"If you don't go, I want to go. Then I'll go? Goodbye."

"Oh! Wait!"

Serizawa didn't want to be alone in the lab during lunch time, so he hurried to chase him out.

The two walked out of the laboratory like this.

ps: Book Friends Group, where stars fuse in deep space, group number: 810141391.The group owner is very active, you can enter the group to chat about the settings and the future of this book, there will be spoilers.

ps2: Please recommend and monthly pass, please!This is very important to me!

Chapter 8 Daisuke Serizawa

"The latest detection of Godzilla is being carried out in the South Pacific waters. His Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief of the World Government's Armed Forces, officially visited Yanjing today to discuss the plan for Godzilla in East Asia."

"The coastal defense wall in East Asia has been completed today 60.00% eighth, the Australian defense line has been completed 70.00% two, the North American defense line is being built."

"Today we are going to interview everyone on the front lines in East Asia..."

Dr. Serizawa's temporary residence is not at Yenching University, but at the city government.

So the two of them walked straight out of Yenching University after leaving the laboratory. At this time, the campus was empty, and it seemed that everyone had left.

In the past few days, Yenching University has no classes, and the school has a one-month vacation. The students who live in the coastal areas are asked to arrange the residence of their families after they withdraw to the inland, and let everyone reunite.

After all, if Godzilla really lands in East Asia, it is unknown whether everyone will see each other again.

The two walked out of the main entrance of Yenching University to the street, called a suspended unmanned vehicle, and entered the address by voice.

"Yanjing, the city hall."

The unmanned vehicle opened, two people got in, and immediately lay down on the back seat.

One person lay on it and closed his eyes to rest his mind, while the other person lay down for a while, leaning his face against the window and looking out at the much deserted streets of Yanjing from the inside.

There are many high-rise buildings, and high-rise buildings hundreds of meters high block the streets of Yanjing.Let everyone in the car have a sense of suffocation.

In Yanjing, the sun can’t be seen during the day, and the neon lights flicker between the buildings.Pedestrians can be seen walking their dogs on some overpasses, and tall trees are planted on both sides of the street, verdant and verdant, covering the sidewalks.

The sun shines through the high-rise buildings and the shade of the trees on the road, and there are not many cars on the road.Even the very congested road sections in the past are unimpeded.

Only on some wide roads with eight or even ten lanes can we see more vehicles, and the direction of these vehicles is also out of the city.rather than progress.

Yanjing is currently one of the most populous, most prosperous and huge cities in the world.It should be very lively, but today, it is surprisingly quiet.

"Since the news that Godzilla is coming, the city has lost a lot of people."

Coastal cities are not the only ones moving inland, and some cities near the coast have also experienced large-scale population loss.Among them is Yanjing.

Although Yanjing has set up a net on the Bohai Strait, the last extreme east to do so has been razed by Godzilla.Everyone "trusts" Godzilla more than the human army.

I heard that housing prices in Siberia have doubled.

A few days ago, there were still people looting all kinds of supplies, and it was only by sending a lot of security robots and adding a lot of supplies that they could barely satisfy the looting crowd.

"It's not easy in East Asia."

There is a parade of zero yuan purchases in the west, and looting in the east. It is not easy all over the world.

"Boom boom boom..."

After entering a 10th lane, Serizawa pressed his face against the glass and looked up.

"Oh, are those transport drones... are they all operated by unmanned systems now?"

The sky of Yanjing is full of transport helicopters flying around, much more than the helicopters over Osaka and Hokkaido seen on the Internet more than ten days ago.

In every piece of sky, countless helicopters carried countless materials and flew to various places in the Yanjing metropolitan area. There were so many of them that nearly 15 super electromagnetic guns were repaired in just a few days.

This is just the metropolitan area of ​​Yanjing!

"Is this the power of artificial intelligence? I'm so envious."

The Agta terrorist attack 50 years ago caused the world government to completely stop the use of some artificial intelligence that was identified as having strong intelligence.It was not until more than ten days ago that this ban was lifted, and people realized what they had lost.

When robots can be used for all jobs and no longer need human instructions.Industrial construction will be five times faster!ten times!With the speed increase, a group of perfect robots can build a super electromagnetic gun in two days and at the same time replicate themselves by [-]% of the number.

Just after Godzilla destroyed Tokyo, the United World Government has actually lifted the ban.

In just over ten days now, most of the defense line in East Asia has been completed.It can be seen that the efficiency of the robots is fast.

In front of the robots who are infinitely replicating themselves, the only thing that limits their construction speed is the amount of materials, and even this.All can be solved by fully automatic mining.

It is really unimaginable power. If they had had them when fighting in the Far East, maybe they would not have lost.

Such a thought popped into Serizawa's mind, but he shook his head and quickly shook it out of his mind.

Zhuge Liang is not good after the fact,

"Yanjing Municipal Government Plaza is here, welcome to take a ride."

The unmanned hover vehicle stopped at the edge of the Yanjing City Government Square, and two people got out of the vehicle.Then the scene of getting out of the car surprised Serizawa.

This is... what happened?

The security robots built a wall between the city hall and the city hall square. Many soldiers in military uniforms were standing on the wall ready to shoot at any time. They looked serious, as if they were guarding something.

A large number of small machine gun drones are patrolling the sky, and there are several military armed helicopters on standby at higher altitudes, and some other transport planes take off and land.The municipal square was surrounded so impenetrably that not even a fly could fly in.

