Through the analysis of Godzilla's past behavior, the tactical team believes that it should pay attention to the area where the strange phenomenon occurred.

At least, if you don't pay attention, there won't be such an abnormal storm...

That freak storm that enveloped southern Australia is precisely because of its presence, making nuclear missiles from space considered tough.But not in space, from the ground...

That should work.

Airborne from northern Australia, arrived by ground convoy, transported nuclear weapons to manual transport machines, and then detonated in batches.

In this case, Godzilla might be able to be restrained.

At present, Godzilla has not broken through the defense line, and it is not known in which direction it will go.

It is definitely too late to deploy defenses. The coastline where people live is so long that it is impossible to deploy defenses in so many areas at the same time with the level of human technology.What's more, for the current Godzilla-Earth, conventional defense facilities may not be useful at all.

The only way to deal with it is intensive nuclear bombing, other than that, there is no way to hurt it.

If all the above plans fail, then we can only wait...

Wait for it to be bombarded continuously with a nuclear network in space.

Godzilla still has heat dissipation problems. Although it is difficult for small nuclear bombs to damage it, it is still possible to forcibly maintain the surrounding high-heat environment.

Uninterrupted nuclear bombing can keep it from going deep into the coastline within a thousand kilometers, and the number of continuous bombings may be large, and it may be able to severely damage it.

However, that will take a long, long time...

How many people will Godzilla wipe out before that time?

billion?Or 20 billion?

That would be an unbearable number for human beings. Once that happens, for human beings, the rest of the time is just a slow death.

"It's the only way to do it."

Thinking about it, Ludwig suddenly called his assistant, said something into his ear, and then asked him to notify the science team and the military's engineering team to see if the plan was feasible. .

After his yell just now, the meeting room fell silent for a short while.But the silence didn't last long, another news came, and this made the place explode again.

Godzilla has broken through the blockade.

Godzilla is heading towards New Eden.

Chapter 120 Five Runs Through the Sea!

The flames that were hotter than the surface of the sun left scorching marks on the surface of the body.

The lava under his feet overflowed his ankles, and he was still trying to climb up.

But none of this affects what it is today.

Today's Godzilla - Earth.

Use 20 breaths to easily part the sea.

Before the highly toxic sea water poured in, Godzilla's huge body had already crashed into another water wall, a water wall whose toxicity was tolerable for it.

Walking on the bottom of the sea, Godzilla's perspective is plunged into pure blackness, but its Earth-wide radar can capture everything very clearly.

It includes the movements of human beings, the movements of people in the universe, and the movements of nature itself.

Walking on the bottom of the sea, the body that can move at supersonic speed on land becomes extremely sluggish under the weight of thousands of meters of sea water, and cannot even reach a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour.

This is also natural.

After strengthening the body again, Godzilla's weight exceeded 4000 million tons, and its density has exceeded that of water, which means that it can no longer swim and can only walk on the bottom of the sea.

This is considered a weakening, making it less than half of the original speed in the sea.

But it's not a big problem.

Feeling his body gradually cooling down, Godzilla, who walked slowly on the bottom of the sea for 10 minutes, is now ready to speed up.


For a moment, a dazzling light illuminated the dark seabed.

In an ocean that has not had a ray of light for tens of millions of years, a round of sun rises instantly.

And at the second when this round of sun was rising and hadn't been extinguished, a brighter light than the previous round of sun exploded in the ocean.

It's not a short, one-time one or two, but a continuous, continuous explosion!

Dozens or hundreds of suns formed a straight line on the bottom of the sea, and in this straight line, there was a figure shuttling through it!

The weight of 4000 million tons smashes through one layer of flames to the next layer of flames, yes, this is the way Godzilla came up with.


Through low-power breathing, it can create small, uninterrupted nuclear explosions to generate high-temperature bubbles on the seabed.

The temperature inside these bubbles is extremely high, even exceeding the surface of the sun.But for the current Godzilla, this is not an insurmountable problem.

The bubbles produced by an explosion with an equivalent of hundreds of thousands of tons can travel hundreds of meters. Even if 1 explosions are to be produced, the required consumption is only a few billion tons of equivalent. For the current Godzilla, it can be regarded as It's so easy.

Just every now and then, it needs to stop to cool off its body.But even so, its speed in the deep sea can reach more than 800 kilometers per hour.

It won't be long before it will blast through the ocean directly!

Human beings watched Godzilla's serial nuclear explosions under the sea through satellites. Anyway, there are no native organisms on the earth in the sea, so Godzilla doesn't need to think about destroying nature at all.

Huge empty bubbles exploded on the seabed one after another, every breath of Godzilla exploded hundreds of meters in front of it.

The deadly close-range nuclear explosion for reinforced concrete can only make it a little stinging for Godzilla at this time.As long as it doesn't explode close to the body, with such an equivalent explosion at this distance, it can eat tens of thousands of shots without hindering itself!

The sea was pushed out in the depths, and Godzilla's Earth-wide radar found the most suitable path for it.

Avoiding the abyss, Godzilla rampages on the bottom of the sea regardless, even if it is an ocean mountain, it will only be blown through directly in front of it!

What a thousand-meter sea peak, it simply ignored it!

Just stop and go like this, after two hours.

Godzilla landed in the Indonesian archipelago.

