[The number of remaining engineering robots in Australia - 1 million. 】

[Progress of logical analysis of Godzilla's behavior: 12%]

Chapter 19 Godzilla's experiment

The robots who were running towards Godzilla jumped up.

Yes, the speed of light is the fastest in this world.It was impossible for the machines to escape together after Godzilla fired the tail light.

But it's the light that can't escape, not Godzilla.

As long as you understand Godzilla's action patterns and predict when Godzilla will flick its tail, you can know in advance when Godzilla will attack!

What can be observed can be affected.

If it can be affected, it can be counted.

Statistics can be mastered.

In the realm of Turing computability, this is unquestionably true.

The running robots jumped up, and they jumped to a height of more than ten meters above the ground.

One second before Godzilla's tail laser was about to sweep them, he predicted Godzilla's actions in advance and avoided Godzilla's attack.


Falling from the sky, artificial muscles allow them to withstand the impact.

They are running wildly, humanoid robots without heads, cat-shaped robots without tails, and robots without various parts are running wildly, forming a landscape on the horizon.

"call out----"

After finding that his original tail did not destroy the robots attacking from behind, Godzilla swung his tail again, sweeping from right to left.

This time, the machines jumped ahead of time before Godzilla's lasers could reach them, and successfully avoided the attack.

Not only are the machines on the ground evolving and adapting, but so are those in the sky.

They predicted Godzilla's dorsal fin rays in the sky, and their actions in the sky became much more flexible in an instant.

Godzilla's dorsal fin ray, the number of drones shot down for a while began to decrease significantly.

Coupled with their extremely fast sake.Some of the drones approached within 10 kilometers of Godzilla!

They, have they adapted to my attack?

Godzilla has sensed the turn of events.

Is this group of robots capable of self-evolution...?

A continuous exhalation wiped out all the robots attacking directly in front of him. Godzilla turned his head and looked seriously at the robots who were rushing here more than ten kilometers away.

It first used the unconcentrated breath of the nearest drone group to directly burn all the robots in the sky.

Then he looked at the guys on the ground who would take a while to touch him.

Dozens or even millions of robots are advancing on the endless plain at a speed of more than 120 kilometers per hour, although this is very fast for humans.

But that's still too slow for Godzilla's range, giving Godzilla plenty of time to run an experiment.

The ionized air near the mouth emits blue light, and Godzilla pointed his head at the robots more than ten kilometers away, wanting to test their reactions.

Aim, over 60 seconds.Next launch!



From Godzilla's mouth, a breath fell into the group of robots running towards it behind.Then it exploded instantly, destroying all the robots within a radius of several kilometers.

Only sporadic robots that were five kilometers away or had hills, boulders and other obstacles between the explosion sites survived.

This is still based on the fact that Godzilla did not use the real high-power breath, so they can leave so many.

The hundreds of thousands of robots were reduced by half in an instant.

And the remaining robots haven't given up yet, they are still marching towards Godzilla.Did not give up.

Across the burning plains, the robots once again gathered in a wave and rushed towards Godzilla.

Godzilla also aimed in one direction again, gave the machines 60 seconds to prepare, and fired again.

Another kilometer-level fireball rose, destroying all the robots in that direction without cover.

Now, only the land robots in the last small area are left.

After launching two breaths, Godzilla once again aimed at a wave of small robots with tens of thousands of robots left.

It aimed at them for a while, dyed the corners of its mouth blue, and waited for the actions of the robots.

If its hunch is true, it's time for the robots to do something.

In fact, it is true.

Just 24 seconds after Godzilla aimed at that direction, the robots that Godzilla was aiming at were found.There were moves that had never been seen before.

They began to actively hide themselves behind hills or boulders, and these machines were looking for cover.They have learned from the lessons of the previous two.

They have begun to evolve again.

The breath exploded the hill, and the breath with even greater power could not be resisted by a small hill of [-] meters.

This time, Godzilla didn't release any more water. It used its normal power breath to incinerate the last remaining machines hiding in the bunker.

This wave of robots was thus destroyed by Godzilla.

And Godzilla is ready to embark on the journey again after solving such a wave of machines.

A large group of machines came again in the sky.

The same is true on the ground, as if the robot army that was wiped out by it just now is not worth mentioning at all to them.

A breath swept from front to back, and Godzilla didn't give the machines time to escape and dodge.

