As expected of human beings, they can develop new things in such a short period of time.

Looking at the crater more than ten meters wide and two meters deep on his upper body caused by the explosion of the four nuclear bombs, Godzilla felt a little moved.

Although it is now 600 meters high and 4000 million tons, such damage will not have a big impact on it.But only from the point of being able to break through its defenses, humans have done a good job.

At the very beginning, its structural strength was less than one-tenth of what it is now.The volume of its body cut off by humans is even smaller than this.

But now, with the dramatic increase in its structural strength, the destructive power of human weapons on it is increasing instead.

Take this time as an example, humans successfully miniaturized the super electromagnetic gun, installed it on the battleship, and at the same time successfully reduced the size of the nuclear weapon so that they can be stuffed into the shell.

In just over a month, they did it.

You must know that human beings don't have the same panel as it for them to grow.

If I'm not so strong, if I can't intercept their shells.

It may have been repulsed.

Godzilla can clearly perceive the amount of ammunition carried by the human fleet through his own whole-area radar.

They carried more than 1000 shells this time, and the equivalent of nuclear weapons in each shell was around 400 million tons.

If you hit it all in batches.

it will die.

1000 400 million-yield nuclear weapons attack the threat it poses in a non-stop manner.Far larger than a 40 billion-ton equivalent nuclear weapon.

For the former, if all hits, it dies.

For the latter, if it is detonated close to the body, it will only suffer greater trauma, and it will not even reach the point of death.

It should be noted that the explosive equivalent of Caesar Ghidorah detonated at the moment it hit the ground has reached this level, if it is to be wiped out with a nuclear bomb.That requires at least 1000 billion tons or more.

And it must be detonated close to the body.

Humans currently do not have the ability to transport such a huge nuclear bomb to hit Godzilla directly.


There will be soon.

It looked up at the sky, and this time its gaze was directed to the farther deep space, where the human-made system has been aimed at it.

"The system is ready."

In the space thousands of kilometers away from the surface of the earth, a large space station composed of several segmented structures began to operate at this moment.

"Now, start the test launch. 10, 9, 8, 7..."

A mechanical sound echoed in the Eden meeting room in South America. As the countdown on the panel began, everyone looked extremely nervous.

"6, 5, 4, 3..."

On the side of the space station facing the earth, the reflective shield used to resist the laser began to clear the way for the electromagnetic orbit in the space station, which was the point of aiming.

"2, 1..."



from the ground.

from the sky.

Two completely different existences simultaneously sent out their own blows at this moment.


The first to be hurt is the one in the sky.

The super-powerful light beam spans the atmosphere above the Pacific Ocean, and after layers of attenuation, it still has incredible strength.

In an instant, Damocles, the final decisive weapon of mankind, was instantly submerged by the torrent of light, and the temperature surpassing all nuclear weapons continuously melted the baffles on its body.

Although due to the much thicker atmosphere and more layers of reflective material in the oblique direction than in the vertical direction, the damage it suffered was far less than that suffered by the wings of Ghidorah at that time.

But this blow was enough to destroy nearly half of its defense.

In the sky of South America, two new suns lit up in space, followed by meteors falling from the sky to the earth.

blah blah blah...

The molten steel and the fusing baffle were floating in space, and the ring-shaped space station faced the muzzle of the ground at this moment, and the melting posture could already be seen.


With a silent explosion, the muzzle of Damocles completely cracked in space, losing the ability to continue firing.

Taking advantage of the most vulnerable period of its launch, Godzilla successfully destroyed this weapon.



With an inaudible sound, in this space with an extremely thin atmosphere, the part representing the muzzle began to actively break.


The rear section of the barrel was pushed forward and it became the new muzzle.Afterwards, the main body of Damocles was completely protected because of the recombination of the reflective surface used for launching.

failed to destroy...

In the downward direction, after scattering through thousands of kilometers of the atmosphere, it needs to melt through the reflective material whose basic unit is meters.This is still impossible for the current Godzilla.

After all, the power of the laser still has an upper limit, and it cannot manipulate time and space to focus, so the power of the laser itself is bound to be limited.

Can't knock it down...

Beyond the sky, with the defeat of Godzilla.As a weapon on the human side, it is already breaking through the atmosphere.

Its speed is so fast that it has reached more than a thousand times the sound!

The atmosphere crashed into it crazily, layers of shells were peeled off, and the tail was blown away by the atmosphere. Its goal was...


Chapter 120 Nine Worlds

The target is not Godzilla, but Australia!

