So immediately.

In the highest stand, Emperor Xue Ye, Platinum Bishop Salas of Wuhun Hall, and Ning Fengzhi, Master of Qibao Liuli, the three of them couldn't help but look forward to it curiously, and the voice of going around resounded through the audience again.

"Shrek Academy is ready. I don't know what kind of 'surprise' Tang San from Shrek Academy will bring us today? Let's wait and see!

Please, Shrek Academy and Tianshui Academy enter! "

At the same time, when no one was paying attention, Xue Qinghe on the highest stand seemed to have finally noticed Yu Tianxin, and nodded lightly to Yu Tianxin without any trace.

Yu Tianxin also nodded his head in a strange response in his heart, and couldn't help thinking to himself: "Your Highness, why did you use up all the beauty tricks on me and start to use your woman's temper unconsciously?"A woman is a woman, even if the appearance is changed, it still cannot change the essence of a woman.

If you were really a man, would you ignore me on purpose just now?I really thought I didn't know that you did it on purpose. This woman's temperament is really inexplicable. You didn't use the beauty trick on me.

But I'm also curious, since you understand me, why do you take the risk of using beauty tricks on me?Are you not afraid that you will change the impression in my heart and won't help you in the future? '

Yutian's heart was calm and he couldn't help but his thoughts turned.

I saw that the surroundings also fell silent again tacitly, and then the voice of Doudou sounded again: "I believe that Shrek Academy's match against Tianshui Academy today will be equally exciting, let's wait and see!

Now, please both parties salute! "

Chapter 55 You Shrek Seven Monsters have never been the main characters, recognize yourself!

Immediately Dai Mubai stared at Tianshui Academy again, and then in a horse-step and half-shit posture, he shouted: "Brothers! Release the martial spirit!"


In an instant, six people around released their spirit rings at the same time.

Only Tang San was left in the middle, like the protagonist of the entire advanced soul master contest, and finally slowly released his two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings, and then held up a hand coquettishly, and appeared on it A blue evil grass.

But the ten thousand year spirit ring had already shocked the audience, so it was already visually paralyzed. No one was shocked anymore, and no one even took a second look at the black ten thousand year spirit ring.

And what use is the ten thousand year spirit ring to Tang San?If there is no Xuantian Kungfu brought by the hack, no crane control and dragon capture brought by the hack, no shadow shadows, no purple magic eyes, no luck fairy grass bonus, no various opportunistic tricks, even if there is Wannian soul ring, but still can't even get out of the preliminary round.

At the same time, the Tianshui Academy on the opposite side, originally the most eye-catching, is the team of all goddess female students.But this time being named by Yu Tianxin, the most dazzling twin star of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, it also attracted a lot of light all at once.

Therefore, what the audience is most looking forward to is still Shrek Academy's match against the Second Tiandou Royal Team, and then Shrek Academy's battle against the Blazing Fire Academy, Tianshui Academy, and Shenfeng Academy named by Yu Tianxin, followed by the second Tiandou Royal Team's match against the three major academies .

As for how Shrek became the second largest 'star team'?Obviously because of Shrek Academy's insidiousness and despicableness, and its impressive strength, especially the hypocrisy, insidiousness and shamelessness of Tang Sanpao, a sissy in it, and a black ten thousand year soul ring, which makes everyone People can't help but look forward to it.

One is to expect Shrek to be hanged and beaten by Tianshui Academy again, and the other is to expect that Shrek Academy, especially Tang Sanpao in Shrek Academy, will have new insidious and despicable tricks?For example, when facing the goddess Huo Wu of Blazing Academy, can this flirt be any more shameless?

So as Dou Dou's excited and high-pitched voice resounded throughout the audience, the entire Tiandou Great Soul Arena couldn't help but fall silent again, because everyone was also curiously looking forward to this event.

On the highest stand.

Xue Qinghe also looked calm and couldn't help being curious: "Yu Tianxin, this Shui Bing'er is also a genius named by you, I don't know how to deal with that insidious and despicable Tang Sanpao today?" '

Similarly, Prince Xue Xing was also curious: "This Tianshui Academy was also named by Yu Tianxin, the twin star of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. It shouldn't be a problem to defeat that insidious and despicable Shrek Academy, especially that insidious and despicable sissy Tang San." '

Salas also subconsciously stared and concentrated: "I don't know why, but I always feel that as long as Yu Tianxin said something, there must be nothing wrong, and he is handsome and handsome, no matter how you look at it, it is pleasing to the eye."Could it be because he trampled Haotianzong Tang Hao's son on behalf of Wuhun Palace?

