Everyone is scrambling to escape from the Far East, except for the army and the construction teams supported by the world, everyone is running out.

The lower levels of the metropolitan area government ran away cleanly in a short period of time, leaving only some "nail households" who could not or did not want to leave here even if they died.

Lingyin was one of them, but it wasn't that she didn't want to leave, but she couldn't.

The reason is simple, she has no money.

Godzilla's landing interrupted her transition to her parents' estate, leaving her with no money from her parents' accounts at all.

All she had left was the money in her own account.

And her parents are both frugalists, and the living expenses given to their daughter are also paid once a week, which is of a medium level.

After leaving school and returning home, it is difficult for her to live in her own family with the remaining money, let alone go to East Asia, a place she is not familiar with.

If you can't do without, you can only live at home.

But the money in her hand was dwindling day by day, until the day before yesterday, she even spent all the food money.

The Internet ban after Godzilla's landing blocked all unofficial remote channels, and even online transactions can only be made by face-to-face scanning or official banking apps.

Don't even think about face-to-face, but with the bank app... Some of her documents have expired, so she can only accept them but not spend them.

This made her even have no chance of being an online beggar.

She was basically starving to death in her own home, until on TV, she recognized that the uncle next door turned out to be a big official.

So she ran over with a nervous heart, wanting to ask for help.

Akiyama did help her too. He cooked for her himself and gave her a full meal, but this was still a temporary solution, not the root cause.

It's impossible for him to adopt her all the time, right?In the final analysis, the right way is to let her go to a place where the lower-level government can still operate normally to accept the inheritance left by her parents.

So after Lingyin finished eating, Akiyama asked her to take out her mobile phone, scanned the QR code and transferred her 1 members, and said:

"This is 1 Wei. This money should be enough for you to live in East Asia until the inheritance procedures are completed."

"This... thank you so much! Thank you so much!"

Lingyin kept bowing to him, thanking him constantly, and finally left after helping him with all the housework.

The living room alone was a bit empty, and after watching the news for a while, Qiu Shanliang gradually fell asleep on the sofa in his home.

"Ding ding ding ding...!!!"

"Hm!—mmm!—mmm! . . . "

While sleeping soundly, the piercing ringtone of the mobile phone and the alarm sound from the outside world sounded together, and Akiyama woke up suddenly.

He looked at the caller on the phone and listened to the alarm from the outside world.

He knew the worst had happened.


Godzilla wakes up for the third time.

Chapter 25 Godzilla's Second Evolution

Did humans do so many things while I was asleep?

The sonar swept across the sea outside, Godzilla felt the net laid by humans outside his cave, and thought to himself.

The execution ability of the little people is really strong.

Ten thousand?Twenty thousand?Or [-], [-]?

More than that, definitely more, there should be one hundred thousand or more, right?

After only sleeping for ten short days and nights, they dropped so many bombs around my house, the speed is really fast.

But I didn't plant a bomb on my body, was it because I was afraid that I would be woken up?

... gurgling.

Wiggling his tail, Godzilla stood up from the cave feeling his new body, and he could feel that he had become taller again.

Looking at the panel, Godzilla's physical condition has become like this:

[Host name: Godzilla]


[Body shape: 250 meters tall, 180 million tons in weight, and 457 meters in length. (can be increased by eating)]

[Body composition: ultra-dense β-iron composite carbon nanotubes + metal hydrogen. 】

[Breathing: High-heat plasma (extreme output of 980 terawatts, instantaneous power up to 29 pawats). 】

【Self-healing power: 1500 tons/day】

The degree of progress of this evolution is no less than the previous material evolution.

Not only can the active power be adjusted by itself, but the original deuterium-tritium reactor has also become the current deuterium-helium 3 reactor.

An extra step of magnetic fluid power generation is added.

A deuterium-tritium reactor is the kind that humans make.

The advantage is that the ignition temperature is low, and the disadvantage is that tritium is a very scarce material, which can only be synthesized by high-energy neutrons hitting lithium in nuclear fusion.

The high-energy neutrons will cause great damage to the reactor's protective wall, and a large part of the reason for the damage to the Godzilla reactor is because of it.

Thermal radiation is not a big problem in the reactor, and the main difficulty has always been high-energy neutrons.

The deuterium-helium 3 reactor is much better than the deuterium-tritium reaction in this regard. It will not produce high-energy neutrons, and it is much easier to control than the deuterium-tritium reactor.

However, although the deuterium-helium 3 reaction does not produce high-energy neutrons.

Helium 3 can be synthesized, and the deuterium-deuterium reaction will produce high-energy neutrons.

If there is a lot of natural helium 3 on the earth, it is okay to say that it is indeed good to be able to directly fuse deuterium helium 3.

But there is not much natural helium 3 on the earth, and the whole earth adds up to 500 kilograms.

It's just the meter of Godzilla's dozens of breaths, which is really too little.

As for artificial synthesis, deuterium deuterium reaction is required.

