After entering the rice forest, I can obviously feel that the ground under my feet has softened a lot, which makes the already difficult road ahead even more difficult.Not to mention that in this impenetrable rice forest, if one straw is pushed away, more rice straws will be thrown, completely covering their way forward.Let them lose their way at all.

Fortunately, Power Armor comes with a self-calculating itinerary map, which can estimate their point on the map based on the distance and direction they traveled.

Otherwise, they would have been lost in this paddy forest long ago.

Peel off the layers of rice and wood, step on the wet land, look for the way forward in the dense forest, and beware of everything that may arise.

As it should be, the expedition didn't get off to a good start.The place where the expedition team landed from the beginning was deep in a swamp, and it might take some time to break out from here.

It is really not a good experience to open up wasteland from the mud.

But while it's not pretty, it's lucky enough.

Because since their journey began, so far, no alien creature has attacked them.

This has been great luck.

As for the fact that you didn't see huge creatures in this paddy field from the very beginning?

It can only be said that the viewing angles are not the same.

In this field, the giants are not on the surface.

But underground.


Inside the helmet visor of his power armor, Rosso stared nervously at the upper right corner of his eye.There is a map marked there, a "map" of the underground.

In this "map", in addition to marking a series of light spots representing the entire team.There are also other things marked, such as those behemoths that are located underground, and the length from head to tail is several times longer than the length of their entire team.

This one is about the same as the school I used to study in... That one is bigger than the sports center in my hometown... This one is even more amazing, the entire length of the body can't even be covered by the shock wave...

Compared with the dullness on the ground, the underground of this field is obviously much "interesting".

With the power armor's ability to detect shock waves, Rosso can "see" the richness of the world below.That's why the whole team didn't choose to jump or fly away. They didn't want to be attacked by startled monsters halfway through the flight or jump.

So we can only go by land, and move forward carefully, bit by bit, and slowly with the least movement.

So as not to disturb those huge existences underground.

Through the shock wave, everyone in the team can see the scene of hell under this land.

All kinds of giants with a length of tens of hundreds of meters move in the water-rich soil. They hunt, sleep, and wriggle underground, turning the ground into an extremely complex giant nest, which accommodates many human beings who seem to dare not even think about it. Think giant.

They squirm underground from time to time and constantly create slight vibrations on the surface.

It was also these vibrations that pulverized the originally solid rock formations, turning the entire surface of this area into swampy mud.

It is hard to imagine what this land looked like before the arrival of those giants. In this land, the identities of the shaper and the shaper have been reversed.

In order for the whole team to survive to the next area neatly, it is better not to make a big fuss and seek death.

The entire investigation team is moving forward slowly and slowly. Even if they are moving very slowly in this way, it is better than the possible downsizing.

Using ultrasonic radar, the team has several times evaded some giants that were resting on the surface.The smallest of them is the size of a hut, while the largest... just exposed, the head of the rice forest is comparable to several trains.

The overall body length exceeds the detection limit of the shock wave detector. It is conceivable that if they fight against such a huge creature, the result waiting for everyone will not be very good.

Moving out slowly, after nearly four hours of intense and exciting progress, they were already approaching the edge of the swamp following the map.With just a few more kilometers to go, they will leave this swamp and go to unexplored places.

It's almost there, it's almost there.

But sometimes, the worst happens just when success is on the horizon.

Like now.


Rosso, who was in the middle, suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the front. It was a sound that only occurs when metal is hit by something powerful.

Then, before he had time to think about anything.The second sound, the third sound, and even more metal collision sounds appeared. At this time, the voice of the captain also came from the channel of his helmet. What he said was very simple, just two words.


As the captain's voice fell, the crashing sound was so dense that it was comparable to the patter of raindrops falling on the ground.It was only then that Rosso thought of the source of this voice, its owner, from his database.

Peng! ! !

It was too late, Rosso's power armor and the power armor of other civil servants were forced to activate by the captain at this moment, and their power armor was entrusted to AI, and what AI did in the first place was to jump with all its strength. Get up, and shoot flames from your back.

He is flying!

The flight function of the power armor can only last for a short period of time, while he is brought to an altitude of nearly a hundred meters by the armor.He looked forward and saw a group of familiar creatures.

