
"Sir, that evil spirit... got into the wall!"

Someone tremblingly pointed at the smiling nightmare in the room, and shouted in panic.

Nick Fury's complexion also suddenly became ugly.

The muscles that had been stretched out became tense again, and the nerves became highly tense.

In fact, he didn't need to be reminded. After the evil spirit was unable to "break through" head-on, it started a sideways detour.

It no longer tried to catch Nick Fury from the main entrance, but turned and walked towards the wall on one side.


Walked directly into the wall and disappeared!


"The evil spirit is gone!"

"Where did it go?"

All S.H.I.E.L.D. agents panicked.

Like a frightened rabbit, holding the gun tightly in his hand, he looked around in a daze.

The muzzle of the pistol was pointing.

In order to attack at the first moment when the evil spirit appears.

Although it has been proved before that this thing has no effect on evil spirits at all, it is the only thing everyone can do.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be impossible to fight the evil spirits hand-to-hand?


Nick Fury also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the whole person was extremely nervous.

Holding the ink fountain tightly in his hand, he was on guard as if facing an enemy.

Since the evil spirit can pass through the wall, it means that the other party may appear from anywhere!

"Quick, all in!"

Nick Fury yelled at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in a deep voice.

The only way now is for everyone to hide in the office, and then use the ink fountain to pop up a closed coil in the entire room.

Only in this way can the evil spirits be truly blocked.

But doing that is actually deadly.

Because it has been proved before that the ink thread's effect on evil spirits is only temporary.

If you use such a method of wasting ink, you will not last long at all.

Once the ink runs out, if Uncle Nine doesn't come, it's really over!

But right now, Nick Fury really has nothing to do.

"Quick, everyone!"

Nick Fury yelled at everyone again.


The ideal is always full, but the reality is skinny.

Although Nick Fury's vision is good, the reality will not develop as Nick Fury hopes.


Very abrupt.

A shadow appeared under the ground among the crowd.

It was the Smiling Nightmare!

After the opponent appeared, he immediately stretched out his paw, and directly grabbed the agent closest to it.

A small smiling nightmare split from its "claw", and it got into the agent's body at once!

A weird smile appeared on the corner of the agent's mouth immediately, and he "happily" stuffed the gun into his mouth.


Hot blood spurted out.

"Forgive, forgive me!"


"God, don't come here!"

There was a burst of wailing and howling at the scene, and everyone was scared to pee, and started to run away like shit.

But when encountering supernatural events, can you escape with your legs?

Evil spirits don't obey the rules of physics!

They didn't know how many people turned around and bumped into the smiling nightmare all of a sudden.

Then the curse was successfully planted by the smiling nightmare.

Bang bang bang!

Screeching gunshots rang out one after another at the scene.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fell in a pool of blood one after another.

Blood flowed from everywhere, even the ground was stained red.

The scene turned into Shura Hell in an instant!

Chapter 115 Uncle Jiu makes his debut, this is the style of Maoshan Taoism


Cold sweat flooded his head in an instant.

Even a veteran agent like Black Widow, who has experienced many battles, felt that his brain was about to explode at this moment, and he was gasping for breath.

She swore she had never seen anything so terrifying in her life.

I have never encountered such a hopeless and hopeless situation!

Subconsciously turned to look at Nick Fury beside him, but saw that Nick Fury's face was not much better than his own.

In the face of that terrifying evil spirit, even this high-ranking and powerful agent chief who holds terrifying energy in his hands can't do anything.

"Sir, come on, come in!"

But the Black Widow is the ace of S.H.I.E.L.D., and although she was shocked, she quickly covered Nick Fury and retreated into the office.

Although it is cruel to do so, but now, there is no other way but to abandon those colleagues outside.

If you want to keep Nick Fury alive, you must seal Nick Fury inside with ink thread before the evil spirit catches him.


Waiting for Uncle Jiu's arrival.

Why doesn't Nick Fury understand this?

He gritted his teeth, said nothing more, and quickly retreated into the office with the black widow.


But just as soon as the two turned their heads, they found that the evil spirit that was killing other people was standing in front of them!

If the two of them hadn't reacted quickly and braked in time, they might have bumped into the evil spirit just like the others.


The two gasped in unison, feeling that their brains were about to explode.

[Legendary value +548 from Nick Fury]

[From the legendary value of Natasha Romanov +576]



next moment.

The Smiling Nightmare stretched out their hands as if dealing with other people, grabbing at Nick Fury and Black Widow respectively.

It was extremely fast.

Nick Fury only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and before he had time to lift the ink fountain in his hand, the opponent's "claw" came to his face.

"It's over!"

In Nick Fury's mind, such a thought flashed subconsciously.

"The evildoer dares to be presumptuous!"

At this critical moment, a sonorous and powerful low shout suddenly exploded.


At the same time, a piercing sound sounded.

Nick Fury and Black Widow only felt a blur in front of their eyes, but saw something shoot towards the smiling nightmare like lightning.

The Smiling Nightmare, who seemed to be unreal at first, was shaken at this moment, and was thrown backwards by that thing.

Then the thing circled in the air and flew backwards.

It was picked up by an old man in a yellow Taoist robe who looked extremely mighty and domineering.

until this time.

It was only now that Nick Fury and the Black Widow could see clearly that the one that knocked the smiling nightmare out was actually a sword tied with ancient Chinese copper coins!

That's right.

That is one of Uncle Jiu's iconic "props", the copper coin sword.

"Uncle Nine!"

"It's Uncle Jiu!"

Sweeping his gaze upwards a little, a face with "one word eyebrow" came into view.

Nick Fury and the Black Widow suddenly exhaled in surprise.

Of course.

Black Widow had never seen Uncle Jiu before.

But this person who thunderbolt repelled the evil spirit as soon as he appeared on the stage, there can be no one else except Nick Fury's "heart and heart" Ninth Uncle.

"I was too late to hurry, and I let that evil spirit hurt so many people."

Uncle Jiu glanced at the tragic situation on the scene, and couldn't help sighing, "Poverty is ashamed!"

"Uncle Jiu, now is not the time to blame yourself, the most important thing is to eliminate that evil spirit!"

Nick Fury came to Uncle Jiu at the fastest speed, and said to Uncle Jiu very solemnly.

"That makes sense." Uncle Jiu nodded, and casually ordered Nick Fury, "You tell everyone to get behind me!"

"You all heard Uncle Jiu's words! Everyone, back off!"

Nick Fury clapped his hands and gave orders to the only remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. agents on the scene.

Uncle Nine?

Who is this guy?

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. looked at Uncle Jiu with suspicious eyes.

Seeing how respectful the director is, and thinking about it, it seems that this person repelled the evil spirit at once. The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had no choice but to pin their last hopes on Uncle Jiu.

At the same time as those thoughts flashed through their minds, all the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. also moved quickly, retreating behind Uncle Jiu.

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