Of course, the release of pressure here refers to legal and reasonable methods, such as carnival, such as party parades, such as neon festivals and the like.

Anyway, every city has not rested these days, every scenic spot is open all night, and people don't sleep, just immersed in the joy of the rest of their lives.

As one of the five major ecological circles, even if it is already 0 o'clock in the evening in the Rafael Park, there is an endless stream of people who come here to play.

Some people want to observe those nocturnal animals.

Some people want to experience how people used to feel when they were camping in the wild.

There are others...

They came with some kind of impure purpose.

"That's it, that's it. Look, it's really beautiful here, right?"

In the forest at night, a boy took the hand of a girl, ran into the depths of the forest, and came to a stream.

By the stream, fish are playing bubbles in the water, fireflies are flying up and down in the grass, owls are cooing in the distance, crickets are playing nocturnal songs, and frogs are crowing.

It's all really beautiful.

"Take off your shoes, let's get down together."

The boy took off his shoes and stepped into the creek, stepping on the water, shouting to the girl on the bank.The girl lowered her head, hummed shyly, sat on the bank, stretched out her little white feet that were still wearing shoes, and placed them in front of the boy.

The boy also understood, he gently took off the girl's shoes, and then holding the small and exquisite boat, slowly, slowly soaked in the cold stream water.


The girl was cold and wanted to get back, but the warmth of the boy's palm stopped her.She didn't pull back in the end, but watched the boy slowly dip her feet into the stream.

The stream reflected the moonlight, the boy and the girl looked at each other and smiled at each other.They sat on the shore together, looked at the moon together, and listened to the sounds of nature together.

Time passed quickly, the girl was a little sleepy, she squinted her eyes slightly, and the moonlight sprinkled the right tulle at this time, she looked so beautiful, the girl's flawless face was more beautiful than the boy's in the moonlight. Everything you see is beautiful.

Unable to help, his head was close to her lips, the girl opened her eyes and looked at the boy, she did not resist.The lips of the two hugged each other, lingering together, and finally, the boy pushed the girl down.

Finally, there was a clicking sound.

There are many such things. In the entire Raphael Park, a perfect girl meets a boy, or a perfect boy meets a girl. Of course, there are many between boys and boys, girls and girls, anyway On this night, many people are in harmony with each other, and they will never separate after being lingering.

This is true in every sense.

Gradually it was dawn, gradually some boys and girls left the park, and gradually, the park began to rise in fog.

White mist, mist like milk.

The thick fog rose from the deepest part of the park. It was so thick that the visibility in the covered area dropped to single digits.

The fog was spreading, and in the thick fog, the sounds of all animals gradually disappeared, and finally, there was only dead silence and silence in the fog.

Some people wanted to explore in the fog, but everyone who stepped into the fog never came back.Humans have already noticed that something is wrong with the fog, and they began to report the thick fog in the park, but the answer from the outside made them feel unbelievable.

Outside, also appeared.

The heavy fog is not only in the Raphael Park, but in the whole of London and even the whole of England.

This incomprehensible fog appeared in all cities.

From tall buildings, from forests, and from beneath the surface.

The fog billows and spreads in all directions at the same time, everything in the fog disappears, and electronic equipment will also be strongly disturbed in the fog, making it difficult to communicate with the outside world.

The inside of the fog and the outside of the fog have become two worlds.Human beings feel an unprecedented fear at this moment.

The name of this fear is the unknown.

Although Godzilla and Ghidorah are strong, they are known.

And this fog is absolutely unknown to human beings.

I don't know the origin, I don't know the reason, I don't know what happened in it.

Everything about it is unknown.

Fortunately, there is still a group of existences in Europe who are not afraid of the unknown.

That's the machines.

Godzilla didn't attack Europe, so the drones here haven't been wiped out yet.

When the fog gradually rose, countless machines blocked in front of them.

Machines are linked together to form a high wall to block the fog.At the same time, more machines moved building materials to block the gaps between the stitched machines, completely trapping the thick fog in it.

The fog is very thick, and it is precisely because it is too thick that the height of the fog is not high, only 23 meters, and it can be blocked by humans.


It didn't take long for the heavy fog that appeared throughout England to be completely sealed by the machines.Human beings can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time some samples of the mist were sent to major laboratories for scientists to analyze this supernatural mist.

I don't know what's going on inside.

Although the spread of the fog was stopped, the inside of the fog was still so mysterious.So far, no one has been able to return from the depths of the fog, and even the machines sent there will mysteriously disappear in it.

Aerial photography at high altitudes can't see through the fog. While taking a long breath of relief, a faint worry pervades the hearts of all those who know.

Like that mysterious fog.

And this mysterious worry quickly turned into reality. In the world outside the fog, many people who have touched a trace of fog began to feel inexplicable itching.