It was much bigger than the fist of an adult human male, resembling a mixture of locusts and spear shrimps. Ten of them came out of the rice forest and wrapped the whole body of the four leading personnel at the front.

The constant thumping was the result of their mouthparts colliding with the power armor, and the unnamed insects repeatedly attacked the outer shell of the power armor with their forelimbs.

The elastic potential energy accumulated to the limit launches the tips of their forelimbs at a hypersonic speed, repeatedly hits the power armor with the hammer head with a counterweight, and bursts in the air.

The forelegs, which are enough to easily penetrate ten centimeters thick steel plates, only slightly deformed the armor. If there was only one such insect, the members of the team could easily deal with it.It doesn't bother them too much.

But the problem is...these "insects" never appear in isolation, their numbers match their appearance.

Unnamed species S-037 from the East African Rift Valley.

It is a unit group based on [-] birds.

Zerg-like creatures.

"Buzz buzz buzz --"

Countless wings fluttered from the depths of the paddy forest. While the team members at the front were still dealing with the dozens of S-037s that attacked at the beginning, there were already dozens of S-037s where they did not see. Wan's [-] rose, forming a black cloud of insect swarms in the sky!

The sky hundreds of meters around was filled with these strange insects, and they made a buzzing sound, causing the ground to vibrate.

Countless strange insects rushed towards the four people in the center of the swarm, and hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of insects swarmed in front of this number of strange insects.No matter how strong the power armor's defense is, it will be easily torn apart by them!

I can no longer hide my clumsiness!

If you keep hiding it, you will only be torn to pieces by those things!

Surrounded by the bug swarm, the four expedition members quickly exchanged their opinions through the channel, and then activated the jet pack like Rosso and the others, and escaped the attack of the bug swarm with a short-distance flight.

Then, they took out the most powerful shotgun from behind and aimed it at the swarm of bugs coming in like waves.

boom! ! ! !

A flash of light appeared at the muzzle of the gun.The bullet containing 1000 grams of ultimate explosives crashed into the swarm of insects, and then set off a tsunami of earth-shattering earth and rocks!

The surrounding tens of meters of soil were blown up to the sky at this moment!The soil flow column was as high as [-] meters, and it was blasted away with a huge amount of soil and stone along with rice and wood.

The strong shock wave suppressed the surrounding rice forests within hundreds of meters, and the insect swarm exploded in an instant. You can see the mighty force caused by this gun without waiting for the gunpowder smoke to disperse, a large pit with a diameter of 30 meters!It is full of corpses of strange insects/

With just one shot, the incoming bug swarm was scattered.But everyone present didn't let up in the slightest, because the bug swarm was only scattered, not defeated.

The toughness of the creatures in this world is far beyond that of the creatures on the earth.

Don't look at the fact that the shot just now can blast a huge hole of tens of meters, and it can blast thousands of tons of earth and rocks into the sky, which seems amazing.But how much damage it really caused to those strange insects, I'm afraid it has to be calculated separately.

Except for the few hundred or nearly a thousand strange insects in the center that were exploded by the bullet, the rest of the insect swarm was probably just blown away by the impact, not killed.

They will regroup soon!

boom! ! !boom! ! ! !bump! ! !

The strange insects attached to their bodies were still beating constantly, and the four forwards used the high-frequency blades on their gauntlets to cut them into several pieces. They needed to retreat immediately, or they would stay where they were. If it is on the ground, maybe the group of bugs will not be the only ones attacking later.

The short-distance aircraft could hardly continue to provide upward thrust at this moment, and everyone in the air began to fall down, and Rosso was the first to touch the ground.And the moment he touched the ground, inside the armor, his face became extremely ugly.

"go there!!!!"

Rosso's voice came from the channel of everyone who was falling, and he was shouting in the channel and marking points on everyone's shared map.Then he jumped up quickly and ran in one direction with all his strength, without any intention of waiting for others to come down.

Rosso was running wildly. Although the others didn't know what happened after seeing Rosso running wildly, they knew that there must be a very urgent situation.

Your Excellency Rosso is not just a drag, as a researcher who has read all the materials brought back by the robots.In terms of understanding of this world, he can at least rank among the top three among humans.

