
Ling Lingqi couldn't help but waved her hand excitedly.

Although the blond Lan Qi didn't appear on the stage for a long time, in just a short moment, she killed the two bronze beauty teams in one fell swoop and completely reversed the situation on the scene.

"Go to hell, you bastards!"

The blond-haired Lan Qi's violent shouts kept ringing.

But she saw her carrying a bazooka, and continued to attack the remaining two bronze US teams violently.

There were constant explosions at the scene for a while, and the two bronze American teams could only scurry around like their third grandsons under the artillery attack of the blonde Lanqi, and they didn't dare to compete with them.

If it weren't for the Bronze US team's extraordinary skills, dodging around the pier to avoid, I'm afraid they would have followed in the footsteps of their other two "buddies".

However, if this is the case, this situation will not last for too long.

Everyone understands that in a short time, the two bronze beauty teams will definitely be killed by the blonde Lan Qi.

"This blonde girl is too violent, but I like it!"

Ling Lingqi folded her arms leisurely, completely watching the excitement from the sidelines.

Matt Murdoch, Jessica Jones and Frank Cassell, among others, were also assembled.

"Jessica, you know her? Who the hell is she?"

Matt Murdoch couldn't help asking Jessica Jones in a staggering tone.

Even for a cruel and violent guy like Frank Cassel, the corners of his mouth twitched.

It wasn't until now that he realized that in front of the blonde Lan Qi, he was actually a younger brother.

"She's the client who commissioned me to investigate the Captain America statue."

Jessica Jones spread her hands to everyone.

Then I immediately saw a very unexpected and strange look on the faces of Matt Murdoch and the others.

Seems like you're kidding me?

How could a client be so powerful?

"You two bastards, don't hide like a mouse if you have the ability! Come out if you have the guts!"

The blond Lan Qi bombarded the two bronze American teams, while shouting provocatively impatiently.

But the Bronze American team is not a fool, how could they jump out rashly at this time and wait to be bombarded?

"Do you think there is nothing I can do by hiding like this? How naive!"

The blonde Lan Qi's voice sounded again, impatiently she threw the rocket launcher in her hand, and the Kempfa bracelet in her hand immediately shone with light.

When the light dissipated, another "renewed" Lan Qi appeared in front of everyone.

[From Matt Murdock's legendary value +352]

[Legendary value +331 from Frank Cassel]

[Legendary value +184 from Lester Burnt]

[The legendary value from Jin Bing's men +21]

Kemp Frankie makes his debut!


With a sway of his body, Kemp Frankie began to muster up all his strength and rushed towards one of the bronze captains.

The speed was so fast that even Jessica Jones and Frank Cassel couldn't catch up with them.

Almost as fast as a gust of wind.

In an instant, he rushed to the hiding place of a bronze US team.

At this time, the opponent no longer dodged, but began to jump out, waved his fist at Kemp Frankie fiercely, and launched a fierce attack on Kemp Frankie.

"What is she doing?"

Jessica Jones watched secretly anxiously, and has not reacted until now.

You don't need a good bazooka, why run up to fight with the Bronze Captain America?

Isn't that looking for death?

But the next moment.


There was a dull metal impact sound, but Kemp Frankie knocked the Bronze Captain away with one punch!

That's right.

The two hit hard head-on, and it wasn't Kemp Frankie who was sent flying, but Bronze Captain America!

"This must be a joke, right?"

Jessica Jones was dumbfounded and murmured.

Needless to say, Matt Murdoch and Frank Cassel beside them were also dumbfounded.

[From Matt Murdock's legendary value +627]

[Legendary value +524 from Frank Cassel]

[Legendary value +337 from Lester Burnt]

[The legendary value from Jin Bing's men +81]



Next, the tragic career of the bronze beauty team began.

However, Kemp Frankie fought against the two bronze American teams alone, but also beat the two bronze American teams like the third grandson.

With any punch or kick, Captain Bronze's body shook wildly, and he was beaten backwards and forwards, and he couldn't even breathe.


During the fierce battle, a ball of dazzling white light suddenly appeared from Kemp Frankie's right hand, covering the head of a bronze Captain America.

The head of the bronze American team was immediately smashed to pieces.

It exploded directly into slag.


Bronze Captain America fell directly to the ground, motionless.

Although the Bronze Captain America is not made of flesh and blood, the functions of each part of its body are similar to those of the human body.

Things like "consciousness" also rely on the brain to function.

Once the head is gone, there is no consciousness, and it becomes a useless statue.

Chapter 56 A Great Victory


The sound of metal clashing sounded again.

But it was the last remaining bronze American team, and while Kemp Frankie was "greeting" to his companions, he rushed towards Kemp Frankie.

"Go away!"

Kemp Frankie let out a sharp shout.

Turning around abruptly, he slapped the last Bronze Captain America across the air.


A flash of white light shot out instantly and hit the Bronze Captain America.


Bronze Captain America flew upside down.

Like a cannonball, it smashed into the surface of the water, splashed a ball of water, and then completely recovered its calm.


The scene suddenly became deathly quiet.

Everyone looked at Kemp Frankie dumbfounded and shocked, and couldn't believe their eyes.

Isn't this woman too perverted?

Also, it can shoot white light outwards to hurt people in the air. Are you sure it's not a joke?

Isn't she proficient in magic?

Especially Jessica Jones, who was even more speechless.

No matter what, she never expected that the client with split personality she received back then would be such a great master!

That's the Bronze Beauty Team!

The four freaks teamed up and fought extremely hard. They were not opponents at all, and they were even almost killed by the opponent.

As a result, when that perverted client appeared, how long did it take?

Killed all the bronze beauty teams!

The contrast is simply not too great.

[From Matt Murdock's legendary value +654]

[Legendary value +546 from Jessica Jones]

[Legendary value +511 from Frank Cassel]

[Legendary value +361 from Lester Burnt]

[The legendary value from Jin Bing's men +90]



The huge movement sounded again, attracting everyone's attention.

It was the big bronze bird that had been guarding the side of the boat without making a move, finally couldn't sit still.

It fluttered its wings and began to fly towards Kemp Frankie.

The size of this big bronze bird is still very huge, not to mention anything else, usually standing on the ground, it is taller than an adult male.

At this moment, he fully spread his wings and flew, and the oppressive feeling caused by it can be imagined.


Jessica Jones couldn't help shouting to Kemp Frankie.

But seeing that Kemp Frankie still had a calm face, he unhurriedly raised his head and glanced at the big bronze bird flying towards him, and flipped his hand, and a bazooka appeared in his hand.


A rocket shot directly at the bronze bird.

The Bronze Bird is so huge, and it is far worse than the Bronze Captain America in terms of tossing and turning in the air. For Kemp Frankie, it is simply a living target.

Even easier to deal with than the Bronze Captain America.


The next moment, a violent explosion sounded.

In the flames, the big bronze bird was smashed into scum by Kemp Frankie in an instant.

That's called a neat clean.

clap clap clap!

Applause sounded, and Ling Lingqi walked towards Kemp Frankie with an expression of admiration on her face, "It's really admirable that this heroine has extraordinary skills. Let me call you Ling Lingqi, Ling is Ling Lingqi's Ling, Qi It's Ling Lingqi's paint, I don't know what to call a heroine?"

Kemp Frankie had a thought at this time, and became blond Lankey again.

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