The bustling real estate buildings form two different worlds under the darkness intertwined with them and the twilight light of sunset and sunset, a dark and deep place where something is about to move, like the darkest abyss.

The other world is bright and peaceful, and the light of the setting sun makes its time almost static, like an eternal world where time is suspended.

Light and darkness divide the city into two parts, and they are permanently intertwined here, and the two worlds are clearly separated.




And the division of these two worlds was broken at the next moment.

In the direction extremely far away from the city, on the other side of the horizon, a small black dot appeared.

It's moving in that direction.

Every step of it shakes the earth, every step of it shakes the sky, and it is greater and stronger than anything on earth.Its eyes looked at the city calmly.


Godzilla looked at this city, the Victoria metropolitan area, the easternmost metropolitan area in Australia.Also the beginning of its destruction in this place.

Behind the Victoria metropolitan area is the living area of ​​Australian people, where there are endless stretches of cities.There are cities that are denser than those in the extreme east.

As long as you break through the city, you can start the formal deportation.

After breaking through the barriers of the machines, it finally arrived here.

There are tens of millions or even tens of millions of machines in the city ahead, and Godzilla's sonar can feel the sound of the machines operating in that city.

That is many times larger than all the machine waves it has ever seen, and it is the strongest defense barrier built by the machines.

According to the power of Godzilla in the past, it must be within 30 kilometers before it can deal a fatal blow to the city with countless high-rise buildings in front of it.

The machines in the city became active after Godzilla reached the other end of the horizon. In the dense forest that Godzilla didn't know, the machines that had completely stopped their activities and half-buried themselves underground were also around the corner.

As long as it goes a little further, it enters within 30 kilometers of the metropolitan area, and the machines buried in the forest will suddenly appear.

Siege Godzilla as before, climb onto Godzilla, forcing it to damage its own body to clean it.

This is a new strategy for the machines. In their previous attacks, they made it clear that Godzilla could not detect them in a state of "fake death".

At the same time, it was discovered that Godzilla did not want to destroy the forest.

Therefore, in the final decisive battle, the machines buried "fake death" machines in all the mountains and forests near the Victoria metropolitan area.

They have seen that Godzilla will definitely destroy Victoria, so they can design it this way.

Normally, Godzilla is unwilling to enter the mountains and forests, and there is no bunker so it is difficult to ambush.

But now, as long as Godzilla is going to destroy the city of Victoria, it will inevitably enter the mountains, and it will definitely fall into the trap.

This is the conspiracy of the machines!Its intelligence is not weaker than that of the top human tacticians.

Godzilla knows this, and so do the machines.

As far as the eye can see, the metropolitan area is still tens of kilometers away, Godzilla can see it, it stopped, its body as strong as a mountain covered the setting sun.

The reactor inside the body is fused.

Unprecedented energies are fusing.

Unimaginable energy is being born.

Light emerges from Godzilla's mouth.

The light that was brighter than the sun turned the setting sun into pure blackness. At the same time, in the distant city of Victoria, countless machines were awakened at this moment.

They rushed towards Godzilla from outside the city, but faster than them was the speed of light, and after only a few seconds, the blazing light that was brighter than everything on the ground fell down.

Tens of millions of robots gathered in the center of Victoria, and they had no time to leave the city.

So it stands to reason that the machines were engulfed as the silent flame spread.

Silent death, silent death, only pure light is all-enveloping.

As I said before, the boundaries between black and white are broken.Then it was reconstructed again, and the original pure black turned into pure white under the pure light!

And the pure white turned into pure black under the hotter and brighter light!

Next, the darkness will expand, and the light will expand!They fill every moment of the world, vying for their territory among every hill and every tree.

Silent water evaporates, the first second it touches the ground, before it spreads out.On the surface of the concrete, moisture begins to evaporate silently.

The flames are also burning, silently, and the originally dark city has become the largest light source in the entire world.Then.

"Bang" sound.

The pure light turned into a pure white curtain.

Tens of millions, tens of millions, the remaining robots in Australia disappeared in the vast expanse of whiteness. They might want to escape, or they might have prepared some battle plan.

But at this moment, all of these are useless.

Sting, crash, boom...

This is the sound of trees being lit.

"It's broken..."

This is the sound of buildings collapsing.


It was the sound of machines that had been shattered by the impact, their circuits completely destroyed.

"Boom, boom, boom."

This is the sound of Godzilla bypassing the mountains and forests to the next city.

The decisive battle in Australia is over.

The power of Godzilla is far beyond imagination.


[Number of remaining engineering robots in Australia:? ? ? ?Ten thousand】

[Progress of logical analysis of Godzilla's behavior: 70%]

ps: The laptop and the mouse broke together today, and they were repaired in the afternoon.

ps2: still two updates

Chapter 23 Australia, total destruction.

