The light it emits is comparable to that of Godzilla's light beams under normal conditions.

But now, there are ten such lights.

Ten kilometers away, the wings of Ghidorah in the sky lowered their necks, opened their mouths, and released the shining light.

Instant, a shorter time than instant.

Ten beams of light reached the farthest horizon from their mouths, falling into the burning city.

Then the ten necks swung together, sweeping their beams from left to right in front of them.

Next came the explosion, which appeared.

In front of the beams of Ghidorah's wings, the building is as fragile as butter when it touches a hot blade.They were all cut off.High-temperature and high-heat gas burst out from the inside, and molten substances that are constantly melting.

Dozens or hundreds of buildings were cut off by the light beams, and they collapsed together, but the collapse was not yet complete.In the distance where the lasers of the Wings of Ghidorah hit, on the horizon where they fell to the ground, a chain of explosions lined up.

Within one-thousandth of a second, where the beam hit, the atmosphere began to expand, and the land that was originally burning began to sublimate.

The land was sublimated into steam of thousands of degrees and tens of thousands of degrees, and together they turned into an explosive cloud of fire, which shot straight into the sky for hundreds of meters.An explosion with a range of hundreds of meters was caused!

And this kind of explosion is not just at one point, but all the places swept by them start at the same time!

The continuous explosions blew away all the surrounding buildings within hundreds of meters.

Those buildings that had been cut in half by the laser, their upper body and lower body were separated, and part of them were completely shattered by the impact of the explosion and scattered into the ground several kilometers away.

The other part was blasted into ruins, leaving only a burning ruin.

Another ray of light swept over the dilapidated building, and the building that had already been destroyed and turned into ruins exploded completely.

They were blasted to a height of hundreds of meters to thousands of meters, and together with Huoshaoyun, they came to the sky.

Then the temperature was so hot that it reached thousands of degrees or even thousands of degrees. They were melting from the sky and fell from the sky like raindrops, hitting the surrounding buildings, making the flames burn even more violently!

Sea of ​​fire!Fire cloud!Burning city!

Bathed in destruction and disillusionment, the Wings of Ghidorah officially flew here from more than ten kilometers away.The body of gold flies through the burning city.

The breath of light continued, and another cloud of fire several kilometers long and hundreds of meters high rose up, forming walls of flames in the city.

Ten beams of light wantonly cut the city, and after they burned continuously, explosions and clouds of fire continued to rise.Every time, every beam of light sweeps, hundreds of thousands of buildings are completely destroyed. The city rises to represent the smoke of destruction, and high walls of flames rise above it.

And these ten wings of Ghidorah flew into the burning city, in the purgatory he created, constantly demonstrating his divine power.

The light beams are constantly sweeping, they are sometimes interlaced and sometimes separated.

Every attack would bring terrifying damage to the city, and under their ravages, the city was completely turned into a purgatory.

They hover over the city, burning streets, parks, and everything else with their beams, leaving only lava and burning ruins behind.

They are like the messengers of the great destruction, bringing everything around them to the direction of destruction.

And humans, watching this scene, can't do anything.

In less than 10 minutes, under the attack of the ten Ghidorah's wings, the already half-destroyed city was completely razed.

All that remains in the city are the burning ruins and countless slash-like cracks in the ground that are continuous, tens of meters wide, tens of meters deep in the middle, and tens of kilometers long. .

Dozens or hundreds of such traces completely split and destroyed the city, while ten wings of Ghidorah hovered over the already "dead" city.

They didn't attack any more, they just hovered in the sea of ​​fire, like vultures surrounding a dead body.It was like waiting, confirming something.

At the same time, the other three waves of Ghidorah's Wings also arrived at their destination.Without exception, their destinations are all human cities, and likewise without exception, they have begun to destroy the cities.

The tall building with a height of several hundred meters was cut off at the middle, and then cut into seven or eight sections by other beams, and was finally shattered in the explosion below.Didn't even touch the ground.

The lake in the park full of green was swept by the light beam. At that moment, all the trees in the park started to burn. At the same time, the lake exploded, blasting hot steam that was already boiling all over the sky and spreading around.

Seven or eight beams of light swept across the community ahead, and in just a split second, dozens of buildings were surrounded by a huge explosion.All fell into the sea of ​​flames, and at the same time they disintegrated each other, they hit the ground.

