"'Top scientists'? It's really useful information." Jessica Jones couldn't help but sarcastically complained, "Anyway, there are not many top scientists in the United States, only a few hundred or thousands."

"Ling Lingqi, we need more accurate information." Matt Murdoch also added on the side.

"There are indeed many top scientists in the United States, but there is only one top scientist."

Ling Lingqi stretched out a finger, "I believe that you all know who he is."

"Tony Stark? That guy who looks so annoying and needs a beating?" The blond Lan Qi reacted in a second, with a look of disdain on his face, "Can't even invent the universal capsule, and still the top?"

Everyone at the scene was shocked by the shocking information revealed by Ling Lingqi, and had no time to pay attention to the unfamiliar word "universal capsule" in the mouth of blonde Lan Qi.

Except Ling Lingqi.

"Universal Capsule? What is this?" Ling Lingqi asked curiously.

"What does it have to do with you? Talk about business!" The blonde Lan Qi stared back at Ling Lingqi's curiosity.

"They want to kidnap Tony Stark? Ling Lingqi, is your information reliable?"

Matt Murdoch immediately asked in a deep voice.

But even though he asked this, Matt Murdoch actually believed it in his heart.

It was only because the news was too shocking that I subconsciously confirmed it.

After all, everyone has worked together for so long, and the information provided by Ling Lingqi has never been wrong.

"Those guys are crazy!" Jessica Jones was irritated.

Although the blond Lanqi looked disdainful towards Tony Stark, this did not hinder Tony Stark's status in everyone's mind.

This person is really a super scientist above all scientists.

And what's terrible is that it's not just as simple as a simple scientist.

Behind Tony Stark, there is such a behemoth as Stark Industries.

It has intertwined relationships in the military, political circles, etc. How can it be compared with ordinary scientists?

Whoever touches this kind of character will die!

But what is even more terrible is that it is not ordinary people who are staring at Tony Stark.

Others dare not touch Tony Stark easily even if they are very courageous, but it is really nothing to the statue fruit ability user.

"We must warn Tony Stark!"

After a moment of silence at the scene, Matt Murdoch was the first to express his opinion, "We must warn the relevant departments!"

Considering Tony Stark's special status, it is obviously completely unrealistic for a few of them to provide protection or something.

Even if it is to protect secretly without alarming Tony Stark, it is impossible.

Maybe he would even be arrested as someone who conspired against Tony Stark.

"How to warn?" Jessica Jones spread her hands, "Tell him that some statues that have been given life will kidnap him? This is really great!"

"We can only provide protection in the dark, but that's too passive."

A strategic action expert like Frank Cassel couldn't think of any good solutions.

"Linglingqi, do you have any more information? For example, when they might attack, or their action plan?"

After a moment of silence, Matt Murdoch stared at Ling Lingqi again and asked.

"Not yet, but give me time, I believe I will find out." Ling Lingqi shook her head.

But this does not reassure everyone.

God knows if Tony Stark would have been kidnapped by the statue fruit ability before Ling Lingqi found out.

Afterwards, everyone had a variety of discussions on this issue.

But it is a pity that there is no good way to discuss and discuss.

"There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to guard against a thief? I have a good way!"

When she was at a loss, the blonde Lan Qi's eyes lit up, as if she had thought of something.

"You?" Jessica Jones curled her lips and struck mercilessly, "What can you do?"

Can this person who shoots out a gun when he disagrees with each other, can he have any hope in terms of IQ?

"Don't look down on people, bastard!"

The blond Lan Qi shouted, then raised her right hand and shook it, a blue bracelet attracted everyone's attention, "This bracelet of mine can bring great power to people, so that a person who has no strength to restrain a chicken people become super soldiers."

"I can give this bracelet to Tony Stark!"

The eyes of everyone at the scene couldn't help but light up!

Although the blond Lan Qi has never been very good at brain power, but I have to say that this method is absolutely perfect.

Everyone has seen how unnatural Kemp Frankie is. If Tony Stark also possesses such perverted power, no matter how many statues sent by statue fruit ability users, it is impossible to succeed!

Chapter 65 Tony Stark Is Terminally Ill?

Things were so happily agreed upon.

None of the "first-generation defenders" raised even the slightest objection to the blonde Lanqi's proposal.

Because there is no doubt that this is indeed the best way to solve the problem.

We can't think of a more perfect way than this.

The only thing that made everyone a little bit worried was that the temper of the irascible old girl was really bad, and she would draw a gun and chug indiscriminately if she disagreed with her.

No patience at all.

And for a person like Tony Stark, a stranger suddenly appeared and told him that he might be kidnapped and needed to wear a bracelet for self-defense, would Tony Stark believe it?

With the temperament of the blonde Lan Qi, I am afraid that after a few words, she will become impatient, and she may draw her gun again!

But it's really hard for other people to do this for others. After all, the Kempfa bracelet is not an ordinary thing, but a magical thing that can give people superpowers.

