But in fact, there is no consciousness involved in the strike like thunder.The reason why they destroy everything is because.

Simply too many.

The winds exceeded force 18, and uprooted trees flew through the sky before being smashed to pieces by a bolt of lightning.

Then the mountain rocks slid down and flooded a large forest, the torrential rain continued to pour from the sky, the moon disappeared, and the dark night was continuously illuminated by the light of thunder.

Ten wings of Ghidorah guard their master in the storm, at their feet.

The rushing river crushes the river, the mountain slides and engulfs the forest, and the thunder spreads in all directions and smashes everything visible and invisible.

Kaka... Kacha... Bang! ! !

The huge dam collapsed, and a thunderstorm hit its exposed metal, blasting its structure open.

Then, with the wind and rain and landslides, it finally failed to support, and the whole structure began to slowly collapse, and finally collapsed in a burst of thunder.

Tens of billions of tons of mountain torrents rushed out!Like a runaway wild horse, it pressed in all directions.

In the violent storm, it set off a tsunami of more than ten meters, turning the land of thousands of kilometers square into a flood country.

The rain gradually became so heavy that even the houses could not be seen clearly, and the figure of Ghidorah's Wings was also blurred in the pouring rain.

Only the thunder and light released by Caesar Ghidorah are the only guides in this catastrophe.

There is no need to destroy the Pearl River Delta region. The natural storm driven by Caesar has already smashed everything of human beings.

A streak of lightning mixed with wind and rain destroyed everything on the ground, and the humans in the underground shelter could only watch the satellite signals disappear one by one on the panel.

Some of them were destroyed by Caesar Ghidorah in action, while others were written by Ghidorah's Wings.

Several shelters in the Pearl River Delta are struggling to survive the storm at the moment.

People in underground shelters are desperate, their satellites can't see what's on the ground.

The robots on the ground were completely destroyed by Thunder, and now they have entered a predicament of knowing nothing about the outside world...

Several officers in the shelter connected to several other shelters also in the Pearl River Delta through satellite communication links, and went with them to contact the main shelter in East Asia.

However, when they just finished talking about their situation and wanted to ask for help.


All gone.

Whether it is the call or the light, everything is gone.

The underground shelters are now like isolated islands in the dark. They have completely lost contact with the outside world, because the base stations and optical fibers have all been destroyed.

Not even a satellite phone would work, because just now Caesar came.

It is continuously producing unimaginably powerful EMP, directly burning all electronic objects underground.

They are finished.

The ventilation ducts were constantly pouring rainwater, and all the floors in the shelter except the bottom one were in chaos at this moment.

It's not time to turn off the lights yet, and even if they were, it would never be this complete.

Someone wants to use a mobile phone to light up the darkness, but finds that the mobile phone does not work either.

And they also found that not only the lights of the shelter, but also the robots that maintained order around them all stopped at this moment.

They also stopped.

Riots arose on all floors, although because the lights hadn't been out for long, the riots didn't turn into riots.

But as time goes by, the underground shelters without lights will inevitably be destroyed in riots.

It's only a day at most. Think about it, I am in an environment with no light at all.How long can you stay awake?

Even if there are candles, how can candles replace the sun.

Riots are bound to turn into riots, and riots are bound to turn into disasters.

The fate of several shelters that have been impacted by super-strong EMP is already doomed, and it will be a catastrophe.

Even in this darkness, there are candles and other things in emergency reserves.

Can only rely on these.

How many people is enough to evacuate?

After flying over the Pearl River Delta, Caesar Ghidorah and his guards headed south.

At this time, the main refuge has realized what will happen next, and began to send notices to all the remaining refuges.

"Get everyone out!"

"Abandon the shelter immediately! Retreat immediately! Let everyone come out!"

Under Caesar Ghidorah's super emp, the shelter completely stopped functioning, and this was the result.

Everyone will die there...

Without electricity, there is no way to draw wind, and it is difficult to maintain ventilation for tens of millions of people, plus the burning of candles.

This is a coffin!

In a day or two at most, this shelter will become a dead zone without fresh air, and everyone will die there.

fuck, fuck, fuck...

So it is under a layer of soil tens of meters thick.

What kind of emp can burn all the equipment across dozens of kilometers... What the hell is this!

