If it is said that the essence of the demon star is a human being, then even if it is said that this is the greatest scientist in the world today.There will be no recognition either.

But, now, in front of the human side.It was Aksif and Birusarudo who told the performance of the demon star, the two alien visitors.

They, at least on the point of the demon star, have no reason to deceive humans.

Are there such things all over our universe?

Someone swallowed, feeling incredible at what he had heard before.

Others fell into deep thought, because they found something similar to something they knew about the demon star.

And more people are because of the existence of demon stars, and what Exif said before, as long as there are monsters, there will be no demon stars to start weighing gains and losses.

If the real demon star has this level, then maybe keep Godzilla or Ghidorah in the solar system.The best way is not to let aliens solve them.

The envoys of Exif and Birusarudo are all aware of the various thoughts of human beings.

So the ambassador of Birusaludo, who was a little impatient, added a few words.

"You humans don't have to worry about the arrival of the monster stars after the monsters are over. The monster stars can't move faster than light, and they don't have superpowers like wormholes."

"We Birusarudo once encountered 4 different demon stars. After the monster phenomenon is over, it will affect the arrival of the demon stars. But that is just to let them go here, and their speed is one percent of the speed of light. From now on, even if you kill Godzilla and Ghidorah, a demon star will not immediately appear to destroy you."

"Our Birusarudo civilization, after defeating the phenomenon of monsters. According to the human calendar, it took 3000 years before we were attacked by demon stars. The guy from Exif next to me also said that they were attacked by demon stars. Also after 1000 years."

"Actually, among the civilizations we have seen in Birusarudo, the civilizations destroyed by demon stars are far less than the civilizations that let the phenomenon of monsters happen and finally self-destruct."

"Compared to the demon star thousands of years in the future, you should be more worried about now. Our Bilu Saludo's mothership has come from the orbit of Saturn. Whether you want it to help you solve Ghidorah, you should have a clear idea." A measure of oneself."

Ambassador Birusarudo, who had finished speaking, just lay down on the chair and fell asleep.And what follows is the conversation between Exif and the humans about them.

Its content is mainly about the location of the resettlement area of ​​the people of the Axifu clan.

Things like where the spaceships of the Exif family need to be parked, and whether the other equipment of the Exif family can help the current human beings.

Regarding these things, the emissary of Exif said many things that surprised the human beings during the discussion with the human beings.

One is when human beings want to use the metropolitan area along the coast of Asia as the temporary residence of the Axi ladies.The emissaries of Exif made it unnecessary for humans to give them so many places to live.

Because, according to him, there are less than 1 people left in Exif.

This has greatly exceeded human expectations.Exif has fewer than 1 people


What happened to so many warships before that?Could it be that Exif is the kind of race with few people but strong fighting power?

Regarding this point, someone asked it cautiously in another question.

After all, it is to discuss the other party's affairs, so we should be careful, many people have already been able to answer how the ambassador of Exif will answer.

However, their predictions were all wrong.

They thought that the emissary of Exif would not answer, or the answer was very vague.

However, he told the truth very bluntly.

It's so straightforward that it feels fake.

"About those battleships? The existence of those cities is an illusion, all human beings. We have only one transport ship left now, and we don't need your special care."

In his words, the race of Exif has been wandering for too long.Its main fleet has long been dispersed, and now only one of the original fleet is left on Earth.

Those huge warships that used to float above the city were just illusions made by Mrs. Axie, and they no longer had that many troops.

"Now, Mrs. Axie just wants to settle down on this planet as soon as possible. Don't worry. We, Mrs. Axie, are no longer capable of invading everyone. We came here in peace."

After discussion, the human government has decided to let everyone from Exif come to Earth tonight.

And the location is no longer a few cities along the coast of East Asia, but the current capital of mankind, New Eden.

At the same time, they also made a deal with the Birusaludo stars, and confirmed that the first batch of Bilusarudo stars will live in New Eden with the Exif stars after they arrive.

After defeating Godzilla and Ghidorah, the land scheduled to be handed over to Birusaludo is part of Siberia and South Africa.

They accepted this result.

With the end of the meeting, the ambassador of Bilu Saludo and the team of human scientists boarded the helicopter to North America again.

They are going to thaw immediately at this moment, and the compatriots of Bilu Saludo also immediately want to obtain the technology about Bilu Saludo.

And all the congressmen also left the conference room, only Ludwig and the ambassador from Exif were still sitting in the empty hall, and there were only the two of them in the empty hall.

Ludwig looked at Exif's messenger and asked him.

"Mr. Alien, as the chairman of this planet, I still don't know your name?"

"Name... Methfite, my name, according to the prophecy of all human beings, it should be Methfite."

The alien responded with a smile.


After hearing his name, Ludwig also walked out of this hall.

Then, there was only one person left in this empty hall.

Sitting alone in this hall, the alien named Maesfite suddenly uttered a series of syllables.

It should be some kind of language, but it is not human language, but something else entirely.

In tone and grammar, this string of syllables is completely different from any language that has ever existed on this planet.

If someone can translate it, it will eventually translate such a sentence.

"Is this your choice?"

"King of monsters."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

No. 15 days after Caesar Ghidorah was defeated, on May 5, mankind ushered in the arrival of the stars.