It will still produce high-energy neutrons, and the energy production rate is not as good as the first deuterium-tritium reaction.

Of course, deuterium-helium-3 is not as good as deuterium-tritium, it's just a matter of losing more and losing less.

So here comes the question, since the reaction is so stretched, why does its own power increase?

Godzilla looked at the detailed instructions and found that the reason was that the panel completely separated its two reactors.

Now its life-support reactor is deuterium-deuterium fusion, and its breathing reactor is deuterium-helium-3 fusion.

Fusion of deuterium and deuterium in the life-support reactor produces the fuel required for the breath reactor, helium-3.

Next, deuterium and helium 3 fusion is carried out by the breathing reactor.

Because deuterium and helium do not produce high-energy neutrons to damage the inner wall. (A little bit actually, because some of the deuterium reacts with itself before reacting with the helium-3.)

But if this is the case, the tolerance limit of the material will become much higher, and the limit power can naturally be expanded a lot.

And although deuterium-deuterium fusion is not as efficient as deuterium-tritium fusion.

But there is not enough fuel for others.

Just like one gram of gold and one kilogram of silver, your gold is expensive per gram, but I have a lot of silver.

Godzilla is now exchanging one gram of gold for one kilogram of silver.

Even if the original reactor is stronger at the same weight, the current reactor fuel is more, and the fuel that used to be only a few tens of tons can now find thousands of tons by just looking around.

So even if you are ten times more efficient than me, you are not as good as me overall.

What's more, there are more magnetic fluid power generation that directly uses plasma to generate current, so that its power generation method is not only to boil water.

The energy utilization rate of boiling water is only 40%, while magnetic fluid power generation + boiling water can be close to 100%.

This time and again, Godzilla's power has increased.

Godzilla, who had seen all of this, was very satisfied, and then he looked at the latest function on his panel.

Human Radar.

It is something like a computer map, which can be scaled to a scale of hundreds of meters or expanded to a global level.

It marked the location of every large gathering place in the world, the total population in it, and the hourly flow of human beings during retreat.

There are standards for these, and the total number of human beings in the existing universe is thoughtfully given below: 157.9 billion, as a reference.

With it, Godzilla can determine where he should go now.

So where should we go this time?

Godzilla first set his sights on the most populous coastal cities.

There are not many people in the extreme east now, and there should not be much progress in attacking it.

So it selected a few large cities along the coast that were not in the extreme east, and wanted to attack there.But after a brief study, it denied its previous ideas.

Or go to the Far East.

It's not that Godzilla has any grudge against the Far East, or is particularly obsessed with it.

But after it looked at the population evacuation speed of several large coastal cities, it found out.

None of these guys were left alive when it came.

Everyone is running fast, and when they arrive, it must be a scene where people go to the building.

In that case, it is better to continue its journey to the extreme east. As long as all human cities are pushed horizontally one by one, then in the end, human beings will definitely have nowhere to hide.

It happens to be able to rely on human weapons to increase the progress of one's own evolution.

The endless dodging will eventually come to an end, and Godzilla just needs to push it clean enough to make it impossible for them to come back.

Thinking of this, Godzilla started to move, and it used the new ability it acquired after this evolution to "swim" underwater.

Magnetic fluid propulsion.

This is a skill obtained after all the "wires" used for energy supply in its whole body become superconductors. It relies on creating a super-strong magnetic field to make the water flow backwards to generate a reaction force.

Essentially speaking, it is still a category of backward jetting, which produces reaction force, but the thrust is much stronger than traditional propulsion.

Godzilla swam out of the cave where he lived, looked at the mines above the trench, and emitted the light of nuclear fusion from his mouth.

The breath after evolution is now shown to the world for the first time.

Chapter 26 Shredded Submarines

The fire of nuclear fusion spewed out from the mouth.

The ignited nuclear fuel spews out under the magnetic field created by Godzilla.

They illuminated the entire Mariana Trench in an instant, completely illuminating the dark sea that had never seen a light in millions of years.

The fusion flames advanced and expanded, they advanced while expanding, and swallowed the countless sea mines above Godzilla together.

The mines were swallowed up by this fiery plasma bubble with a diameter of hundreds of meters, and when they entered it, they were ignited by extremely high temperatures, and exploded inside the bubble.

The extremely dark deep sea was continuously illuminated by the ion ball. Godzilla stopped breathing, but the ion ball was still expanding.

And it shrinks from time to time, then expands, shrinks, and expands again.

boom! ! ! !

Following several successive shrinkages and expansions, the plasma sphere with a diameter of hundreds of meters directly exploded, sucking in countless seawater from above.

Countless sea mines were sucked together with the sea water and gathered into clusters in the trench.

Afterwards, Godzilla performed another atomic breath, blasting the countless sea mines sucked into the bottom of the sea together!

With a massive explosion and yet another fiery bubble, the threat above Godzilla has been wiped out.

It was swinging, swaggering up and down in the high temperature sea water.

"80.00% of the nine mines lost their response and were suspected to be destroyed by Godzilla..."

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