when he accompanied Yu Tianxin all night.

It can be said that the skin is better than snow, elegant and noble, holy and lofty, with a stunning face, an extremely alluring figure, especially the naked Yu Tianxin who has tasted the beauty.

So when I saw it again, while feeling a little unbearable in my heart, Yu Tianxin couldn't help but the desire in his heart was triggered at once, especially thinking of the scene in Tiandou Palace last time.

But at the same time, Yu Tianxin remained awake, knowing that this was the Temple of Angels, and that Qian Renxue was able to talk to that Angel Goddess here!Then when I am an outsider, that angel goddess should also be aware of it.

So Yu Tianxin did not act rashly, but first observed the surroundings of the Angel Temple.

I saw the unlucky Qian Daoliu drooping his head, as if the prisoner waiting to be executed hadn't noticed anything at all.

On the central altar, there was only Qian Renxue alone, beautiful and noble, holy and painful, Shengxue's skin, and an extremely alluring figure. Extricate yourself.

Qian Renxue also felt it instantly, and couldn't help turning her head to look at Yu Tianxin. Every move and every move stirred up the most primitive desire in Yu Tianxin's heart, and she could hardly extricate herself, saying: "Tianxin, I am in so much pain, I don't want to become a god."

Qian Renxue flew directly to Yu Tianxin, and rushed into Yu Tianxin's arms. In an instant, the figures of the two were also shrouded in golden light, as if they appeared in another dimension, and they could no longer see the altar of the Angel Temple outside.

At the same time, Qian Renxue's seductive voice, which Yu Tianxin couldn't resist, also said softly: "Tianxin, want me."

Immediately afterwards, even Yu Tianxin was not sober, Qian Renxue was naked in the blink of an eye, Yu Tianxin could no longer hold back the desire in his heart, and looked at the extremely seductive body of Shengxue's skin in front of him.

Then there was an indescribable scene.

And at the same time that the two bodies were fused into one, Yu Tianxin fell into the most primitive desire and couldn't help it. Unknowingly, the angel goddess of Qian Renxue's martial soul also slowly opened her beautiful eyes.Then, with a completely different expression from Qian Renxue, she also began to absorb the power of Yu Tianxin's Wuhun Qinglian who created the world with the help of double cultivation without any trace.

And every time one point is absorbed, the body of the Wuhun Angel Goddess will also condense a little bit, or Yu Tianxin is not tasting the beauty of Qian Renxue alone, but also mentally tasting the beauty of the Angel Goddess, but Yu Tianxin has already It is without any awareness.

a long time passed.

On the altar in the center of the Angel Temple, there was only a dazzling golden light. Qian Daoliu, who seemed to be unconscious, slowly raised his head, and looked at the Angel Temple in front of him, but the granddaughter Qian Renxue who was going to judge him was no longer there. .

Blink over time.

In front of Jialing Pass.

The Tiandou army is still guarding the Lima Plain.

Jialing Pass also remained peaceful.

In the god-given domain in front of Jialing Pass, the soul masters of the Wuhun Empire are also practicing in seclusion, waiting for a storm to come.

A ray of divine light still soared into the sky, forming a huge vortex in the sky, with golden light hidden inside, as if it also indicated that a stormy battle of gods was coming.

The only thing that was not peaceful was Sea God Island, which was far away from Jialing Pass.

On Sea God Island, all the sea soul masters were also discussing in their hearts, and couldn't help but look forward to the birth of a new Lord Sea God.

But this new Lord Seagod, who is also called Tang San Pao on the mainland, is a well-known hypocritical, sinister, despicable and shameless person, with poisonous hidden weapons everywhere.

And he was crowned by the holy king of the Wuhun Empire. It is said that he has slapped him more than 100 times, and he has never had any accidents!Every time he went to the Holy King Mian of the Wuhun Empire first to pretend to be aggressive, and every time he was slapped and slapped and flew out.

Then not only was one arm cut off, but also at the Jialing Pass of the Spirit Empire, he was played like a dog by the Holy King, and was even beaten into shit. How could Lord Sea God choose such an heir?

Moreover, this insidious and despicable Tang Sanpao was still at war with the Spirit Empire. He became the new Lord Seagod, wouldn't he also bring Seagod Island into the chaos of the Douluo Continent?

From this day on, the peace of Sea God Island will no longer exist?

Inside the real Sea God Temple.

Tang San was also holding the Seagod Trident with one hand, because there was only one hand left, he bowed to the palace gate in front of him and shouted: "Respected Lord Seagod, Tang San has come to accept your inheritance."

Immediately, a majestic and pretentious voice also sounded: "You have lost the heart of the sea god, do you still want to pass on my power?"

Tang San explained neither humble nor overbearing: "Yes, I lost the Seagod's Heart. It was the Seagod's Heart that chose me, but I failed to protect it. However, I still want to come here to inherit your power.

I need your power to protect my relatives and friends, and I also need your power to avenge the broken heart of Sea God.Please give me a chance, I am willing to accept the punishment for breaking the Seagod's heart. "

Majestic voice: "If that's the case, then come in."

