Only then did people decipher the biological texts of Venus obtained from some ruins and get the real answer.

Ghidorah, Wings of the Fallen Star.

It is the real culprit who once destroyed the civilization of Venus, and it is the chief culprit that turned Venus into what it is today.

The power of Ghidorah has been recorded in detail in the second type of ruins. It descended from a world other than the sun, and brought its favored ones to Venus.

Its storms engulfed the world, it vaporized its seas of sulfur, and it wiped out all life and spirit.

Its benefactor activated the volcano and plunged the world into crisis.

According to the records of the Venusian civilization, Ghidorah came from outside the solar system with his followers, turning the entire Venus from a "paradise" with a sulfide ocean to the current hell.

During this process, Ghidorah himself did not even actively attack the Venusian civilization.

it's just...

exist there.

The Venus civilization has always been the favored ones of Ghidorah, and they have only defeated those companion beasts of Ghidorah with all their efforts.

In the end, it will inevitably be destroyed by Ghidorah——?

No, Venus civilization did not sit still after killing those companion beasts.At the end of the decline of civilization, they gathered all their strength and fought a battle.

Finally, they succeeded in sealing Ghidorah.

At the same time, as a price, their civilization is completely broken, and the nature of Venus will never return to the past.

The last Venusians didn't survive long in such an extreme Venusian climate.

Venus completely turned into dead silence.

And now, according to the coordinates left by the people on Venus.

Humans have found the place where Ghidorah sleeps.

And blasted the gate there.

Chapter 3 The Birth of Ghidorah!

"D1 area completed."

"D2 area completed."

"D3 area completed."

"D4 area completed."

"All areas blasting completed, 3, 2, 1"

"fall down!"


On Venus, the heavy metal door was blown open by continuous explosions.The scenery that had been covered in dust for 4.5 million years was finally revealed to the outside world.

The door was blown open and nothing happened.

This is also natural, because the gate itself is not something that seals Ghidorah.

It was just an ordinary door, and they weren't stupid enough to blow it open without scouting and probing first.

The history of exploration of Venus has a full 80 years, and even the establishment of a permanent space station was completed 20 years ago.

During this period of time, humans have already deciphered many secrets around the Maxwell Mountains, and even part of the language of the Venusians has been deciphered.And the gate that sealed Ghidorah was found more than 2 years ago.

In a period of 2 years, humanity initially established a complete front-line base.Then a complete automatic production line of unmanned probe vehicles and various high-precision equipment were sent into it, and a front-line base was established on the surface of Venus.

Naturally, there are seismic wave and electromagnetic wave detection instruments needed for early exploration.Humans have already detected the scene behind the door.

Hundreds of all-terrain exploration vehicles in front of the gate drove into the gate, and their cameras recorded all the scenes in front of them and sent them to the near-Earth space station around Venus, allowing people on the space station to see the gate for the first time Behind the scenes.

A subterranean super void far surpassing all voids on Earth.

22 kilometers in diameter and 3.4 kilometers high, it is located 2 kilometers below the surface of Venus.

These are the values ​​that human beings have already measured before coming in. Before coming in, human beings have basically done everything that can be done.

They've even punched holes in the gates and put small scout droids in to watch the inside.

People are most wary of Ghidorah and Ghidorah's favored ones—the existences called Ghidorah's wings by the Venusians.After all, blasting the gate is the final step after everything is confirmed. They have such a plan, which means that they have made all preparations before.

With cameras from multiple angles and a huge searchlight behind it, people can see where their rover is.They are on a high platform, and below is their ultimate goal.

Ghidorah, and its followers Ghidorah's wings.

Ghidorah and at least 2828 Ghidorah's wings were sealed underneath. They were wrapped in solidified steel, with only a small part exposed.

The land of molten iron used to seal Ghidorah and Ghidorah's wings alone is more than all the metals that have been smelted by humans in history.

But even so, hundreds of wings and hundreds of long necks stick out of the steel ground, showing their alien appearance in the eyes of others.

A head that looks like a dragon or an insect emerges from the steel ground, a hundred meters above the ground.Their whole bodies seemed to be covered by a pair of golden armor, emitting a dull golden color.Alien exoskeletons cover their bodies, even on their huge wings.

Ghidorah's wings, Ghidorah's symbiotic life alone is not much smaller than Godzilla on Earth.

It has a wingspan of more than 800 meters and a total length of nearly 500 meters. It is estimated that the shoulder height is more than 150 meters. If the neck is completely straightened up, it may even be 300 meters high.Even the normal in the simulation is 220 meters high.

Just one wing of Ghidorah is probably better than all the titans on earth except Godzilla.

And there are thousands of such monsters sealed here.

There are more than 2000 wings of Ghidorah that humans have identified outside. In fact, it is impossible to measure how many are sealed below.

But judging from the fact that so much metal has been gathered, it can't completely seal all Ghidorah's wings.Its number may be quite astonishing.

The Wings of Ghidorah who have been sealed in front of them are only a part. The real big heads have been completely wiped out by the people of Venus in the great war 4.5 million years ago.These Ghidorah's wings are essentially just a piggybacked existence to seal the innermost Ghidorah.

But these "piggyback" things alone are also incredible for today's human beings.

According to the landslide that had been found before, the unmanned detection vehicles drove from the upper platform to the steel earth below one by one, and drove in different directions in batches.

Long before the official entry, the humans had already marked the Wings of Ghidorah on the side of the platform on the Steel Land.Now, the groups are sampled according to where each group corresponds.

Just like they planned.

Each group of probe vehicles arrived at their respective assigned Wings of Ghidorah, and everything that followed was completely unknown.Small detectors can only see, not collect specimens from the Wings of Ghidorah.