"Has it been destroyed by one blow, the whole city..."

Ludwig, who had just finished his lunch, looked at the video sent from his mobile phone. It was the satellite video of Godzilla destroying the entire Victoria metropolitan area with one blow.

In the video, Godzilla stands dozens of kilometers away, and with one breath, the entire Victoria is engulfed in flames.

"The predicted power is more than 40 petawatts and lasts for 31 seconds. The total power is about 3 million tons of TNT equivalent. It is much stronger than the last breath."

The assembled machines were destroyed by the blow without accomplishing any useful counterattacks.Australia's final battle ended in vain.

But it doesn't matter, the information obtained now is enough.

East Asia, Western Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Siberia...

There are over a billion more robots operating around the world under the control of the same intelligent mind.

It doesn't matter if the Australian robots fail in the end, as long as they can cause trouble for Godzilla.

Observation can influence.

impact can be changed.

Change can be mastered.

As long as there is continuous research on Godzilla, one day, monsters will become beasts.

At present, artificial intelligence has this ability.As long as they are allowed to develop to the fullest, Godzilla will also fall from the altar and be analyzed by humans.

Human beings who surpassed human beings did not disappoint him.


The city of Victoria was destroyed by Godzilla.

A burst of breath equivalent to 6 Ivan nuclear bombs exploded in a distributed manner.Not the kind that is concentrated at one point, but a line.

This directly increases the damage range of the explosion many times, allowing Godzilla to destroy the entire Victoria with one blow.

A raging fire raged on the wreckage of the city of Victoria, and Godzilla simply bypassed the mountains to make his way to his next target.

Located in the Darwin metropolitan area in northern Australia.

After destroying the city of Victoria, Godzilla never encountered resistance on a large scale.

Australia's natural beauty disappeared after it arrived in the Northland.

City, city, city.

The northwestern part of Australia is a stretch of cities, which are denser than those in the far east, and the cities are linked together without distinction.

In a sense, the Darwin metropolitan area can't describe it very well. It should be called the Darwin metropolitan state. The entire northern part has been built to look like a sprawling city.

Godzilla has no mercy on cities and buildings.Breathing out breath after breath, it pushed across, turning all the places it came to into scorched earth.

Flames, fireballs, black smoke, mushroom clouds.

These have become the most beautiful symbols of northern Australia, and even people in the Indonesian archipelago can see the tall mushroom clouds covering the sky against the fireball.

Each explosion has a strong impact covering everything around it, and each impact will kick up a large amount of dust, allowing more dust to enter the atmosphere.

On the subsonic train, the people of Australia, who had just escaped from danger, looked at the sky of their hometown.It can be seen that there, the thick darkness and fire light intertwine, turning into an unusual black-gray cloud of smoke, spreading to the surroundings.

Dozens of rounds, hundreds of rounds, thousands of rounds.

A total of [-] billion tons of breath was displayed in the northern part of Australia, which far exceeded the energy released by Godzilla on the islands in the far east.

They will bring up unprecedented smoke and dust, forming a rare winter in the unprecedented high altitude.

Winter is coming.

In just a few days, the dust raised by this tens of billion tons of powerful breath will spread all over the atmosphere of the world.Destroying the vast majority of outdoor plants would have been one of the worst disasters in human history a hundred years ago.

But it's different now. Humans don't grow outdoor plants now. The cold winter can't affect them, and it can't bring famine.

And even if it can, it is actually not the most serious, and it cannot shake the title of the most serious disaster.

after all……

Is Godzilla still alive?

Pushing all the way and walking all the way, the blue mountain came to the coast of Australia.

It's time, it's time to announce that Northern Australia has officially come to an end at this moment.

Looking at the subsonic train on the sea, Godzilla breathed out and the entire track exploded.Destroy the last artifact in front of it.

Looking back, behind Godzilla, there is endless fire and dust.

Hundreds, thousands, or more?

The mushroom cloud behind turned into a gray wall, from tens of kilometers above the sky to the ground below.In front of Godzilla who turned his head, there is no longer any color other than it.

Going forward according to the human radar, Godzilla broke into the gray wall it created.

This is a world of heat and dust, and sometimes the potholes it blows make it accidentally fall into it.

Occasionally, some surviving small household robots would attack it.However, Godzilla generally did not fight back against such them.

Because they were all stopped by the terrain it blasted out on the way to attack it.

The sky gradually darkened, and the brilliance of the setting sun finally faded away.Under the cloud of smoke, the starless night appeared again.

Good night, Australia.

Australia fell into a restful sleep.And Godzilla's action continues.

After destroying northern Australia, it can't wait to move towards Australia's next large metropolitan group, and it's on the way.

Godzilla has found a thing that delights him.

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