They flew to Perth together, under the eyes of the whole world, approaching the black spot on the distant land bit by bit at a not-so-fast speed.

"Is that the new Godzilla?"

Seeing Godzilla in a non-satellite image was the first time since it reappeared in Australia.

Parliamentarians all over the world watched the sleeping behemoth through high-definition cameras and found that even its eyes were completely closed, which is the same as the last evolution.

It seems that it is really evolving... then this is really... a perfect opportunity!

The drones continued to approach, they landed at a slow speed, approaching this mountain-like existence at a slow speed.

Then suddenly, Godzilla opened its eyes.

A breath flashed.

It is still awake.

——————— Perceptual Dividing Line————

py: "Hokage, I want to revive the glory of the family in the way of the harem"

Introduction: [I am Sasuke Uchiha, I am really not a scumbag, everything I do is to restore the glory of the family.

I am forced to open the harem, time management and so on!

My Sasuke's way of ninja is to use the way of opening the harem!Revive the Uchiha Clan!

The master of time management in Naruto, a journey to the harem starting from Konoha Village. 】

Chapter 27 Godzilla-Earth (End)

A breath knocks down all approaching drones.

Godzilla closed his eyes again, this time, his evolution didn't allow him to fall asleep completely.It's still awake.

Let's start again.

Restarting his own evolution, a mysterious force surrounded Godzilla's body again.

It's changing something, changing Godzilla's body structure.

Godzilla can feel that the power of the remaining panel is opening a channel in his body.

It is changing itself in the most microcosmic angle, and it is weakening some of Godzilla's cells.

Yes, not stronger, but weaker.

It's taking Godzilla's cells from a level that's incomprehensible to life today.It has become a level that can be analyzed by today's organisms.

The degree to which it can be replicated and transformed by cells of other life.

Godzilla's cells are changing from a virus against life like Godzilla to a virus that can infect ordinary life.

At the same time, the tunnels in his body that Godzilla can feel have also been successfully opened.

In its body, those cells that have weakened and turned into protein are drifting outward along those channels.

The blast blows outwards, and the cells are blown all over the sky, and they fall around.Float along the wind to a place more than ten kilometers away.

The leaves of the big tree that were hit and swept by the storm last night came into contact with this cell, and the outer skin that could resist almost all viruses in nature was easily invaded by it.

Godzilla's cells should now be said to be viruses.

After they invaded into the tree, they were divided into two parts, and some of them combined into a strange shape after cutting the body, and went to the roots along the channel of the tree.

The other part is like an ordinary virus, piercing into the cell wall of the plant and executing its own instructions.

They entered into the depths of plant cells, but instead of using plant cells to replicate themselves, they were adding a brand new piece of DNA to the plant's original DNA.

Among the lives in this world, there are many, many lives whose DNA actually has virus DNA in them.

It can be said that during the countless years of evolution and fighting between cells and viruses, the two sides have already integrated into each other.

But now, what the Godzilla virus does is to condense the hundreds of millions of years of fighting into one day.

It will make the most comprehensive changes to all the plants in Zhou Zao.

In the quiet forest, an ecology unique to Godzilla is being created.

While Godzilla is evolving, its body is sending out something to the whole of Australia, which is a kind of electric wave, a kind of declaration, a declaration that represents the establishment of a new ecology.

Some animals that had escaped from human ecological experiments began to move towards the direction of Godzilla's body, and they seemed to hear something.

That was the voice of belonging.

Ah, blessed are the souls of the earth!Because their belonging is coming!

The sky rumbled, and with Godzilla's body as the center, the sky suddenly darkened.

Another storm was born, making it impossible for human beings to see clearly even with their eyes in the sky.

Deer, rabbits, and all kinds of other animals.They rushed out of the forest and walked towards the hot ruins, even though the soles of their feet were hot, they didn't care.

How many are there?Hundreds or thousands?Thousands or tens of thousands?

Blessed spirits run to Godzilla, they meet the limbs in the wind, and they want to be reborn under Godzilla's cells.

Hundreds of deer, thousands of rabbits, and a few insects ran to Godzilla.Standing here quietly, like a devout believer bathing in the grace of God.

The spirits with feet knelt down to the black mountain, whether they were deer, rabbits, or other spirits, they all saluted Godzilla with their natural surrender gestures.

And the pitch-black mountain also opened its eyes at this time, and the entire planet seemed to be reflected in its azure pupils.Its eyes were full of love, and it looked at these creatures and let out a low growl.

Like the spirit on the water, announcing the birth of something.

