After gesturing for a long time, the owner of that big face seemed to be really thinking about something.


The other hand came across a distance of a thousand meters. That big hand pointed at himself and then at him, just like Rosso.

Then, the hand made a gesture that Rosso had never seen before, but even though he had never seen it, he was sure of the meaning of the gesture.

it mean.


Chapter 170 Godzilla—Pulse Laser and Antimatter

Sure enough, such a design is really too wasteful.

On the other side of the world, in the underground of Australia, Godzilla analyzes his body, looking for ways to continue to improve himself.

Three days have passed, and within these three days, Godzilla has found three points of improvement for himself.

Needless to say, the simplest one is the simplest quality increase.

After the use of electromagnetic locking, Godzilla's mass growth can be said to be completely canceled the upper limit.

The current it needs a lot of material to increase its mass. As long as the mass is high enough, all enemies will not be enemies.

If it has a mass of 10 trillion tons, humans and the like can be easily solved by running to the coast and jumping.

But at present, Godzilla's mass growth is still limited by the insufficient output of its own regenerative organs, and it can only produce a little amount of inner-layer bond-forming substances every day, so it can't do it alone.

However, on this road, II opened up a clear path for Godzilla.

That is the manufacturing of the big factory in the ecosystem.

After II was disconnected by Godzilla, the ecosphere factory did not actually stop working.It is actually still running, but the object it is linked to is no longer II, but is directly linked to Godzilla, under the direct order of Godzilla.Mobilizing all the productivity of the ecological circle in which it is located is enough to produce a large amount of solid matter in a short period of time.

Although the metamaterials that form the inner layer cannot be produced in the ecosphere factory due to its harsh manufacturing difficulty, the ecosphere factory can still produce many non-metamaterial chemical bond limit materials.They are sutured to the body surface, and then fixed with superconducting magnetic levitation.Even if they are not metamaterials, the overall effect will not be much worse than metamaterials.

What's more, its efficiency is still many times that of Godzilla's internal manufacturing, so in a strict sense, the enhancement brought to it by these "ordinary" materials is even more than that of supermaterials.

With the current factory alone, Godzilla is confident that he can double his weight in 10 days.And if you add those ecological circle factories that are still expanding, Godzilla's growth rate will be even more astonishing, and it may reach a super-giant size of 20 billion tons within 10 days.

Its enhanced speed is beyond everyone's imagination.

However... this also brings a hidden danger.

Constantly expanding, the integrated ecological circle continues to expand... With the expansion of the ecological circle factory, the spiritual impact that once appeared on Godzilla also began to appear on Godzilla.

Although as Godzilla-the Godzilla of the Earth, his spirit is hundreds or even thousands of times higher than that of the second world.But the scope of the ecological circle factory itself is also increasing hundreds of times and thousands of times towards the initial one.

With the continuous expansion and expansion of the factory, one day, its scale will reach such a level that even the spirit of Godzilla will not be able to control it, but it will destroy the spirit of Godzilla instead.

This is a hidden danger, and Godzilla does not have a solution to solve this hidden danger.It can only keep getting stronger, so that before the mental breakdown comes, one's spirit will enter the next truncation and be able to accommodate the impact.

The joining of large factories is both an opportunity and a danger.

But Godzilla has no choice, as long as the mothership of Birusaru and Ghidorah on Venus still exist for a day, it has no choice.

This is the first way, the easiest and most difficult way.

Next, Godzilla still needs to improve, which is the second and third paths.

The first is the second - the laser focusing crystal.

Focusing crystals, the ones Godzilla uses to shoot lasers.

Strictly speaking, a "focusing crystal" is not just a focusing crystal.It is actually a packet transmitter that starts from electro-optic conversion and ends with high-performance laser output.

It is an independent and complete laser transmitter itself, but it lacks a power supply and its appearance is made into a large crystal.But its essence is not just a crystal material, its essence is a laser emitter without energy.

In other words, as long as you provide it with energy, it can directly blast out continuous laser light with just one thing, and the limit of energy density can ignite super-strong laser light of nuclear fuel.

