Rosso thought for a while, and he finished the last bit of soup.Put the simple tableware on the seat.And after doing all this, he put on the helmet again and continued to look outside.

David didn't ask any more questions, but turned around and went to Lisa's side, wanting to see the situation of Los Ridge.Let's hope the poor guy's injuries don't get any worse.

Just like that, time passed by every second.

At a certain moment, when the last ray of light disappears.

Everyone felt an inexplicable cold.

What happened.

It doesn't matter if they stay in the tent, or they stand guard outside the tent when they are full.

Everyone felt a biting chill, from the bottom of their hearts, from all around, from all directions.

An inexplicable chill swept through the whole body. At this moment, countless voices suddenly sounded outside the extremely quiet outside.

"On~! On~! On~!"

"Hiss hiss———!!!!"

"Booming zero zero!!!"

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!!!"

It was the roar of countless animals, and all animals were vocalizing at this moment.In this utter darkness.

The last ray of light disappears, and night falls completely.

Night falls.

The deep night is so thick, covering the sky, covering the earth, and swallowing all the light.

The wilderness, which was still buzzing with "people" just now, became completely quiet at this moment, and as the last bit of light dissipated, pure blackness filled every inch of the space.

Completely immersed in the dark world, although there is no cloud, but there is no moon and no stars.There is only pure black, you can't see your fingers, and all you can see is darkness.

Strange to say, even if this planet has no satellites.It should also have other stars hanging in the sky after nightfall, it shouldn't fall into pure darkness after night like now, only darkness remains.

No other stars, no other stars... It's strange.But human beings could not find a reasonable explanation. They could only reluctantly respond that the position of this planet in this universe is too remote, so remote that there is no trace of other stars in the sky in the entire visible light band.

The cold wind howled, and after nightfall, the temperature in this land began to drop rapidly.Not long after, there was another voice in the dead wilderness.

This time, the voices were no longer those of the animals.That sound was already a natural sound, it was the sound of the cold wind blowing everything around, and the wind speed over level 13 rolled up earth and rocks and hit the various beasts.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the night is getting deeper and deeper.

Countless winds poured in from the eye sockets of the skull.David and the others finally understood why there were no spiders near the eye sockets of the giant beast's skull, because after nightfall, the strong wind blowing in from outside the eye sockets would tear everything away.

The whole tent was whining. Fortunately, the detection team laid a solid enough foundation on the four corners of the tent before the wind became too strong.Otherwise, the tent would have been blown away long ago.

Although there is a lot of movement, but overall it is no problem.

In this way, the strong wind continued.Except for the guards outside the tent, the others could barely rest, and time continued to pass. When the night was deep enough, the strong wind gradually subsided, and everything returned to calm.


When the wind stopped, many people breathed a sigh of relief.Because when the wind just blew, the movement was so loud that it was difficult not to doubt whether the tent would be blown away by it, and it was also difficult not to doubt whether such a large movement would disturb the skull The horde of spiders inside made them attack the team.

So far, nothing to worry about has happened.This night has not yet shown any strangeness.Are they a false alarm?Is there anything weird about the planet's night at all?

have no idea.No one knows the truth.But if there is really no singularity, it would be a good thing for them, and a waste of time would be a waste.

With this feeling in mind, the shift shift time was changed.Each shift requires two people to stand for 4 hours. This has been decided before. Now that the first 4 hours have come, it is time for the next batch of people.

The two boys who will stand guard this time are both named Wright, and they used to be in the same team.They were also nicknamed the Wright Brothers by the previous team, but neither of them cared much.

Opening the door of the tent, the "Wright Brothers" opened the one-on-one communication channel, ready to change the guard.

They asked the original two people to go back, but just after saying a few words, a strange feeling wrapped around Wright's heart.

"Hey... did you hear that?"


"Hey... answer me."


"Hey! What are you doing!!"

The voice on the channel became louder and louder. In the end, the two of Wright even turned the one-on-one call into a full-channel call.Their voices woke everyone up, and even after everyone was woken up, the two people who were still standing guard still did not respond at all.






lost his will.

Chapter 170 The Darkest Night

Two night watchmen standing guard lost consciousness without warning.

No matter how much Wright and the others yelled, there was no response from the standing power armor... It was as if they were dead, and now there were only two corpses in the two power armor...

But is it really possible?The truth is ridiculous!

Without any alarm, without any sign, somehow he lost his will, and somehow he might fall into death...

Obviously, on the power armor's life detection system, their hearts are still beating.

It is obvious that the blood in their bodies is still circulating, and their bodies look healthy.But...why...why they just don't answer!They just didn't respond at all!

"Hey!!! Come and help us."

After waking everyone up, the Wright Brothers hurriedly moved the two unconscious combatants back into the tent, and they yelled on the all channel.Get others to hurry up and help.

Lisa, who was a medical staff, squeezed over immediately. Her head was still a little foggy after waking up just now, but her body's instinctive reaction had directed her to ask the Wright brothers to lay the two on the ground for her to examine.

While she was examining them, David came over, and he asked the Wright brothers anxiously what happened during the time they fell asleep.

"What the hell happened to them?"

David asked, he was just woken up by the Wright brothers and the others, only to see that the Wright brothers who were supposed to exchange vigils suddenly woke them all up, and then came in with the two previous night watchmen on their shoulders, shouting Come and help them.Then they threw aside the two people who had been watching the night before, and Lisa checked them.

David could probably figure out what happened. It should be Wright and the others who found out that the previous two had been attacked when they went out, so they brought them back urgently.

