Su Yun also understood what Chen meant, but women were like crayfish to him.

Is it tasty?tasty.

Is it fragrant?fragrant.

Only one day, a crayfish cut his lip and infected him with a virus.

After learning the lesson, Su Yun stopped eating shrimp, and even stayed away from crayfish, and instead ate beef, pork, mutton, and donkey meat...

Su Yundao: "Mr. Chen, in fact, I have met such a person as you mentioned."

"Eh? Ehhhh?!!!"

Chen was a little flustered.

Su Yun wouldn't think that I was talking about myself, would he?

She pretended to be calm and said, "Have you ever met? What do you think of her?"

"A very beautiful woman, if possible, it's not impossible to marry her home as a wife - that's what I thought at the time." Su Yun said.

Chen was even more flustered.

Is he talking about himself?


It was so noisy, the sound of heartbeat seemed to be so noisy before, so that I couldn't hear Su Yun's words clearly.

Chen asked, "Then what do you think now?"

"It's better to be single."


Su Yun gave a random but not completely random reason: "Because... she is my master."

Mainly because Jing Zhe minded, he actually didn't mind at all.

It even feels exciting.

In fact, as long as Jingzhe can guarantee that she will never lock herself in the basement and sit on her pelvis, they can still be good mentors and apprentices, and even a good couple.


There is an old saying in Dayan, which is called "eat marrow to know taste".

Women also have a saying in bed - I want more.

Su Yun's experience also told him that girls who have sex with him once are often more greedy the second time.

So Jing Zhe did not guarantee that she would not attack Su Yun, and Su Yun did not believe that she would not attack him.

Chen Dao: "Teacher, master? Is that so? That's really inappropriate."

"Well, it's not appropriate. What is master? Master is just like the leader. He is my elder. How can I do such a thing to an elder?" Su Yun was upright, as if he had completely forgotten his half-year history of romance. .

——Before I thought about finding the noble lady and her mother, I was not joking.

Chen bit the bullet and echoed: "Yes, yes, how can this be done, it messes up the ethics of Gangchang!"

Su Yun said again: "By the way, Mr. Chen, has the stalker been caught? It's been a few days, and I dare not go shopping."

"Stalker?" Chen Xu lowered his eyes slightly, "You need to find Shi Huaiya for this matter, she is in charge, I don't know very well."

"oh, I see."

Taking advantage of the extremely short lunch break, Su Yun ran to find Shi Huaiya again.

"Shi Huaiya, last time..."

"Su Yun, you came just in time. I need your help with something." Shi Huaiya handed him a stack of documents, "Help me to the first floor."

"But I..."

Su Yun originally wanted to refuse.

Don't underestimate me!

I am from Dali Temple, a peerless genius who several celestial masters want to accept me as an apprentice, and even a man who was reborn from the ashes from the basement and broken pelvis.

My dignity does not allow me to...

Shi Huaiya added a few Longmen coins to it.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Su Yun said.

My dignity does not allow me to let money slip away from my eyes!

Taking the elevator to the first floor, Su Yun quickly completed the task. Just when he was about to go back and continue to inquire about the progress of the case, his cell phone rang.

Shi Huaiya's voice came from the mobile phone: "I forgot to tell you just now, I want to drink milk tea, you can buy it for me, I want two cups, a cup of Snow King Lemonade with more ice and less sugar, and a cup of mellow hot cocoa."

Su Yundao: "Eating ice is not good for your health, especially for women, it will aggravate menstrual pain; hot cocoa is too high in calories and easy to gain weight. Recently, Chief Chen's tail has become a little thicker."

"Eh? Is this... like this?"

"So let's drink water."

"... No, you have to buy it back for me, or give me back the money!"

Do you want money?

What you want is my life!

Su Yun had no choice but to leave the Guard Bureau and go to a nearby milk tea shop.

——Don't ask why you don't order takeaway, the delivery fee is quite expensive, why not take two steps by yourself, and relieve the pressure on your pelvis by the way.

Not far after walking out of the Guard Bureau, I only heard a vigorous shout from behind.


As soon as Su Yun heard this energetic voice, he knew it was an angel.

Turning around, the colorful Sakota beautiful girl stood in front of him, with a smile on her face, and she didn't know what happened, but she was so happy.

"It's you, what's the matter, is there something wrong?" Su Yun said.

"Can't I call you if I have nothing to do?" Angel Neng pretended to be angry, "Do you regard me as your friend?"