In terms of continuous lasers, this is not weak, because it can easily penetrate hundreds of meters of iron mountains in an instant, and even Ghidorah's wings will be penetrated by it.This is more than enough against its former enemies.

But it is no longer enough.

Godzilla knows that lasers of this intensity are not enough to face the enemies it needs to fight later.

And it also knows that this laser can become much stronger than this, and it is not in a perfect state now.

Conversion from continuous laser to pulsed laser.

Here's Godzilla's new roadmap for himself.

Although the continuous laser is continuous, its power cannot become very high because of the limit of the focusing lens.Even with Mrs. Axie's technology that Godzilla currently owns and reads, the energy density can't reach the kind of improvement it wants, that kind of ten-fold, hundred-fold increase.

Pulseable lasers are not.

If it is a pulsed laser, it can accomplish the dozens or even hundreds of levels of energy density that Godzilla expects to soar!

As long as this is achieved, Godzilla's attack methods will be greatly enhanced, and its range will also be greatly enhanced!

Although the focusing crystal in the previous package is simple to use and has complete functions, its insufficient power limit and the length of the laser wavelength make Godzilla only use it as a death sentence.

The limiting power of the focusing crystal is really too small.

If Godzilla were to design it himself, he would definitely be able to design a laser transmitter with a power and energy density more than a hundred times that of Godzilla. Its power really cannot meet Godzilla's requirements.

As for why the gap is so large, it involves the difference between continuous laser and pulsed laser.

The difference in the power limit between continuous laser and pulsed laser is, in the final analysis, the difference in the calculation of "which energy density can damage the mirror".

Any laser focusing mirror has a limit to the energy it can withstand.

As long as this limit is exceeded, the focusing mirror will be damaged due to excessive energy, and it can no longer be used by itself.

Humans generally call the value of the limit of the focusing lens's force to be the damage threshold of the focusing lens.

For a continuous laser, the damage threshold is a fixed value when the wavelength is constant.When the damage threshold is 10W/cm^2, the highest energy density of the laser can reach 10W.

But with pulsed lasers... the situation is slightly different.

For pulsed lasers, the damage threshold is not measured in watts, but in joules.

Its damage threshold is calculated by the number of joules received per square centimeter per pulse.What determines its damage threshold is the pulse width.


It's still the same lens as before, now change the situation.

As I said before, when it releases 5 pulses per second, each pulse width is 100 nanoseconds, the damage threshold energy is 2J/cm^2, and the power is 10 watts.

Then let's change it, this time to make its pulse width 1 nanosecond, and the frequency is also adapted to speed it up by a hundred times.

At this time, what is its damage threshold each time?Was it one percent before?That is 0.02 joules.After all, although the pulse width has been shortened by a hundred times, the frequency has also been increased by a hundred times. If the total power to be sustained is the same, the damage threshold can only be reduced by a hundred times, right?

but not.

Its damage threshold at this moment is 0.2 joules.

When the pulse width is 1 nanosecond, its average power threshold is no longer 10 watts, but 100 watts.


In the case of reduced pulse width, its average power limit has actually increased!

Why is this happening?

The reason is that, for pulsed lasers, the ratio of the damage threshold of each pulse to the pulse width is not a simple one-to-one relationship.

The time required to release a pulse is reduced by 100 times, and the damage limit of the energy carried by each pulse is only one tenth of the previous one, not one percent.

An inappropriate analogy is that the pulse laser has a button. Every time it is pressed, the attack power will be reduced to one tenth, but the time required to release an attack will be shortened to one hundredth.

Although the attack power (energy per shot) is ten times lower, the release time (pulse width) is a hundred times shorter.

On the whole, the damage limit has increased by 10 times!

This is a cheat that only pulsed lasers have, not continuous lasers.

And this is why Godzilla chose pulsed lasers as his future laser attack method.

As long as the pulse width is reduced and a material that can withstand very low pulse width is found, relying on Exif's technology and Godzilla's own supermaterial, it can easily create TW/cm^2 or even PW super powerful laser.

