Even if you have a room temperature superconducting material, it will fail when the current or magnetic field is large enough.

As far as Godzilla knows, humans at the time of the nuclear war have not found a situation that can maintain superconductivity at the level of a super electromagnetic gun.

But now, humans have not only discovered it, but also put it into practice.

The progress of human beings is indeed very fast. If they are allowed to develop for a while, then weapons that are completely aimed at me can also be easily developed.

Therefore, we must speed up the speed of human extinction.

It wouldn't be good for humans to create weapons that can actually defeat me.

Thinking of this, Godzilla felt that it was time to end his rest and destroy mankind.

Godzilla does not only have one brain, but his brain is all over his body, or his thinking neurons are spread all over his body.

Not only the thinking neurons, but also the memory neurons have several backups.

In a sense, blowing up its head is not much different from breaking its hands, and the former is even easier.

Head exploded, no problem.

But a head is a head after all, and without a head there would be no eyes, no mouth, no nose.After all, it is very inconvenient to look at things.

Fortunately, there is sonar. Although it is not as useful on the ground as in the sea, it can still "see" within a dozen kilometers around.

After the break, it's time to move on.

Godzilla, who had been silent for more than ten minutes, moved again.

Headless it took its first step.

Just when it took this step, everyone's eyes in the world were focused on Godzilla's "corpse" via satellite live broadcast.

"Look, everyone, this is Godzilla's corpse! We have completely defeated Godzilla..."

"The beast that destroyed the world was finally defeated by ours! This is a victory for mankind, but at the same time, we must not forget the soldiers who died in this battle..."

"In 20 minutes, Commander Sato, who is in charge of this battle, will arrive in the Yanjing metropolitan area, and our station's reporters will be the first to interview..."

In just ten minutes, the news of Godzilla's death swept across every webpage and every channel.

All kinds of live broadcasts showing its corpse also increased wildly in the first two or three minutes at an unprecedented speed in human history.

A million... 100 million... 1000 million... even a billion.

In just two or three minutes, the total number of people on various media's live channels of Godzilla's corpse directly reached more than 3 billion!

This number is still soaring. In the largest live broadcast room, the real number of people in that one live broadcast room exceeds 1 million!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the first time in human history that so many people watch the same thing at the same time.It was unprecedented, and it will never happen again.

Everything that happens in this live broadcast will have a profound impact on the entire human race.

People who saw Godzilla's body through the live broadcast were inexplicably relieved.Especially the people in East Asia, it is really fortunate that the war they thought would come will not come.

After letting go of their hearts, people's hearts are filled with pride and disdain.He is proud of himself as a so-called human being, and disdainful of the dead Godzilla.

What, it was wiped out by our weapons in the end.Godzilla is nothing but that.

People didn't think about the cost behind this war, and didn't think about why the previous battles failed if Godzilla was really weak.None of them thought about it.

but it does not matter.

Godzilla will remind them.

"Hey, Godzilla... is it moving?"

"Godzilla moved! It's not dead yet!"

"How is it possible...it doesn't even have a head, is it immortal..."

The first step is taken, and the cheers fade away.

"Godzilla is still alive! Godzilla is still alive!"

"It, it, what is it..."

The second step is taken, panic gradually arises.

"Hey, is there a blue light emitting from the cut of its neck..."

"No way... this is..."

Finally, the third step is taken.

The light that illuminates the sky emerges from its neck.

The cheers and horror died away.

The sky is white and clean.

Chapter 54 "Monsters"

What is a monster?

What is the difference between monsters and beasts?

Is it body type?

Is it destructive?

Or does it hate humans?Hostile to humans?

No, it's not none of these.

The real difference between monsters and wild beasts is not the simple things like size, destructive power, or whether they hate humans or not.

The real difference between them is - understanding.

Beasts are creatures within the norm, while monsters are things beyond common sense and beyond human understanding.

Now, the king of the monsters, at this very moment, shows his posture to the whole world.

A beam of light shining brighter than a thousand suns erupted from the headless body.

The light penetrated the atmosphere and hit the distant city at an incredible speed, dimming the world.

A city is thus erased.

As Godzilla's headless body moved forward, a breath of unimaginable energy was emitted from it.

Like a god, but also like a demon.

Like the greatest creation of nature, but also like the destroyer of all existence in the world.

Godzilla's blue and white body is deeply imprinted in people's hearts.

Everyone in the world is looking at this picture now, and deep in their hearts, something is faintly broken.

Monsters are existences beyond human comprehension.

