Compared with them, the length of 1000 meters, the thickness of 200 meters, and the side length of 300 meters are really not enough for a battleship, but its density is far higher than that of a colonial ship. All exceeded 1 million tons.


Because the interior of the colony ship has to meet the various needs of the Bilu Salud people, there is a huge amount of room for activities, and it is essentially empty inside.Combat ships, on the other hand, are quite different.

Bilu Saludo's battleship has already completed full artificial intelligence, and there is almost no extra space inside it. It is compact and full of various weapons and ammunition, ready to fight at any time.

The functions of the two sides are quite different.

The goal of the transport personnel fleet is a temporary city built by robots near the North Pole. For the sake of human feelings, Ambassador Bilu Saludo reluctantly accepted the request not to allow the spaceships to dock directly in major cities, and instead chose Landed in a more remote place.

But it doesn't matter, once Godzilla is defeated, these Birusaludo people will become the heroes of the earth people.When the time comes, it will be a breeze to leave that city, and it doesn't matter to the Birusaludo people.

A spaceship travels between Eden and the giant ship. The spaceships do not head to the earth in a straight line. They will choose to circle around first, enter the earth's atmosphere from the Atlantic Ocean, and then go to that city.

This will prevent the monster in Australia from sniping.

Godzilla is a monster capable of deep space sniping.

Its high-energy beams once sniped the wings of Ghidorah who were still on the edge of the earth-moon system on the earth, causing them heavy losses, and made outstanding contributions to the defense of the first wave of human attacks.

Although in the end, the purpose of the Wings of Ghidorah was achieved.

At that time, Godzilla's beam concentration and release energy reached the level of hundreds of thousands of tons of TNT. Now, through the comparison of its size when it sniped Ghidorah's wings before and the comparison of its current size, the Birusaludo battleship carried Battleship Intelligence believes that Godzilla can carry out multiple strikes on the ground to destroy the Birusarudo battleship.

Although Birusarudo's battleship is much stronger than Ghidorah's Wing, Godzilla is also much stronger than his previous self.

So in order to deal with this possibility, Bilu Saludo adopted the method of staggering the time.Landing from the other side of the earth facing Australia where Godzilla exists.

Godzilla's lasers would be useless in this case.

It took some time to transport most of the Birusaludo people on the ship to the ground, and the large warship as the main body finally started to move after being parked in low-earth orbit for several hours.

Unlike small manned spaceships, the destination of the giant ships is Eden in South America.They are going to fly over the capital of human beings in South America first, then lower their altitude, and go to Australia to fight Godzilla at a level that can be said to be close.

Birusarudo is not planning to strike Godzilla in outer space. Godzilla's outer space strike ability is not weak, and he is not the kind of opponent who can rely on space superiority to crush.

Their battle against Godzilla is on the ground, at least for now.

Birusarudo is a rational race. Even if they don't think Godzilla can win, they will make all preparations and plans.

Today's Eden is the night, and they come at this moment to maximize their shock to human beings.

The giant ship ignited on the back, arranged a suitable trajectory, and ensured that it could always be behind the surface where Godzilla was, and the next ten ships moved forward together according to the predetermined trajectory.

Tongues of flame tens of kilometers long were ignited behind them, and the flames of these ten ships as huge as mountains were clearly visible on the ground when they were ignited together.

The night of Eden is slightly illuminated at this moment, and from the perspective below, ten streams of flame brighter than the bright moon are piercing the night sky.

At the forefront of the flame stream, ten stars are shining.

The people on the surface couldn't help but burst into tears watching the flames.

The brilliance of the bright moon was overshadowed, and countless people walked out of their homes and came to the street, just to see the "stars" in the sky.Just to bask in the radiance of their flames.

Even more pious than the most pious believers, many people knelt down to pray under this radiance.Their hearts are churning, they are thinking.

Finally, finally, finally Godzilla, Destoroyah, these monsters will be wiped out.Finally, finally, finally, human beings are going to be the masters of the earth again.

The monsters will die eventually, only the glory of human beings can last forever!

As the spot of light got bigger and bigger, the crowd became more and more fanatical.

Even some people who usually claim to be rational are gradually infected by this frenzy.

Officials of the United Earth Government walked out of their offices and went outside. Under the kind invitation of the people around them, they gradually let go of their hatred for Bilu Saludo and joined the carnival.

Even Lord Ludwig, the chairperson of the United Earth Government, is no exception. He is surrounded by a group of people, looking up at the sky.

Even he was faintly expecting in his heart, looking forward to the arrival of Bilu Saludo.

The crowd was so frenzied that they took to the streets, took photos and videos, and started the live broadcast.Let all mankind, all over the world, witness this miracle in the sky.

This is a miracle that does not belong to humans.

The glows became brighter and brighter, and the rainbow trail became longer and longer. When they gradually spanned the entire sky, the spaceship itself changed from a blurred point to a blurry ship that could be distinguished one by one. the boat.

Their current status has been outlined.

Human beings looked at the clearer and clearer spaceships in the sky, and their moods became more and more high.

All over the world, children and adults, men and women.Everyone welcomed Bilu Saludo's arrival in a carnival, and many people raised banners, wanting to let Bilu Saludo's giant ship see it.

No one sleeps tonight, major companies and governments have issued notices, tonight and today, everyone in the world will have a day off to welcome those alien friends!

There are also more and more banners, and many people have picked up the latest Bilu Saludo peripherals and raised them to the sky to show their fanaticism.

Although rationality tells them that the Birusarudo people on the spaceship must not be able to see them, and they will certainly not respond to them.

But what does it matter?People just want an outlet right now... an outlet for them to vent about everything they've come across these days.

These three months are both too long and too short.

Every day during this time is longer than a year for everyone.