Humans thought that the Wings of Ghidorah had an emp attack, and they also did defense.

But...it's too strong.Human defenses are completely useless.

This super powerful weapon completely shattered the hope of mankind.

The Oxygen Destroyer is probably useless... Even the Oxygen Destroyer will not help the super typhoon that covered Caesar Ghidorah.

fuck... fuck... fuck...

What the hell is this!

What the hell is this!

Why!Obviously, we were going to win yesterday!Why!Why is this suddenly the case now!

"Retreat! Let everyone evacuate the shelter!"

"As fast as possible! Fast fast fast!"

Regardless of the riots, emergency broadcasts sounded in every shelter in the southern region.

All the doors were opened in an emergency, and the people in the refuge still don't know what happened, but let's go out first according to the announcement.

However, just as they were thinking this way, the violent storm after the door opened stopped them in their tracks.

There was thunder and lightning outside, the storm swept everything, and the mountain torrents and rivers flooded the surrounding area.

Big trees were broken and blown away, landslides fell, and the stars and the moon were completely invisible, only a rumbling sound was making.

It's a doomsday scene outside.

People couldn't help retreating, everyone swallowed and looked into the rainstorm.They saw it.

The ray of light in the deepest part of the storm.

Represents the final light.

Here comes Caesar.

Chapter 83 Caesar Ghidorah vs Godzilla

It poured down like a waterfall, and the strong wind and heavy rain covered everything in front of us.

In the sky, there are flashes of light from time to time.

That is the light of the explosion of human nuclear weapons.

The moons are making their final assault.

Nuclear weapons, super railguns, and unmanned combat vehicles.

The last power in East Asia is fighting Caesar who is crossing over in the south of the Pearl River Delta. Shells, bombs, missiles, and forces that can flatten mountains are madly attacking Caesar Ghidorah.

But it didn't work.

Without Caesar Ghidorah's intervention at all, the terrifying thunderstorm and the unspeakable super hurricane have already destroyed all existence.

You don't even need emp.

Thunderstorms and strong winds have already solved all this.

Seen from space, the superstorm blanketing southern East Asia was still expanding hours later.Now it's not just Caesar Ghidorah and the ten Ghidorah's wings that are providing it with energy.

The planet's own climate also supports it.

The storm has evolved to an unprecedented degree.It flattened forests, flooded shelters, flooded cities with tsunami, and swamped lowlands with flash floods.

It only takes a few days for such a powerful storm to clean the entire surface of southern East Asia.

All plants will die, all houses will be crushed, and everything will be leveled.

Caesar Ghidorah ignored the human attack and flew through the storm.Paddle across crumbling mountains, falling to the ground every now and then, stepping in mud and rocks.

Since its birth, Caesar Ghidorah has never really used its full strength.

People in the shelters further south in the Pearl River Delta were shivering, and a large number of people had gathered on the first and second floors of the shelters.

The people below wanted to follow the radio's order to go out, while the people above saw the super torrential rain that swept everything outside the shelter.

Then how do not want to take a step.

In the dark night, the twilight represented by Caesar is getting brighter and brighter, which also means that the end is coming.


"Whoa whoa-"

Thunder flashed, and the people in the refuge looked towards the place with light.The sun in the waterfall-like rain is so conspicuous that people can't pay attention to it.


Squinting to look at it, the sun is getting bigger and the rumbling is getting louder.

Finally, someone's face changed.Because he seemed to see the shape of that thing in the heavy rain.

It's a monster.

It's a monster!

The crowd backed away with a clatter, people pushing people, people squeezing people.They were fleeing into the shelter, trying to avoid it as much as possible.

"Shut it! Shut the gate!"

"Hurry up and close!"

Someone yelled like this, but under their yelling, the door did not close.

Instead, the lights suddenly went out at this moment.


"Ah! You stepped on me!"

"Damn it! Don't step on it!"


Panic and noisy voices, after the lights go out.Everyone loses their bearings.

"Crack! Boom!"

In the darkness, the thunder illuminated the figures of the distressed people.Next, they saw how the light in the rainstorm continued to approach.

Three heads, four wings, a huge figure...

Here comes Caesar, and it's coming through the mountains!

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