So while spreading, they must degrade themselves to the point where they can reproduce themselves.

The fog that breaks through human bodies, the fog that corrodes buildings, and the fog that the first few Destroyas turned into are all completely different.

The fog of human beings is composed of protein cells, the fog of buildings is mixed with metals, and the fog of Destoroyah is the product of the bonding of inner electrons.

They are at different levels, formed by the step-by-step degradation of the most initial and strongest structure.

The fog, Godzilla cells, and even Ghidorah's creatures are all like this. The scattered version is not as good as the version on the original owner's body. This may be the reason why the monster will not be eliminated by its own ecology.

Thinking about it this way, the ecology of monsters is completely opposite to the normal ecology.

One evolves from one, resulting in many.

One degenerates from one to derive many.

The phenomenon of monsters viewed in this way is simply the greatest rebellion against natural evolution.

It can't be said that way, after all, no one can define the direction of evolution.In a sense, the so-called degeneration may be the real evolution.

In the end, what the monster phenomenon doesn't know at all.

On this planet, the only place where it is possible to answer this question is still under the Antarctic, frozen.

Well, the time to think is over, next, it's time to destroy.


Chapter 140 Seven Godzilla - The King of Thunder

The electromagnetic field is changed at this moment.

Godzilla can easily manipulate the electromagnetic field around him by changing the direction, magnitude and nature of the conductor of the current.

At this moment, through its ability, it began to gather the clouds in front of it.

Around him, Godzilla is surrounded by countless flickering instantaneous currents, not only in the atmosphere, but also in the ocean.

Endless thunder and lightning surround Godzilla. This is what Godzilla looks like when the current in his body is at its maximum power. It is like putting on a layer of thunder and lightning, turning into a divine beast purely composed of endless thunder.

Full-strength electromagnetic armor, the electromagnetic field it creates is so powerful that humans can hardly imagine.Under such a powerful electromagnetic field, even the subtle flow of the atmosphere and the ocean will generate unmatched instantaneous lightning, ionize the air and the ocean, and break down everything around.

The sea faded away from Godzilla in front of this powerful magnetic force, and its whole body was wrapped in the thunder, which was like a feather coat of thunder, turning all those who dared to approach it into a thunder fly ash.

Godzilla's surroundings were completely transformed into Thunder's world, and the ocean was also pushed aside, and it stood alone on the seabed.

The atmosphere is attracted, and the thicker atmosphere makes the thunder shine even more.But creating this thunder world wasn't Godzilla's purpose, it was just incidental.

The real purpose of Godzilla is the super-strong attraction to iron-coated cells brought about by the super-strong electromagnetic field.

By changing direction and position, Godzilla can fully control the strength of the magnetic field he creates.

It has no trouble attracting iron-coated cells with a super-strong magnetic field.

Through the phenomenon of ferromagnetization, it can even change the direction of its electrodes to repel the cells in the iron shell, allowing itself to manipulate such metals arbitrarily, just like in the comics and novels of human fantasy.

It can be said that on today's earth, there is no existence that can manipulate electromagnetic fields better than it.It is the undisputed king of magnetism.

Under the operation of its magnetic field, the entire thick fog in front of it was pouring towards it, not only within the visible range, but also from the invisible farther away.

At close range, even regular Destoroyian cells made of non-metal are attracted or repelled by Godzilla's super-strong magnetic field depending on the composition.

Some of them mixed in the atmosphere and rushed towards Godzilla, while others resisted the thrust of the atmosphere, and they were still unwilling to go to Godzilla's side.

But it doesn't matter, the induced current generated in the body will destroy all their protein-like structures before they really approach and leave Godzilla.

Even the metal-coated cells were destroyed by the electric current inside, and only the most tyrannical ones, those composed of inner electron-bonding materials, survived.

But, they are also fast.

Not only is it as simple as a few hundred meters around, but all paramagnetic substances within a few thousand meters, a dozen kilometers, or even a larger range are being pulled by Godzilla's super magnetic field, and it seems to have turned into a single star. The stars with strong magnetism that exist in the depths of the deep space pull everything with this powerful magnetism.