In the past three months, too many things have happened.

People have fallen into despair more than once, and now, hope is finally coming.

Those fleets in space and the people on the ground look so shining, so beautiful, they are the embodiment of hope, they are...

—Zheng——! ! ! ! !

Everything is interrupted at this moment,

The carnival stopped, the frenzy stopped, the worship stopped, the joy stopped.

To ask why?

The reason is.

Its daybreak.

Just as everyone was reveling, dawn dawned.

Not only is it as simple as "brightness", but in an instant, the entire dark night in South America is driven away by a light that is a thousand times, ten thousand times brighter than the day.

At this moment, the fleet in the sky became an existence that shone countless times brighter than the sun.

This dazzling light caused countless people to close their eyes and shed tears.There were beeps in their brains, and they almost fainted.

Endless light filled everyone's sight, and before this unparalleled light dimmed, a new round of light broke through the sky.

Again and again, again and again.

Light shines in the sky, they seize the night of the earth at this moment, countless streams of light are displayed on each of Bilu Saludo's ships, and it lasts like this for an unknown amount of time before the sky gradually dims and the night resumes. Back to this side of the earth.

The sky under the "darkening" again showed the bukkake of the morning. The sky was dark red, and the people on the ground whose eyes were illuminated by the light before were still wailing and suffering.

And some lucky people who were not directly hit by the light before, or the crowd who just came out now can now see the scenery in the sky clearly.


In the sky, several rounds of sparkling suns illuminated the night, and they drew a flowing rainbow in the night, and the clouds that radiated light slowly moved towards the earth.

This familiar scene, that familiar light...

Human beings, at this moment, understand what happened just now.

Godzilla launched a sniper attack on Birusarudo through an unknown method!

Birusaldo, the savior of mankind, confronts Godzilla for the first time.

Godzilla wins.

Fanaticism, at this moment, turned into fear.

Chapter 150 Godzilla-II Ecosphere

In the extremely thin atmosphere [-] kilometers away from Eden.

The hulls of five of the ten ships are now undergoing constant sublimation.

The once black copper-colored exterior is now orange-yellow. At the bottom of these five ships that are being sublimated by high temperature, five large holes that almost penetrate them are now continuously emitting metal vapor with an unimaginable temperature outward in the deep space.

High-temperature metal vapor rushed to the four sides of the thin atmosphere, emitting scorching light in space, enveloping the entire fleet, and leaving long glowing clouds behind their tail fins, making them visible in the night sky. It looks like a little sun.

The hull has not cooled down yet, and its outer armor is still continuously sublimated at this moment. The heat transfer capability in the thin atmosphere is really poor. After being bombarded, the hull of the ship still cannot cool down for a long time. Still being destroyed by the residual heat of the light.

Although the central control system of the ship has used heat shields inside to prevent the high temperature from spreading throughout the ship.

But just this shooting has already abolished nearly a quarter of the combat power of the entire fleet...

Bilu Saludo's AI is very clear about what happened just now.

Just when the main fleet was 11 kilometers away from the earth, something "something" opened fire on them in the deep space above the South Pacific Ocean, [-] kilometers above the earth's surface.

The speed of light is the speed of the law of causality itself.

The fleet cannot detect this attack until it is attacked, and they can only defend urgently after being attacked.

But by then, it was too late.

Several streams of light have traveled thousands of miles and hit the five warships directly.

Even if the central control computer made the attacked battleship change its orbit to avoid the light flow at the first time, the parts hit by the light were too deadly—they directly penetrated part of the engine from bottom to top, causing the battleship to Unable to change track in time.

A total of fifteen shots, three waves of light streams destroyed half of the engines of the five ships and destroyed most of the ammunition. Although they were not imploded, they also lost their combat capabilities.

Godzilla, how did he cross the arc of this planet to attack them?

The central computer analyzes the incoming direction of the light flow, and then it finds, and finds the "things" that are attacking them in the extremely distant deep space.

That's the plural of spheres.

The appearance has a metallic texture, the overall color is dark green, the surface looks uneven, and the volume is already considered large for a deep space meteorite.

In terms of human measurement units, its diameter is about 60 meters.

A total of five such spheres are hanging in the deep space more than [-] kilometers away from the earth. At this moment, they are aiming at the fleet of Bilu Saludo, staring straight at the entire fleet in the infinite deep space. fleet.

Weird spheres, like man-made objects, watched them directly from deep space.

These existences are the culprits of this attack.

Through the intelligent analysis of photographic equipment, the surface of the sphere becomes clearer and clearer in the perception of the central computer. It can already observe the surface of the sphere dissolved by high temperature, and after analyzing various data, The central computer also draws a report on these spheres.

They are "machines" made by Godzilla.


"ma... ma... did we... succeed...?"

"Ah, we succeeded."

On the surface of southwestern Australia, Godzilla stands under a huge cumulonimbus cloud, observing Birusarudo in the sky through the whole earth radar.

Beside it is a "hill" covered by vines.

The plan was successful.

By creating large satellites on the ground that can emit super-powerful lasers, and then sending the satellites into space with Godzilla's super electromagnetic gun, Godzilla can obtain a global strike system.

in deep space

Godzilla can clearly see the plight of the Pirusarudo fleet in space. Three of their five giant ships have lost their combat capabilities. It is estimated that they will not continue to participate in the siege after landing up.

Although the largest giant ship was not attacked due to its location, the target lost at least one-third of its combat power, which is already a gratifying achievement for Godzilla.

But this achievement comes at a price...

Its price is...


Godzilla turned his head to look at the plant-covered "hill" beside him, and his eyes revealed an emotion that had never appeared since he woke up this time.

That's called worry.

The covered "hill", the gradually blurred will, this is the price of fighting.

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