So Nick Fury resolutely turned back, and immediately started picking up the phone, intending to call someone over.

But just as he picked up the phone, there was a sudden silence behind him.

Nick Fury paused slightly, turned his head subconsciously, and saw that Winston had stood up from the ground.

Just staring straight at Nick Fury, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

And that smile didn't look like a normal smile, but a smile forced out by facial muscles.

Not to mention how stiff it looks, it even made Nick Fury feel a little penetrating.

"Winston, what happened just now?"

Forcibly suppressing the doubts in his heart, Nick Fury fixed his eyes on Winston and asked in a deep voice.

At the same time, Lu Dan was also full of vigilance.

Because at this moment Winston, no matter how he looked at it, something was wrong.

But Winston didn't answer at all, just grinning, smiling, and staring at Nick Fury.


And then.

Winston put his hand in his lower back, took out his own gun, and held it in his hand.

"What are you doing, Winston? Put the gun down!"

Nick Fury took out the gun at a faster speed than Winston, and pointed at Winston.

From the beginning to the end, Winston seemed not to hear at all, completely ignoring Nick Fury, and raised the gun in his hand.

It's just that Winston didn't point the gun at Nick Fury, but pointed it at his forehead!

"Winston, put the gun down!"

Nick Fury was surprised and confused at the same time, completely confused about the situation, so he could only order the opponent to put down his weapon.


The gunshot sounded suddenly.

A blood flower bloomed from Winston's head.


Winston swayed and fell directly to the ground.

Blood flowed all over the ground in an instant, and the pungent bloody smell permeated the spot.

His head was blown off, and Winston died on the spot, without any doubt.

But what was extremely weird was that even though Winston was dead, there was still that very weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

His eyes were still wide open, staring at Nick Fury.

It made even a character like Nick Fury feel his hair go numb.

[Legendary value +387 from Nick Fury]

Chapter 103 People are most afraid of three long and two short, and Xiang is most afraid of two short and one long, but it just burns like this!

Subconsciously put away his gun, looked down at the corpse lying on the ground, Nick Fury's expression was unprecedentedly ugly.

A senior agent who was highly valued by him and had a high position in SHIELD committed suicide in front of himself, the director of SHIELD!

And before committing suicide, he also made very strange actions that could even be called crazy.

This made Nick Fury smell a strong and unusual smell.

Especially the weird smile on Winston's face made Nick Fury even more confused.

What kind of pervert would show such a smile before death?

This is clearly something only a lunatic with an abnormal mental state would do, right?

But when Winston reported the task briefing of the statue fruit ability user to himself, he was obviously a normal person, and there was nothing wrong with him at all.


A loud bang.

The door of the office was slammed open, and a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in suits rushed in immediately after the gunfire.

When they saw Winston's body lying on the ground, Qi Qi was startled.

A senior officer died in front of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

It looked like the senior officer had committed suicide.

What happened in the office just now?

"Sir, are you all right?"

A senior agent came in front of Nick Fury, looked at Nick Fury with a serious face and spoke.

"Look at the scene, and call Natasha over here!"

Nick Fury didn't say much to the senior agent, and after a moment of hesitation, he gave the other party casual instructions.


The other party replied in a deep voice, and immediately contacted Black Widow.

The Black Widow was originally performing other tasks, and after receiving Nick Fury's order, she came to Nick Fury at the fastest speed.

"Sir, why are you calling me back in such a hurry?" Black Widow asked, looking at Nick Fury with a straight face.

She knew that something very serious must have happened to be called back by her chief in such a hurry.

"Winston committed suicide in front of me four ten minutes ago, in my office."

Nick Fury glanced at the black widow in his one-eyed eyes.

"Sir Winston committed suicide? In front of you, Mr. Fury?"

The black widow was almost dumbfounded, and even wondered if she had heard it wrong.

[From the legendary value of Natasha Romanov +349]

This thing is too fucked up, right?

Winston is a top agent at the same level as Coulson. After Coulson's death, he temporarily replaced Coulson and became Nick Fury's absolute confidant.


In less than half a month, he actually committed suicide?

Or in Chief Fury's office?

Black Widow immediately smelled something unusual and sensitive.

Even if she used her thighs to think about it, she knew that the water behind it must be extremely deep, and if she didn't do it well, she would swallow herself in it.

"Not only that, but before he died, he also made some very strange actions." Nick Fury added.

Then he briefly told the Black Widow about Winston's "mysterious operation" at that time.

It made the Black Widow even more confused.

What the hell is this?

"Natasha, put down everything you are doing, I want you to give me an answer in the fastest time!"

"If you need any resources, apply to me, if you need any permissions, apply to me!"

"I just want one answer!"

"do you understand?"

Nick Fury's voice sounded, and he gave the order to Black Widow solemnly.

"Do I have any choice now?" The black widow spread her hands and took the order to leave.

Looking at the back of the Black Widow leaving, Nick Fury subconsciously rubbed his temples, feeling a little tired rarely.

The resurrected statue, the crazy woman who blew up the Manhattan branch, the subordinate who committed suicide for no reason...

How come one bad thing after another recently?

If Coulson is there...

Nick Fury began to miss his right-hand man Coulson.

In the past, he could hand over all these matters to Coulson.

It is really hard to find a subordinate like this old scalper who is hardworking and has outstanding ability.

"Forget it, go see how Coulson is doing, he's been on 'vacation' long enough!"

With a mutter in his mouth, Nick Fury picked up his coat casually, pushed the door and walked out.

That's right.

Coulson is not dead.

No, to be precise, he is actually dead, but Nick Fury secretly launched a top-secret plan called "Tahiti Project" in an attempt to bring Coulson back to life.

Not many people know about this plan in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau. It is a resurrection plan developed by S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's just that until now, this plan is still in the research stage, and the related technology is extremely imperfect.

Although Coulson was successfully resurrected, there were huge hidden dangers that still needed to be resolved.

I don't know when I can really return to my own command.

Pass through the corridor, enter the special elevator, and soon, Nick Fury's figure appears in the lobby on the first floor.



Many people around greeted Nick Fury respectfully.

Nick Fury nodded casually, as a response, without stopping, and quickly left the office building.

"What are you doing? Don't even look at this place!"

"Take all your trash away!"

"You people are too domineering, this place is not your territory!"

As soon as he went down the stairs, Nick Fury heard a quarrel.

But I saw a few administrative staff in suits and leather shoes, bluffing around an old Asian man who was about 60 or [-] years old, and seemed to drive him away.

And in front of the old Asian man, there was an incense burner.

There are three incense sticks on the censer, each of which is lit, emitting green smoke.

"Crazy, get out!"

Several administrative staff got impatient and started to attack the old Asian man.

There was even a guy who flew up and kicked the old Asian man's incense burner.

"It's true that people's hearts are not old, and the world is going downhill!"

How could the old Asian man sit still, he shook his head and sighed.

Then he moved his hand.

It looks like a very weak body, but it bursts out with great strength.

With a random punch and kick, those executives were knocked down to the ground.

A gleam flashed in Nick Fury's eyes: That old man is not an ordinary person!

Even if it wasn't the Secret Service who attacked the old man, but some administrative personnel, they were still young and strong!

In any case, it is impossible to be beaten like a dog by that old man, right?

"You old bastard..."

The two administrators got angry immediately, got up and rushed towards the old Asian man again.

But a voice suddenly sounded.

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