It has completely read the history of Destoroyah's fortune.

This guy first drilled out of the ground in Britain, and lured human men to marry him in the form of a human woman.

Also in the process of combining, the miniature bodies in its body will replace the human male silently, changing itself from one to two.

The appearance and signs of the male will also change after being replaced, becoming a new perfect male.Hunt with that perfect woman, gradually turning the whole of England into its hunting grounds.

In the last day there had been over a million Destoroian mimics in England.If they hadn't been worried that the physical examination of the airport and the vacuum tube would reveal their existence, maybe the whole of Europe would have been occupied by Destoroyia at this moment.

It's so troublesome...

Thinking about it this way, Godzilla is deciding whether he wants to solve this existence.

To go, or not to go?




[Body shape: height 800 meters, mass 2.5 million tons, total length 1372 meters]



[Assimilation capacity of the ecosystem: 30 square kilometers per day]

[Overall level of the ecosystem: Level 3]

[Self-repair capacity: 100 tons/day]

Chapter 140 Five: The Eve of Human Destruction?

Still need to go.

It's best to wipe them out.

Those guys in the depths of the fog, Godzilla knows exactly what their nature is.

They are one and many, an alien ecology that will wipe out all life in the entire world except them.

It is an existence worse than human beings.

If it is only possible for human beings to wipe out other creatures on this planet in the future.

Then they will inevitably destroy all living things except them, which naturally includes primitive microorganisms.

In this sense, they are not only worse than humans, they are much worse than Ghidorah's ecology.

The ecology of Ghidorah only encroached on the macro ecological niche.

The impact on microscopic organisms such as bacteria and fungi is not too great.

Mushrooms can still grow in dark corners, and microorganisms can still act as decomposers.

Perhaps in the future, Ghidorah's ecology will assimilate microorganisms.But that was only an evolution caused by environmental pressure, not a complete extinction like Destoroyah.

The Godzilla ecology uses Godzilla cells to transform the original creatures into Godzilla creatures. It does not directly erase the will of the original creatures, but just replaces them with a new body.

The ecology of Ghidorah is a destructive encroachment on the original ecology through the powerful Ghidorah creature itself.In this process, the organisms that cannot adapt to the ecology of Ghidorah will die, but in the end some organisms such as bacteria at the microbial level can still adapt to the new ecology, and will not be completely extinct.

The same is true of the human ecology, but they have a higher upper limit and a lower lower limit than the Ghidorah ecology.

Human beings may restore the original ecological circle after completing the encroachment of the ecological circle, or they may completely destroy the original ecological circle due to a civil war.

Humans have a high ceiling and a low floor.And the Destoroyas, who are different from humans, belong to an existence whose upper limit is equal to the lower limit.

Their upper limit is to wipe out all life on this planet except them, and the lower limit is also the same.

Whether it is plants or animals, even the most basic microorganisms are the targets of Destoroyah's extermination.

They have only one purpose since they came to this planet.

That is to destroy all life except them, which is their greatest goal, and the only goal.

From a bad point of view, Destoroyia is the worst existence on this planet from ancient times to the present—even the aerobic bacteria have not completely wiped out the anaerobic bacteria.

And Destoroyah can wipe out all life except them.

So for the earth's ecology, which is already extremely fragile.

Destoroyah is an existence that must be eliminated.

It cannot be allowed to continue to spread.

Godzilla, who owns the whole-terrestrial radar, knows very well that after occupying the whole of England, Destoroyia did not stop their spread.

They are now flying as fish and birds towards the whole world. If they are not stopped, the whole earth will become Destoroya's paradise in a few months.

They must be wiped out before this...

After deciding on the target, Godzilla's huge body smashed through the ground, and this strongest body built by itself finally appeared in the sunlight at this moment.

With a light jump, Godzilla jumped to the ground from a thousand meters deep, causing a considerable earthquake.

The ground was cracked, and Godzilla stood on the cracked ground, fully displaying his new figure on the surface.

With a hint of silver in the black body, Godzilla's body looks stronger than before. With a height of 800 meters and a body length of nearly 1500 meters, it is almost the same as a real mountain.

Godzilla stands on the ground, and at the same time it stands on this land, everything around and in front of it is blessed by an inexplicable force and ejected outward.

The metal tree was crushed and couldn't stand up. Many Godzilla creatures were bounced away by the inexplicable force around Godzilla. Fortunately, their bodies were strong enough to avoid casualties.

This is the super-strong magnetic field wrapped in Godzilla

Now Godzilla can manipulate lightning like Caesar Ghidorah if he wants to, creating super powerful thunderstorms in the atmosphere.

This is not difficult for it, but for it now, thunderstorms are useless.

The strong magnetic force supports Godzilla's body, but it also has some bad effects on the outside world.

Godzilla slightly changed the distribution of electric current in the body to make the external magnetic field not so strong.

Finally, after fiddling for a while, the trees in front stood up again.

Now, the intensity of the outside world is within an acceptable range—at least for creatures in the Godzilla ecology.

If it is for humans, then the magnetic field strength around Godzilla is still too high.It is so high that the induced current generated by the flow of blood is enough to kill people.

Well, Godzilla is pretty sure no one will be accidentally injured by the magnetic field.Because before they were accidentally injured by the magnetic field.