The disfigured Godzilla, whose surface was melted, landed on land, and tens of millions of tons of seawater poured down its body.Its appearance now looks extremely miserable, and its entire face has been melted by the explosion.

It seems so, but it is not.

What melted was only the one or two meters on the outside. For Godzilla, who is now more than [-] meters tall, this injury will have no effect on him except disfigurement.

Once you land on land, you will be able to travel directly from East Asia to North America through roads and bridges!

In the sea, Godzilla's maximum speed is only seven or eight hundred kilometers per hour.But on land...

It can easily reach 2000 kilometers an hour!

The legs are charged, and with a loud noise, the giant beast weighing 4000 million tons runs on the ground at twice the speed of sound!

Every step of the feet can shatter the ground for a kilometer, and the strong wind hits in all directions like a nuclear shock wave!

Some hilltops were even blown into bald heads by the impact, countless trees were blown away, and as the black mountain peak advanced, the ground was trampled and cracked.

It is no less than the shocking effect when it sprints in the sea on the ground. Every time it steps down, the ground will crack once, and the earth and rocks will be shaken into the sky, followed by a fierce earthquake and a flower as high as a thousand Rice mushrooms rise.

Godzilla, running wildly on the ground, is like a mobile earthquake and natural disaster maker. From a high altitude, the places it passes are all a mess. Today, it doesn't need to breathe at all, just moving is enough. Change the terrain and shake the mountains.

It's just so exaggerated.

Plan your own route in your mind, it connects the cities where human beings are still on the shore in the panoramic map.According to its calculations, it will reach the shores of South America in 20 hours, and during these 20 hours, it will kill more than 10 billion people.

Even if it was repelled by humans in the end, the death and injury of 10 billion people is by no means an acceptable number for humans.

While calculating the path, it is also guarding against the sneak attack of humans on the mainland. Its will connects with the second world and controls nature at the same time, as long as human death squads dare to approach the ecological surroundings it creates.

Then Godzilla can guarantee that countless thunderbolts and tornadoes will be directly chopped down from the sky.

While running wildly, Godzilla manipulated his body to replace the melted dead skin attached to the air vent, and then decomposed the dead skin into smaller parts, and sprinkled it on the land as it ran.

In the near future, these dead skin cells will proliferate, just like in Australia.They will form an ecosystem that belongs to Godzilla.

An ecosystem completely isolated from humans.

Godzilla galloped forward, went to Southeast Asia via Indonesia, and continued to advance further east through Southeast Asia.

But it is in the process of progress.

It has run into a problem.

And this time, the trouble was not caused by humans.

The dark golden ecology thrives on the earth, and they will be the first barrier to stop Godzilla's footsteps.

Chapter 120 Six: Ghidorah's World

Gold, pale gold.

The endless gold that can be seen in the field of vision covers the entire land.

Unbelievable, in just a few days, the scale powder scattered from the wings of Ghidorah has completely infected this land.

It was obvious that green, which represented the earth's ecology, was the mainstream in this land before January, but only one month later, Ghidorah's dark gold replaced green, completely transforming this area.

The average height of the dark gold forest exceeds 50 meters, which is already extremely abnormal for the ecological environment of the earth.

However, compared with the rest of the forest, this "abnormality" can only be said to be the most "normal" among them.

Plants that look like animals, colonies that emit highly toxic spores, air mothers flying in the sky, dark golden figures that shuttle through the dense forest, and tree roots that hollow out the rock and soil underground like predators.

The leaves are as tough as gold and iron, and even bullets can't pierce them.

Such an ecological environment is an absolute jeopardy for human beings.

However, compared to today, the giant rushing from afar...

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...!"

It's not even a hindrance.

Godzilla's 4000 million-ton giant body smashed through the entire forest, and neither humanoid monsters nor predatory plants could stop it.


The earth cracked.

With one step in the air, the supersonic giant crashed into the soil in an instant.

With 4000 million tons, the huge momentum brought by Mach 2 made it take less than a second for Godzilla to crash directly into the underground kilometer.

The surrounding ground exploded at this moment, and countless tons of earth and rock were thrown into the sky.It was not until a few minutes later that a huge tail dispersed the rising mushroom cloud.

Is it like this again?

The giant black beast as huge as a mountain dispersed the dust, and at this moment, countless dark gold creatures on its body were "gnawing" on it.

It is not true to say that it is biting.

It is more similar to cutting than biting in common sense.

The focused light beams continuously leave traces on Godzilla's body surface, compared to the infinite nuclear explosions on the bottom of the sea.Godzilla's wounds inflicted by these humble dark gold creatures are even deeper.

Bizarre creatures.


A burst of breath exploded from the ground, and the fireball caused by the million-ton equivalent explosion enveloped Godzilla's body, bringing equal death to those sneaking creatures.

The surface melted a little more, but that was harmless to it.It spewed out a stream of air from its nostrils, flicked its tail, and then stood still and began to think.

It won't work if it goes on like this.

already the first

Seven times.During the short period of time it broke into East Asia, this is the seventh time it has been attacked just like that.

Whenever it sets foot in an area, the originally silent ecology becomes active, as if targeting it, Ghidorah's enemy.

However, the active forest itself can't cause any harm to it, but they can become an obstacle to its progress.

Just hollow out a patch of ground in its path and Godzilla's own stomp will shatter that patch of ground without them attacking.

Then?Then it can fall.

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