Such an important item is naturally not easy to hand over to other people, and let others do it for them.

Judging by the blonde Lan Qi's appearance, it was obvious that she had no such plan.

So this arduous and important task naturally fell on Lan Qi.

"I hope Lan Qi won't sneeze by then."

Everyone can only pray secretly in their hearts.

If the blond Lan Qi suddenly goes online at that time, then things will be really lively!

In the next few days, all the "first-generation defenders" are paying close attention to Tony Stark's movements while keeping an eye on the person with the ability to achieve the fruit of the statue.

In order to find a suitable opportunity for Lan Qi to approach Tony Stark.

It's just a pity that Tony Stark, who was originally a very high-profile guy, suddenly became extremely low-key.

In casinos, high-end receptions and other places where he can often appear, there is no movement of Tony Stark anymore.

According to the investigation of Jessica Jones, a "super power detective", it was found that Tony Stark just stayed at home all day long.

A stay is several days!

Don't mention how weird it is.

What's up Tony Stark?

Could it be that you are sick?

Otherwise, what kind of person can squat at home for a week without even taking a step out?

It wasn't until Jessica Jones accidentally took a photo of Tony Stark's bald head that she suddenly realized.

Did...Tony Stark have cancer?

No wonder the door is closed.

Because it was secretly photographed and observed from a distance, Jessica Jones naturally couldn't see Tony Stark's face clearly.

Although looking at some of Tony Stark's actions, it doesn't look like a cancer patient, but if it weren't for this, Tony Stark wouldn't have shaved his head because of his brain fever, right?

It might be possible to be someone else, but Tony Stark is an extremely narcissistic playboy!

I don't know how many women have been rumored to have sex, and it is even rumored that he has slept with all the girls on the cover of "Proverb" magazine for twelve months.

Does such a person care about his own image?

Anyway, Jessica Jones couldn't be dealt with by Tony Stark's wave.

But these things have nothing to do with Jessica Jones in the final analysis. Whether Tony Stark has cancer or not, their mission must continue.

After all, it is impossible for the person with the statue fruit ability to care whether Tony Stark is sick, so they can't care either.

Jessica Jones continued to follow.

It wasn't until three days later that Jessica Jones finally got the good news.

"Lan Qi, there will be a press conference in the Stark Tower the day after tomorrow, Tony Stark will attend, this is your chance!"

Jessica Jones told Lan Qi the news for the first time.

"I understand! I will definitely give the bracelet to Tony Stark!"

Lan Qi replied heavily.

All the "first-generation defenders" also immediately began to carry out corresponding operations.

At the beginning of the press conference on the third day, Lan Qi and Jessica Jones became media workers invited by Stark Industries.

no way.

The blond-haired Lan Qi's temperament is really a little too tough, everyone is really worried, so they decided to send someone to accompany Lan Qi to complete this task, so as to avoid accidents.

Considering that Matt Murdoch is blind, Frank Cassel's arrest warrant is still pending in various police stations, and Ling Lingqi has a brain hole, this candidate is only Jessica Jones.

"Please come in!"

"Please go inside!"

After checking their identities at the door, Lan Qi and Jessica Jones entered the Stark Tower smoothly and came to the hall where the press conference was held.

Looking around, I saw a sea of ​​people in the hall, and there were big men in famous brand suits running back and forth everywhere.

Just pick one out, it is a very important super big shot.

This press conference is actually a promotion meeting for a new type of missile called "Jerico Missile" launched by Stark Industries.

In addition to some media staff, many heavyweight guests were naturally invited.

As for the main character Tony Stark, the absolute protagonist of this press conference, he hasn't shown up yet.

As always, Obaday Stein, as a representative of Stark Industries, wandered among the various bigwigs, entertaining these bigwigs from all directions.

Jessica Jones and Lan Qi didn't stay in the main hall for too long. After observing for a while, they went to a special "compartment" in the hall.

That's where these news media workers go to rest.

"Lan Qi, I beg you, sincerely!"

Jessica Jones knelt down and begged Lan Qi earnestly, "Don't sneeze later! If you feel this urge, please hold back! Or cover your mouth and nose!"

"Don't worry about Jessica, I will control it, don't worry!"

Lan Qi nodded in a reasonable manner, gentle and polite, completely opposite to the irascible old girl, "When we find Tony Stark, give him the things, and then we'll get out of here!"


Jessica Jones didn't dare to have such an optimistic attitude, "I don't know why, but I feel a little uneasy."

"It'll be fine, Jessica!" Lan Qi comforted Jessica Jones.

"So, can't this bracelet really be handed over to me first, and then I hand it over to Stark?" Jessica Jones still didn't give up.

"I'm sorry Jessica, you can't give the bracelet to other people casually, if you have to do it, I have to hand it over in person."

Lan Qi shook her head resolutely.

Chapter 66 It's bad, Lan Qi sneezed in front of Stark

Why can't the bracelet be handed over to other people, Lan Qi must do it in person?

Without him, if this is not the case, how to do things?

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