The subsonic orbit was blasted out, and the light was sweeping across. Even a completely undamaged city could only support it for less than a few minutes before it was completely turned into a sea of ​​flames.

These guys came with the goal of destroying the entire world.

Human beings determined this, so the nuclear weapons were launched.

In places where the satellite was not damaged by the impact caused by the impact, dozens or hundreds of nuclear weapons were launched towards the wings of Ghidorah hundreds of kilometers away.

Even if the nuclear strike network is not as useful in the atmosphere as it is outside the atmosphere, and the efficiency is not so high, as long as enough time is spent, it can still slowly kill the wings of Ghidorah.

Even if only two or three can explode at a time, as long as it lasts long enough, we will be able to kill them at some point.

Although the damage to the natural environment of East Asia is huge.But this is out of the question now.Compared with the ecological environment, the existence of human beings is definitely more important.

The Wings of Ghidorah must be killed before they cause greater damage, otherwise.

Human beings can only hide in the tunnel that cannot see the sun like their predecessors, and grow up underground.

The nukes are launched, and the railguns are ready to go.The war on the ground between humans and the Wings of Ghidorah has begun.

ps It was mistyped last time, and I will post it again this time: "Descent in the Roar of the Machine Dragon"

Chapter 75 Resistance

The electromagnetic guns are ready to go. According to the speed of Ghidorah's wings, the electromagnetic guns near Yanjing will be the first group of electromagnetic guns to face them.

In the previous earthquake, many of the super electromagnetic guns set up by Yanjing also lost their basic combat capabilities.

And even those that can work, many of the remaining super electromagnetic guns have been damaged.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you can fire, even two or three shots are enough.The Wings of Ghidorah are not that big. Given their size, a few shots would probably cause serious injuries, right?

And now the super electromagnetic guns built by humans, how many shells do they have?Just the East Asian defense line in front of us,

More than a thousand electromagnetic guns have been built, and if each can fire five to ten shells before being destroyed, they are more than enough to destroy the Wings of Ghidorah.


During the establishment of the previous space defense network and nuclear mine spikes, humans also calculated that their weapons were enough to wipe out Ghidorah's wings.But the final result...

Of them, only one died.

The super electromagnetic gun in East Asia can really be as expected.Destroy the wings of Ghidorah?

Every human being who has witnessed the power beyond human intelligence displayed by the wings of Ghidorah on the first two fronts has doubts about it.

If the super electromagnetic guns at Yanjing were completely wiped out by Ghidorah's wings without damaging them...

That's for humans.The road ahead was completely plunged into darkness.

At that time, there might be only one way left for them to go.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that this battle in Yanjing has determined the future of mankind.

Yanjing still has 20 electromagnetic guns that can still operate at the moment, and I hope these 20 can be used.Can surprise them.

The first wave of the ten Ghidorah wings that destroyed a city is flying towards Yanjing. According to their speed, in 3 minutes, they will arrive within the range of Yanjing's super electromagnetic gun group.

At that time, the battle on the ground will really start.

Everyone in the monster combat command looked at the advancing posture of the wings of Ghidorah on the screen with concern.This group of guys flying at subsonic speed flew over the lake and the earth, heading towards Yanjing.

1 minute...50 seconds...40 seconds...

"Nuclear missile launch!"

"The electromagnetic guns at Yanjing, Nos. 1-15 have all aimed at the target, just wait until they are within range!"


Launched as nuclear missiles for cover and strike, the super-railguns are aiming at the target and ready to go!

30 seconds... 20 seconds... 10 second...

"The first wave of nuclear weapons, penetrate within ten kilometers of the enemy!"

"Capacitor charging starts! Super electromagnetic gun! Ready to launch!"



"Launch together!"

"The nuclear bomb detonation begins!"

The light of the nucleus suddenly appeared on the edge of Yanjing, and the wings of Ghidorah were fascinated by this light, and could no longer determine the appearance ahead.

In the atmosphere, the shock from the explosion of the nukes disrupted their flight.And just when the wings of Ghidorah burst out lasers all over their bodies to intercept the surrounding nuclear weapons like they did in outer space.

Located in every corner of Yanjing, the still functioning super electromagnetic guns fired shells at their locked targets.

Don't wait until the lightning breaks through the air, and 20 super electromagnetic guns light up together, on their tracks.The several-meter-long cannonball was fired at a hundred times the speed of sound against the backdrop of superconducting materials!