Of course, the real situation is not so terrible.The force received by the cells at a distance of tens of kilometers or tens of kilometers is still extremely small, and it is not enough to pull them quickly. This is definitely not comparable to real white dwarfs and neutron stars.

Magnetism isn't strong enough to pull them through, but atmospheric pressure is.

The super-strong electromagnetic field caused the density of the atmosphere around Godzilla to increase sharply, and the increase in the density around Godzilla meant that the density of an area decreased.

This caused an imbalance in the originally balanced air pressure, and the atmosphere poured into that area, but was immediately attracted by a powerful magnetic field.

This results in that area of ​​pressure imbalance that persists.

There is a storm hanging around Godzilla, this is a storm rushing towards it, the violent atmosphere creates an inhalation storm unprecedented on the earth around it, thunder and strong wind surround it, this Godzilla is set off like Zeus, the god-king in mythology!

The phenomenon that once appeared on Caesar Ghidorah is now also appearing on Godzilla, but its strength is even stronger than that of Caesar Ghidorah!The dense atmosphere around it has exceeded the density of Venus' atmosphere, and Godzilla's face is gradually blurred in the storm. At this moment, it looks like the giant god Typhon who was engulfed by the storm.

Walking on the seabed, the super strong wind did not hinder Godzilla in the slightest.After walking for a certain distance, it was confirmed that the heavy fog in the surrounding sea area had been wrapped around it.

Godzilla headed deeper into the fog.

It took a while to carry the storm forward for dozens of kilometers, and after confirming that the density had reached the limit, Godzilla opened his mouth.

Human satellites can see how the giant beast in the waters of the British Isles spits out flames and burns everything in the densest storm.

Fire fire! ! !It took only a moment for the endless storm to be replaced by endless fire, and everything was eclipsed by Godzilla's breath.

The violent wind is wrapped around the violent fire, and Godzilla moves forward with such a fire tornado.This is like a moving nuclear fireball, except that there are endless storms, lightning and poison inside this nuclear fireball.

The fire storm lasted for a long time, until the light of the fire gradually dimmed, the sea rushed towards it, the storm of thunder and lightning gradually weakened, the strength of the electromagnetic field began to slowly decrease, and the atmosphere was no longer bound.Godzilla just stepped out of the rising smoke and walked towards another area shrouded in thick fog with his intact body.

The electric current destroyed the protein and iron cells, and the flame burned those remaining metamaterial cells.

Destoroyia in this area has been cleaned up.

If it's just an ordinary breath, then the metamaterial cells in the non-center of the explosion will not be killed.Even if it is also located in the fireball area, it is difficult to be killed.

And doing so will allow the shock wave to carry the undead cells to continue to spread. For cells made of metamaterials, the shock wave of a nuclear explosion is nothing.

The metamaterials that bond the electrons in the inner layer are so powerful, that’s why Godzilla needs to use a strong magnetic field to gather them together, and then breathe out continuously at low power and bake slowly to kill all the remaining metamaterial cells together.

In order to kill the Destoroyal cells without creating shock waves, so that the Destoroyal cells in the area that has not been cleaned are blown away and spread, it can only use low-power breath, which is really not efficient.

But this is the cleanest way to clean up.

But it takes too much time...

It would take at least five days to wipe out the entire infected area with an area of ​​more than one million square kilometers in this way.

Well, not enough time.

Godzilla knew very well that it had to return to Australia before Birusarudo's fleet really arrived.Because there is a secret weapon that can increase its chances of winning.

So throw back the day, get ready for the day.Godzilla only has two days left to solve the Destoroyah cell matter...

This time is not enough.

If it is just to burn the British Isles to scorched earth, let alone two days, 10 minutes, or even just 2 minutes, it can do it - just a blow with a strong enough breath, no need for extreme power , the trillion level is fine.

But if such a breath is blasted... the Destoroyians will not die.

Even the fireball area on the edge of a nuclear explosion cannot kill the Destoroyal cells made of metamaterials, let alone a fireball area with a trillion-ton or even ten-trillion-ton level cannot cover the entire British Isles at all.

The only result of it blowing out such a strong breath is that most of the Destoroyian cells died, but a small part of the cells directly spread to every corner of the entire planet's surface.