Why is this so?Why it came out like this?

Because humans have long understood that Godzilla has the ability to strike space!

Therefore, the Damocles system is not just an accelerator that uses electromagnetic orbits, because human beings understand that if they want to create a speed that can accelerate a tens of billions of tons of nuclear bombs to the point where Godzilla's breath can't be intercepted, what is needed? With a body size, it is impossible to survive the attack of Godzilla.

So, they chose to find another way.

The electromagnetic system only gives a part of the speed, which really accelerates the shell to an incredible level.

It's another shell!

Divide the nuclear bomb into a multi-section structure, set up an energy-absorbing plate from the middle, and detonate the nuclear bomb behind it in multiple sections before it enters the atmosphere to obtain great kinetic energy!

Only in this way can the shells carrying tens of gigaton nuclear weapons be accelerated to an incredible level.

Only in this way can it escape Godzilla's breath!

It is said to be tens of billion tons, but the first test launch of the Damocles system did not have that equivalent.

It just launched a "small" nuclear weapon with a power of only 1 million tons.

For the real heavyweight it stores, it can only be described as insignificant.

But it is such insignificance that it can already cause a devastating blow to the nascent Godzilla ecosystem!

Godzilla, what will you do?You are going to consume your focusing crystal to intercept it with the most powerful laser.

Or let it fall, leveling the ecology you value?

The human beings who released this blow were extremely nervous at the moment, and they were not sure whether this could force Godzilla to go home.

Must be successful, must be successful.

Thinking so, they began to pray in their hearts, feeling extremely anxious.

It was enough to release the attacker, but Godzilla, who was threatened by this blow, was extremely calm at this time.

Human technology is really amazing.

Even it is still praising humans.

Even the overlapping shields of Ghidorah's wings could not resist Godzilla's Pava-class laser dozens of days ago.A large part of it will be gasified in an instant, and even penetrated directly.

But humans... humans have created a defense wall that can resist it in this short period of time...

Although due to the thick atmosphere, the overall energy received by the Damocles system was less than one-fifth of the energy received by the Wings of Ghidorah at that time.

Despite being scattered by the atmosphere, this one-fifth of the light is no longer condensed, but widely dispersed.


They stopped.

That alone should suffice.

Dozens of days ago, human beings who had no protection ability built such a defense wall in dozens of days and sent it into space.

Even if it's not as good as those giant alien beasts, don't forget that human beings are adaptable, not formed through tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of evolution like those giant beasts.

Dozens of days and tens of thousands of years, this figure can explain everything.

Not to mention that while defending, they have also built a comparable attack system.

What a powerful species.

In East Asia, the mountain-like Godzilla couldn't help but praise his enemy, and at the same time, its radar had firmly locked on the extraterrestrial meteorite that was crashing into Australia.

Can it be destroyed?

I'm afraid it will be difficult.

If it was just such a high-power laser, it would definitely be able to destroy it, but just now, when shooting at the human Damocles system, Godzilla had already used up the focusing crystals supporting the super-high-power laser.

Godzilla used up all the crystals in his body to support the ultra-high-energy laser when shooting down the wings of Ghidorah, and when fighting Kaiser Ghidorah.

Later, it recuperated underground, and it also focused all its manufacturing power on repairing the body, otherwise, it would not be able to emit such lasers at all now.

The synthesis of crystals is still a matter after it breaks out of the highly toxic sea area of ​​​​the oxygen destroyer. At this time, it can't make many crystals at all-not to mention the battle with Caesar Ghidorah, the organ that produces focused bodies in its body There is also a lot of damage, and the rate of manufacture is much slower than before.

So until now, it has only been able to shoot a Pava-level laser once. After this time, its limit power on the laser is only a few terawatts.

This is actually very exaggerated, but when facing the atmosphere of tens of thousands of kilometers, the laser of several terawatts can't touch it at all.

In fact, at this time, it has nothing to do with the meteorite, it can only watch it crash into Australia.

However, Godzilla doesn't have the slightest worry.



It will shoot.


Thousands of miles away from Godzilla's location, in Godzilla's ecology, a [-]-meter giant beast looked up at the sky at this moment.

With the connection between Godzilla and it, it can observe the meteor that is hitting at an incredible speed in real time!

Three thousand kilometers... two thousand kilometers... one thousand kilometers...

It opened its mouth.

Six hundred kilometers... three hundred kilometers...

Light appeared in the mouth.

Two hundred kilometers... one hundred kilometers!

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