"Of course I regard you as a friend." Su Yun said.

if not?Can you still be a wife?

"Hee hee~ This is almost the same... I almost forgot, I have some good news for you, the boss is already preparing the equipment for Ursus."

"That person agreed?" Su Yun asked unexpectedly.

"Well, I agree, and it's less than 20 Longmen coins!" Angel Neng raised two fingers and said excitedly.

Su Yun scratched his hair, his pupils vibrated.

He couldn't believe that he hadn't collected 200 million yet, yet he was missing 20.

Su Yun asked tentatively, "Is it true?"

Nengtian nodded vigorously: "Of course it's true, can I still lie to you?"

Volume 40: Chapter 38 [-]. You Are Not Rich

Su Yun still felt a little strange.

This is so good, why is it 20 cheaper?

Is it possible to go to the Northwest Snowfield of the Ursus Empire, organize a tour group, and get a tens of billions of subsidies for Pinduoduo?

Su Yun asked: "...Could it be that you persuaded the emperor to give me a preferential price? If so, I will not accept it."

Neng Angel said: "I definitely didn't do such a thing!"



"Then let's go, I'll treat you to milk tea." Su Yun clapped the Longmen coin on his hand.


The energy angel froze in place.

"Why are you standing there, let's go." Su Yun said from the front.

After pinching her soft face hard, Neng Tian realized that she was not dreaming.


Jumping up and down to catch up with Su Yun, Neng Angel smiled and said, "With 20 less, the pressure will be much less all of a sudden, right?"

"Indeed, but there are still 180 million." Su Yun felt a little headache.

When he came to the milk tea shop, Su Yun asked, "What would you like to drink?"

Neng Angel said: "I want pearl milk tea! A small cup is fine."

"Is a small cup enough?"


At this time, the clerk took the menu and recommended: "You two, our store has a new drink for couples. The current price is [-]% off. The taste is sweet and delicious. Do you want to try it?"


Su Yun & Neng Angel rejected the clerk's offer with one voice.

The clerk blinked, seemed to realize something, and said with a smile: "Well, you can try it even if you are not a couple, as long as it is a man and a woman, or a man and a woman, it doesn't matter."

Both men and women have come out, your shop is quite fun.

It's a pity that I won't join your silver party.

Su Yun said: "No need, just two small cups of pearl milk tea, a glass of lemonade, more ice and less sugar, and a cup of mellow hot cocoa."

Neng Angel said: "Buy so much, can you drink it? Also, don't you want... money enough? After all, you don't look very rich."

——Besides, she drank too much to grow meat, she didn't want Su Yun to pass the expiration date so soon.

Su Yun: I can be an angel if I pierce my heart...

"I brought it for someone else." Su Yun explained, and then recommended, "I think that cup of couple's drink is pretty good, next time you can come with Texas."

Angel Neng said strangely: "Why should I come with her? I don't have a good relationship with her."

Su Yun could tell that the second half of the sentence was an angry one, and nine out of ten it was because she had a conflict with Texas.

So I changed the subject: "In addition to 180 million Longmen coins, I also need to get the full approval of your Penguin Logistics employees. In other words, I need you to be willing to go to the snowfield with me."

"I am willing!" Angel Neng handed the milk tea to his left hand and raised his right hand, "I've always wanted to know what a snowfield without Chirp looks like!"


no chirp?

Su Yun was dumbfounded, almost fell to his death while walking.

Fortunately, his solid language skills helped him understand what Angel Neng said.

"It's endless! j~i~ji!" Su Yun stared at Jiulouyu in front of him, almost couldn't hold back, and gave her a Chinese class on the spot.

"No haw means..."

After looking around and confirming that there was no one there, Su Yun whispered a few words in Angel Neng's ear.

Warm breaths and shameful words came to my ears.

Angel can't help but blush, rosy, like an apple, so cute, people can't help but want to take a bite.

"Hug hug...sorry! I'm sorry! Guoba Nasai! Sorry!" Angel Neng hurriedly explained, "I haven't been here for a long time, and there are still many words that I don't know the meaning of."

"It's okay, what you said is very good, don't say it next time."

Compared with Neng Angel's restlessness, Su Yun seemed too calm.

Everyone has a strong mentality. Compared with his panic, Su Yun, who is always calm, seems very mature and reliable.

Even though he is just a boy on the outside, he is surprisingly calm.

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