In a few days, the entire ecology of the planet will become Destoroyah's pocket.And to stop this situation, even exhalation equivalent to one trillion billion equivalents is not enough at all.

The number of trillions is also enough. To defeat them with one blow, at least one billions is required.

That is equivalent to the level of a hundred dinosaur killers hitting the earth at the same time.

With this level of breath, even if Godzilla can spend a while transforming himself, and then blast out.But once blasted out, even if Godzilla himself can survive, all other creatures on this planet will have no reason to survive.

The entire earth will be turned into a death star, which will be an extinction even more tragic than the Permian mass extinction, and even the ecology of Godzilla will not be spared.

Not only humans, but all macro life forms on this planet will disappear.Only the microbes 1 far away from the explosion center will be left.

And this is unacceptable to Godzilla.

Therefore, it is impossible to destroy them in a short time.

It is impossible to destroy them, so they can only be sealed.

As for how to seal it...

You see, there are still a lot of rocks on the seabed... It must be enough to build a mountain range 4000 kilometers long and 5-6 kilometers above the sea.

Shatter the earth's crust, lift the mountains, and cast the mountains.

A huge mountain range was cut from the seabed, blocking the front of the fog with a nearly vertical mountain range.

This should seal the fog from spreading, just like it sealed the Oxygen Breakers back then.

But unlike the oxygen destroyer, the fog itself is a group of life, it has its own will, it can gather aggregates, climb up the mountain, and break through the seal.

For them, just a simple seal is not enough.

It is necessary to break the legs they use to escape before sealing them, so that they lose the ability to leave in a short time.

Only in this way can the crisis called Destoroyah be delayed.

Deciding on a plan, Godzilla rushed into the fog and wiped out all the behemoths that were creating poison in the fog.

With fire and light, everything is decided.


Meanwhile, in the depths of the fog.

Just when Godzilla shattered the fog for the first time, the giant beasts in the depths of the fog changed.

They were originally fixed in place like trees, just breathing quietly, producing thick fog.After Godzilla incinerated the fog, it became active.

The giants moved their steps.

One, two, three, four...

One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand...

The giants on the entire British Isle are heading in the same direction, and they are going to the same place under the guidance of the same will.

Then, cast there... assemble...


A super-strong magnetic field appeared next to Godzilla again, and it accreted the fog while moving toward the depths of the fog.

Clothed in thunder and storm, Godzilla officially landed from the coast of the British Isles, carrying an unimaginable number of Destoroyal cells.

Much higher than the fog, the bulbous tornado enveloped Godzilla.Its diameter is several thousand meters, and it contains countless Destoroyal cells.

It can be said that in such a group, the number of Destoroyian cells contained in it is enough to create a super giant beast far surpassing the ancient Titans.

However, before merging into the super giant beast, the Destoroyah cells were already killed by the thunder and lightning, and the remaining metamaterial cells were still struggling in the sea of ​​thunder, trying to escape but unable to do so. Aggregation does not have this opportunity.

It is still impossible for the cells to resist the storm inside the super tornado. They cannot be connected in the air, and can only be thrown back and forth by Godzilla with the power of the magnetic field, constantly receiving the baptism of thunder.

Godzilla marched on the land, carrying this destructive storm, until at some point, the storm it carried reached an upper limit, an upper limit where the density of the atmosphere could not be increased.

Then it ignited the storm with fire.Breathe out directly and turn them into fuel for the flames.

The breath lasted for a long time, until Godzilla determined that all biological cells could not survive in this situation, it slowly reduced the strength of the magnetic field, allowing the storm surrounding itself to gradually dissipate.

The wind left Godzilla's side, but there was still a thick fog ahead.

The land was dead silent, Godzilla looked around, and found that there was not even a living tree or a flourishing grass in the surrounding area.

The large trees have long been turned into charcoal, as are the vegetation. The place is dead, and not even the most basic microorganisms survive.

The wind was blowing, and Godzilla felt the dead silence.It has to be said that this is the first time it has truly witnessed what absolute silence is like. Before, even when it just woke up, there were at least microscopic insects in the ocean.

But here, not even a single microbe survived.

Dead silence, but not far away, in those thick fogs, life is flourishing.

But that's not life on this planet.


The ground was shaking.


The fog was billowing.

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