The body that could already be called strong expanded again, its arms were no longer so slender, but two thick arms filled with muscles—but they were still very short.

The muscles on its body are now knotted and terrifying. Its whole body has grown stronger, and its appearance has become more majestic and suffocating.

The body has been strengthened more than ten times during this evolution, and the carbon fiber has become carbon nanotubes, and the combination of aluminum-silicon alloy and carbon steel has become ultra-dense β-iron.

The tension limit of the muscle has changed from 5GPa to 80GPa, an overall increase of more than ten times, and it is not an order of magnitude from the previous one.

And the defense of the body has directly increased from a few hundred MPa of carbon steel to 60GPa, which is a nearly hundred times improvement, giving it a pair of armor that can resist all attacks in the world.

His body itself has also been expanded, his height has changed from 218 meters to 230 meters, and his body length has also increased by more than ten meters.

And more importantly, my weight has doubled during this evolution - this is probably because the material that makes me has changed. Super-dense iron sounds very heavy, and it must be heavier than my previous self many.

There is also the thing of instant power in the breath and energy supply reaction.

According to the panel's explanation, it should be a skill similar to accumulating power, which can release a stronger blow after a long period of accumulating power.

With so many functions upgraded, this evolution can really be said to be a complete upgrade.

Godzilla is very satisfied with this evolution, and it will be even more satisfied if there is no such thing as a stretched attribute among these attributes.

5000 tons - 1000 tons.

Among the many upgraded attributes, its self-healing ability has not increased but decreased.

From the previous 5000 tons per day, it has now become 1000 tons per day.

What is self-healing power?Simply speaking, it is how much meat Godzilla can grow in a day after eating and drinking enough.

The change from 5000 tons to 1000 tons means that the wounds that were injured in the past and could only be repaired in one day now take five days to repair.

After the evolution, because the body's constituent materials are difficult to manufacture, its repair speed has to be slowed down.

Aluminum-silicon alloys and carbon fibers are much easier to manufacture than β-iron and carbon nanotubes.

Under the condition that other conditions remain unchanged, the more delicate and the harsher the manufacturing conditions, the slower the manufacturing speed is, that's for sure.

Therefore, Godzilla's self-healing ability had to be slowed down a lot to meet the high standard composition of Godzilla's body.

It's still very worthwhile to exchange 4000 tons and one evolution for these, so I don't care about it.

"Roar, Roar!"

After admiring his new body, Godzilla roared twice, and yanked his tail vigorously towards the seabed cliff next to him, testing his current strength.

Click, click, bounce...

With just a simple twitch, countless cracks burst out at the location where the underwater cliff was hit.

There are big and small cracks, the big ones spread hundreds of meters to the seabed below and the higher cliffs, and the small ones are densely packed around the impact point like spider webs, stripping countless rubble from the cliffs and falling to the ground. seabed.

With a click, several large cracks were intertwined, and then, the huge rock hundreds of meters high and tens of meters thick where the cracks were located broke down in a burst of stone dust and fell on the seabed.

Godzilla is very satisfied with his current destructive power.

If in the past, if he showed his strength, the other titans would definitely be surprised.

But... now they are gone.

During its long life span of hundreds of millions of years, every time it fell into a deep sleep would go through hundreds of thousands of years, and every time it woke up, those familiar lives might disappear.

Only beings who are also Titans can survive its eternal sleep again and again.

But this time, its sleeping time became shorter, so short that even those little guys would not be submerged in the torrent of time.

However, those Titans who had accompanied it through thousands or tens of thousands of sleeps, it could never see them again.

Even if this slumber is the shortest slumber in its life.


Godzilla's original joy due to evolution was replaced by another emotion. Its croon echoed on the bottom of the sea, but nothing could respond.

After a short period of sadness, Godzilla regained his strength. The last wish entrusted to him by this planet has not yet been fulfilled.

It hasn't driven all the humans on this planet away yet.