The heavy and solemn door of the Sea God Temple opened.

Tang San also slowly stepped into the real Seagod Hall.

In the main hall, there are 36 huge pillars on both sides supporting the roof of the main hall, and a 300-meter-wide passage in the center leads to the innermost side.At the end of the passage, there is a huge chair, and there is a person sitting on that chair, no, it should be said to be a giant.

A giant with a three-pronged ring on his head and a water-blue gemstone inlaid in the center of the ring. His face is simple, not handsome, but extremely majestic.Or to put it another way, it's very pretentious.

Tang San also stepped forward and saluted: "Hi, respected Lord Sea God. I really didn't expect that this inheritance ceremony was actually presided over by you personally."

Poseidon looked at Tang San majesticly, "Why don't you worship me when you see me?"

While speaking, he couldn't help but look at Tang San's empty right arm in surprise.

Tang San continued to say neither humble nor overbearing: "I'm just your inheritor, but not your servant, why should I worship?"

When the heir saw the decedent, he didn't have to worship, and he said that he was so upright and shameless, so the inheritor didn't have to worship?The juniors who inherited the position of suzerain from a sect don't need to pay homage to the old suzerain?

I didn't want Sea God to hear it but laughed, stood up directly and said: "Very well, as my heir, you should have this kind of 'arrogance'. Do you regret Bai Chenxiang's sacrifice? But don't worry, she just replied into my arms.

I can feel her feelings for you, so I saved her soul for you, and then, guided by my power, go to another world.After the death of all gods, the soul will go to that world.

Yes, God's life is also limited, but compared with human beings, it is much longer.When a god dies, the soul of the god does not dissipate like a human being, but turns into a god soul.

The soul will not stay in the human world, it can only stay for a few years at most, but the soul itself has to enter another dimension, and must enter another dimension.

That world, you can understand it as the God Realm.The passage between the God Realm and the Human Realm is one-way, only the soul can enter the God Realm, and it is impossible for humans to enter it, and it is impossible for the soul to leave there.

I am very satisfied with your performance, but can I ask, how did you lose your right arm in the world? "

Obviously, the sea god and the spiritual sense left in the Douluo Continent are not interoperable, and I can't help but wonder how the heir chosen by my spiritual sense is one-armed?After arriving in the God Realm, why not be ridiculed by others?What happened to him?

Tang San's expression couldn't help turning dark, and he had to explain: "The Spirit Hall of Douluo Continent, Lord Seagod should also know something about it, what they enshrine is Angel God.

The Wuhun Palace has now established a Wuhun Empire, and my relatives and friends are all killed by the Wuhun Empire.At this time, the Wuhun Empire is also poisoning the Douluo Continent.

In Wuhun Empire, there is an insidious and despicable villain, who takes advantage of my weakness and emphasizes emotions, and framed me time and time again.It wasn't until I lost an arm that I had to make up my mind that in order to protect my relatives and friends, I had to get rid of him. "

Sea God was also full of curiosity and said: "I see, what is that person's name? And how did you take advantage of your emotional weakness? You are now a level 99 peak Peerless Douluo, you should have taken revenge, right?"

In an instant Tang San couldn't help but look gloomy again, and said truthfully: "That person is Yu Tianxin, a disciple of my teacher's family, so every time I look at him for the teacher's sake, I show mercy to him.

But that Yu Tianxin, although not as strong as me, always takes advantage of my weakness of empathy to plot against me.Now I am hiding under the protection of the Angel God Martial Soul Empire, so if I want to get rid of him, eliminate harm for the mainland, and protect my relatives and friends, I must inherit the Seagod position of Lord Seagod. "

Finally, Sea God nodded again, and said: "So that's how it is. Only when you have a goal can you have motivation. If that's the case, let's start the inheritance now."

As Seagod's last words fell, golden mist suddenly rose all around, and a golden light group suddenly appeared, covering the one-armed Tang San's figure at once.

Chapter 262 God Shura reappears, Tang Sanpao, the most insidious and despicable sea god in the world!

And Seagod responded immediately.

But it's not what was recorded on the earth: "This kid is too smart. Fortunately, the god reacted quickly, so he didn't let him be smart but was mistaken by his cleverness."Hmph, anyway, I didn't give him any clear instructions, even the law enforcers of the God Realm can't blame me.Hey Hey Hey……'

Just listening to the last laugh, it is obvious that he is also a wretch, but it is not the same as it was glorified before.

This time, he didn't show a wretched smile. Instead, his eyes couldn't help flashing strangely, and he said to himself: "With my spiritual sense left on the Douluo Continent, will I choose a person with strong emotions to inherit my god position?" ?

It seems that this kid's shamelessness should not let me down!On this point, it is absolutely lying, because of my divine sense, it is impossible to choose an emotional person to inherit my position.

And I will only choose one person who is as 'intelligent' as me, who can lie without blinking an eye.But do you really think you can fool me?Whether you are an emotional person or not, I will see soon. "

I don't want to keep my voice down.

Then suddenly a cold snort came: "Hmph!"