If he said to evade urgently, it would be better to listen to him.

The other team members who were still in mid-air turned around urgently. Although it was a bit difficult to keep them suspended for a long time with a jetpack, it was still easy to push their bodies to change direction.

Everyone urgently turned their direction, and at this moment, the monsters that had just been scattered by the impact had recovered.

It can be seen that in all directions and everywhere, there are scattered strange insects flying towards them in the air with their wings shaking. Countless insects once again merged into a cloud of insects. If they don't run away quickly, they will be chased. The swarm is surrounded!

At that time, their troubles will be even greater!

Land and take off!After being completely released, the power armor allows Rosso and his party to easily jump tens of meters into the air, and they can jump hundreds of meters every time they take off. The gap, even they are getting closer!

The large troop of the insect flow had already converged, and they regrouped into the original appearance that blocked the sky and blocked the sun.Like a black cloud, it presses down and swallows everything in front of it.

Buzz buzz buzz —————

Countless strange insects attacked with earth-shattering wings flapping sound.Several combatants had their guns cut, ready to give them another head-on blow as they approached.

But just before the fire was about to start, the ground below shook.

Like an eight-magnitude earthquake, the entire swamp that came into view was shaking.The swarm of insects that had been chasing the entire team from behind suddenly dispersed at this moment, and the black cloud that gave people a sense of suffocation a few seconds ago dispersed into the rice forest in just over a second.

boom! ! ! !

Before there was any reaction from the running team members, it was at the spot where they fired.A gigantic head broke out from the ground, jumped out of the soil layer at an incredible speed, and went straight to the sky.

The head alone is comparable to a whole building, and the body length is beyond calculation.

The worm-like body pierced through the sky, extended upwards to an unknown height, and swallowed everything around it.Whether it is rice forests, insects, soil, or rocks.

They were all swallowed up, with a radius of [-] meters, no one was spared.

Just when this magnificent and incredible scene shocked everyone present, Rosso's voice sounded from the channel again, and he said loudly:


At the same time, the figure that shot straight into the sky began to "slowly" fall to the ground.

Chapter 160 Seventh Travel Notes of the New World Behemoth

It jumped up and went straight into the sky.Then it fell with a mass of tens of millions of tons, bombarding the earth.

If it was directly under that thing, it would be crushed to pieces even in power armor!

Everyone was fleeing. The body of the worm in the sky fell like a meteorite. Its muscles pulled its body and smashed down at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. If it was hit by that kind of thing, everything would be over.

The mountain-like body fell down, and the whole swamp shook in an instant.

The explosion caused by the previous bolter bombardment was hundreds of thousands of times larger. The moment it fell, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and countless mud and soil petrified into shock waves that spread in all directions.

The shock wave mixed with countless gravel and mud was transmitted outward at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, overwhelming a large rice forest, and everyone was hit by the shock. Luo Suo only felt his body lighten, and his whole body rolled backwards uncontrollably .


Gravel and mud rained down, burying the ground.The huge figure dived into the ground again after falling down, and the swamp finally returned to calm. After a long time, a hand wearing power armor stretched out from a pile of mud.

"Is everyone all right?"

The captain of the team—David Blair's voice came from the channel.He glanced at the team panel, at least there were no casualties on the panel.

But the panel is not 100% accurate, at least it can't detect things like fainting.Under such a strong impact just now, the power armor may be fine, but the people inside may not be sure.

"Boss, we are still alive."

"Report on the 3rd, I'm still here."

"Number 4 is also..."


"Ah, big, Mr. David, I'm fine too."

Huh... all the staff survived, this is the best situation.

David pushed aside the soil, stood up, and looked for the points marked by the team members on the map.

Most of the people stood up from the soil like him, and a few were still lying on the ground.

The surrounding rice forests are no longer visible, and there is no longer wet soil under our feet but large chunks of solid rock.

There were no more detailed markings on the map. He looked at the direction of the impact, estimated the distance, and confirmed that they had left the swamp just now and came to a safer place.

The shock wave detector also agrees with his judgment, there are no longer any figures of those huge creatures underground.They disappear.

The creature that had just been dropped also disappeared from view, and it seemed that it had returned to the underground world and left the ground.

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