The underwater giant tail swings, although the density after evolution is much higher than that of sea water, it cannot rely on buoyancy to dive up.

But with the strength increased many times, Godzilla swung his giant tail at a faster speed, and still swam, heading towards the endless sea level above the dark trench.



"Longitude 151.73, latitude 25.87, we found that Godzilla is heading towards the Japanese island chain at a speed of more than 40 knots, and is expected to land near the Tokyo metropolitan area in 17 hours!"

"It actually appeared on its own initiative? What is it going to do?"

The port of the Hokkaido metropolitan area, the command room of the First Aircraft Carrier Command of the Indian Ocean Fleet, is now busy because of the sudden appearance of Godzilla.

At this time, the commander in chief of the Godzilla crusade, Commander Huang Shaoming looked at the black shadow in the screen projected in the command room with a serious face, and gave the order.

"Report to the Tokyo area government and let them evacuate the Tokyo metropolitan area as soon as possible. Notify the Pacific Fleet and let them rush over to support us at full speed, and finally..."

"Indian Ocean Fleet, all attack within 10 minutes, we must prevent Godzilla from landing!"

Note 1: The β-iron mentioned here is not the β-iron in the general sense, but a new stable high-pressure phase of iron that may appear in the center of the earth in the geological hypothesis.It is not the same thing as the overturned β-iron that hardens the iron during iron training.

Chapter 9 Before Combat ([-])

"Now there is an urgent news. According to Starlink's observations, 55 minutes ago, the United World Government officially observed the giant beast Godzilla that attacked Grafadamoni in the Pacific Ocean three days ago, heading towards the Tokyo metropolitan area. direction forward."

On the TV, a beautiful woman in the overalls of a news anchor is announcing an urgent matter.

"And 25 minutes ago, the United World Government had dispatched the Indian Ocean Order First Fleet to stop Godzilla, and it is expected to contact Godzilla 11 hours later to start a battle."

She was sitting in a studio with a star river as the background, broadcasting the urgent news with the most authentic voice.

"At present, the Tokyo metropolitan area has launched a large-scale evacuation. It is estimated that all the population in the 10 coastal areas will be evacuated within 13 hours. Evacuate."

"The next thing is the evacuation of our reporters in Tokyo, which is being broadcast live on the spot. Please switch to the scene in Tokyo."

After reading the urgent draft, the picture on the TV changed, from the studio to a crowded outdoor.

"Okay, I am the reporter stationed in Tokyo, Fang Yuxi. Now I am evacuating the main city of Tokyo with the evacuated large troops."

A beautiful female reporter was standing among the crowd, introducing the current situation to the audience.

"We can see that there are so many people here that you can't see the end at a glance. Many people rushed here without dressing up. It can be said that everyone in Tokyo regards evacuation as very important. "

"Although there are a lot of people, everyone is queuing up in a very orderly manner waiting for the arrival of the subsonic train. There is no crowding or stampede, and everyone is very orderly."

"As far as we know, there are a total of 13 such subsonic trains in the 20 evacuated areas in Tokyo. They are responsible for transporting residents waiting in Tokyo to Osaka. They can carry 8000 people at a time, and it only takes 10 minutes to go back and forth between Osaka and Tokyo. , is the main means of delivery."

"However, in the 13 coastal areas that need to be evacuated this time, the total number of people who need to be evacuated exceeds 3000 million. Therefore, it is not enough to rely on trains alone. The 11 airports in Tokyo have all been fully loaded, and there are 7 maglev trains going out of the city. The two-way 10 lanes are also fully loaded."

"According to the report of the Tokyo Municipal Transportation Bureau just now, in the past half an hour, as many as 30 motor vehicles left Tokyo."

"However, this speed is still not enough to evacuate the entire population, so just now, the Tokyo City Government decided to change the two-way lanes to one-way, and strive to evacuate everyone in the coastal area of ​​​​Tokyo in the shortest possible time."

"The person next to me is the person in charge of the train in the eighth district of Tokyo. Is the train in the eighth district in good condition? Will such a high-intensity transportation tonight..."


