What exactly is this phenomenon?

Rosso didn't understand, but when he saw it, he suddenly had a guess.

A bold and extreme guess.

He didn't know whether this guess was right or wrong, but he felt that it should be tried, because if it was true, it would not cost much to resist it, only enough heat would be enough.

And such heat, for them.

Incomparably cheap.

Even if they are wrong, they will not have any loss.

Thinking of this, he quickly connected to David's channel and told David his thoughts.

If successful, they would get through the night.

And even if they fail, it will not be worse for them than it is now.


py pushes the book: "I just want to be the god of pure love who protects the beauty"

Xue Nu took me to offer incense to my ex-husband?Miss Mira sent me to the academy for public use?

Yay, Niu Niu just wants to protect the beauty of the world, female students don't post here

——————By the way, I’m afraid it won’t happen tomorrow, the author may have pneumonia and need to be checked———

Chapter 170 Superfluid

Call ~

Bundles and bundles of the latest thermal agents were ignited, and the surrounding air was heated to thousands of degrees, releasing a large amount of heat and light.

The entire tent was extremely "warm", and the remaining eight members of the team gathered around the stove, quietly waiting for the night to pass.

Now, it is already No.19 hours into the night.

And in these nineteen hours, except for the five people who died in the first six hours, in the remaining thirteen hours, the number of people who died was .


is zero.

Since the fire was lit, no one died inexplicably.

So why is it so?

Together, Lisa and Rosso give the answer.

In David's announcement, they successfully found the reason why their comrades died.

Through the autopsy of the corpses, Lisa found that the real cause of death of the dead was actually acute cerebral hemorrhage caused by the extremely low temperature in the brain that caused the blood vessels to constrict and rupture.

After inspection, Lisa confirmed that the extremely low temperature entered the human brain from the nasal cavity. They should be small in size and may be solid or fluid. Can only speculate.

The only thing we can be sure of is that their temperature must be very low, down to a terrible low, close to absolute zero.

At the same time, they must also be small in size, so small that the human nasal cavity will not have any reaction after inhalation.

Because only in this way can you not feel the problem when you inhale them, and at the same time be killed by their temperature.

As for why this ultra-low temperature object appeared inside the airtight armor... Lisa didn't know either. She could only guess that there must be something wrong with the filter system, which caused this ultra-low temperature object to be inhaled by the human body.

Rosso makes another point of view.

With David's help, Rosso shared his findings.He believes that the true identity of the substance that killed other teammates is actually something that often appears in today's cryogenic materials science.


The superfluid state of matter condensed to the limit can easily pass through any tiny gap. As long as there are some clusters of superfluid matter in the atmosphere, and they touch the gaps of the power armor, it is very likely that the superfluid The regiments passed through these gaps.

While the superfluid masses passing through the gap condense together inside, they are sent into the oral cavity and nasal cavity by the internal circulation system.After they reached the inner wall of the nasal cavity, they touched the inner side of the nasal cavity, because the superfluid itself directly penetrated into the blood vessels, causing large areas of brain blood vessels to freeze and rupture.

This speed is extremely fast, the instant penetration of substances close to absolute zero is enough to cause large areas of cerebral blood vessels to die simultaneously.This directly led to sudden death, and before the victim himself had time to react, most of his brain nerves had died.

This is the truth of the unknown death, the instantaneous death caused by the superfluid matter in the air near absolute zero...

Knowing the reason, it is possible to prevent this incident.

To deal with this ultra-low temperature substance, David and the others only need to heat the surrounding air.

As long as the surrounding temperature is no longer tens of degrees below zero, but above zero, no matter how close to absolute zero the temperature will be quickly heated to a safe level.

On second thought, the first two victims died outside the unheated tent.The next three victims died in the howling wind and extremely low temperature during the storm.

What these two have in common is that the temperature is extremely low, enough to maintain those low-temperature superfluids, allowing them to penetrate into the power armor, stealing the lives of the team members silently.

So in order to deal with this, David and others took out some incendiary ammunition equipped in the weapon, ignited them, let the temperature reach a very high level, and completely dispelled the superfluid cold air mass that might exist.

At the same time, he also set an example by taking the initiative to go to the edge of the tent, completely fixed the previous tent with a nailer, and at the same time took out several new sets of tents to block them from the cold outside layer by layer.

In this way, under the baking of the campfire, time gradually passed.As Lisa and Rosso said, there were no new victims, and they were... safe.

It's almost dawn.

The terrifying spiders that had been dormant outside for the whole night had already begun to move their bodies and withdraw from the inner side of the skull. They bypassed Team David's tent and headed outside, and a little light appeared in the sky.

The lightless night is finally coming to an end, the night full of death and darkness is about to pass.

The team members were all happy about this, and they sat quietly in the tent and let the time pass, until the spiders had all left and the first rays of sunlight pierced the night across the mountains.

Surprising cheers erupted from the channel of the entire team.

Finally, they passed this cold night!Finally, they did not die in this darkness!

Everyone is cheering, including David, including Rosso.

And in the process of cheering, David quietly opened Rosso's private channel and thanked him:

"Lord Rosso, thank you for your solution. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to survive tonight."

