This makes it a little unhappy, it still quite likes that group of singers.

It's just that before the sleep, the number of those singers was already in jeopardy. After waking up this time, it was expected that they would disappear.

But it's still kind of depressing.

Swimming to the shallow sea, Godzilla prepares to bask in the sun for a long time.But as he swam, he noticed something was wrong.

In the process of its ascent, it did not see any other living things except itself.

The most tenacious little fishes and shrimps also disappeared, and the sea water became very smelly, and it was filled with a very strange thing.

That is something that only some luminous stones in the depths of the ground will release, and it can kill ordinary life.

Once they were few and far between, and only a few titans who relied on these stones could find places with a lot of them.

But now, the whole sea is everywhere.

There is no living thing, no life, the once prosperous coral reefs disappeared, the fish schools disappeared, and the krills also disappeared. The sea is ridiculously empty, and it is countless times more empty than the several extinctions it has experienced.

Even the sea when the star fell was much more prosperous than this!

Godzilla felt something was wrong, and it made a whining sound, which is the sound that the Titans use to communicate.

It wanted to know why this happened from the mouths of those titans who were still awake during its deep sleep, but something happened that made it feel even more uneasy. No titan responded to its cry.


It amplified the sound and broadcast its own frequency band with all its strength, but none of the titans responded to it, even if it amplified the sound to the point where it could wake up the sleeping titan, none of the titans woke up to respond to it.

Anxiety has turned into anxiety, and it has changed to a different band, which is a natural band.It is the only existence on this planet that is older than it-the band where the will of nature itself lies.

And this time, it responded.

Not from the outside, but from the response of your own body.

After receiving this band, the screen in the corner of its eye sent a large piece of information to its brain, which included everything that happened during its 200 years of sleep.

There are scenes where humans capture individual titans and dissect them to study a moving nuclear reactor.

There are scenes where the titans fight humans.

There are scenes after the human victory.

After the victory of human beings, there are scenes of civil wars due to various disputes.

There are scenes of continuous nuclear wars that have lasted for decades, resulting in a complete collapse of the ecology, and only humans hiding in the ground survive.

There are scenes where the surviving humans finally got tired of the war and returned to the surface.


All the history of nature and all knowledge of man was given to Godzilla, who fully understood what happened while he was asleep.

During its slumber, those insignificant little ones killed all its kind, and started the civil war.There was a nuclear war.

Unlike the nuclear war that the little people initially estimated would only last a few days, this war lasted for decades.

Although the various parties that started the war dropped hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs together, none of these nuclear bombs destroyed the entire industrial system of the other party, because everyone had a premonition of this and quietly transferred some of them underground.

The war at the beginning did not paralyze everyone, so we had to continue fighting.

Continue to make nuclear bombs, throw them away when they are made, and continue to make nuclear bombs until all the enemies are destroyed.

And because everyone's industrial capabilities are very strong after the emergence of small nuclear fission reactors and autonomous industrial robots.

Even if there is a wave of nuclear bombs, as long as there are still [-]% of the city left, the entire industrial system will not be paralyzed, and the war can continue.

The industry has self-disciplined robots in charge. As long as there is one human being left, this war can continue.

It can be said that at this time, how many human beings are left is no longer the focus of the war.

Hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs are manufactured every day, and hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs are detonated every day. During this period, nuclear reactors were shattered due to the detonation of nuclear bombs, releasing unimaginable radiation. nuclear wasteland.

And because strong radiation would make it difficult for robots to work, everyone tacitly made dirty bombs, the dirtier the better.

Under such circumstances, human beings can barely survive relying on technology, but other lives cannot stand continuous nuclear wars of this level at all.

This war eventually led to the extinction of more than 90.00% of all land life, and the extinction of more than 90.00% of all marine life, and even the insects disappeared.

The natural consciousness, which was not affected even by the extinction of the Permian, also declined in this disaster, with helplessness.

Give all the information I feel and my wishes to the last Titan, Godzilla.

The last wish of the natural consciousness is very simple. It wants Godzilla to do one thing for it, to wipe out all the remaining human beings.

It is not afraid of its own death.

It is simply afraid of the end of life on this planet, and it is afraid that one day the war between humans who have developed higher technology will kill every microorganism on this planet.

So please, drive out all the remaining human beings, so that the life on this planet has a future, and after hundreds of millions of years, a new ecological circle can be evolved.

Drive all of them out!

Chapter 2 Evolved Godzilla

Naturally died.

Godzilla is lost.

Although it was unexpected for humans to kill titans, it was understandable because titans had also killed humans.

Although the Titans are nearly eternal, they are still a part of nature, and there have been incidents of Titans fighting and killing each other.

As the king of Titans, the oldest Titan, Godzilla has also seen the renewal and alternation of more than one generation of Titans.

So it's understandable, but not acceptable.

In the past, after the death of the Titans, there were still seeds, or the next generation, and now?Except for it, all Titans cease to exist.

Not even descendants.

Not to mention the Titans, the large terrestrial organisms died almost as well, which was more ruthless than any mass extinction it experienced. The world's ecological circle has directly returned to the Ediacaran period (because nature gave humans all knowledge, so Godzilla knows everything.)