It directly swept all of them with a high-power breath, destroying them all, and it is roughly estimated that hundreds of thousands of robots "died" in this breath.

It's time to move on.

Godzilla's land radar no longer detected the machines in the surrounding area.

It seems that the robots tens of kilometers nearby have all been destroyed by it, and none remain.

Tens of millions of robots were exchanged for Godzilla in less than 10 minutes.

They managed to stop Godzilla, but not for long.

If they were just fighting like this from beginning to end, Godzilla believed that no matter how many machines came, it would not be possible to have any damage.

But just now, it saw it.

I saw the evolution of the machines and saw their adaptation.

Although at present, the evolved machines will not pose any threat to Godzilla.

But Godzilla has a hunch, compared to the weapons built by humans.

These machines are the real opponents worthy of its vigilance.

I didn't expect to evolve, and I encountered enemies that were much more troublesome than before.

Godzilla was very moved. He originally thought that after it came out this time, it would be able to push humans immediately.

But now it seems that humans can rely on more than humans themselves.

Humans have really found a good opponent for it.


[The number of remaining engineering robots in Australia - 1 million. 】

[Progress of logical analysis of Godzilla's behavior: 21%]

Chapter 20 Machines and traps

The fifth and sixth waves of machines soon came to Godzilla.

This time, they are more evolved than the previous machines. These robots no longer run on flat ground, but advance between mountains and hills.

Unlike before, dodging is only done when Godzilla breathes.

The current machines are looking for cover all the time.They no longer attack Godzilla on plains and other places, but specifically choose mountains and hills to attack!

The machines learned more.

But with this alone, it is still impossible to touch Godzilla.

With just a strong breath, Godzilla swung from the front to the rear, increasing his power to the maximum of conventional power.

Its blow burned through the ground, shattering stretches of mountains and hills.Regardless of the bunkers in front of the machines, they couldn't survive such a blow to the world.

The breath whose power per second is measured in megaton equivalents can directly flatten a mountain.

This is a far cry from Godzilla's breath power in the past. Even if they have found a bunker in advance, it will be of no use to this kind of super breath.

Godzilla at full strength is not an existence that artificial intelligence can point to at all. If it is just a group of things charging forward, no matter how hard you look for cover, it is impossible to get close to it.

Godzilla is like that.

In the seventh and eighth waves of attacks that followed, the machines learned a lot.

These two waves of attacks returned to their original point, they no longer rushed up like a group of fools, but ambushed behind forests and ridges.

Waiting for Godzilla to pass by them.Then suddenly attack.

Unfortunately, this is of no use.

Godzilla has sonar, although it is not as useful on land as it is in the sea.

But it is enough to scan out the robots who are ambushing it within a dozen kilometers around him.

It can discover this group of machines that ambushed it in advance, and after it is discovered.

Godzilla changed his itinerary, forcing the group of machines to get out and face it again.

And after Godzilla confronted them, he shot them directly and solved them all along the way.

After discovering that machines can evolve infinitely, Godzilla would not be so kind to give them the opportunity to evolve and adapt.

Now, when it sees the machines, it immediately breathes out with high power.Just wipe them all out.

If you encounter a robot brigade that is particularly large in number and hidden in complex terrain, mountains, and forests.Then Godzilla just bypasses them.

However, generally speaking, it is useless to avoid it. After Godzilla is out, these machines will still catch up and chase him.

What a troublesome bunch.

No matter they will catch up, no matter they will be collected by them for data evolution.

This group of machines is like an upgraded version of human beings, perfectly inheriting the characteristics of their creators.And it has flourished.

For this group of enemies who are constantly attacking it, Godzilla has no good way.It can only be destroyed while walking.

It has already made up its mind, if these guys bother it like this again, then it will run directly to the human capital at supersonic speed, completely ignoring them.

As for robots and so on, we should first wipe out all human beings before dealing with them.


[The number of remaining engineering robots in Australia: 9209 million. 】

[Progress of logical analysis of Godzilla's behavior: 37%]


The attitude of the machines towards Godzilla has changed since the No.11 wave.

Just after Godzilla had destroyed eleven waves of robots, he finally reached the edge of the Australian basin.

Ahead is an endless desert, and a little further ahead is the first super metropolitan area in the Australian outback.

Is it coming soon?

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