Considering the existence of stronger solar storms, X-level is actually not enough.So the scientists added a suffix after the X-level, such as X-20, X-40, etc., which means that it is how many times stronger than the X-level.

X-20 is 20 times stronger, X-40 is 40 times stronger...

In the entire history of mankind, the strongest solar storm recorded is around X-40 level.

It is estimated that in 1 years, the strongest solar storm that the earth has faced is close to X-1000 in intensity, which is 20 times that of the strongest Carrington solar storm on record.

This looks pretty incredible.

But ground-based telescopes can detect stronger solar storms by observing other stars.There are many super super solar storms that are 100 times more than the Carrington event, but that's it, their most extreme high-energy ray density is only 1 watt per square meter.

So this time, what is the density brought by Bilu Saludo's martyrdom?

40 watts per square meter.

It is 40 times stronger than the strongest super solar storm including other stars since human observation.

Although the 40 is only the difference in the intensity of the rays, not the difference in the total energy.

But such a big difference can also explain some problems.

This gamma-ray burst is no less dangerous to life on earth than the asteroid that exterminated the dinosaurs. It is undoubtedly a disaster that can trigger a mass extinction.

Although Birusarudo informed the human government of this possibility in advance after the complete alliance, and the human government also let all citizens stay at home for asylum according to Birusaludo's proposal.

But... such a huge gamma ray burst cannot be solved by hiding in the room.

The moment it touched the earth, an inevitable crisis emerged.

The first sign is the dazzling aurora high in the sky.

Under the burst of ultra-high-energy gamma rays, the ozone layer was rapidly depleted, and then this unimaginably strong radiation burst hit the lower atmosphere head-on.

The tropospheric atmosphere was ionized within a second of exposure to a gamma ray burst, which produced super auroras on Earth like never before in its history, dazzling everywhere on the entire sphere from the equator to the North Pole. of brilliance.

If someone looks up at the sky at this time, they will find that the entire sky is emitting dazzling lights of various colors. They are brighter than the sun in the daytime, and they are clearly understandable even in the daytime, dazzling and colorful. , covered the blue and white of the sky, and overturned the dye cover of the sky.

When one color gradually fades, another more beautiful color will appear.The brilliance flows all the way to the zenith, but when it reaches the zenith, it always turns into a rich purple, and it always curls, leaving a bright sky.The entire celestial sphere is flickering, streaming with incredible brilliance, which makes people addicted.

Behind the beautiful aurora is the collapse of the ionosphere, radio signals all over the world are cut off at this moment, all satellites are also destroyed by violent gamma jets, electronic components collapse, from the sky to the ground.

Then, moments after the aurora filled the sky, something even more important to the planet happened high in the atmosphere.

In the middle atmosphere, the ozone layer, which has been protecting the earth for hundreds of millions of years, collapsed when the gamma ray burst came!

One side of the earth has since entered the era of direct sunlight.

Normally, the ozone layer breaks down into oxygen and a free oxygen atom after absorbing high-energy rays from the sun.

Then, after they are disassembled, the oxygen will recombine with the free oxygen atoms and re-form into five|/yi>+period&*bar/{pa+%ling/qi=|flow&一一[email protected]zero ~%①{*7{+④=4<%wine|&④@+⑨&=remove the ozone to make it continue to operate, ensuring that the entire ozone layer will continue to grow.Group*5>{[email protected]$4>9*=8/}[-]/[-]}[-]%[-]

This is the atmospheric circulation of the ozone layer, the thing that protects the living beings of this world.

However, in the face of the small gamma-ray burst triggered by Pirusarudo this time.This cycle is broken.

The energy of gamma rays is so strong that it decomposes nitrogen gas while decomposing ozone, making nitrogen gasify into nitrogen atoms, which first combine with oxygen atoms decomposed from ozone to become nitric oxide.

The ozone layer was ruthlessly destroyed by gamma rays, and after destroying the entire ozone layer, the gamma rays carrying a large amount of energy rushed into the deeper atmosphere in one gust.

A mighty large ionization action appeared.

The various gases that make up the atmosphere are ionized by high-energy gamma rays at an astonishing speed, electrons are shot out, and the atomic nuclei that show electropositive properties will act as the core, attracting an extremely large amount of water vapor, forming a wall directly above the entire earth A huge rain cloud thousands of meters thick that covers the entire surface of the earth.

But that's not all.

The free electrons that are knocked out cause the potential difference in the entire atmosphere to become shocked at this moment, and an avalanche of electrons will begin, which will create endless lightning and thunder, and clear the entire surface below.

Forests will be set on fire and cities will be crushed.The surface will be continuously shrouded in lead clouds, and will be baptized by thunder and fire in the cold.

The heavy rain will wash the ground endlessly, and every drop of rain will carry excessive radiation. This radiation rain will sweep the entire earth, bringing death and extinction to the normal animals and plants that are still alive on this planet.

The side that was directly hit by the gamma ray burst has fallen into a new mass extinction. Thanks to the atmosphere absorbing most of the energy of the entire ray burst, the human beings on the ground were not directly killed by the thermal radiation.

But they were not directly killed and could not celebrate their surviving lives, because the high-energy gamma rays had completely destroyed their DNA, and everyone who was exposed suffered from extremely severe radiation sickness.

In less than an hour, all those who have faced the sky and seen the aurora are dead.And the radiation on the ground has not been reduced. The atmosphere and soil have become serious sources of radiation pollution. Without protective clothing, it can be said that it is difficult to move an inch.

All electronics on this side were also destroyed, and the Earth side became a radiation hell.The cold, radiation, and lightning strikes will continue until the clouds clear.