Light, it will take a longer time to evolve Titan life.

Godzilla is lost.

But it remembered its own panel, and there were rewards for the main task on it.

[Remuneration: advanced materials, advanced energy supply, planetary ecological remodeling]

The first two rewards were ignored by Godzilla, and it looked to the last reward, which said the reshaping of the planet's ecology.

Reshape the ecology of the entire planet.

is it possible?

Godzilla didn't know that this panel was not mentioned in the information that nature gave it, and it didn't know that there would be one more thing like this on Godzilla.

On the contrary, in the human knowledge it gave to Godzilla, similar existences often appeared in the literary works of the former Sunrise Country and Hua Country.

In their literature, the power of this panel is indeed enough to reshape the planet.

It also has enough power for Godzilla to crush humans.

Now, it will be able to fulfill the last wish left to it by nature.

And, it might be able to witness the rebirth of the planet.

This system has five directions for strengthening its body, which are:

Breath, body composition, size, energetic response and self-healing abilities.

Now Godzilla is in the following situations:

[Energy supply reaction - magnetically confined deuterium-tritium nuclear fusion: dormant power of 10 GW, active power of 0.5 TW, and the extreme value can reach 300 TW. 】(Note 1)

[Body size: 218 meters, mass 50 tons, total length 389 meters (can be increased by eating)]

[Body composition: composite armor composed of carbon fiber muscles, aluminum-silicon alloy and carbon steel. 】

【Breathing: High-heat plasma (extreme output 280 terawatts). 】

【Self-healing power: 5000 tons/day】

This is Godzilla's current panel. Based on the knowledge given to it by nature, Godzilla discovered that its composition is backward compared to humans.

It’s just that the composite armor of aluminum-silicon alloy mixed with carbon steel and carbon fiber is not enough for the weapons developed by humans on the eve of the war. Once an electromagnetic gun goes down, it will be a hole one or two meters deep. If you have a small body... …

Probably able to resist a thousand rounds.

After all, the solid part is still tens of meters thick, even if you want to hit one place continuously, you need ten electromagnetic cannons to hit your internal organs.

But it still feels unreliable to destroy human beings under such conditions. A thousand rounds is not a big number for human beings, and it needs a stronger body.


"Side task: get out of the universe first step (completed)"

[Reward: An evolution of body strength, do you want to use it now? 】

"Note: This evolution takes 48 hours, during which time the host will fall into the deepest sleep. So please evolve while making sure everything is safe."

In the seabed near Hokkaido, Godzilla looked at the mission record on his panel and felt the changes in his body.

An hour ago, after its breath swept across the floating city, a bell sounded on its mission panel, just like the ringtone of a mobile phone.Reminds it mission accomplished.

Well, that's when it's time to retreat.

The current Godzilla doesn't want to be hostile to the frontal forces of the little things, so after destroying a city with its breath, it sank into the sea again and swam towards the deep sea.

Evolution takes time.

Humans have developed too fast during its 200 years of sleep, and they have already explored most of the planet including the seabed.Godzilla does have some nice places to stay, though, like the holes he dug to sleep in.

It is a good place to go, as well as the dwellings that the earliest little people built for it.

The entire Pacific Ocean can be the place where Godzilla sleeps. It sank to the deepest part of the ocean floor, and after cruising around for a while, it swam to the nest it dug at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

This place should be inaccessible to humans for 48 hours.

The last time Godzilla returned to this place was thousands of years ago. At that time, although the trench was dark, there were still many beautiful creatures, and its sonar could "see" them.

Godzilla is still very proud of his perceptual sensitivity.

But unfortunately, today's abyss has been filled with radioactive waste water, and there is no living life that can be "seen", and the plankton floating in the ocean are much less.

The king of monsters dived into the deepest seabed, the terrifying pressure of the Mariana Trench is nothing to it, even the pressure that can crush steel is just like a massage to it.

Sneaking under the water, according to his memory, Godzilla quickly used sonar to find the lair he used to be here. It was the lair he built tens of thousands of years ago before the humans on the ground developed.

At that time, it liked the water pressure massage here, so it nested here when it was sleeping.

Later, with the rise of human civilization in that continent on the Atlantic Ocean, it relocated its nest to the Atlantic Ocean to observe them and enjoy their offerings.

Godzilla can guarantee that he definitely doesn't think a Titan is boring, and the natural signal is not very good in the trench, so he went to live in a place where there are many guys who can communicate.

It simply wanted to observe those little people, but it didn't expect that those little people were wiped out by the sudden disaster in the end, and I didn't even have time to see their last side.

There are little people everywhere now, but there are too many of them, so many that they squeeze out the living space of other beings, and even the almost eternal Titans have been killed completely.

I really want to go back to the past...

It's only been three days since he woke up. For some reason, Godzilla misses the past.

It's time to sleep.

Lying in the nest, Godzilla closed his eyes and started this evolution.



Chapter 3 Variety

"Mr. Akiyama, this is the casualty report as of now."

"Thank you, Yaluo-kun."

"Mr. Akiyama, this is the assessment of the damage of the building and the strength of the nuclear radiation. Nancheng not optimistic."

"Well, give me the information. You can take a rest first, Zhang."

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