And a large detection vehicle equipped with a laser cutter can do this.

As long as the detailed composition of Ghidorah's wings is analyzed, they will be able to know the deepest secrets of these star-crossing monsters.

The laser cutter began to cut the exposed corners of each Ghidorah's wings. It was expected to be very resistant to high temperatures, and it would take a while to cut off a piece.

During this spare time, everyone in the unmanned rover operating room also relaxed a little.

"The people of Venus are really big. Otherwise, the buildings they built wouldn't be so big."

"Is this Ghidorah and Ghidorah's wings... What a spectacular scene."

"How does such a creature work?

"Let's finish the complete measurement of the exposed part first, and see how many there are. Are you going to do a shock wave measurement?"

"It's definitely going to be done, but is this really a sealed state? There are so many exposed parts... It feels like they will come alive in the next second."

"It's been more than 4 million years, and all living things should die."

"Not necessarily. The oldest of the Titans has lived for tens of millions of years. I don't think the stronger Wing of Ghidorah can live for [-] million years."

Everyone in the operating room began to joke about this, as long as they completed this step.They will be able to get the somatic cells of these supernormal monsters.

In this case, human beings' information on this kind of super monsters will definitely go further.And the benefits are not limited to these, the wings of Ghidorah can also fly into space, as long as they are dissected, human beings will have a great improvement in spaceflight!

And people even have a better research object than Ghidorah's Wings.

That is Ghidorah.

Click, cut off.

The first piece of material was cut and packed into bags.Immediately afterwards, other groups also cut samples of different parts of different Ghidorah Wings.Then it's just a matter of sending the sample back to the forward base and a few more shock tests, and then they can start the real first phase.

Several probe vehicles with samples went back, and other probe vehicles began to install shock waves and measure the number and size of the exposed wings of Ghidorah, etc., in preparation for a complete survey of this piece of steel.

After more than ten minutes, a total of 320 seismic instruments were launched one by one, completely surveying and mapping the interior of the underground iron block, and people finally saw the whole picture of the underground.

See the whole picture of Ghidorah.

This is Ghidorah.

This is the unknown waiting for them to resolve.

PY: "Call My Name, Alina"

Chapter 4 The Birth of Ghidorah! (over)

This is Ghidorah.

Its whole picture is displayed in front of human beings.

It is not much different from the Wings of Ghidorah only in terms of appearance, they are both dragon-like and insect-like heads.Both have weird exoskeletons, and both have weird bodies, but there are differences between the two sides in terms of body shape and number of heads.

Ghidorah has three heads and three necks, while Ghidorah's wings have only one head and one neck.

This is probably the most significant difference between them.

As for another significant difference, that is, body shape, the gap between the two sides in this respect is even greater.

"Can this really be considered a living thing..."

Although they have been psychologically prepared, the people in the space station still feel blocked when they see the detailed data transmitted.

Body length... 3 to 4 kilometers?or longer?

Wingspan, 6 to 7 meters or even above?

Mere existence can permanently change the ecology of the planet, and just being alive requires a civilization far superior to human beings to treat it with all its strength.

Can this kind of thing really be regarded as a living thing?

群>1%[email protected]>|7%4#/5<9*[email protected]%9|8“估计有3到4亿吨重,如果是五~一{零+①/七&#④~}五-酒@/④=<⑨*扒=儀%>期}巴=扒*{灵$气~流

"No matter how you look at it, this kind of thing can't be the existence that can be bred inside the planet. Its flight is equivalent to the explosion of billions of tons of TNT at the same time... How did the Venusian civilization defeat it?"

If Ghidorah is not Godzilla, but Ghidorah, it would only take one day for human beings to be completely wiped out, right?

How did this thing come about!

"I think the Wings of Ghidorah are developing towards Ghidorah's appearance. Can it be said to be some kind of convergent evolution?"

"It's incredible that such creatures really exist in the universe."

Ghidorah's body length and weight don't seem to be born and evolved on the planet, and no one knows what it flies by.

But now, the secret may be about to be revealed.

"Then let's reveal it!"

The task of the probe vehicles is not only to analyze the wings of Ghidorah, but their real target is the giant underground, which the Venusians call Ghidorah.

In the previous shock wave mapping, Ghidorah's whole body was not measured.However, a part of Ghidorah's body was also discovered.

One of the bodies was so close to the surface of the iron layer that a drill hole could be drilled to cut a piece of Ghidorah's tissue on the tip of Ghidorah's wing.

This is the most important.

After getting the complete drawing, the people on the space station quickly determined the location of the opening.Here they were going to drill a hole 20 meters deep, right over the tip of one of Ghidorah's wings.

It's a tall order, and a 20-meter-thick layer of steel is no rock formation.But they were well prepared for it, some ground explosives could blast the ground.

After more than 100 serial explosions, the probe vehicles successfully blasted a pit seventeen or eight meters deep and six to seven meters wide, and it was time for the laser knives.

After cleaning up the iron slag produced by the explosion, the rover fully utilized its all-terrain term.They put away their crawlers, exposed their mechanical legs, and climbed up and down the potholed walls.

In the pit, everyone operated the robotic arm and began to use laser cutting to cut off the remaining iron ground bit by bit and move it to the top.

In this way, with the unremitting efforts of dozens of probe vehicles, everyone finally cut through the remaining few meters of iron layer, and cleaned out a thing reflecting golden light.

At this time, a light canopy has been built on the excavation pit for lighting, and all the people participating in this exploration on the space station are very excited.

This is Ghidorah, Wing of the Fallen Star.

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