"Should it be started?"

The smoke entering the cabin was getting more and more dense.

If it doesn't start again, everyone will be choked to death.

Akiyama also knew this, he clicked on the re-lit screen, and chose to fly according to the scheduled mission on it.The unmanned mode of the transport plane is turned on.

The transport plane can directly connect to the satellite to get the current status.

Through it, the transporter will automatically find the location of Godzilla, and then automatically fly to Godzilla at the right time and place according to the mission requirements.

The propellers of the plane turned, and it finally flew to an altitude of a thousand meters, completely getting rid of those annoying smoke screens.

"Finally no more smoke..."

Everyone was thankful that they were not suffocated to death, and Qiushan was opening a real-time combat map through the satellite network at this time.

Let's see how far they have gone in their battle against Godzilla in the ten minutes they missed.

Where has Godzilla gone?Has our battle succeeded?Or did it fail?

Akiyama looked at the screen, although there was no text describing the result of the battle.But the answer was found from the only transport plane left and Godzilla who is still alive.

Have we...failed?

Humanity's battle has failed, and the frontline army has been completely wiped out by Godzilla, leaving only them.

Looking at the display on the screen, Akiyama couldn't calm down for a long time.He refused to accept the outcome, he didn't want so many people dying in vain.

No, there must be a chance!There must be a chance to defeat Godzilla!

"Mr. Akiyama... We, have we failed?"

A man next to him asked him hesitantly, and he also saw what Akiyama saw.At this moment, his heart cannot be calm.

If the battle fails, will they still go to fight Godzilla?Is it too pointless to continue to act according to the original plan and attack Godzilla now?

At the beginning, he thought that he could help everyone before he died, so he participated in this battle, but now that everyone has sacrificed.

Can they really help everyone by sending them to death like this?Isn't it really meaningless?

The people in the computer room more or less came up with their own answers.They looked at Qiushan together, and at this moment, they wanted to go back.

Akiyama also noticed this.

He didn't say anything else, just re-routed, flew to a burnt-out place with no smoke and descended, and then opened the hatch.

If you want to leave, just leave.

Chapter 51 A Shine of Light

If you want to leave, just leave.

The hatch opened and people left one after another.

There is an automatic navigation system on the jetpack, and the fuel is enough to fly across the sea to a city in East Asia.

Of course, the coastal cities of East Asia and Siberia have now largely evacuated their populations.

But considering the possibility that some sleepers may be left behind, their infrastructure is still in operation, and they can buy tickets to escape further inland when they get there.

That's safe.

After all, meaningless death is not what most people want, after all the people who should go are gone.

Akiyama looked at the outside world by himself for a long time.

They have already lost the battle against Godzilla this time. Is it really meaningful for him to die like this?

Such thoughts also appeared in his heart.He is the Minister of the Emergency Department of Hokkaido, and he participated in this time to do harm to Godzilla.

He wanted revenge, and revenge should not be the only one who died.

And the enemy is unscathed, which shouldn't be.

Yes, this is not how it should be.For his current purpose, he should go out with other people, leave, and then make a long-term plan.

So why isn't he leaving now?Are you still here?

Obviously he was wrong.

He clenched his palms tightly.

"Do I want to be reunited so much..."

"I'm sorry, I'm so tired without you. I'm sorry..."

He did not leave in the end and returned to the engine room.

"Are you sure you want to come with me?"

There were still a few people who did not leave.Some of them were people who had confided in the previous night's talk.

There are also some, like Akiyama, who have not spoken before.

"I'm here to be a martyr, I won't go..."

Only one person answered.The others were silent, and it seemed that everyone was having difficulties.

"I see."

Akiyama didn't ask any more questions.

He stepped into the cockpit, turned on the automatic pathfinding system of the transport plane, and let it fly to Godzilla with them.

The transport plane took off, and it finally flew into the dark red sky.

Other people who stayed behind also entered the cab, and they looked out of the window illuminated by the electronic screen together, falling into their own world.

At the same time, a clear and melodious melody came from the bridge.

It's singing?It should be a contact problem caused by the impact, let the speaker play by itself.

Do you want to turn it off?

Akiyama was about to turn it off, but stopped when its lyrics came.

"Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?" (If I met you in heaven, would you still remember my name?)

In the first line of the lyrics, a somewhat hoarse voice echoes in the crisp, melodious and sad guitar melody.

He didn't turn it off.The same goes for other people.

"Would you feel the same if I saw you in heaven?" (If I were to meet you again in heaven, would we still be the same as before?)

The sound of music echoed in the cockpit, amidst this vicissitudes and somewhat sad music, the transport plane flew forward.


"I'll find my way, through night and day" (Give me some more days, I'll find my way)

The transport plane flew towards the snow-capped mountains ahead according to the navigation. In the cockpit, Qiushan and others looked at the light spot representing Godzilla projected on the screen, and they were getting closer and closer to it.

They march toward death.


"Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure."

Huge potholes, melted ridges, and blasted peaks.The traces of Godzilla's battle with humans fill the world.

At this time, the transport plane fell slightly and approached the ground.

The closer you get to the ground, the more you can see.

Akiyama saw the chariot on the ruins on the flat ground, and also saw the wing stuck on the ground.And who were they who were involved in this war in the plane where that wing had been?


"Would you know my name." (Do you remember my name)

Maybe someone's father, maybe someone's mother.Maybe someone's child, maybe someone's love.

But whatever it was, they're all lost now.

..."Have you begging please."

On the battlefield, although there are no corpses.But I can still imagine the cruelty of the battlefield at that time.

People joined this war one after another, just to gain a possibility of victory against Godzilla.

A slim possibility.

Humans will not give in.


Daxueshan, which has not been easy for thousands of years, has revealed its true face today that it has never shown since its formation.

Its black rock face is exposed to the cold wind, half is black, and the other half has disappeared.

It was knocked sideways by Godzilla's breath, pierced in half.

This is yet another "relic" caused by Godzilla.

The transport plane flew over the mountain wall. When they came along the way, they saw many traces left by Godzilla.

Those traces can be said to only appear in mythology, but now they are displayed in this world by Godzilla.

It is the undisputed king of destruction, the destroyer of all things.

And now, they were about to meet the Destroyer.The dots representing Godzilla and their dots are getting closer.

As long as they go around one more mountain, they will be able to see the figure of Godzilla.

And when you see it, it also represents the coming of destruction and death.

Akiyama is not afraid of death, and everyone here is not afraid of death.

They are all people who pursue death, not only are they not afraid of death but they are also pursuing death.

People who want to use death to get rid of debts and renew their families.

People who want to die to gain honor and make their parents proud.

Want to die in their own hometown, even if there is no hope, to shake the desperate people.

Finally, people who are afraid of being alone and want to be reunited.

"Beyond the door"

"There's peace I'm sure"

The screen was removed, the protective panel was withdrawn, and the front window of the transport aircraft was exposed.

Going around the mountain and into the canyon, through the window, Qiushan saw that Godzilla for the first time, the beast among the mountains.

"And I know there'll be no more"

Akiyama looked at it, and it also looked at Akiyama, and it opened its mouth, and Akiyama also opened his mouth and shouted:


Then there was a flash of light.

"Tears in heaven"

The song ends.



ps: the title of the song "Tears in Heaven"

ps2: The release time was set wrong... it was set to 2021, and it was only now that I found out that it was changed back.

Chapter 52 Success and Failure


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