we won?

Although no notice was given, this thought emerged in everyone's mind.Everyone finally lined up again.

Lao Li, who was already standing in front of the shelter, finally took a step and walked inside the shelter.

Here is the refuge...

In the shelter, go to the service robot and get your ticket.Lao Li followed the instructions on the ticket, went down the stairs, and walked a hundred meters down.

In the end, I arrived at an empty place filled with other people with tired faces written all over their faces.He found his own bed, arranged the little girl who had just fallen asleep again—or rather, had been only half asleep before, and lay down by himself.

Really... I can finally rest...

Closing his eyes, he wanted to sleep.

Get a good night's sleep.



As a gigantic fireball rose from the suburbs of Yanjing, a scorching sun slowly rose from the soil, breaking through all the haze and evil.With an unprecedented shock wave, it swept across the thousand-year-old city of Yanjing.

On the other side of the Demon City, the wings of Ghidorah fell into the sea, causing a column of water to reach the sky to stand on the surface of the sea!As high as tens of kilometers, there was a wave of tens of meters high tsunami, which flooded many houses on the shore.

A few minutes later, the fireball turned into a mushroom cloud.The water column and tsunami also gradually receded.

There was a whole lot of cheers in East Asia's Monster Command. They succeeded, at least the first batch of Ghidorah's Wings.East Asia will no longer be threatened.

Wings of Ghidorah, be silent.

The wings of Ghidorah, who were seriously injured at both ends, failed to survive the final big impact after all.They were torn apart in the flames, and parts of their bodies were even blown away hundreds of kilometers away.

Everyone was very happy about the end of the two monsters.

But the cheers are just for fun. After all, the two wings of Ghidorah are just a temporary appetizer, and the real big head is yet to come.

The next wave, the next wave of more than 20 wings of Ghidorah falling from space together is the real enemy.Eliminate them all, then East Asia can be said to be worry-free.

"Skynet, the Europeans do a good job."

The temporary threat is lifted, and everyone can blow water.

Among them, someone talked about the Skynet AI developed by NASA. Looking at it now, it is quite good at executing orders and planning tactics.

"Don't just talk about Europeans, we did it too. The District Academy of Sciences also helped them optimize a lot. After all, which country in the world didn't participate in this thing."

Everyone relaxed a lot when talking.Now there should be no problem with the first wave of 14 heads.

Everyone is in a good mood, but at this moment.

The face of the operator who exchanged information with other districts changed a little.

"What...thanks, we got it..."

He spoke so loudly that it startled the others all of a sudden.The other people present were not fools either. Judging from his expression, he knew that there was a big problem in other regions.

"What happened?"

Commander-in-chief Zhang asked, and the operator replied with an ugly face:

"Commander, there will be a Wing of Ghidorah landing in the Middle East...and it is expected that at least one Wing of Ghidorah will land alive in South Africa and Northern Europe..."

"Ah, why?"

"What's the situation?"

"What the hell happened?!"

Everyone in the command room was full of disbelief, how could this happen?Aren't the Middle East, South Africa, and Northern Europe all controlled by Skynet?There are also quite a few satellites over there. It would be understandable if only one place was missed, but why are all the rest missing?

Could it be that we have too much firepower here?

At this time, the satellite image observers sent the images from the European area to the big screen, which is why they failed.

In the image, the two wings of Ghidorah are close together, and one expands its wings to completely envelop the other.

Take all the damage by yourself.

In exchange for the arrival of compatriots.

Chapter 62 Dance

Wings of Ghidorah wrap their companions with their bodies.Defended against a nuclear strike.

In the Middle East, in Northern Europe, in South Africa.

They sacrificed one for the arrival of a second almost intact.

Because it already had a good relationship with its companions, it didn't perform any acceleration.

The impact equivalent of this scale is only equivalent to a few million tons of TNT, and there is a 30-meter-thick layer of companion's body as protection outside.

This perfectly protected the other Ghidorah's wings inside.

A total of three wings of Ghidorah broke through the blockade of the atmosphere and came to the ground.

In the sky, they are like fallen stars in myths and legends, with the stars formed by nuclear explosions in their tails, falling downward.

They crashed into the atmosphere, the body of the outermost wing of Ghidorah burning.It not only bears the destruction of nuclear weapons, but also bears the friction force with the atmosphere.

Three meteors hit the atmosphere one after another at different time points.When the last two wings of Ghidorah barely broke into the atmosphere, the ground was already illuminated by the collision of stars.

How dazzling that is!

There was a "boom", or there was no sound at all.The wings of Ghidorah in the Middle East were the first to crash into the ground.

They pierced through the surface the moment they came into contact, and the underground soil layer was completely unable to stop their intrusion.Stones and soil were thrown into the sky in units of tons.

Next, the entire land near the point of impact bulges out.Like Mother Earth squeezing the swollen bumps on her face, they bulged to the extreme.Like a volcano erupting!

First, a fireball rose, and then a large number of melting rock fragments sprayed around.As the hottest rain on this planet, sow destruction on the world below!

The melted rock was also mixed with the body of Ghidorah's Wing, which was shattered in half in the explosion and was already seriously injured.

This may be regarded as a small easter egg, their hardness and density determine that it will definitely not be as simple as ordinary flame rocks.This can definitely be regarded as a hit and a hole.

The impact swept across the sky, because most of the power was used to raise the stones and bulge the ground.The size of the fireball is not too big, nor is it too bright.

So people can see, see things crawling out of the burning and melting nuclear fireball.The wing of Ghidorah that came out after his companion was crushed, was bathed in lava and dust.

Like the hell devil that people have said.

In the Middle East, the Wing of Ghidorah spread its wings out of the fireball's envelope, and then it shouted, letting the world hear its voice.

