(Remarks: This is an inhuman and strange animal novel that crosses over and regenerates into a giant dragon monster while farming and upgrading, while molesting Loli Yujie, a super fake dnd-like dragon-changing essay...)

Chapter 43 Love and Destruction

It would be great if there was a little more time for the final battle.

In the Hokkaido City Hall, Kozo Sato, Commander-in-Chief of the Far Eastern Region Army, is giving orders for the layout of the front line.

The installation location of the unmanned robots, the ambush location of the tank position, the establishment point of each frontline personnel, and other locations of these strings are all arranged by himself.

When it is specific, it is only a matter of how many meters a certain person or a certain car can move forward and backward.

After working for several hours to get everyone in place, Kozo Sato breathed a sigh of relief, then picked up a cup of cold black tea, and lay down on the chair to drink it slowly.

Then we just need to watch Godzilla in action.

【Godzilla can detect human activities】

This is when he was on the evacuated helicopter, after reviewing several major battle plans after Godzilla landed.One thing that Sato felt vaguely.

That is although I don't know why it can perceive it.But it just does, and it did in previous energy-consuming Army operations.

A careful look at the satellite video of the battle will reveal this.

After the first breath, Godzilla began to attack several frontline command posts that theoretically had no possibility of being exposed.

And when attacking.The route of its breath is the shortest straight line between Godzilla's head and the frontline commanders behind the ridge.

Every time Godzilla breaths out at the human gathering point, he fits the shortest straight line as if by God.

Combined with the fact that Godzilla could find them evacuating more than 100 kilometers away, Sato came to a definite conclusion, that is:

Godzilla can directly determine the position and movement of human beings!

And if the location of the human beings is within the range when its breath is still clustered.

That Godzilla will always accurately [directly] hit the place where humans are.

Not let the aftermath destroy humanity, not hit the ground next to it and sublimate everything with an explosion.

Instead, it hit directly, and the breath beam happened to hit the most densely populated place.

This is completely different from its attack on unmanned combat vehicles.

When Godzilla deals with tanks, it just covers the tanks in the explosion range and it's done, and it doesn't "target" them at all.

It's like destroying a target with a tank gun capable of destroying buildings within a 20-meter radius.

Against tanks and other things, all Godzilla does is fire the shells within 20 meters of the target.

However, when dealing with people, Godzilla changed his normal routine and let the shells hit the target every time.

This is Godzilla's only weakness.

As long as it is used well, it is not impossible to stop Godzilla with the current weapons alone.

It was precisely because of this possibility that he made this last effort.

The final battle in the Far East.

A battle that bears the hopes of thousands of people.


Godzilla headed in the direction of Hokkaido.

On the way there, Godzilla cleaned all the cities he visited when he came to Nagoya, and infected them all with nuclear radiation.

Go forward, across mountains and rivers.Godzilla goes from the moment of darkness when the sun goes down to the moment when the first flashes of dawn appear.

Where the ocean meets the sky in the distance.

That wheel brings all life to this world, and the light and warm sun is slowly rising, and at this moment, it is spreading the first ray of spring sunshine to this land.

The sun selflessly spreads light and heat to the world, and Godzilla bathes in this sunlight.Its silver-blue body, which is still covered with dew, reflects the sun's rays, making it extra dazzling on this land.

This giant beast made of iron blue and silver and white stepped on the land of the Far East. It was shining in the sun, like the most noble creation of nature, and everyone was fascinated by it.

Its body is tall, strong and fearless.

Its eyes are intellectual, peaceful, and full of wisdom.

It is mightier than thousands of beasts and wiser than ten thousand people.It walks on the land of the Far East, and its every move is full of natural and primitive beauty.

Godzilla felt the warm sunlight.It looked at the sun on the sea, walked in the forest, and snored softly.

How many years have you not stood up on land like this and watched the sunrise by the sea?

Looking at the gradually rising sun, Godzilla thought so.

In fact, it has not watched a complete sunrise on land for a while, and this sunrise is the first time it has watched on land in countless years.

How long ago was the last time you watched a complete sunrise from the land? 10 years ago?Or millions of years ago?

Or did it go back to when the dark clouds first dissipated after the stars fell?

Long, long before the birth of human beings, Godzilla dived into the bottom of the deep sea, and rarely stepped out of the trenches for a long time.

This makes it rarely see the world on land, and only when communicating with other titans and nature, will it understand some new developments in the world.

In fact, not only it, but all ancient titans are like this.

They all chose to hide and live in seclusion in dangerous situations with almost no life.Only some very young titans will wantonly move around on the earth.

And those young Titans gradually hid themselves under the rise of human beings.

In other words, why did they do it in the first place?Why sneak into the hidden corners of the world and live in seclusion?

Godzilla suddenly thought of a problem, and it recalled the reason.Starting from ten thousand years ago, go back in time.

Is it because of the birth of humans?