Slumped on the sofa, Akiyama Ryo turned off the TV and looked at the ceiling.

Did it come out so soon...

The high-intensity work without sleep for 60 hours in a row made Akiyama Ryo suddenly fainted in a meeting a few hours ago, and he woke up leisurely when he was carried back to his home in Hokkaido by his friend Kishida.

With the rapid development of robotic technology, the rescue work for personnel has been almost completed in the past two days, and the rest now is to deal with the nuclear waste soil covered with nuclear radiation.

These things are not as urgent as saving people before. Even if he doesn't go to work for a few days, it won't cause any loss.

So Kishida told him, what the congressman means is that you should rest for the past few days, and then go there after you have rested.

Anyway, if you work hard now, you won't save one more person, so it's better to care about your own body.

Akiyama readily accepted the kindness from above.

But just as he was about to get a good night's sleep on his first day recuperating at home, he saw the news.

"Godzilla Returns!The Indian Ocean Fleet takes the initiative to attack!Avenge the millions who died! "

He can't sleep.

Turning on the mobile phone, Akiyama swiped up Quint.

The crowd tonight is extremely lively, even the crowd in the Far East at 3:[-] in the morning is much hotter than the normal daytime.

"Godzilla, Godzilla, Godzilla is here!"

"Ah, I'm from Tokyo, I have no place to stay tonight!"

"Fortunately, I'm from Hokkaido."

"Kyoto people welcome jk from Tokyo to stay at my house tonight, contact information: XXX-XXXX..."

"Why are we Tokyo people so unlucky?"

The vast majority of the sputum is something without nutrition, mostly the complaints, pleas for help, and gloating of people in other circles from some Tokyoites who are leaving home.

There are also some people in the Tokyo circle who are swarming to say that they don't want to retreat tonight and stay at home.

At this time, apart from the cynicism of some netizens, there will still be some people who dissuade them and tell them not to do this. Although everyone does not think that Godzilla can successfully land, it is always necessary to take precautions.

"You only have one life, you bastard."

These words can be regarded as words that can make people feel that strangers care.

There are still good people in this world, but there are also many jerks.

"Godzilla taught a lesson to those noble Gotu people last time, is he going to teach those arrogant Tokyo ghosts again this time? Haha."

This is a squeeze that made Qiu Shanliang look very angry. Just when he was about to scold the other party, it showed that the owner of this squeeze had been permanently banned.

That's right.

After scrolling for an hour, Akiyama was really sleepy, but he saw a title.

He knew he couldn't sleep tonight.

"Starlink Corporation, Godzilla crusade, live broadcast! "

Thanks to Starlink's powerful satellite system, we will track Godzilla in the next 24 hours. From before the war to the time of the war, join us and watch the destruction of this behemoth...

This is a live broadcast.

The Godzilla live broadcast room organized by the Starlink company that first discovered Godzilla, although there is only a blurry sea in the live broadcast room at this time, the outline of the shadow under the sea can still be seen.

That's Godzilla on the move.

Looking at it, Akiyama's heart was blocked, and he couldn't go to sleep anymore, because he wanted to watch, watch this guy go to destruction.

Now that you have to decide to stay up all night, let's have a cup of coffee.

Thinking of this, Akiyama Ryo shouted to a room:

"お母さん, コー..." (child fucking, coffee...)

"コー..." (coffee...)


ヒー..." (Coffee...)

She is no longer here.

They are all gone.

Chapter 10 Combat in the Philippine Sea-Preparation ([-])

Indian Ocean Order First Fleet.

Referred to as the Indian Ocean Fleet.

It is the second largest naval fleet in the world, representing the absolute force of the world coalition government.

In the past 80 years, it and the other two fleets have deterred countless young people all over the world who attempted to split the coalition government.

Although the main fleet has not fired a single shot on the frontal battlefield, it still hangs high in the sky as the sword of Damocles on the heads of the separatists.

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