"Look up!!!!"

It is roaring, and the nukes are not attacking at this time.Because at the moment of the impact, the powerful shock wave caused by the impact had paralyzed all the nuclear weapons in the sky.

The electromagnetic guns within two hundred kilometers from it began to target Ghidorah's wings. From now on, combat is no longer exclusive to nuclear missiles.

They must also participate, otherwise, what is waiting for humans is very likely to suffer heavy casualties.

Because they broke into the atmosphere, and after breaking into the atmosphere, the effect of nuclear weapons on such large creatures began to be infinitely reduced.

The Wings of Ghidorah will all suffer such serious injuries when moving at high speed in the sky, wouldn't it be better to deal with it when they are on the ground?

After all, their speed at that time would not be too fast, and they were just moving targets for nuclear missiles, right?


Satellites can still launch nuclear bombs, as long as they don't care about the damage to the earth's environment, the same scale of strike force is very easy for the space nuclear strike network!

[Our blows are sufficient.Just do saturation strikes after they hit the ground!As long as this is the case]——If you deal with Ghidorah's wings that entered the atmosphere with such an idea, the result will only be a disastrous defeat.

If it is really that simple to deal with the wings of Ghidorah in the atmosphere, there will be no super electromagnetic guns that are far less powerful than nuclear weapons on the ground.

Everyone will go to pile up all the satellites.

After all, in the atmosphere, nuclear weapons can't be stacked randomly like in space, and they can't rush up like mad dogs.

Their strike density, at most, is as continuous as when Godzilla left the extreme east, and they cannot release thousands of them at the same time in each wave.

The reason why is also very simple, the reason is because of the explosion in the atmosphere.

Nuclear weapons themselves will bring extremely strong shock waves.

These shock waves will knock down all other nuclear missiles within a few kilometers or more than ten kilometers.This makes it almost impossible to carry out continuous strikes after the first nuclear weapon explodes.

First wave of nuclear strikes against Godzilla landed in Australia

It has been clearly stated that continuous nuclear strikes on the same target on the ground are not feasible.

Because there is no atmospheric pressure in space, the fireball can spread completely in an instant without affecting the nuclear weapons behind.

But what about on the ground?The shock wave will last for a few minutes!

To fight Ghidorah's wings inside the atmosphere, the difficulty is definitely not comparable outside the atmosphere.

The large-scale destructive capability that nuclear weapons are proud of is in the atmosphere, but it becomes a burden when dealing with Ghidorah's wings.

The powerful destructive power brought by their shock waves became their footsteps instead.

In the Middle East, in the South, and in Northern Europe, the surviving Ghidorah's Wings roared towards the world.

Then, after a short growl, they spread their wings, and with all their might they soared over this familiar yet strange planet.

While the shock wave of the impact continued to spread outward, the Wings of Ghidorah flapped their wings.

In the picture taken by the satellite, the wings of Ghidorah, which came out of the companion's body, flapped its wings, and some parts of its body swallowed the atmosphere, ignited, and then erupted.

take off!

As the body leaped, the fire was ignited, and they were flying outwards with their own shock waves.And the speed broke through the sound very quickly, flying on the earth at a speed that no plane can reach!

The sound volume of the breakthrough of nearly a million tons of weight is far more than double, and the shock wave of its action is much larger than that of Godzilla's previous supersonic travel.

Two-headed—soon to be three-headed Ghidorah's wings took flight for the first time on the planet's surface, judging by the battle in space.But there is no intention of counterattacking the satellites that are only a few hundred kilometers away from them.

They are simply flying.

Like dancing.

Chapter 63 Infection

After the three wings of Ghidorah fell to the ground, they immediately flew to the sky again, parading in the sky at a speed close to 8 times the speed of sound!

At the same time, their bodies are also emitting an infinite amount of light, destroying everything close to them.

They are flying towards the top of the troposphere.

The nuclear missiles have not been able to withstand the impact of Ghidorah's wings falling to the ground until now, and they have begun to saturate the three Ghidorah's wings flying at high altitudes in the troposphere.

However, in the atmosphere, it is difficult to dispatch too many nuclear weapons at one time, which has caused a cliff-like decline in the number of nuclear weapons that can break through the interception of Ghidorah's wings.

So much so that it fell to the point where there was nothing at all.

What's even more ominous is that the shock wave that breaks through the sound barrier when Ghidorah's wings fly in the atmosphere will also interfere with the movement of nuclear missiles.

People can only use the electromagnetic gun to attack, but the electromagnetic gun is helpless when it encounters this kind of monster flying at Mach [-] or [-].

Because its speed is too fast, it is difficult to predict the shooting.

In Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, human beings have no ability to stop these three monsters hovering in their sky.But at the same time, the three wings of Ghidorah who fell to the ground will not have the power to harm humans.

At least not with the power of the shelters built by humans.

Because the laser light will be scattered in the atmosphere.

If the super laser of tens of terawatts or several pawatts can directly penetrate the atmosphere, ignoring this kind of scattering.

However, due to the large number of lasers released from the whole body of Ghidorah's Wings, the power of a single laser is only a few, or even a few tenths of a gigawatt.

Even the large ones are only tens of gigawatts—these large quantities are still very small.

This kind of laser still can't extend too far in a straight line in the atmosphere, so it can't cause too much damage to places like the shelter it hurried past.

At most, they can be washed on the surface, and they can't penetrate the inside at all.

The three wings of Ghidorah did not stop, and at the same time, they did not show an attitude of wanting to attack human cities subjectively.

I don't know if I don't know it, or something else.After falling to the ground, these three monsters did not attack the human city, but just flew by themselves.

Even if they broke into some cities, it was just passing by by chance, and they did not target the cities to attack.

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