Of course not, the ancient Titans lived in seclusion long before the birth of human beings.

It can even be said that because of the activities of ancient humans, the ancient titans were placed on the altar, and so many relics were left in modern times.

Is that because of the natural climate?

No, the natural climate cannot influence the activities of the Titans.Not to mention that tens of millions of years have passed, there was a certain natural climate that prevented them from being active, and that is long gone now.

So what is it?

At dawn, Godzilla pondered this question.Then it finally came to mind.

So this is ah.

In the ancient times, when the stars fell and the black clouds cleared, everything recovered.

The Titans once fought a great war.

In that great war, the titans fought each other, making a mess of the earth, sea, and sky.

Heart, the Titans only care about their own lives, and often conflict with other Titans.

hundreds of times?several thousand?Even tens of thousands?No, this underestimated the intensity of that battle.

That was a battle that made the entire planet extremely hot and wiped out countless lives.

Although the intensity in a short period of time is not as good as the nuclear wars of humans, the titans fought for a long time, and finally made the world extremely hot.

A large number of life have been wiped out, and the land has become barren.

Under such circumstances, finally a titan who loves other life couldn't bear it. It found its neighbor, Godzilla at the time, and went with it to persuade other titans not to fight.

That was a really long and arduous process.

But in the end, under its happy chirping sound and the blue light in its mouth, everyone finally had to agree to its request.Do not destroy this world any more.

It loves this world, and whenever the world is in trouble, it will be the first to stand up.

And this time, it is no exception.

In the memory of nature, there is also its last wish.And that wish does not want to destroy anyone.

Let's restore this planet!

That's what it wants.And this wish will be realized today in the first step.

Godzilla is approaching Hokkaido!

ps: The second change is now changed to 8:[-] pm.

ps2: PY "People in Tokyo, Just Became a Demon King"

Chapter 44 Death and Rebirth

Are you finally going to fight it head-on?

Holding the chain tightly in his hand, Akiyama Ryo sat with the rest of the people in the temporary camp they set up, next to the heavy transport plane that was going to carry them to death.

The people in this camp are all wearing jet packs, and their whole bodies are tightly bound by protective equipment, even their mouths are not exposed.

Like the astronauts in the movie.

But their purpose of wearing this suit has nothing to do with going into space.

Their purpose is simply to die.

Whether it is the jetpack on the back or the protective equipment, they are not for the person who wears them.It's for Godzilla.

The jet pack is for them to go out and interfere with Godzilla if the helicopter they ride can get close to the surface of Godzilla.

The protective equipment is to prevent them from being blown to death by the wind during the interference, so as not to make Godzilla lose his perception of people.

There is also the small bomb hidden in the clothes, in case someone can get close to Godzilla's head alive, let him run into Godzilla's mouth and explode himself when Godzilla is about to breathe.

None of this equipment is intended to be worn by the wearer for the purpose of serving it.

They're an out-and-out killer set.It can be said that once you wear them, it is equivalent to saying that you will not come back alive.

Once you put them on, it means that you are going to the underworld.

"Why do you all come to the front line to fight Godzilla?"

There are still 3 hours before Godzilla enters the defense line, so it can't be done without doing anything for these three hours.

So someone asks, wants to spend the last three hours of his life talking.

But after he spoke, no one answered his words, which made him a little embarrassed.

In order to ease the atmosphere, he himself introduced himself first.

"Let's start with myself. I am a member of the Far East Marine Corps. My mother and father passed away a few years ago, and I haven't found a wife I like to start a family with."

"Ever since I was the only one in the family, my life has lost its purpose. I just live for the sake of living, and I don't know what a goddamn life I'm living every day."

"I have no goals, no dreams. But that's me. I still want to help others and have a wonderful ending. So after Godzilla landed this time, I chose to stay."

"what about you?"

After talking about his experience, he waited quietly.Then after a short wait, the second person spoke.

"I have been away from home for 15 years, and nothing has been mixed up in these 15 years, but it has dragged my family down."

"Both my mother and my father got sick and died because they were mad at me. I'm an asshole. So this time, I want to understand these assholes."

With the opening of the second person, the atmosphere gradually improved.The third person continued directly after the second person spoke:

"I am a civil servant. My mother died young, and my father died of a genetic disease. I was also checked out more than ten days ago."

"A genetic disease? Me too..."

"I'm from East Asia..."

People's chatterboxes were gradually opened up, and the embarrassing atmosphere had dissipated.Everyone is talking about their own experiences, some of which are negative and some are positive.

There are passionate youths who want to make Godzilla, who has sacrificed so many compatriots, pay the price simply for the sake of defending his family and country.

There are poor and hateful people who are escaping from foreign debts and want to die.

There are also soldiers who love their hometown and want to keep foreign enemies out of their homes despite their parents' dissuasion.

There are also good men who believe that they will die on the land where they were born and raised.

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