If this is the case, there is no need for Wuhundian to get rid of that sinister and despicable Tang Sanpao, but it can continue to be trampled by the most dazzling twin stars of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. '

Finally, under the curious anticipation of the silence of the audience.

Tianshui Academy played like the second Tiandou Royal Team, and Shui Bing'er didn't have any fighting posture, she just raised her jade hand casually, and immediately several goddess students stood behind her and released their respective spirit rings.

The only difference is that Shui Binger and Xue Wu stood in the middle of Tianshui Academy.

At the same time, Shui Bing'er couldn't help subconsciously nervous again and said inwardly: "Yu Tianxin, I will definitely not let you down, that Huo Wu even defeated this insidious and despicable Shrek Academy within 1 minute, and we can definitely do the same."Afterwards, I directly used the ultimate ultimate move, and also gave Tang Sanpao a surprise. '

However, as soon as the thought came to his mind, Tang Sanpao, who was standing calmly on the opposite side, said Yue Buqun again: "Miss Shui Bing'er, you have already lost this match, because, I can't lose! Believe in our strength and you will also lose." I see, admit defeat."


Xue Qinghe's eyes on the highest stand were calm. He had obviously lost interest in watching the match today, but he still came for some reason.

Prince Xue Xing was slightly weird.

Salas looked curious.

If it was against the second Tiandou Royal Team, everyone in the audience couldn't help being a bit weird.But everyone has seen the strength of Shrek Academy, so even if Tang Sanpao said such words again, no one would think anything of it.

The only thing to look forward to is that Tianshui Academy is also named by Yu Tianxin, the most dazzling twin star of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect. What kind of wonderful battle will it be today?I'm afraid Tianshui Academy won't admit defeat so easily.

But I have to admit that with the 'strength' of Shrek Academy, coupled with the insidiousness and shamelessness of the ugly sissy Tang Sanpao, there are really other ordinary academies who directly admit defeat.

Yu Tianxin in the surrounding stands couldn't help being weird, remembering Tang San's famous saying: I can't lose!Because I can't lose!

So Yu Tianxin remained calm and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, why can't Tang San lose, but everyone else can lose?Because Tang San's real age is already 47 years old?Or because he is the protagonist, everyone else can lose, but Tang San cannot lose?

It was also Yu Tianxin who couldn't help being weird all the time. She didn't want Tang San to actually say it. At the same time, she also vaguely understood what she liked to say. It probably meant that she could only win, so Tang San wanted to win. He will be opportunistic and use all kinds of indiscriminate tricks.

In the original words, maybe no one would think too much about it, but after the hypocrisy, insidiousness, and shameless side were exposed this time, everyone immediately realized that they were as incompetent and strange as Yu Tianxin.

Xue Qinghe, who was unnoticed in the highest stand, said calmly, "Then Tang Sanpao said that he can't lose, is he implying that in order to win, he will use all kinds of insidious and despicable tricks again?"Just like dealing with that fire dance? '

The three senior education committees of Tiandou Royal Academy trembled at the same time.

Meng Shenji's old eyes were strange: "That Tang Sanpo, won't he use some insidious and despicable tricks again?"Otherwise, what does the sentence because I can't lose mean? '

Zhilin frowned slightly.

Bai Baoshan couldn't help his old eyes and weirdness: "That Tang Sanpao won't do what he did to Canghui Academy and Chihuo Academy in order to win, right?If so...'

Thinking of Baibaoshan, he didn't know what he thought of, and the corner of his mouth twitched immediately.

The same celestial phenomenon, Hu Yanzhen, also had eyes shining brightly: "Although I really want to see my grandson's scene today, but this Tang Sanpao has successfully attracted my curiosity, and that Tianshui College was also named by Yu Tianxin."Because he can't lose, will this Tang Sanpao refresh his insidious and despicable heights again today? '

around the stands.