Where is this place where a certain tech giant made a new discovery? This is clearly a military base!

"Old Huang, are you really sure that my brother is inside?"

Serizawa swallowed, he couldn't believe it.But Lao Huang just patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Boy Qin, let's go."

The middle-aged man, who was taking a nap and resting his mind before, is now refreshed, and he waved his hand for Serizawa to come forward.As soon as he showed his researcher ID, he entered through the opening in the wall.

"Hey, wait for me."

Serizawa hurried to follow. He bravely walked under the wall, picked up his researcher and waved it, and then chased after him.The soldiers didn't stop them either, and let them go in.

After entering the fence, Serizawa immediately saw an incredible scene.

Behind the walls of the military's stern handle is a large group of scientific researchers in the square.Serizawa also saw many acquaintances among them, many of them are teachers and mentors in Yanjing!

No, if you don't go back to do research... why are you here?

Just when he was in a daze, a staff member saw him from the crowd and ran to him.Pull him up and walk into the city hall.

"Dr. Daisuke wants to see you."

"Ah, ah."

His older brother is Daisuke Serizawa.

ps: py "Girl's Doomsday Happiness Theory" is a lily sweet article with a doomsday background

ps2: Please recommend, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass!This is very important to me! .By the way, although I don't think anyone will do this, but if someone rewards me with a golden treasure chest on Monday, I will add 16 updates.

ps3: Oxygen Destroyer is coming soon.

Chapter 9 Oxygen Destroyer

What kind of person is Serizawa Daisuke?

Scholars who lived with him said that he was very rigid, some said that he was meticulous in doing things, and some people thought he was difficult to get close to, and he had no feelings like a robot.

Everyone has their own opinions about his personality.There are big differences.

But it's just about character.

If you ask about Serizawa's talent, everyone who has worked with him will say with one voice that his talent is at the highest level in the entire academic world.

He will surely shine in the future and become a new generation leader in quantum chemistry.

Now, the time has come.

"On the destructive reaction of free radicals to Godzilla cells and the facile preparation of a new class of stable oxyfluorides."

"And a simple device based on oxyfluoride—the oxygen destroyer."

Author - Daisuke Serizawa.


"This is Serizawa's work that all our experts and professors ran over to. Let me take a look."

Northeast Yangjing vs. Godzilla's temporary office.

Director Ma of Yanjing City's Godzilla Temporary Logistics Department took the papers handed over by others, and began to read the papers of the famous Dr. Serizawa.

Dr. Serizawa was already famous last night.

A few days ago, the editor-in-chief of Nature Magazine was in his private social circle.

revealed that they recently received an amazing submission about Godzilla fighting.

It is said that there is a person who designed a weapon and battle plan that can almost kill Godzilla [-]%.

Everyone didn't believe it.

However, he was telling others about it every day, whetting the appetites of the scientists in their circle, but he didn't reveal anything else.

Until last night, he suddenly revealed the name of Dr. Serizawa and a lot of other things, including Nature Magazine's thoughts on the feasibility of this weapon.

The revelation blew up in their circles.Because he said that everyone in their Nature magazine felt that this weapon could do what he said before.

It can really kill Godzilla.

It is conceivable that those who knew the news last night wanted to go to Serizawa to have a look.

However, the editor-in-chief of Nature magazine kept people in that circle very secretive, telling them not to disclose this matter before the publication of this journal's Nature magazine.

Everything is known only to the top politicians and scientists in the districts.

Everyone else only knew that the big one was coming, but they had no idea what the big one was.

And now that everyone knows it, the weapon designed by Serizawa seems to have the possibility of completely killing Godzilla from the perspective of Nature Magazine.

How is it impossible for East Asian officials to act?

So at dawn today, Dr. Serizawa's place was completely surrounded.

Everyone in East Asia also got a copy of his paper from him.

There were also top scientists who came from all over the region, unable to bear their own thoughts, ran over to have a look.

Several people in Yanjing City have read the full text of the paper this morning.

But after reading it, they remained silent.

None of the above has made any adjustments to combat.

He didn't explain to the others below what is wrong with the oxygen destroyer designed by Dr. Serizawa.

It made them a little confused for the logistics of Godzilla's battle, but now it's all right, they got Dr. Serizawa's thesis.

They want to see what is written on it.

But after a few glances, Minister Ma's hands couldn't stop shaking.

At the end, he smashed the paper directly on the desk!shouted angrily:

"What the hell is this! It deserves to be called a weapon!"

Several other officials now also have papers in their hands.After they opened the papers, their faces were all ugly, their brows were tightly frowned, and their faces were ashen.

They also read the papers, even if one of them was not very good at chemistry and couldn't understand it.But most of the conclusions are still understandable.

If you are not a biology and chemistry major, you just need to skip the calculation and look at the conclusion.

This paper is very detailed.

In the paper, Dr. Serizawa first listed the data of their research team at the University of Tokyo (because of the destruction of Tokyo, they now share a laboratory with the District University of Science and Technology) and the research team of the District University of Science and Technology on the toxin calculation data of Godzilla cells.

They started their simulations with the most basic chemical bonds.

Yanjing's supercomputer was used to simulate whether many kinds of toxins would damage the molecular structure of Godzilla's cells.

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