With this, it can create an absolute spear that is not afraid of all atmospheric interference, and through it, it can also attack the universe outside the earth-moon system.

The new laser system has been designed, and all Godzilla needs to do is wait for it to go into production.

Quality, attack means, after these two, the third point that it needs to strengthen is naturally energy.

Nuclear fusion can no longer satisfy Godzilla.

Now that the limit of breathing power has broken through quadrillion tons, the efficiency of Godzilla's internal fusion is also becoming lower and lower, and more and more insufficient.

After all, the energy release efficiency of nuclear fusion is only [-]/[-]. Compared with the real energy hidden in matter, nuclear fusion is really nothing.

Taking the current Godzilla as an example, nuclear fusion fuel has actually become its stumbling block-it carries close to 1000 million tons of nuclear fuel with it.

This seems like a lot, but if you calculate it carefully, you will find that this fuel is enough for it to release a petascale breath, and then it will misfire.Lost energy to continue fighting.It looks like a lot, but it is rarely used in the face of super-scale attacks. This is the current deficiency of nuclear fusion.

And this efficiency has seriously slowed down the evolution of Godzilla.

Not to mention the exhalation of the petaton level, not to mention the breath in the imagination, the exhalation of the billion-ton level, which is enough to destroy the surface of an entire planet.

With that level of breath, the nuclear fuel that Godzilla needs to carry with him is simply astronomical. Let alone carrying it, it is extremely difficult to extract it from the sea.

The energy density of nuclear fuel is still too low for the current Godzilla, too low.It urgently needs a more advanced and portable energy release method... and in its vision, two prerequisites are required to upgrade its energy boosting method.

One is ultra-high-energy lasers.

The second is antimatter storage.

It makes sense, after the end of nuclear fuel, Godzilla is finally going to explore the realm of antimatter.

Unfortunately, until today.

Whether it is Birusarudo or Exif, they have not really completed the mass production of antimatter. Antimatter reactors in the true sense do not currently exist in the civilizations of these two. The application of anti-matter is only produced by energy at a loss.

Since they are losing money, why do they still make antimatter?

There are many reasons, such as antimatter can be used as a weapon, and antimatter is the best battery for interstellar civilization, etc. These are all reasons.

And based on these reasons, it is enough for Godzilla to build an antimatter zone in his body.

There is still an upper limit to the breathing power of nuclear fusion alone. Now it can blast out a million tons to smooth everything out, but what about the future?When facing a superpower like Ghidorah, can it ignite billions or even billions of tons of nuclear fuel at the same time to deal a fatal blow to the opponent?

Probably not.

Godzilla understands this, so even if it loses energy, it must convert the nuclear fuel in its body into antimatter.

Although this is very dangerous, it has to do so in order to face those stronger enemies.

Speaking of which, plans to extract deuterium from large-scale seawater and synthesize tritium are also on the agenda.And that kind of thing, I also need to synthesize...

For the win, for the second generation, for everyone.

I need energy, enough energy, to face them, the enemies of this planet.

In the underground Godzilla calculated and planned the blueprints for himself.

Superman's wisdom shows that Godzilla's body in the ground is changed bit by bit, until a certain moment, it will complete this transformation and truly stand in front of all enemies.

Looking up, Godzilla's eyes seem to pass through the earth and see beyond the sky.It seems to have seen that in the vast expanse of stars, two stars are about to collide.

Is this a good thing for it and the planet, or a bad thing?

No one knows.

It can only wait, waiting for the arrival of the winner among them.

No matter who wins, it will completely smash it.

It will triumph.

ps: The analogy of pulsed laser is actually not very appropriate, there are many things that will determine its power.And its upper limit is based on the peak power rather than the average, but if so, its output power will be many times higher than the continuous laser under the same technology tree.

Chapter 170 Seventh Earth Core World - King Kong Group

"Ah, why did you stop again? I said I would definitely come back, didn't I? Just now?"

Sitting on the "floor" and turning on the loudspeaker to the maximum, Rosso sitting on a black "big tree" was "talking to himself" to the side.

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