Birusarudo and the Exif family, who came all the way from the alien world, formed an alliance with mankind. At 5:31 pm on May 5, they were trying to sign the "New Eden" established by mankind. Extraterrestrial and Earth Friendly Act.

The regulations determined the time and place for the landing of Birusarudo and the Exif family, the place where they will settle in the future, and the policy for the future communication between native humans and aliens.

The protection of human rights of the two aliens was determined, and their own technologies were exchanged with each other.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, in front of reporters from all over the world.Exif's spaceship fell from the sky and landed on the lawn in front of New Eden's headquarters, from which all the remaining clansmen walked out.

They walked out of Exif's ship in pure white fabric-like clothes and faced the crowd.Like human beings showing their overall appearance.

Through television and computers, people all over the world saw them.

And human beings all over the world cheered when they saw this alien race that was no different from themselves.

As if rejoicing for something, as if grateful for something.

Is it because at this time, human beings are finally no longer alone?

Maybe yes.

But they're probably cheering for something else too.

That is about the two existences of [Godzilla] and [Ghidorah].


Under the guidance of government officials, only 8000 Mrs. Axie went to a city under construction in New Eden one after another.

And after Mrs. Axie's landing ended.

In North America, Bilu Saludo's super-giant battleship directly extended a strip-shaped elevator this time, allowing thousands of people from the human side to board the spaceship this time.

The human beings followed in the footsteps of Ambassador Birusarudo into the spaceship and entered the control room.

After arriving at the control room, the ambassador of Birusaludo entered the key in the control room, called up the documents recording their technology, and left behind a translation device like a USB drive.

Then he left the control room and went to the frozen area to thaw his compatriots.

After the human side landed on the spacecraft, they began to record the scientific documents that were called out.

After the ambassador of Birusaludo enters the key, scientists can freely swim in the world of technology.

They opened the document and found what they were looking for.

Those alien technologies.

Bilu Saludo's technology was placed in front of everyone without encryption.Although the languages ​​are different, with the existence of translators, scientists on the human side can easily read the knowledge in it.

Just judging from the titles of the above documents, scientists can no longer hold back their excitement.

The design text of the helium fusion reactor, the manufacturing method of the anthropomorphic artificial intelligence, and the stable state method of the carbyne composed of long molecular chains...

Things that can advance human technology by hundreds or thousands of years are placed here.

With them, human beings will be able to reach an incredible peak!

You can see so many technologies just from the images, as long as you understand them all, let alone Godzilla, even Ghidorah on Venus.

They can also be wiped out by themselves, right?

Through the way of photos, pages of documents are photographed and sent to various top laboratories for image analysis in the picture.

At the same time, that is when humans use the key to unlock the key of the spaceship.

Deeper in the spacecraft, the rest of the Birusaludo stars who were frozen also woke up.

The [-] Birusaludo people who still kept their bodies climbed out of the freezer, and after getting dressed, they listened to the broadcast that was only played in the freezer.

On the radio, the Birusarudo messenger, Mutter Lorenro, announced to the compatriots present that they had discovered a new planet of life.

During the broadcast, Mutter did not reveal their plans to invade the planet.

It is simply to inform everyone about the ecological environment of the earth, the environment of civilization, and the monster phenomenon that is happening.

The awakened Birusaludo star people listened to the radio, when they heard the monster phenomenon that was being sent on this planet.

There were many Birusarudo people who shed tears.

Because this means that they will no longer have to wander for a long time afterwards.

The promised land belonging to Birusarudo has finally arrived.

The human team temporarily stayed on the spacecraft to take pictures of the documents to the outside world and send them to various laboratories.Because of the excessive technology recorded in the Bilu Saludo spacecraft, they estimated that it would take at least ten days to complete all the shooting.

The total amount of documents exceeds [-] million words, covering everything from practical industry to cutting-edge technology of Bilu Saludo.

Strictly speaking, this series of documents cannot be said to be papers.They're more like text in a textbook, that is.

What is placed in front of mankind now is a super textbook with hundreds of millions of words.

There is not an iota of hydrology in it, not a single unimportant experiment.All of them are huge breakthroughs and discoveries, and all of them are things that can lead human beings to ascend.

It would take ten days just to complete the records, and it would probably take at least several years or more than ten years to fully understand the contents.

But even if it takes such a long time, for mankind, it will greatly improve the progress of its civilization.

At the same time, after Bilu Saludo's technology was transmitted to the human side.Exif's technology was also delivered.

Different from the textbooks written by Bilu Saludo, the materials given by Exif are more like papers.

The degree of simplification in it is naturally not comparable to Bilu Saludo's textbooks, but its extremely terrifying quantity is not comparable to Bilu Saludo's textbooks.

In Bilu Saludo's documents, there is not much mention of Bilu Saludo's cutting-edge technology.

After all, it is a textbook textbook rather than a cutting-edge paper. You cannot expect that the textbook will teach the most cutting-edge research in mathematics and industry.

There is no textbook that will teach you how Perelman solved the Riemann conjecture and the thesis of the top industrial team manufacturing lithography machines.

However, the information given by Aixif is different. Their performance in the information is more like sending the most cutting-edge papers to human beings.

This includes the most cutting-edge research, the largest amount of data, and...

The most fanatical faith.

What is this?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Faith, on earth, this should have nothing to do with physics and mathematics papers in the top fields.

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