The number of deaths cannot be estimated. Now that the ionosphere is completely destroyed, fighter planes can only be dispatched from the other side that has not been exposed to radiation for reconnaissance, and the result of the reconnaissance... is...

There is no one in a hundred.

South America is over.

Fires and radiation are raging there. Although the human government has made advance warnings for disaster avoidance, some people who still believe in the government have been evacuated from South America by relying on European unmanned machines these days.

But in general, this part of the population is only a lucky minority.

The total population death is expected to exceed 20 billion. This gamma ray burst has reduced the number of territories that humans can control.

The United Civilizations defeated Ghidorah, but the price they paid was one of the biggest since the war began.

157.9 million.

Before the appearance of Tesla, the data of the latest human population census.

60.8 million.

This is today, after deducting the 20 billion in South America, the data predicted by AI.

In less than half a year, the population has shrunk by nearly two-thirds...

Even the military cannot accept such a casualty rate, let alone civilians.

Humanity has reached its limit.

Godzilla... is it...

Birusarudo's mothership killed Ghidorah, but it did not kill Godzilla.

With the current strength of the earth, it is probably impossible to fight against win.

Even if they still have five battleships now, they can protect themselves in front of Godzilla.

Given Godzilla's evolution rate, I'm afraid it won't be long before the threat from these battleships will be close to zero.

At that point, there's nothing stopping Godzilla anymore.

The originally expected savior has died, and human beings must make a choice.

Do you want to fight Godzilla to the end on this earth, or escape to another world to survive.

This choice is not difficult.

It's time for them to leave.

How many people do you have to abandon just to leave?

Ludwig turned off the computer in front of him and looked out the window.

Thick lead clouds covered the ground, it was clearly day but it was like night, there was no light at all, only the thunder from time to time illuminated the surroundings.

Thunderclouds intersect and lightning flashes intersect.

With the brief light of the thunder and lightning, Ludwig could still see.In the rain outside the window, mixed with hail and snowflakes.

They fall with enough radiation to cause disease, as if to bury everything.

In the distance, there is still fire shining on the sky, dyeing the world a dark red like blood.

The world seems to have come to an end, leaving only despair for mankind.

This is the case even in Europe, which has not been directly exposed to gamma-ray bursts. It is conceivable what happened in other places.

4000 million.

He took a piece of paper and wrote the number on it.

4000, 400?

Then, he erased the original number, added new strokes, and put a big question mark behind it.

4000 million, which is the estimated number of humans transferred every day two days ago.At that time, they could still achieve this kind of transportation volume through various rail transit.

400 million, which is the estimated number of people on Earth moving every day at this moment.

Heavy snow with radiation, dense thunderstorms, and burning fires will all hinder the transfer of the population, even if he asks for the help of the warships of Bilu Saludo, the distance from the city to the foot of the battleship is very difficult for ordinary people. It is also very difficult for humans.

Humans are not Birusarudo, they don't have that strong radiation resistance, and it's not like they all stay in one place and can leave at any time.Even if the world has become like this, 4000 million people can be easily transferred every day.

Humans live in cities.

The thunderstorm has destroyed the superconducting highway, and ordinary people can only walk under the spacecraft under the heavy snow with radiation.This is almost impossible, just one hour of exposure to this environment is enough for them to suffer from radiation sickness, which will be fatal after being transferred to a different world where there is no medicine.

Therefore, the number of transferred population is now limited by the production of anti-radiation suits. Even in the most optimistic situation where warships are borrowed, 400 million people can be evacuated per day is already the limit.

How many days does it take Godzilla to complete a new evolution?

Ludwig thinks, 20 days at most.

20 days……

3 days are used to transfer Bilu Saludo, and the remaining 17 days, there are at most 6800 million people, 0.68 million people.

And the total number of humans now... is 60.8.

Only one percent will survive.

The remaining 90.00% Nine will be trapped to die on this planet.

It's cruel.

God, why are we being punished like this?

We have reflected on everything we have done, and we have tried to atone and save!

The ecology is rebuilding, the population is recovering, and the history of war is not hidden.

why?We will.

Powerless, suffocating powerlessness appeared in the body.Ludwig almost collapsed, but he couldn't.

Time passed by, and Ludwig, who was sitting on the desk, finally made up his mind.

It's time for humanity to move forward.

He was about to write the manuscript, but at this moment, the door of his office was suddenly pushed open.

Miao Ge broke in with a serious face, and said to Ludwig straight to the point:

"Just now, the telescope on our battleship discovered it. Ghidorah, it's not dead yet. It's still on its way to Earth!"

"Muir failed, we have to implement the retreat plan!"


ps: The principle of the antimatter engine in the previous chapter has been changed, because the annihilation speed of anti-electrons is too fast, and there are no neutrinos, so the power is too high.The atmosphere won't take it.

Chapter 180 Ghidorah - Restart

Sure enough, he didn't die...

Under the ground in Australia, Godzilla used his full field of vision to see the traces of Ghidorah who had been revived at the other end of space.

The nuclear flame that had been dim for a day reappeared, and Ghidorah, the monster awakened in the alien star, was manipulating gravity and heading towards the earth 2000 million kilometers away from it.

Behind it, nearly [-] Ghidorah's Wings also raised their wings, marching towards the earth together with their gods.

This could already be called a Starfleet.

And this fleet is now the enemy of the earth.

What a hopeless scene.

Even Godzilla himself doubted for a moment whether he could defeat Ghidorah after seeing this scene.

However, the suspicion was quickly dispelled by other thoughts, and Godzilla focused his attention on the battle report from Birusarudona.

Is part of the body removed for heat dissipation and evasion?

According to the last information sent by the Birusaludo mothership, Godzilla, who is also a monster, can roughly guess what Ghidorah did after his body overheated.

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