This should be the case, but this is not the details. He still doesn't know the condition of the two people's injuries, why they didn't notify when they were attacked, and so on.

So he asked Wright and the others, wanting to know the details of the incident.

How did Ke Wright and the others know the details?They don't know either.At this moment, their hearts are also in a mess, and they can only answer subconsciously.

"We didn't know, we went out and found them unconscious. We didn't know ... really didn't know."

They didn't know what happened, they only knew that after they went out, things became like this.

Orr and Dylan lost their will directly without any warning during the night vigil. This is really too strange, too strange.

It was so strange that the Wright Brothers couldn't understand what was happening in front of them at all, and they didn't understand what could make the two heavily armed night watchmen faint...or even die suddenly.

"Oh...forget it. Let's take a look at the situation of Orr and Dylan first."

After getting an expected answer, David sighed and didn't ask any more questions.Wright and the others probably really don't know what happened, and if they continue to ask, they will only drive their spirits to a dead end.

The only thing they can do now is to wait, to wait for Lisa's test results.Let Lisa check what happened to both of them.

Wish I could get the truth out of their own mouths...

Thinking this way, stand aside.Watching Lisa take off the power armor helmet and conduct various checks on the two of them but there was no response, David's heart gradually sank.

He knew his expectation of getting answers from the victim himself.I'm afraid it won't be possible.

The others were also waking up one after another at this moment, and the remaining nine members of the entire team (excluding Roseridge, who could not move) gathered around Lisa and waited for her verdict.

And after spending more than ten minutes doing various checks, Lisa also pronounced the result that everyone expected.

Orr and Dylan, both of them, are dead.

The detailed cause of death is unknown for the time being, but judging from the way of death, it looks like hemorrhage in the brain.

But whether this is the case still needs a detailed autopsy. Now we only know that their sudden death is mainly related to the brain. Even if it is not cerebral hemorrhage, it is probably other brain diseases.

There were no signs of poisoning in the body, and their deaths could be ruled out as poisoning.Similarly, the body did not have any external injuries, and the inspection of the power armor also proved this point. There was no record of any damage on the power armor, and the airtightness was also intact.

That was enough to rule out attacks by other animals, and their deaths should not have been caused by other creatures—at least not by creatures they knew.

So in the end, Lisa passed the judgment.

As hard as it is to accept, both Orr and Dylan's deaths were caused by their own physical illnesses.These two people had some kind of unknown brain disease at the same time, and then happened to be on guard for 4 hours, the brain disease of the two people attacked together, and they died together.

This conclusion is really...

"Okay, I know it's bullshit. But it's my limit."

Lisa sat on the ground, spreading her hands.She also really knew that this matter was nonsense, and she didn't believe her own reasoning.But there is no way, the reality is like this, with only the few tools and clues at hand, she can only deduce this kind of result.

The deaths of these two men were purely the result of accident.

Silence... silent silence...

Everyone fell into silence, this conclusion is too absurd.They just can't accept it.

They could accept that Orr and Dylan were torn to pieces by some kind of monster, and they could also accept that they might accidentally touch something highly poisonous and be poisoned to death when they came.

But suddenly died suddenly because of a brain disease that had never happened before today?

They couldn't accept... They couldn't accept such a weird way of death, they couldn't accept this kind of death without any reason at all.

In the dark, what is there?

Everyone in the team looked at the darkness outside the tent at the same time. This planet has no light at night, and pure black covers everything. It's the black hole that snatches away every ray of light.

In this darkness, what is there?Can silently take a person's life?

Although they had known in advance that there might be something extremely dangerous in the darkness, when the incident appeared in front of everyone, an unspeakable fear still crawled in everyone's heart.

What to do next?Do you want to continue the vigil?Or should we all stop resting and take up our weapons and watch the night together?

David glanced at the people around him, and seemed to see the expressions of all of them under the power armor.Then he opened his mouth and said:

"Let's not take turns to watch the night today. Everyone, take your weapons and don't go out. We... work together to get through this night together."

When a victim has already appeared, and the cause of death of the victim is unknown.Continuing the previous two-person rotation vigil is undoubtedly an act of death. Now they can only let everyone stay awake first, and let everyone watch the night together, so as to increase their vitality.

The manner of death is unknown, the cause of death is unknown, and the culprit who caused the death is also unknown.

With everything completely unknown, they must unite together, otherwise...they may be swallowed by the darkness outside the window...


Everyone agrees with David's proposal, and tonight seems to be a sleepless night.But not sleeping at this moment is at least much better than sleeping peacefully in the future.

Rosso, who was woken up, also agreed with Mr. David's approach. He had already had a bad premonition when he just fell into the night, and the death of the two of them this time confirmed the authenticity of his premonition.

In that darkness, there is indeed something that they cannot understand.And to counter it, solidarity is essential.

Picking up the weapon, Rosso looked around, found a place next to Lisa and settled down.The remaining ten people who were still able to move waited in place together, waiting for the darkness to pass and the dawn to arrive.

But... can they really make it through?

The night of this planet is very, very long...


Outside the tent, a strong wind blew again at unknown time.

At first, there was little wind.

But before I knew it, the wind started to pick up.


Its sound record#/number*|1=0 is like a thunderbolt, and its momentum is like n|>Jji&n>J+number%9}@8 tornado.

The wind force rose sharply from the usual level seven or eight, to level ten, level eleven, level twelve, and even level thirteen and level fourteen.

The breeze turns into a strong wind, the strong wind turns into a gale, and the gale turns into a gale and a storm.

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