David thanked Rosso, if Rosso hadn't told him about it in time after discovering the temperature anomaly.They may never be able to discover the real cause of death, after all...Last night, Lisa didn't dissect any useful information from the corpse at all.

所谓的脑神经急性五$仪-%期一+零|&①$七<~④/五%|酒#④+⑨#~扒#巴=|群#1{~0~1*[email protected]$5>|9|4-9<}8扒@灵+&气@|流*=一冻死什么的……其实都只是大卫和丽萨为了迎合罗索的说法所编造的“谎言”。

After all, in that environment close to minus one hundred degrees, it is simply impossible to examine the tiny damage in the brain of a corpse without additional equipment.

So they can only lie, they can only use lies to appease people's hearts, and then pray, pray that Rosso's method is really useful.The true identity of the murderer who killed their companions was really what Rosso called the superfluid air mass.

If Rosso's prediction was wrong, they should have all been wiped out by now.

So I have to thank him.

In this regard, Rosso is a little absent-minded.

"Ah, Mr. David, you don't need to thank you. This is what I should do, and I am also a part of the team. What's more, if you and Miss Lisa didn't help, everyone might not believe my method. No If you say it, maybe our team has fallen apart, and you don't need to thank me."

Rosso dealt with David a few words, but he was still thinking about some other things in his mind.Something about this night, other mysteries...

Why is there such a cold superfluid cloud in the night of this planet?

And why do those clouds form such strange tracks on the ground?Why do they cool the ground so unevenly?

Why are big animals afraid of them?Obviously they are so big, even if some air mass is inhaled, it will not cause any harm, so why do they migrate?

And since there are such clouds here, what will the night be like in the place where they migrated?

Will there be many more "they"?

Or is there something their squad has never seen before?

These are mysteries...

There are so many mysteries on this planet, Rosso suddenly had a premonition.

That's what they probably saw after they arrived at their destination.

Not what they want to see...

But... now there is no turning back.

They must move forward.

It's already dawn.



ps: I haven’t seen it in the past few days because the author took the whole family to check, and both my grandfather and my mother developed pneumonia.My mother is currently being treated in the hospital, and my grandfather was not hospitalized because the early pneumonia found was not serious.

Everyone must not underestimate the new crown. My uncle was also hospitalized because of the new crown.In this way, there are already three pneumonias in the family.If you have been coughing after being infected with the new crown, you must go to the hospital for an examination. The probability of pneumonia is really not small!

Chapter 170 Three King Kong

In front of you is an endless plain.

If you look closely, you can also find that the vast plain is covered with layers of dense white dust that has been trampled to pieces.

This is the last trace left by the animals who died here, the white dust that was smashed to pieces that could not survive.It is this dust that nourishes countless other species of flora and fauna in this vast pinnacle plain.

And after these are nourished and died, their bodies will also be crushed, crushed, and finally become part of the dust covering the entire land.

Large pits with a diameter of [-] meters can be seen everywhere on this plain, and huge depressions are scattered all over the plain.These are the tracks of giants, the tracks left by those titans on their march.

Some of them are bigger than football fields, and even Godzilla on the other side of the world cannot leave such a huge footprint.

You don't need to look far away, you can see the huge existence like a mountain just up close.

And not just one or two, but in groups and groups.

Whether it is far or near, they all stand here, like mountains and mountains, which is jaw-dropping.

The red plain is such a world, which belongs to the world of giant beasts.

This is the first stop for David's team to move on after waking up.

The plain of giants, the world of bones.

After dawn, they headed towards the destination from the place with huge bones. David and his group of eight quickly left the place with huge bones and turned to the plain of broken bones.

Speaking of which, they had already seen the boundary of the Bone Fragment Plain during their observation a day ago.There was also a titan active there at that time.

Unexpectedly, the scope of this bone-crushing plain is so large, not only in one direction, but they have to cross it to reach the target location.

It was really unexpected.

But fortunately, the titans here are not very aggressive towards these little guys...

Not many dangerous things have been encountered so far.

"This is really a rare sight..."

Looking at these existences that were bigger than many hills, Rosso, who was hiding next to a huge bone that hadn't been crushed, couldn't help but sigh.

Next to him, his teammates and captains who have received long-term combat training are planning the route to continue.

And those cumbersome people who haven't received much such training are placed here, waiting for David's orders.

With bones under their feet, Rosso and another person secretly looked at the giants standing on the plain through the big bones.

With a shoulder height of more than 1200 meters and a total length of more than 3000 meters, its quality is immeasurable, and it is a veritable mountain of activities.

Every foot that falls is a nuclear-bomb-level impact, even if it is separated by many miles, it will be blown away. If you want to rest, you must find cover. They are such terrifying existences.

And this kind of existence is here in groups.

There is nothing but shock besides shock, nothing but tension besides nervousness.Such a creature, such an ecology, not to mention whether it has ever existed on the earth, whether people on the earth have actually thought about it and constructed it is a question.

But today, this problem is not a problem.Because Rosso and the others can not only think, but also see directly.


This is really scary stuff.

Swallowing, he switched the channel and asked the companion next to him.

"Gesang, what do you think those giant monsters are made of? And what do they eat?"

This is a good question, but the person named Gesang who he asked couldn't hold back.

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