At this moment, the whole world understands.


Live is off.

Officials cut off all satellite communications, and all the silence on the Internet that was lifted was sealed.They want to block information about Godzilla as much as possible, and want people to forget the scene they just saw.

But this is useless.

The image in my heart cannot be blocked, nor can it be forgotten.

Godzilla's headless body moved forward while destroying the city ahead.

The energy it accumulated during the headshot burst out at this moment, detonating dozens of kilometers away with a power no less than that of its previous super breath.

it's time.

It was another super fireball, and Godzilla continued to move forward under the super fireball. After finishing this breath, he began to accumulate energy again.

Three minutes later, before the last fireball dissipated, another super breath hit the city further ahead, which had not been completely razed.

Multiple breaths exploded on Hokkaido, darkening the whole world.Only the few nuclear fireballs in the sky that represent death shine.

Against the backdrop of the extreme darkness behind and the extreme light in front of him, Godzilla's headless body is like a devil king in the deepest part of hell, bringing destruction to everything in front of him.

Hokkaido, like Grafadamoni, which was destroyed by Godzilla 16 days ago, completely disappeared under Godzilla's breath.

The headless Godzilla stands on the ruins of Hokkaido, it can't see its own masterpiece now.But through super-power sonar, it can still know that Hokkaido in its perception has been completely destroyed.

It's not over yet.

Godzilla's destruction is far from over.

Continuing to walk on Hokkaido, which has been burned into ruins, Godzilla followed the human radar to the remaining small cities in the entire Far East.It wants to completely remove traces of human beings from this island, leaving nothing behind.

24 breaths spewed out from the severed head, hitting every city.

Because Godzilla has no head, he can no longer sweep it with a strong radiation breath, but he still repeatedly attacked the cities left by humans, burning them into lava before leaving.

Finally... I'm done, so I want to continue?Or find a place to evolve first?

Godzilla on the lava of the ruins was thinking whether he should continue to land in other human regions after destroying the Far East.

It's better to evolve and raise your head back first.

But after a short thought, it decided to let it evolve first.

It is really troublesome to have no head, and it is difficult to adjust the direction of breathing.So let's grow our head back first.

After destroying the last city, Godzilla went from the ruins to the beach, preparing to re-enter the embrace of the sea.

At this moment, in the sky, several small light spots hit Godzilla from outside the atmosphere at a speed of 50 times the sound.

They fell from the highest sky, knocking out layers of sonic booms, hitting Godzilla's body directly.

Godzilla himself didn't notice those light spots because he didn't have eyes, so in the next second, the nuclear fireball bloomed on Godzilla's body.

One, two, three, four, five...

Nuclei fell like rain, the most shining rain in the world, and the hottest rain in the world.

Godzilla stands in this rain, it stands on its own, without flinching or running away, it has withstood the rain.Then there was a sound that shouldn't have been there.

"Excessive arrogance!!!!!"

Godzilla stood in the nuclear rain, roaring upwards.



Having lost his head, Godzilla, which should have been silent, started up again.After destroying the remaining Hokkaido metropolitan area and the remaining seventeen cities in the Far East, it attempts to return to the bottom of the sea.

At 8:22, the latest Z-1 nuclear missile produced by the coalition government was launched from a North American missile base and hit Godzilla a few minutes later.

The first to seventh Z-1 nuclear missiles caused a large-scale melting phenomenon on the surface of Godzilla.

The eighth to eleventh pieces have a lot of sublimation on the outside that makes Godzilla melt.

No. 12 to 21 made Godzilla's overall melting rate exceed 20%. It is estimated that at least 1 tons of the material that constitutes Godzilla was melted, and more than [-] tons were sublimated.

At 8:42, all nuclear strikes were over.Godzilla still retains the ability to move, and still has not lost the ability to fight.

It stood in the big crater formed by continuous nuclear strikes, its body was glowing red, it looked like it had been melted a lot, but it looked like


Although it has no eyes at this time, I have an illusion that it is looking at me, no, it is looking at us.

It's watching us all.

Monsters, beasts beyond common sense and beyond human understanding.

At 9:20, Godzilla entered the Pacific Ocean, and took advantage of his own speed to escape the pursuit of the Pacific Fleet.Finally disappeared in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

How long will it be before the next Godzilla lands?


When I write this record, I have a hunch that maybe it will be in the near future.The era of humans will come to an end completely, and the era of monsters will come.

What a silly premonition.Godzilla is the only Titan left. How could there be any monster era? There are no other Titans on earth except Godzilla.

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