It will be shot.

It's just that Godzilla's weight is a lot heavier after such adjustments. After all, the internal structure will definitely change after adjusting the external magnetic field.

But it is still acceptable, the weight is only a few million tons heavier, and the ground under its feet can still support it, which is not a big deal.

Call ~

It's time to leave.

In the sky, human satellites are still watching here.Thinking of this, Godzilla was a little annoyed.

Hmm... I don't really want to fight with the villains at this point in time.

Godzilla knew that Birusarudo's fleet would arrive in a few days through the whole-area radar.So now it can't expend too much energy to deal with humans.

Normal breath is enough for Destoroyah, but when fighting humans...

According to its perception, the human Damocles system has received a lot of goods these days.

Although with its current strength of 100 billion tons of nuclear weapons, even if it hits its body directly, it will not cause serious damage to it, and the megaton class does not even need it to intercept it, and it will not do anything in the middle.

But human beings don't only target it, they also target other existences, such as... The Second World.

Godzilla's ecology has spread enough during the few days of its dormancy that it doesn't need to worry about it, but Godzilla II, its child in a certain sense, still can't do it alone.

When it evolved, it had given II the knowledge it had obtained from Birusarudo and Exif these days, and taught it how to build and strengthen its own body.

But in the absence of a system panel, 15 days is not enough for the second generation to undergo a qualitative evolution.

The current it cannot stop humans.

As long as humans attack it, Godzilla will have to spend precious focusing crystals to intercept their attack. The current II can be said to be its weakness.

If the Pirusarudo fleet also uses the second to carry out articles... then it will be troublesome.

It's really troublesome... How to solve this?Can we temporarily negotiate peace with humans?

It is definitely necessary to go, but how should we go?


"You don't need to worry about me."

"I have a solution myself."

II's voice appeared in Godzilla's mind.


"Is that so...Godzilla has appeared again and is trying to leave Australia now?...Is the destination South East Asia... I see, um, I see."

"Then let's evacuate the residents of Eastern Europe and the Middle East first. The direct train to Africa has been completed a few days ago, isn't it? It's time to start it."

"There is also the Damocles system. First aim at the Australian side, aiming at the small Godzilla. Once Godzilla officially leaves Australia, use the Damocles system to bombard the small Godzilla. You can use a small equivalent first. The purpose of the warhead is not to kill, but to evacuate it."

"Yes, that's it. Start evacuating first. Then contain it. By the way, go and inform Bilu Saludo. See what they say, can you help us?"

New Eden, Human Headquarters.

The conference room that had been deserted for several days was full of people again today.

The reason for this is that just now, Godzilla, the greatest enemy of mankind, once again attacked from the ground in Australia, trying to leave Australia and go to the outside world.

Judging from the satellite, after 15 days of rest, Godzilla's previous wounds have all disappeared, and his body has also become almost doubled.

Although the mass has not changed much from the shock wave it caused when it stepped on the ground, humans don't think that Godzilla has become weaker. On the contrary, it must have become stronger and stronger.

Otherwise, why would it choose to take the initiative?

Although during these 15 days, humans and intelligent machines worked overtime and successfully manufactured many more weapons than humans did 15 days ago.

But no one, no one is sure of defeating Godzilla.In so many battles, Godzilla has shown enough of its power to mankind. Now, everyone dare not make a judgment in advance before the official battle.

The fear of Godzilla has been buried in the hearts of human beings.

"Your Excellency, Speaker! Godzilla has broken through Australia!"

Within a few minutes, Ludwig's assistant heard something that everyone expected.

Godzilla, out of trouble again.

The oxygen destroyers around Australia have been unable to trap it before, and it is impossible to trap it now.Humans have no way to trap Godzilla. Now either humans will destroy Godzilla before Godzilla destroys them, or wait for Godzilla to destroy humans.

Is there going to be another showdown?

The fleet of Birusarudo people is still on their way, and it will take 5 days for them to arrive.Human beings must now defend themselves during these 5 days, no matter what method they use.

Taking a deep breath, Ludwig quietly waited for the next message.More importantly, news about diverting shelling.

After a few more minutes, the message on the tablet increased, and Ludwig clicked on it and glanced at it, only to find that the first round of containment shelling had failed.

The 1-megaton equivalent nuclear weapon was sniped by Godzilla II in the air, and it was detonated before it even flew over Australia.

The monster got stronger, just like its mother, during the 15 days.

That's to be expected though, it's no secret to humans that Godzilla can unleash super-powerful lasers as long as he has focusing crystals.

So just keep attacking and wait until it runs out of focus crystals and it will be over.

Attack it again until it runs out of focus crystals.

After giving the order, Ludwig ordered the Damocles system in the sky to continue bombarding the little Godzilla. Judging from the number of nuclear bombs stored in the Damocles system in the sky, the little Godzilla It is impossible to intercept them all anyway.

The second round, the third round, the fourth round...

In this way, time passed until the Damocles system launched hundreds of nuclear bombs, and these hundreds of nuclear bombs were all intercepted.

Human beings found something wrong.

The focusing crystals of the little Godzilla seem to be endless, no matter how many crystals it attacks, it can intercept them one by one.

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