Itchy, itchy, itchy! !

Can't stay in the room anymore, I'm going out, I'm going out!

Itchy people took to the streets, they stood in the bustling crowds, on the streets with people coming and going, scratching themselves.The strength of that hand had already pulled off the skin and flesh, but it still couldn't stop the inexplicable itch!

Someone already noticed something was wrong and wanted to leave, but at this moment, the body that was itching to the limit made a bang.

Then, the fog continued to fill.

Endless mist gushes out from every hole of the human being, and the human body becomes the maker of the mist. After tens of seconds of eruption, the human beings who used to be disappeared without a trace, leaving only one A huge fog cluster tens of meters in diameter.

The mist is inhaled into the lungs and body by more people.

Such tragedies are happening in every city, on every street.

The thick fog filled the air crazily. This time, even the machines couldn't stop it. Human beings could only look at the cities, completely immersed in the smog, and the whole of England was engulfed in the thick smog.

Fog covered everything, and in the fog, everything returned to silence.

It all took less than 3 hours from start to finish.

Humans fell into silence.

And in the fog.

Then there is vitality.


London, where the fog is deepest.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and the fog is getting thicker and thicker.

From the first 30 meters to the current 90 meters submerged in the city.

The mist has become more and more dense, and it is not only the animals that have disappeared.

Some buildings began to collapse, and some forests were gradually engulfed in thick fog.

At the same time, some voices began to echo, and some footsteps began to appear again.

"La, la, la, la la, la, la, la~"

"La, la, la, la la, la, la, la~"

"La, la, la, la la, la, la, la~"

Some human voices echoed in the deserted neighborhood.

It was a tune belonging to a nursery rhyme. It had no words, but consisted of the most basic melody and children's laughter.

It is like a ghost, echoing in the city of London.It was as if it came from nothing, was born from nothing, and spread its own voice in the entire thick fog.

Afterwards, the nursery rhymes became louder and louder, as if reflecting it, from the fog, from the deepest place.

Something came out.

It was a naked man and woman.

Each of them looks flawless, and each is like a work of art carefully designed by God.

The tunes of nursery rhymes were murmured in their mouths, and the godless faces sang the laughter that belonged to children.

They took over the baton of sound from the hands of nothingness, and then all of them converged in one direction,

Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands.

There are more and more "people", and the singing is getting louder and louder.

They confluenced into the sounds of nature in the unmanned reinforced concrete, and with this sound, the surrounding fog seemed to come alive.

The fog condenses in the atmosphere, at first a small point, and then the small point falls to the ground, slowly getting bigger and bigger.

In the end it became a colossal monster with a body comparable to the houses around it.

The giant looked at the "people" below, and the "people" looked at the giant.

Then, they merged into one.

People stuck to its carapace, slowly sank into it, and became a part of the giant.

From the beginning of ten to the end of millions, more and more "people" merged with it, and the figure of the giant became taller and taller.

In the end, the Behemoth was almost as tall as the Mist.But at this moment, the "man" stopped feeding it.

Another dot appeared in the atmosphere, and the dots gathered again to form a giant, and people scrambled to merge with it again!

One head, two heads, three heads, ten heads...even a hundred heads!

In the fog in England, more and more giants rise up, they look out of the fog in the fog, and then come out of their mouths.

A stream of white air gushes out.

That's a very different airflow than fog.

That is the airflow representing extreme toxicity.

That is a new-destroyer that surpasses the oxygen destroyer produced by humans.

The giants made the poison into a fog, and they were about to let it rush in all directions.Use it to completely transform the world.

The speed at which poisonous gases spread is still not comparable to the speed at which the mist that creates them spreads.

But as more and more buildings collapse, more and more forests disappear, and more and more giants rise.

This means that the poisonous gas of another ecology will eventually turn this beautiful blue planet into their own treasure.

It is so believed.


Humanity fell silent.

The sudden heavy fog made all cities in England fall into silence in a very short period of time.

Although there has not been a report officially proving that all humans have been wiped out, it can be seen from the point that the fog will turn humans into carriers to infect other people.

I'm afraid the whole of England is already in danger.

No, to be more precise, the whole of England has turned into no man's land at this moment.

A total of 12 billion.

12 billion people were wiped out by sudden events like this!Not even a single person survived!

What exactly happened here?

And what is this heavy fog?

No one knows, they can only wait.Waiting for scientific laboratories all over the world to thoroughly analyze the composition of the fog.

Using drones, people captured a lot of fog and came back. I hope scientists can quickly analyze what it is.

Otherwise... with the current defenseless means, human beings can't fight it at all!

Time passed by, and three hours after the fog engulfed England, the European Biological Laboratory in the area once called France finally analyzed the true identity of the fog.

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