[East Asia: 40.00% five. 】

[Americas: 30.00% V. 】

[Africa: 20.00% five. 】

[Regional retreat rate: 50.00% II, global population retreat rate: 40.00% III]

"Less than half... This is too little. If this continues, we really can only expect the Wings of Ghidorah to show mercy."

Someone muttered to themselves.

Too little, too little time, too slow.At the current speed, before the wings of Ghidorah arrive, they can only evacuate 60.00% to 65% of the humans at most.

As for the remaining 40.00%, the majority of the population needs to be pinched to death to retreat.

And even if the plan is executed perfectly, there will be at least one billion human beings who cannot evacuate.

In case the Wings of Ghidorah hit the ground and attack a safehouse...

Those 10 people outside...

will die?

"I've tried my best."

It is said that human beings have done their best.It is already a miracle to be able to build a shelter for all human beings and stuff more than 5 billion people into it within 6 or 150 days.

They can't be demanding odd consecutive occurrences.

"Shit, Godzilla."

Someone else was cursing the other monster, if it weren't for it, if it wasn't for it.

How could they touch Ghidorah now?How will the Wings of Ghidorah wake up?

Even if we take a step back, even if the Wings of Ghidorah really wake up, they will have time to evacuate the global population.

Instead of exposing so many people as it is now.

In his view, all the tragedies of the present.It was all caused by that monster!

Hope, despair, sadness, pity, lament and luck...

In the command rooms of human beings, all these are categorized into data, and the statistics are simplified and held high on the big screen.

And also held high on the big screen, there is another data.

[Estimated arrival time of Ghidorah's Wings:]





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[28 hours left before the first wave of Ghidorah's wings arrive: 52 minutes: 17 seconds]

That's when the Wings of Ghidorah descend.

Only 29 hours left.

in 29 hours

In the future, the battle that will determine the future of human beings, no, the future of this planet is about to begin.

Chapter 50 Final Preparations Before the End

Among the cloudy clouds in Australia, Godzilla and Godzilla II are fine-tuning their structures.

The body undergoes transformation.

Transforming the whole body into another element, completely turning himself into a creature made of another chemical material, Godzilla can't do it now.

But just fine-tuning its own structure, Godzilla can do it.


Another example is to set up a new nuclear fusion reactor in one's own body, increase one's own energy storage capacity, and obtain a stronger energy source.

Also, as Godzilla is doing now, more focusing crystals are gathered in the throat to increase the upper limit of his laser energy.

Although it cannot be improved qualitatively, Godzilla still has room to grow in terms of quantity.

Even without the panel.

Today, in the present, although Godzilla did not increase his size to make his weight stronger.

But it also successfully set up more focusing crystals in its throat to increase its laser power from the initial 50 terawatts to 1 petawatt.

The range of the conventional breath cannot be sniped while the wings of Ghidorah are still in the earth-moon system, only the laser can do it.

So it has spent the past few days trying its best to create focused crystals in its body, so that it can use the Pava-level laser more times.

After reaching the level of Pava, the materials used to focus the laser can no longer withstand repeated use.Every time it is used, basically the focused material will be destroyed.

If you want to use this powerful laser multiple times, you must prepare crystals that can be used multiple times.

It now has the crystals inside the body ready to unleash 4 Pava lasers.

It is estimated that by the time the Wings of Ghidorah arrive, crystals capable of at least 10 Pava-level lasers will be prepared in its body.

But this is not enough.

The Wings of Ghidorah far outnumber this.

For the nature of this planet, for other life, it must wipe them all out in outer space.

Godzilla's body is still constantly synthesizing crystals for sniping. At this time, it is time to set off for the prepared battlefield.

If not all killed in space, dragged into ground combat.

Godzilla doesn't want it to fight with them where there are living beings. It's better to go to the dead wilderness in the Australian outback. Only there can it not harm other life.

And Godzilla II was ready to stay and protect his homeland. Before leaving, Godzilla gave II a homework.

It looked at the newborn child, and told it its body composition and synthesis method, so that it could rely on this to strengthen its body during the period of its own battle.

The current Godzilla II is still too weak, but in the current situation, it still cannot resist the weapons of humans.

So it assigns a lot of homework to make it stronger according to these homework.

"Okay, Mom, I will definitely do as you say."

The newborn Godzilla II promises so.