Xieyue folded her arms and said again: "Come here today, firstly, I want to see that Yu Tianxin, and secondly, Tang Sanpao from Shrek Academy, as expected, I am not disappointed, I'm afraid there will be more fun to watch today." '

Hu Liena also had beautiful eyes and weird eyes, and then she glanced at the position of the Tiandou Royal Second Team and said: "This Tang Sanpao, what he said is despicable and shameless enough, why can't he lose, and others can lose?" '

Xie Yue was curious: 'Nana, what are you thinking?Are you thinking about Yu Tianxin again?Sooner or later we will meet him.What Tang Sanpao meant was not that he was the only one who couldn't lose, but everyone else could lose, but that in order to win, he would do everything insidiously and despicably.

After all, it's insidious and despicable, what they Shrek calls wisdom is also part of their strength.Moreover, there is no rule in the competition that forbids them to use insidious and despicable tricks, as long as he is no longer as cruel as he was against Canghui Academy. '

At the same time, the position of Canghui College, Shen Xinshui, Zhang Jingyang, Zhu Zizhang and others.

Huyanli, Huyanba, Huyanshan and others who are also in the position of Elephant Armor Academy couldn't help but look weird, and hatred flashed in their eyes again

Huo Wu of Blazing Academy couldn't help but a strange flash of beauty appeared in her beautiful eyes, but she subconsciously looked at Yu Tianxin again.

Similarly, Feng Xiaotian from Shenfeng Academy couldn't help staring at the field with shining eyes, and couldn't help but secretly said: "I don't know what insidious, despicable tricks that Tang Sanpao will have today?"If Blazing Huo Academy and Tianshui Academy both win, then Shrek Academy is the only one who loses, no!I can't lose either! '

As a result, for the first time, Feng Xiaotian's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he couldn't help but feel the pressure.Because Yu Tianxin, the most dazzling twin star of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, only named three colleges in total, and at the same time named Feng Xiaotian as a true genius.

If the girls from the two academies defeat the insidious and despicable Shrek Academy, then the Shenfeng Academy will lose in the end, so at this moment Feng Xiaotian can best understand the meaning of Tang Sanpao's "I can't lose", and he can't lose either. !

But at the same time, I also understand that Tang Sanpao's "Because I can't lose" is the most fearful thing!Next, there must be some new insidious, despicable and shameless tricks waiting for Tianshui Academy, just because Tang Sanpao can't lose!

As a college with the same strength, it has already lost enough!He was beaten five times by Yu Tianxin, the most dazzling twin star of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect of the Tiandou Royal Second Team, and now he has even lost his face, but this sentence is too appropriate when he wants to turn around.

As a result, the Tiandou Great Soul Arena, which was originally quiet, couldn't help but feel even more strangely expecting it to be quiet all of a sudden.

Even Emperor Xue Ye, Gu Rong and Chen Xin on the highest stand couldn't help being curious: "It seems that Tang Sanpao has the confidence to win again today, I don't know if they will win again." How to defeat Tianshui Academy? '

Emperor Xue Ye couldn't help being curious and subconsciously turned his head to look at Sect Master Ning. Obviously, Sect Master Ning had received the news in advance. What news did Sect Master Ning believe in Shrek Academy so much?

But Ning Fengzhi wanted to keep it for now, so Emperor Xue Ye could only look curiously at the field.

I saw it under the eyes of everyone who was looking forward to it strangely.

Xue Wu, Yu Hairou, Shui Yue'er, Shen Liuyu, Gu Qingbo, Qiu Ruoshui and the girls from Tianshui Academy couldn't help but stare at the strangeness with their beautiful eyes, and obviously faced the notorious Shrek Academy, they also couldn't help but bear it. Yushou couldn't help being slightly nervous.

Only captain Shui Binger's beautiful eyes were full of calmness, and she couldn't help but speak directly: "Tang Sanpao, I also know how shameless you are! If you have any despicable tricks, just use them. Although I admit that our strength We are not as good as you, but since our Tianshui College has also been named by Yu Tianxin, it is absolutely impossible to admit defeat today."

As a result, Shui Bing'er also said Tang Sanpao directly, obviously Tang Sanpao's name could not be washed off, Tang San couldn't help but turn dark again, especially when he heard that Yu Tianxin called his name, it is impossible to admit defeat?

In an instant Dai Mubai's face turned ashen again.

Ma Hongjun's chubby face flushed.

Oscar also seemed like a monkey with anxious eyes.

Xiao Wu's beautiful eyes could not help firming up.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also have beautiful eyes and firm eyes. They are not the opponents of Tiandou Royal Team 1, but it should not be a problem to fight against Tianshui Academy, especially the master and the dean have already analyzed it. Shrek Academy is completely capable. Defeat Tianshui Academy within minutes.