On the first day, a storm enveloped the sky, the sea was rough, but there were no raindrops, only the silent roar of nature and the world.

The snooping of humans in the sky has lost its effect, and they can only see something occasionally through the fleet on the sea.

They saw the deer kneeling down, the rabbit surrendering, and the forest that seemed to be responding to something.

An absurdity rose involuntarily in my heart.

This is not so much the residence of the Lord of Destruction as it is a holy place where the saints reside.

Otherwise, why would animals approach?Will there be mountains and forests corresponding?

They don't know how to explain the surrender of all things and spirits, and they can't find this explanation in their existing science and existing system.

It seems that this can only be interpreted by theology, and such scenes only appear in religious classics such as the Bible.

Is Godzilla a god?


The next day, the storm continued and intensified, as unusual as it was at night.

It has covered half of Australia, dyeing the entire continent in white and gray.

People, not just high-level officials, other people saw this on weather satellites.

They were amazed at the breeding of the storm where Godzilla was located, and they didn't know what happened in it.

Unlike the people at the bottom, the real upper-level officials have been devastated after seeing the storm.

They have completely lost the influence of Godzilla, even those unmanned fleets had to evacuate due to strong winds and waves.


They also couldn't see what was happening in the very center of the storm, where Godzilla was.

After all, why can Godzilla cause such a storm!This is completely unreasonable!What kind of science should be used to explain it!

People get annoyed by this, and it's not the only thing that bothers them.

Because recently, they discovered that the speed of the Wings of Ghidorah in deep space increased again last night for some unknown reason.

At the current speed, it only takes five or six days for the Wings of Ghidorah to reach Earth.

This is ten days faster than expected!

The current underground shelter and non-front railguns are still in the preliminary construction stage, if they really arrive in 5 or 6 days...

The consequences were unimaginable.

Compared to Godzilla who doesn't know what he's doing, Ghidorah's Wings are more troublesome.

The world shifted its eyes and focus away from Godzilla.

But on the third day...

The storm dissipated.

The existence that emerges from it is named "Earth"

Chapter 28 Godzilla named 【Earth】

Cyan, steel-like trees grow vigorously among the mountains and forests, and their black and green branches and leaves dye the rolling hills into a world of blue and black.

Spiky shoots sprouted from the scorched land, and herbivores in armor were happy on the grass of the shoots.

From time to time, I bumped into a tree, and the birds on it fluttered their wings and flew away from the branches in shock.

Like a cricket or a snake, the scaled little guy is looking around curiously, as if he is still not used to his brand new body.

There are fishes playing in the stream, and they look all kinds of strange.It seems to have traveled through time from the sea hundreds of millions of years ago. It is covered with a carapace and has seven or eight eyes.

Suddenly there were a few bulges on the ground, and a few small bugs like scarabs crawled out of the bulges.I carefully placed the soil I dug up under a few tender seedlings.

Mountains and streams, sky and earth.

Brand new life breeds here, completely different from the green desert three days ago.

Animals that once numbered in the thousands now number in the millions.

Because a new life has grown under the roots of the trees, because some of the original animals voluntarily chose to turn into hundreds of thousands to serve as new positions.

The body of the stag decomposes into all kinds of strange creatures, and the body of the female rabbit grows a carapace that is completely different from their original posture.

Some of the kneeling people were decomposed into countless different lives under the Godzilla virus, and some of them just let themselves have a metamorphosis.

Godzilla, who was transforming at the time, witnessed such a scene.

At that time, it was still a little lost. Why would some of its creatures die in its own evolution?

But just when it was lost, it heard the voice of its heart.

Some pure and calming sounds.

There are voices of being afraid and tired of avoiding human hunting and killing.

Some people are afraid of this brand new world created by human beings, and they don't know how to adapt to it from their nature.

Others are simply muddle-headed, lost their companions and ethnic groups under certain circumstances or events, and only have their own confused voice after fleeing.

That's right.

You guys, do you want to [die]?

Do you want to get a brand new world?Want to have a world where you and your companions can live?

Godzilla promised, and countless new ones were born.

You can hear the brand new sound of them running on the brand new land.

You can hear the joyful sound of new trees growing, bathed in the long-lost sunshine.

The old beings are marching towards the new world, and they are coming to this new and inclusive world from nowhere.

The new life has survived in the new nature, and the promise I made is being fulfilled.


This is what it feels like to be [Nature].

I know all the thoughts of life.

I understand all the joys and sorrows of life.

I am them.

And they are me too.

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