I saw a figure as huge as the Seagod's figure, but his whole body was wrapped in dark red magic patterns, slowly walking in.

And every step the figure took would make the Seagod Temple tremble!At the same time, the dark red light also surrounded his body, making it impossible to see clearly. He could only vaguely see that the coming person was wearing an armor covered with dark red magic patterns.

It is obviously not a decent person, or not a decent god, but an evil god, and an ugly and vicious evil god.

In an instant, Sea God's face couldn't help but look a little ugly and said, "Sura, what are you doing here?"

The person who came was God Shura, who heard the same cold voice: "Poseidon, don't you know what you did?"

Sea God curled his lips in disdain: "I don't even know what you're talking about."

The evil Shura God also said coldly: "You are pretending to be confused! Not only did you personally come to the place of inheritance, but you also gave advice to the inheritor, and even tried to reduce the difficulty of his inheritance! You have violated the rules of the God Realm, and you should know the consequences What is it? Those who violate the rules of the God Realm shall be obliterated!"

I don't want Seagod to be afraid at all, and there is no explanation around Tang San recorded on Earth, instead he joked: "Shura, don't think I don't know the purpose of your coming here at this time!

Everyone is the main god, even if I go to the God Realm Committee to sue the gods, I will not be afraid of you.What are you looking at?Not convinced?Don't keep looking at me with your dead fish eyes.This is my Sea God Temple, even if you fight, you may not be able to beat me.

I have already sensed your strength from that hypocritical boy just now. Your spiritual sense left in Douluo Dalu knows that my divine sense has chosen him as the successor, but you still get in the way halfway. What the hell are you? mean?

There are so many people on Douluo Dalu, if you don’t choose, you have to compete with me, and you have to pay attention to first come, first served! "

But God Shura still didn't give up and said, "First come first? He seems to have been selected by my divine sense left in the world before he met your Sea God's Heart. Let's go to the God Realm Committee and see who is right!"

Saying that, God Shura turned and left.

Sea God didn't have the slightest seriousness recorded on Earth, and immediately revealed his wretched true colors: "Damn! Don't bring such threats. God Shura, you are my brother, we have something to talk about! Wait for me.

Hehehehehe, hehehehehe, brother!We are all the same kind of people. The one-armed boy we chose for our spiritual thoughts left in the world must prove that he has the same characteristics as the two of us, and may be stronger than the two of us.

Everything is negotiable, you are one of the three law enforcement officers who are tied with the two god kings, you can't talk nonsense in the God Realm Committee!You are coming here halfway now, you must have some ideas, we can discuss everything.

If my guess is correct, the fact that our two spirits can jointly choose this kid also proves that this kid must be an extremely hypocritical, insidious and shameless person in Douluo Dalu!

Why don't you stay and take a look at this kid's experience?Maybe in the future we can use his 'wisdom' to deal with the Dragon God who didn't really die!There are also a few people who are angels and goddesses.

You also know the horror of the dragon god's strength, we fear that it will be difficult for us to defeat her in terms of strength.Then we can only rely on 'wisdom'. The fact that our two spirits can jointly choose this kid must prove that he is different. "

God Shura couldn't help but stop when he finally said that.

However, God Shura's status as a law enforcer in the God Realm has an extremely high status in the God Realm, with the power to manage everything, supervise the main god, and even the god king.And under certain circumstances, it is even possible to go to the human world to enforce the law through the special method of the gods.

That is, Shura God, who is different from the gods, can still go to the human world to enforce the law!

The God Realm Committee is composed of the two God Kings and the three God Realm Law Enforcers. When major events occur in the God Realm, the five members of the God Realm Committee will vote.

Then two of the god kings each have two votes, and the law enforcers of the god realm each have one vote. However, if the three law enforcers have the same opinion, even though they only have three votes, they can veto the decisions of the two god kings.

These five committee members are collectively called the Five Supremes of the God Realm, and although the Sea God is not one of the Five Supremes, he is also the first level of the main god second only to the Five Supremes, and his strength can be said to be extremely powerful, so he is not afraid of God Shura at all. .

Of course, the main god is just an identity, and the identity possessed because of his strength is really a god position, but still no more than a god position below the water god!Of course, if the strength surpasses the water god, he can be above the water god and have the identity of the main god.

Yu Tianxin had already understood that the Douluo God Realm recorded on this earth was obviously beautified around Tang San, so there shouldn't be much discrepancy.But obviously related to Tang San, they also need to be questioned, such as the decent identities of Sea God and Shura God, and the current real Sea God inheritance, but it is not the same as recorded on Earth.

The real Poseidon is never a serious person, on the contrary, he is also a hypocritical, insidious wretch.

Moreover, the reason why Tang San was chosen as the heir is precisely because he is sinister enough, despicable and shameless, the so-called 'wisdom' is useful in the God Realm!Similarly, the history of the Dragon God is all false, just like history is written by the victors.

Immediately after that, God Shura also stopped and said: "Let's talk about everything after Tang San's inheritance is over. Even if I want him to become a law enforcer in the God Realm, it will be ten thousand years later.

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