The shell pierced through layers of the atmosphere, and the terrifying sonic boom cloud left traces behind it.The sublimated armature makes them so sparkly!

20 super railguns and 20 sky stars hit the body of Ghidorah's Wing, who was trapped in the flames of the nucleus. The 3 seconds passed in an instant, and the Wings of Ghidorah did not notice the flying shells!


Inside the nuclear fireball, another string of explosions sounded.

Afterwards, four figures fell from the fireball. They were the four-headed Ghidorah's wings. At this time, on their chests, there were multiple terrifying craters with a diameter of ten meters and the deepest depth of nearly 10 meters!

The huge force brought by the instantaneous impact made them unable to maintain their flying posture even when they weighed a million tons.

The four wings of Ghidorah were knocked down from the sky by an instant impact, and their bodies weighing a million tons fell into the forest, causing the ground to shake for a while.

There is no doubt that they have been hit hard at this moment!

"Look up!!!"

The remaining six wings of Ghidorah felt the heavy damage to their companions. They roared and accelerated to fly out of the area of ​​the nuclear explosion, and flew towards the position of the super electromagnetic guns at Yanjing in front.A gleam of light erupted from his mouth.

Because of the impact, it is difficult for the nuclear weapons to continue to interfere with the Wings of Ghidorah at this moment.Therefore, no one interrupted their behavior of focusing the light beams. The light beams of the Wings of Ghidorah spewed out from their mouths, and everything that passed through the front fell into the Yanjing City ahead.

According to the direction of the incident, the Wings of Ghidorah began to destroy in that direction.

Pieces of buildings collapsed and were cut off, among which 4 super electromagnetic guns were completely blown up under the attack of the remaining six Ghidorah's wings.

Yes, there are 16 left.

Charge again, launch again!After 6 minutes of reloading, the super electromagnetic gun fired again at the [-] flying Ghidorah!

16 shells fired from all angles and directions.And the beams of the Wings of Ghidorah can't intercept these shells, all they can do at this moment is dodge!

And the inertia brought by the body of a million tons can be reversed in 2 or 3 seconds. Although some of these shells missed due to errors.But among the 16 pieces, there were still 10 pieces, which hit the two Ghidorah Wings together!

Two more wings of Ghidorah fell from the sky, and at this time the speed of the remaining four had exceeded Mach.

They fly forward, and they can find their positions more accurately when they are closer to the super electromagnetic gun.

The beam destroyed nearly 10 more railguns, and now there are only 6 railguns left.The shells of these 6 super electromagnetic guns were loaded for the last time, and they aimed at the head of Ghidorah's wing in the sky.

For human beings, they played their counterattack voice.

Py it: "I, Ark Black Snake, really don't want to parasitize anymore! "

Chapter 76 Resistance

The remaining 6 railguns aimed at the heads of the Wings of Ghidorah who had broken through the sound barrier and were coming towards them.

雷五>仪+期//一*零}①#七=④#&五}酒=④//⑨$扒巴|扒%灵-氣@流#一电,群}1=0|[email protected]{7+&4><5@{9#4}9{8开始蓄积。

Millions of capacitors were discharged at the same time, and at the top of the railgun, the current broke through the atmosphere, releasing electric light visible to the naked eye.

With the eruption of the super-strong electromagnetic field, the armature is pushed, heading towards the wings of Ghidorah in the sky at a speed of a hundred times Mach or above!

The cannonball was accelerated to the fastest speed in an instant, with the light from the sublimated armature. The shells fired by the 6 railguns finally hit the wings of Ghidorah!

Two of them even successfully hit the head of Ghidorah's wing!

The 3 Wings of Ghidorah fell from the sky. At this moment, only 4 of the 1 Wings of Ghidorah who came here is still flying in the sky.

The breath of the last end destroyed all the remaining super electromagnetic guns, and it wantonly destroyed the surrounding cities, and just as it was destroying.

The nuclear fireball exploded around it.

Yes, in the original fireball, the missiles could not get close because of the shock wave, but you have flown tens of kilometers away, and the impact of the 8000-ton equivalent nuclear weapon must have been reduced to the point where it is completely gone.

Now that there is no impact, then naturally, the nuclear bombing that represents the most destructive power of mankind has come.

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