So Godzilla was very relieved to entrust his ecology to its protection, and he came to the wilderness of the Australian outback alone, where he accumulated strength.

Next, just wait.


"Cumulonimbus clouds over the Australian bushes parted? If that's all... what? What did you say? There's a second Godzilla in there?!"

In anti-monster combat commands all over the world, the people inside were very happy to see the heavy cumulonimbus clouds in Australia on the satellite dissipate.

Because in this way they can observe the real-time situation of Godzilla through satellites.

Then, just when they were very happy, the satellite discovered a major change in the Australian forests.

The first is that the area of ​​the mutated mountain forest has expanded from the initial 10 square kilometers to nearly 20 square kilometers.

And after the satellite altimetry.

They found that the average height of this mountain forest, which should be called a giant forest now, had increased by more than ten meters before the rain cloud came.

There are also many unknown creatures in it, and there are many particularly huge existences and particularly surprising things among them.

Like that Godzilla.

"What are you kidding?"

Godzilla?A second Godzilla?

While not as massive as the first Godzilla, it was a Godzilla.

Judging from the photos taken by satellites, although it cannot be said to be exactly the same, at least there are seven or eight similarities.

Coupled with the fact that they have never seen Godzilla's infancy, it makes perfect sense for Godzilla's infancy to grow up like this.

Is it just convergent evolution?

The idea of ​​just rising was directly rejected, because the new Godzilla discovered has only one head, and convergent evolution cannot be so convergent, and others are based on race.

And what about it?There is only one, and it cannot be said to be a new species that is similar to Godzilla.

So... this is the new Godzilla.

Clouds these days... Is Godzilla breeding?Can it reproduce without another Godzilla?This guy is asexual?

This news made the high-level governments around the world once again turbulent, but fortunately, this little Godzilla, like the big one, was trapped in Australia and could not get out.

We can only hope that they are killed by the upcoming Wings of Ghidorah, otherwise... if the baby Godzilla can still give birth to the baby Godzilla.

Humans really have nowhere to go.

But no matter whether there is a little Godzilla, or two or three, what they have to face most now are the disasters flying from the sky and from another planet.

Only humans have survived this, they are qualified to continue to fight against Godzilla in the future.

Ghidorah's wings slowed themselves down this morning, and they were slowing down to avoid hitting Earth at high speed.

At the same time, the ranging satellites began to measure the detailed distance between the first wave of Ghidorah's wings and the earth.Finally got a data.

50 million kilometers.

They are only 80 kilometers away from the planet.

The ai skynet of the space strike network is now in full swing, the super electromagnetic guns raised their muzzles to lock into space, and the satellites in lunar orbit transmitted the figures of Ghidorah's wings to the ground without missing a beat.

At the same time, in another uninhabited place, the monster representing the new ecology of the earth is accumulating light in its body.

[23 hours left before Ghidorah's wings arrive: 23 minutes: 12 seconds]

[There are still 16 hours left: 32 minutes: 09 seconds until Ghidorah's wings arrive at the Earth-Moon system]

Chapter 51 From the Morning Star!

Outside the galaxy, in the dark and endless space, only a few stars bring faint light.

In the planetary system, the huge stars that have existed since ancient times exude light and heat, trying to illuminate the surrounding darkness, and build a paradise that is not easy in the endless void.

Earth... is the most blessed place in this Paradise.

call out.

In the starry sky not far from Earth, something flashed, leaving behind a trembling pile of particles.Announce your own existence in the way of "voice".

What kind of fast-moving sound is this? If it is on Earth, the speed of the owner of this sound is enough to cause a terrifying shock.

But here is space, silent space with nothing in it.

So not to mention the shock, even the sound itself can only be placed in the few particles that were thrown down, it can't be transmitted at all, it can only make one's body tremble.

Pulled away the field of vision, looked from the blue planet to the place where the pile of particles was left, and saw...

A bunch of shiny gold stuff.

what is that?Is that a golden meteorite?Are they about to hit that blue planet?

If someone really saw the scene in this space in this moment.There must be such doubts.

Because at this very moment, in the vastness of space.

More than a dozen perfectly round golden spheres wrapped around themselves are flying from the direction of Venus to the blue planet ahead, without the slightest desire to change their orbits.

If this continues, if they are not intercepted by the moon, they are very likely to hit it.

Once a dozen of such huge golden spheres hit the earth, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

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