But when they heard Shui Bing'er from Tianshui Academy call Tang San Tang Sanpao in person again, countless people couldn't help being weird again.

Xue Qinghe's originally calm gaze suddenly flashed strangely again.

Then Prince Xue Xing was weird.

Salas is also weirdly old-eyed.

Xie Yue has strange eyes.

Hu Liena's beautiful eyes were strange.

Feng Xiaotian's twinkling eyes also couldn't help flashing strangely: "When I confronted Tang Sanpao, since Huo Wu and Shui Binger both directly called him Tang Sanpao, why not call him Tang Sanpao too?" , It has confirmed its name as Tang Sanpao!This Haotian School unexpectedly produced such a sinister and despicable disciple. '

Huo Wu's beautiful eyes were also strange: "That Shui Bing'er actually called her Tang Sanpao directly. I thought she wouldn't be like me because of her personality."Seeing that Tang Sanpao's sissy face is black, he must be thinking of some insidious and despicable tricks in his heart at this moment. '

Huo Wushuang murmured in the same soft voice: "Tang Sanpao, when we meet him in the future, let's all call him Tang Sanpao! If you dare to use that insidious, despicable and shameless trick on your sister, just let him go!" Tang Sanpao's name is ready!"

At the same time, Tang Sanpao's face darkened obviously on the field, and Yue Buqun said coldly: "Since that's the case, don't blame me for not giving you a chance to admit defeat, I won't show mercy in the future.

I heard that your Tianshui Academy has never been defeated, so today will be your first defeat!

Today, I will let you witness the crushing of absolute strength, we Shrek are not invincible to you.

1 minute, if you can last 1 minute under our Shrek's attack, then we will directly admit defeat!Because, we, Shrek, must win!The final victory must belong to Shrek!

Girl DouDou, you can announce the start. "

There was an imperceptible dislike in Doudou's beautiful eyes, but she was still excited and announced loudly: "... Shrek Academy vs. Tianshui Academy, the countdown begins!


start! ! ! "

In an instant, the audience couldn't help being silent again!

Dai Mubai shouted directly: "The fourth soul skill..."

Tang San's eyes flashed likewise: "Sick! That's it..."

Ma Hongjun also blushed and shouted excitedly: "It's over!"

Oscar also yelled loudly: "Look at me..."

Xiao Wu remained silent.

Ning Rongrong also immediately sacrificed the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda and said: "Seven Treasures are famous, one day..."

The seven Shrek people rushed forward at the same time.

But don't want to be at this moment.

Shui Bing'er's cold voice suddenly resounded through the audience: "Frozen!"


In an instant, before the seven members of Shrek Academy, who were insidious and despicable, had finished shouting, they were directly frozen by Shui Binger's soul skill!At this time, only two seconds had passed.

At the same time, Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu didn't hesitate, and directly used the martial soul fusion technique, a huge top-quality beast martial soul ice phoenix flew into the air with a clear cry!

Then without giving everyone time to react, Shui Bing'er immediately lifted off like a goddess of ice and snow, and the ice phoenix directly hit the seven frozen people below, but at this time only four seconds had passed!


Blazing Academy Huowu's fusion ring fireball is a fire attribute attack, this time Tianshui Academy Shui Bing'er is an extremely terrifying ice attribute attack!

In an instant, the insidious and despicable Shrek Academy, which was originally frozen, was directly attacked by the extremely terrifying ice attribute of the ice phoenix. It was frozen twice and passed out, especially Tang San, who lost both water and fire immunity.

After a while, there was no movement on the central ring.

There was once again an embarrassing and strange silence in the audience.

Chapter 56 The Worst Shrek in History!Qian Renxue's thoughts...

There was once again an embarrassing and strange silence in the audience.

Although I have seen such wonderful battles many times.

But I have to say that although the battle was short, it was indescribably shocking, gorgeous and wonderful!This exciting level does not mean that the longer the battle, the more exciting it is, especially the battle between several famous colleges!

Shui Bing'er's beautiful eyes were full of unconcealable excitement, and her jade hands couldn't help trembling slightly, but fortunately, no one was paying attention at this time, and everyone's eyes could not help but fall on the motionless Shrek Academy on the central ring.

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